ITS Hellas – 6th Intelligent Transport Systems Conference, online, December, 2020

The “Hellenic Association for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems – ITS Hellas, has organised with great success the 6th Intelligent Transport Systems and Developments in Greece Conference which was held online on 14-15 December 2020 with the support of the European Commission Representation in Greece, focusing on issues related to European goals and national aspirations and efforts for the transition to a sustainable and “green” mobilitypdf5 The recordings of the presentations are now available:  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:

December 14th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ERF – Roadside Safety Event, online, December 2020

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) has organised a Roadside Safety Event which was held with great success online on 15 December 2020. The conference was a unique opportunity for road safety experts around the globe to exchange information concerning the latest trends and developments in the area of roadside passive safety and road safety design NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation:

December 13th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

World Bank – Global Meeting of Regional Road Safety Observatories, December 2020

Africa’s Road Safety Data Challenge (ARSO), Asia Pacific Road Safety Observatory (APRSO) and Ibero-American Road Safety Observatory (OISEVI) with the support of international development organizations, co-organised the Global Meeting of Regional Road Safety Observatories which was held online with great success, on 8-9 December 2020. This Global Conference helped in keeping the momentum created at the Third Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety, and contribute to strengthening collaboration and harmonization across these regional observatories

December 7th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

POLIS – Polis Annual Conference, online, November 2020

POLIS, the European Cities Network, has organised with great success the 2020 Annual Polis Conference which was held online from 30 November to 3 December. Cities and Regions showcased their transport achievements and get connected with up to 600 committed transport innovation professionals who work in local and Regional Governments and related public and private sector Organisations. NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation:

December 3rd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC PIN Talk: Improving goods vehicles safety in the EU, online, December 2020.

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) organising with great success an online PIN Talk titled “How to improve the safety of goods vehicles in the EU?“, which was held on 14 December. The event focused on the safety of goods vehicles in the EU, looking at goods vehicle safety but also the safety of goods vehicle drivers and all other road users.   pdf5

December 2nd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

SHOW – 1st Ideathon, online, January 2021

The Horizon 2020 research project SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption) organised with great success the 1st Ideathon, which was held online on 15 January 2021. Amongst others, the participants had the chance to contribute to the development of automated urban mobility solutions that address end-users’ real needs and get access to advanced knowledge on automated mobility and gain insights in the needs of different user groups. 

December 2nd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

SHOW – 1st Concertation Workshop, online, December 2020

The Horizon 2020 project SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption)  organised the 1st Concertation Workshop, which was held online on 16 December 2020. The workshop focused on discussions about the planning of demonstrations for fleets of Automated Vehicles around Europe, concerning mainly road transport for both passengers and goods.  

December 1st, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

WHO Europe – Road Policing for Road Safety, Webinar Series, December 2020

World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe has announced the first session in a series of webinars on Road Policing for Road Safety, titled: “Traffic Management vs Road Policing“. The session was held on 1 December 2020. As part of a wider series of topics on road policing and enforcement for road safety, Detective Chief Superintendent Andrew Cox, will present on the transition in operational thinking from traffic management to road policingpdf5 

November 30th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC/HMIT – EU Road Safety Exchange Workshop for Greece, online, 2020

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) together with the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport under the auspices of the European Commission – DG Move, organised with great success the online EU Road Safety Exchange National Workshop for Greece on 24 November 2020. ‘EU Road Safety Exchange’ is a three-year twinning project (2019-2021) that supports improved institutional capacity and exchange of knowledge and best practice on road safety topics between EU Member States. Speeding and Powered Two Wheelers’ safety have been selected as priority road safety topics for Greece and best practices from France and Spain respectively on these topics were kindly presented by national experts, followed by thorough discussion.  pdf5

Deputy Minister of Infrastructure and Transport, Mr. Ioannis Kefalogiannis stated that: “Serious effort and international cooperation on key road safety problems can bring  important reduction of road casualties in Greece”. NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation:

November 27th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

100th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, online, 2021

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) organised with great success the 100th Annual Meeting, which was held online throughout January 2021. The meeting program covered all transportation modes, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions. A number of sessions and workshops  focused on the spotlight theme for the 2021 meeting: Launching a New Century of Mobility and Quality of Life. This year’s meeting also featured dozens of sessions on how COVID-19 has impacted transportation and how transportation professionals and researchers are responding. 

