A paper titled “Pedestrian safety attitudes and self-declared behaviour in Greece” authored by Dimitris Nikolaou, Alexandros Ntontis, Eva MichelarakiApostolos Ziakopoulos and George Yannis has been published in IATSS Research. The two selected dependent variables for modelling are (i) crossing the road at places other than at a nearby (distance less than 30 m) designated pedestrian crossing and (ii) crossing the road when a pedestrian light is red. Several statistical relationships were discovered correlating these unsafe self-declared behaviours with numerous explanatory variables. From the Structural Equation Models, a positive statistically significant covariance of the two dependent variables was discovered, revealing that a pedestrian who will engage more frequently in crossing the road with red pedestrian light is more likely to also engage in crossing the road at places other than at a nearby pedestrian crossing. doi