November 19th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

LaHeRS – Road Safety Culture, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, Heraklion, online, 2020

The Laboratory of Health and Road Safety (LaHeRS) organised with great success an online Conference titled: “Road Safety Culture, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow” on 20-21 November.  The Conference was addressed to teachers and all kinds of specialists who aim at promoting safe transportations.  New developments in the field of road safety culture were discussed followed by a fruitful discussion on innovative methods, modern tools and good practices in the education fieldpdf5 NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation:


November 15th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

FEVR – World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, 2020

The  European Federation of Road Victims (FEVR) together with the WHO Regional Office for Europe  and UNRSC members commemorated the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims (#WDoR2020) on 15 November 2020, as an “appropriate acknowledgement for victims of road traffic crashes and their families”.  Some of the objectives of WDoR 2020 are to provide a platform for road traffic victims and their families to remember all people killed and seriously injured on the roads, to acknowledge the crucial work of the emergency services and to draw attention to the generally trivial legal response to culpable road deaths and injuries.   

In Greece, EFTHITA Rhodes is organising a special event on 15 November 2020, by presenting a poster on the west side of the building of the Greek Parliament, passing the message “Remember-Support-Act” pdf5 pdf5

November 5th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC: Road Safety and Society: Involving Stakeholders in Road Safety Programmes, online, November 2020.

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and DVR with the support of the German Federal Ministry of Transport and Digital Infrastructure, organised an online PIN Talk, which was held on 19 November.  National experts from Germany shared their experience with international and private sector experts on how to involve stakeholders in road safety programmes. 

October 30th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

HUMANIST – 7th Humanist Conference, Rhodes, October 2021

The 7th International HUMANIST Conference was hosted on 26-27 October 2021 in Rhodes, Greece. The theme of the conference was “Human Perspective in an Evolving Transport Era“. The 2021 conference brought together researchers, experts and stakeholders from several multidisciplinary communities that are active in the field of human factors in transport. Topics for this year’s symposium included, but were not limited to: C-ITS, driver monitoring, automation, electrification, new vehicle types, smart cities, towards effective MaaS and mobile transport apps, enhanching accessibility and inclusion ensuring the safety of VRUs, ergonomics (passive safety, new vehicles interior).  NTUA contributed actively with the following presentations:

October 27th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ERTRAC – Conference: Results from Road Transport Research in H2020 projects, online, November 2020

The European Road Transport Research Advisory Council (ERTRAC), the European Green Vehicles Initiative Association (EGVIA) and the European Commission organised the 4th European-wide Conference dedicated to the presentation of results from road transport research in H2020 funded projects (H2020RTR), which was held on 30 November & 1 December 2020. The Conference aimed at presenting what the projects have discovered, how they overcame the hurdles and challenges and resolved them, and what were the next research steps in the fields covered by their research. link pdf5

October 26th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IRF – Workshop: Role of Road Safety Audits in Improving Traffic Safety, online, November 2020

The International Road Federation (IRF), together with Qatar UniversityQatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center, Khatib and Alami and World Conference on Transport Research Society, organised with great success an Online Technical Workshop on “Role of Road Safety Audits in Improving Traffic Safety”, which was held online on 8-10 November 2020.  The Workshop aimed at building the understanding of the importance and benefits of RSAs. Furthermore, it provided basic information on the scope and procedure of RSAs as well as the role and skills of the RSA team. link pdf5

October 19th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IRF – Conference: Roads to Recovery: a Sustainable Mobility for a Sustainable Future, online, November 2020

IRF organised with great success an online conference titled “Roads to Recovery: a Sustainable Mobility for a Sustainable Future” which was held on 12 November 2020. The main objective of the conference was to discuss priorities for the road sector going forward. The conference was structured around three main sessions: High-Level Panel debate on Recovery for the Road Sector, Safer roads to save lives, Fostering innovation to accelerate road sector transformation. 

October 19th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Radar/Slain – Modelling Road Safety using Network-wide Risk Assessment, October 2020

Within the 18th European Week of Regions and Cities organised by the European Committee of the Regions,  RADAR and SLAIN projects were featured in the session ”Modelling the future of Road Safety using Network-wide Risk Assessment”, which was held with great success on 14 October 2020.  Key questions concerned: How do you design a safe road infrastructure? How can you identify risk on roads? How do you propose an economically viable crash countermeasure?    

NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Network-wide Road Safety Assessment

October 14th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

POLIS – Mobilising Mobility and Automated Vehicles Impact Assessment Webinar, October 2020

POLIS in cooperation with the LEVITATE and CoEXist projects organised with great success a webinar titled “Mobilising Mobility: Impact assessment of automated vehicles” which was held on 15 October 2020. The Webinar provided insights into the methods developed for assessing the impacts of automated vehicles across a range of mobility domains and the findings from their application in real-life scenarios and using policy options such as parking regulation, road pricing and dedicated AV lanes.  video

October 13th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

European Commission – Executive Seminar on Speed and Speed Management, Brussels, October 2020

European Commission DG Move together with the Transport Area of the Florence School of Regulation organised an important Executive Seminar on “Speed and Speed Management in Road Safety Policy” held online on 8 October 2020, with the active contribution of NTUA Key Road Safety Experts contributed to a Synthesis Paper intended to guide policies in speeding globally pdf5 together with the respective Key Conclusions pdf5 highlighting the need for:

  • high quality communication on the centrality of speed and speed management at all levels of government;
  • more efficient speeding enforcement, including the use of dynamic speed limits;
  • promoting Intelligent Speed Assistance Systems in vehicles (ISA)
  • Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) on speeding to support evidence-based road safety policies;
  • partnerships between all levels of government and with stakeholders and industry in order to make speed a central road safety issue for all


October 13th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

FERSI – Road Safety Conference, Hague, October 2021

The Forum of European Road Safety Research Organisations (FERSI) organised with great success the 2021 Road Safety Conference which took place on 28-29 October 2021 in Hague, Netherlands. The conference focused on the exchange of national and regional experiences with implementing evidence-based road safety measures with specific focus on the road to successful implementation, including overcoming barriers and promising ways to facilitate decision making.  

October 12th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

27th ITS World Congress, Los Angeles, October, 2020

The 27th ITS World Congress took place with great success in Los Angeles, CA, on 4-8 October, 2020. The conference focused on the New Age of Mobility and covered areas such as: 1) Seamless Mobility and Changing Behavior, 2) Fueling the Future: Alternative Fuels and Emission, 2) The Path to Vision Zerο, 3)Disruption on the Digital Highway: Data, 4)Technology from Entry to the Last Mile, 5)Connectivity or Spectrum / Networks, 6) Intelligent, Connected and Automated Vehicles, 7)Organizing for Success, Governance, Business Models, International Cooperation. This World Congress focused on these issues through the exchange of information and dialogue among attendees. 

October 8th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ICoRSI – 12 Global Road Safety Dialogues, online, October-November 2020

The International Council for Road Safety International (ICoRSI) organised with great success a series of twelve Global Road Safety Dialogues on current key issues in road safety, which were held online on 20 October – 5 November 2020. Each dialogue features Key International Road Safety Experts on the subject who will be challenged by an Interlocutor on issues dealing with road safety interventions and research around the world pdf5 The recordings and the presentations of all the sessions are now available: pdf5 


October 6th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ICSC2020 – Webinar “Single bicycle crashes as a rising problem”, November 2020

The International Cycling Safety Conference (ICSC2020) organised with great success a webinar titled “Single bicycle crashes as a rising problem” which was held online at November 5th 2020. The large majority of serious injuries among cyclists are due to single crashes and in a few countries the same applies to cyclist deaths. This special session highlights the size of the problem, trends, existing data and knowledge and provide a discussion about why so little is known about causes and measures to address single-bicycle crashes.  video



October 6th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IATSS – 6th Global Interactive Forum on Traffic & Safety, online, November 2020

The International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) organised with great success the 6th Global Interactive Forum on Traffic & Safety which was held online on 26 November 2020. Researchers and practitioners at this symposium clarified the definition and measurement of “traffic culture” and explored its relationship with road user behaviour and traffic safety stakeholders actions. The results of these discussions are expected to pave the way for implementing more effective traffic safety measures in order of importance and urgency.  pdf5 NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation:

October 6th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ERF – Conference “Shaping the Future of New Mobility”, online, October  2020

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) organised with great success a conference titled “Shaping the Future of New Mobility” which was held on 14 October  2020, gathering more than 160 participants. The purpose of the organisers (ERFFIEC, the French Road Federation, the FNTP and the CICA) was to present the main findings of the international comparative study dealing with the impact of new mobility uses on road infrastructure and its equipment. The recordings and the presentations of the conference are now available:  pdf5 pdf5  video

October 5th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ITF Webinars on Urban Mobility and Safety, September-October 2020

The International Transport Forum (ITF) organised with great success three on-line webinars titled ‘Safe system in cities: multi-agency commitment for a Vision Zero agenda in London’,  ‘Safe speeds in cities: street design, speed limits and law enforcement’ and  ‘Safe streets in cities: identifying dangerous locations before a serious crash happens’ which took place on 17, 24 September and 1 October 2020, respectively. The webinars explored the policy toolkit for the elimination of serious and fatal crashes. This includes speed management, street design, predictive analytics, procurement and the engagement of a wide range of stakeholders.   

October 1st, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ICCS/L3Pilot – Developing and Testing Automated Driving – Online Summer School, September 2020

The Institute of Communication & Computer Systems within the EU funded Horizon 2020 project L3Pilot organised a Summer School titled “Developing and Testing Automated Driving“, which was held on-line with great success, on 9-10 September 2020. The L3Pilot Summer School 2020 focused on the theory and practice of Automated Driving Implementation and Testing and in particular on the progress of the largest European pilot-testing of SAE Level 3 driving functions implemented by L3Pilot partners. 

NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 A methodological framework from data collection to impact assessment of autonomous vehicles

September 29th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IEEE/ITSS – International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, September 2020

The IEEE Intelligent Transportation Systems Society (ITSS) organised the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITSC) which was held on-line, on 20-23 September 2020. The conference focused on new developments in theory, analysis, simulation and modeling, experimentation, demonstration, case studies, field operational tests, and deployments. 

NTUA actively contributed with the following paper and presentation: ppt5 pdf5 Impacts of Autonomous Shuttle Services on Traffic, Safety and Environment for Future Mobility Scenarios

September 23rd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

EDWARD – ROADPOL Safety Days, Mainz, September 2020

In the framework of the European Mobility Week, the ROADPOL Safety Days (formerly known as Project EDWARD) took place on 16-22 September, in Mainz, Germany. The aim of the ROADPOL Safety Days was to reduce the number of traffic fatalities, which is 70 per day across Europe, to zero at least in one day. Activities varied from additional roadside checks to awareness-raising initiatives, such as vehicle turnover simulations, exhibitions and debates.  

September 22nd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

SHOW – 1st Pan-European Workshop, online, September 2020

The SHOW (SHared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption) project organised its 1st Pan-European Workshop, titled «How to make CCAM in Cities a reality» which was held on-line on 18 September 2020. In this workshop, a selection of high-level keynote speakers shared their views and experiences about Connected and Cooperative Automated Mobility, while interactive sessions about Use Cases for CCAV in Urban Mobility and Best Practices for Business and Operating Models in Europe and worldwide took place.  pdf5

September 19th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

UCyprus – 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation, Paphos, September 2020

KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE) of University of Cyprus organized the 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation EWGT 2020 which took place with great success in Paphos, Cyprus, on 16-18 September 2020. The sessions focused on various themes including advanced methodologies for road safety analyses.   NTUA actively contributed with the following paper and presentation:pdf5 ppt5 European Countries’ Road Safety Evaluation by Τaking Ιnto Account Multiple Classes of Fatalities

September 17th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ActTravelWise – Webinar: The Emergency Active Travel Fund: Plans and Implementation at the Local Level, September 2020

ActTravelWise orginised a webinar titled “The Emergency Active Travel Fund: Plans and Implementation at the Local Level” which was held with great success on 14 September 2020.  Authorities who received funding under the Emergency Active Travel Fund, shared their plans and how they intend to implement them on the ground to benefit local residents. Athens took the opportunity to introduce a step-change in active travel infrastructure. Lastly, a panel discussion took place, with the opportunity for other local authorities to share their plans and any issues or challenges. Presenters: George YannisLaura Wells, Ambrose White, Lynsey McGarvey, and Sian Fox.  link NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Athens Great Walk transformation project

September 15th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Global NGOs – Webinar: UN General Assembly resolution, September 2020

Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety  organised with great success an online Q&A session with Dr. Etienne Krug, Director of the Department of the Social Determinants of Health, WHO which was held on 22 September 2020. This webinar gave an insight on the new UN General Assembly resolution A/RES/74/299 on improving global road safety answering questions like what the resolution is, why it matters, and how it can help you to advocate for safer roads.  

September 10th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

UNRSC – Webinar The Ten Step Plan for Safer Road Infrastructure, September 2020

The International Road Federation (IRF) and the International Road Assessment Programme (iRAP) organised a free webinar which was hosted on 9th September at 14:00 under the frame of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration (UNRSC). The Ten Step Plan for Safer Road infrastructure has been produced by the UNRSC partners to support countries seeking to implement initiatives in relation to the improved safety of road infrastructure and broader transport networks, the UN Convention on Road Traffic and Road Signs and Signals and the achievement of UN Member States Agreed Global Targets 3 and 4 for safer new and existing roads. The webinar provided to the participants the opportunity to learn about the Trust Fund and this new pilot project.  link

September 10th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Gdansk University – 13th GAMBIT International Road Safety Conference, Gdansk, September 2020

The Department of Highway Engineering of the Gdansk University of Technology and the Foundation for the Development of Civil Engineering in Gdansk organised with great success the 13th International Road Safety Conference GAMBIT 2020.  The Conference has held online on 7-8 September 2020 focusing on challenges and requirements of improving road safety until 2030.  It covered topics such as challenges and opportunities for implementing Vision Zero, programmes and strategic actions for road safety until 2030, road safety innovation, from science to practice – an overview of road safety research projects, vulnerable road users, new technologies for road safety, road safety in road design guidelines, safe road surfaces, road safety management, safe public transport and urban mobility versus road safety.  pdf5

September 8th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

TUM – 7th IEEE International Conference on ITS Models and Technologies, online, June 2021

The chair of Transportation System Engineering of the Technical University of Munich (TUM) organised the 7th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (MT-ITS 2021), which was held online on the 16-17 June 2021. More than 80 state-of-the-art papers were presented boosting vivid discussion on future ITS challenges and NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:

September 4th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IRF – Webinar: Global Trends on the Status of Traffic Safety under the Covid-19 Pandemic, September 2020

The International Road Federation (IRF), together with Qatar University, Qatar Transportation and Traffic Safety Center, National Traffic Safety Committee of Qatar Government and World Conference on Transport Research Society, organised with great success a Webinar on “Global Trends on the Status of Traffic Safety under the Covid-19 Pandemic”, which was held on 29 September 2020. This webinar aimed to discuss the potential impacts of the current Covid-19 Pandemic and the associated mobility restriction policies on road traffic safety status.  link

September 4th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IRF – IRF Executives Talks with Florent Menegaux, CEO, Michelin, September 2020

The International Road Federation (IRF) organised with great success the first IRF Executives Talks with Florent Menegaux, CEO, Michelin, which was held online on 11 September 2020. The ‘IRF Executives Talks’ was a series of 30 min talks with high-level executives from the transportation sector highlighting the challenges the sector faces, innovative programmes & ideas and a lot more.  link

September 4th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

hEART – 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation, Lyon, February 2021

The 9th conference of European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART) organized by the Transport, Urban Planning and Economics Laboratory (LAET), took place with great success in Lyon on 3-4 February 2021. It covered relevant areas of transportation research with focus on methods, models and planning of transport systems. The aim of the conference was to connect researchers in transport modelling, transport economics, transport engineering and transport policy with advanced practice and state of the art, including road safety applications. link NTUA actively contributed with the following paper: pdf5 Exploring driving behavior as a latent variable in safety modeling. A preliminary analysis from a driving simulator study.

September 4th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ESRA2 Webinar Series: Measuring Global Traffic Safety Cultures, 2020-2021

ESRA2 (E-Survey of Road Users’ Attitudes) project with the active contribution of NTUA is organising six on-line webinars under the theme Measuring Global Traffic Safety Cultures to Support Effective Road Safety Policy Development” started in September 2020. The Webinar topics concern: Enforcement and traffic violations – Seat belt & Child restraint systems – Senior road users – Support for policy measures – Pedestrians – Cyclists – Moped drivers and Motorcyclists  (16 December 2020 by NTUA) – Gender Issues –  Young road users – Subjective safety and risk perception – Vehicle automation.  Registration is open. 

August 31st, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

VSV – European Road Safety Summer School, online, August, 2020

Vlaamse Stichting Verkeerskunde (VSV) in cooperation with FlandersRoad Safety GBUHasseltETSC and Polis organized with great success a European Road Safety Summer School which took place online, on 24-28 August 2020, targeting road safety professionals. The schedule of the Summer School for these 5 days included key topics on:  road safety strategies, strategies in education and awareness raising, infrastructure, technologies, enforcement and technical site visits pdf5 pdf5 

August 28th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

PRAXI/GSRT – Climate-neutral & Smart Cities, Webinar, July 2020

The PRAXI Network and the General Secretariat of Research and Technology organised the “Climate-neutral & Smart Cities” webinar within the framework of Horizon Europe, on July 7, 2020. The webinar presented the mission and enrolled in a discussion between stakeholders from academia, research and public authorities. pdf5  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Sustainable Mobility in Smart Cities

July 20th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

UTH – On-line Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility – Skiathos, June 2020

The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory (TTLog), organised on-line the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (VirtualCSUM2020) on June 17-19, 2020. The theme of this year’s conference was Advances in Mobility as a Service Systems” and its objective was the dissemination of knowledge and the exchange of good practices among researchers and practitioners in the domain of urban transportation.   NTUA contributed actively with several traffic safety papers and presentations:

July 20th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

LEVITATE – Webinar: The impacts of automation in urban transport, June 2020

The EU-funded Horizon 2020 project Levitate (Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles) organised with great success the 2nd Webinar on the impacts of automation in urban transport – featuring local urban strategies on 11 June, 2020.  This webinar provided an insight into the challenges that urban mobility is facing due to the COVID-19 crisis and into mid-term local mobility strategies. There were presentations from LEVITATE partners: NTUATransport for Greater Manchester, and Free Hanseatic City of Bremen The full recording of the webinar is available:  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Urban Transport Services

July 6th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Empa – 9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements, Zurich, July 2020

The Laboratory for Road Engineering and Sealing Components of the Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology (Empa) organised the 9th International Conference on Maintenance and Rehabilitation of Pavements (MAIREPAV9) which took place with great success on 1 – 3 July 2020, in Zurich. The MAIREPAV series aims to promote and discuss the state-of-the-art design, maintenance, rehabilitation and management of pavements. MAIREPAV9 focused on sustainable design, testing and evaluation, and management of pavement infrastructures. The conference aimed to present and discuss current knowledge of the ever-changing challenges to researchers, engineers, managers and professionals from all over the world who are involved in design and management of pavements.  NTUA actively contributed with the following paper: 

July 5th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

UNECE/Serbian RTSA – 15th International Conference Road Safety in Local Communities – Vrnjacka Banja, June 2020

Within the framework of 15th International Conference Road Safety in Local Communities, UNECE together with the Serbian Road Traffic Safety Agency organised  with great success an online Workshop on 25 June 2020. The aim of the Workshop was to strengthen knowledge of representatives of the South‐East Europe member States on road safety management, evidence‐based decision making on road safety strategic goals and targets and the role of the Global Framework Plan of Action of Road Safety in development of road safety system.   NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 EU Strategic Action Plan on Road Safety

June 29th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC – 14th Annual Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Report, June 2020

European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) published the 14th edition of PIN Annual Report pdf5, presented at the 2020 ETSC Road Safety Performance Index Award event which took place on-line with great success on 17 June 2020. Estonia, Greece, Lithuania, Latvia and Portugal have reduced road deaths the most since 2010 while road deaths in Malta, the Netherlands and the UK were higher in 2019 than in 2010. Road safety progress is demonstrated but away from the decade targets. Estonia was awarded with the 2020 European Transport Safety Council Road Safety Performance Index Award.    video

June 18th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

EAN – 6th Virtual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology, May 2020

The 6th Congress of the European Academy of Neurology took place virtually with great success, on 23 – 26 May, 2020.  The theme of the congress was “Time for Action: Predict, Prevent, Repair”.  The sessions focused on showing the novel therapeutic interventions, designed to predict, protect and repair neurodegenerative diseases. Some sessions concerned cognitive impairment and road safety.  NTUA contributed actively with the following presentations:

June 2nd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

HADI – Multidisciplinary Road Safety on-line Conference – Athens, May 2020

The Hellenic Association of Driving Instructors together with Key Transportation Organisations in Greece organized an International Multidisciplinary Traffic Safety on-line Conference on 29-30 May 2020. The Conference aims concerned the evaluation of traffic and road safety in Greece, the identification of current and future pedestrians and vehicles traffic problems in Greece related to new technologies, the exchange of experiences from scientific studies, and current traffic safety actions and practices in Greece and internationally   pdf5 NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:

May 30th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and ITS (VEHITS), Prague, May, 2020

The 6th International Conference on Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems (VEHITS) was held on 2-4 May 2020. The purpose of VEHITS 2020 is to bring together engineers, researchers and practitioners interested in the advances and applications in the field of Vehicle Technology and Intelligent Transport Systems. This conference covered areas such as Connected Vehicles, Data AnalyticsIntelligent Transport Systems and InfrastructureIntelligent Vehicle TechnologiesSmart Mobility and Sustainable Transport Services

May 4th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

9th International Conference Road Safety in Local Community, Banja Luka, October 2020

The Traffic Safety Agency of Republic of Srpska in cooperation with the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) organized  with great success the 9th International Conference Road Safety in Local Community, in Banja Luka, Republic of Srpska on 29-30 October 2020.  The Conference  was aiming to strengthen and develop capacities at the local level and create synergies for significant road safety improvements in the country.   

NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Road Safety Strategy in Greece

April 30th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Transport Research Arena (TRA), Helsinki, 2020

The Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA 2020) organised by the European Commisison and the European transport research platforms (ACARE, ALICE, CEDR, ECTP, ERRAC, ERTRAC, ETRA, Waterborne), was scheduled to take place in Helsinki, Finland from 26-30th April 2020, themed “Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility”. The conference was cancelled, though, due to the corona virus crisis.  Nevertheless, all scientific papers are scheduled to be published at the Conference Proceedings. NTUA’s TRA conference papers (full paper + presentation) are listed below:

April 25th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Levitate – Webinar: the future impacts of automation in freight transport, March 2020

The Horizon 2020 project Levitate (Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles) organised a webinar on the future impacts of automation in freight transport on 23 April 2020, 10:00-11:30 CET. This webinar gave an insight on autonomous solutions in freight, as well as their future impacts and potentials in the transport sector. It was presented an introduction of LEVITATE and its use case on freight transport, the project ALEES from VIL (Platform for the logistics sector in Flanders)  and an overview of ALICE on Autonomous Freight Transport Potentials.  

March 23rd, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

IRF/ERF/ASECAP – Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility Virtual Workshop, April 2020

International Road Federation (IRF) – Geneva in collaboration with the European Union Road Federation (ERF) and the European Association of Tollway Operators (ASECAP) organised the IRF Virtual Workshop on “Unleashing road infrastructure potential for Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM)”, on 23 April 2020. This workshop session provided insights into the role, the vision and challenges of the road infrastructure sector in this transition period towards Cooperative, Connected and Automated Mobility (CCAM). With an average audience of 200 international participants, 12 speakers from different backgrounds described how road infrastructure stakeholders will contribute to the new mobility ecosystem stressing the importance of mutual understanding and collaboration with other sectors. 

March 20th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

UNECE/Bosnia – Transport-related SDGs and Road Safety System Workshop, Sarajevo, March 2020

UNECE and the Ministry of Communications and Transport of Bosnia and Herzegovina organised the Transport-related SDGs and Road Safety System Workshop which took place with great success in Sarajevo, Bosnia & Herzegovina, on 4-5 March 2020. The aim of the Workshop was to strengthen the knowledge of competent institutions in the field of road safety in Bosnia and Herzegovina and experts on transport‐related SDG and how to define framework road safety strategy and improve road safety situation. NTUA road safety presentations concerned:


March 17th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

UTSG – 52nd Annual UTSG Conference, Loughborough, July 2020

The Universities’ Transport Study Group (UTSG) Executive Committee decided that the 52nd Annual UTSG Conference at the Loughborough University on the 6th to 8th July 2020 will not be a face-to-face conference due to the global coronavirus pandemic. Specifically, the Smeed competition will still take place with presentations being made in a virtual environment on Monday 6th July 2020 and  Annual Business Meeting of UTSG on Tuesday 7th July 2020 between 10am and 12 noon via the virtual conferencing facility webex. One key UTSG activity is an annual conference for staff, research students and other relative newcomers to transport research of member institutions and overseas universities, which is designed to discuss research needs, research in progress, and to give research students the opportunity to present papers on their work. 

March 5th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

TOI – Mobility and Road Safety Conference, Oslo, February, 2020

The Mobility 2020 and Road Safety Conference (MOBILITET) organised by the Institute of Transport Economics (TØI), took place with great success on 4-5 February  2020, in Oslo, Norway. The MOBILITET 2020 gathered Norwegian and international scientists, politicians, key figures from the government and business community to discuss on climate issues, urbanization, innovation, technology, traffic safety and mobility trends  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Skal den enkeltes frihet gå på bekostning av andres ulykke?

February 24th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ITF – The role of private sector in road safety, Stockholm, February, 2020

The “Innovation, Emerging Mobility Trends, and the Role of the Private Sector in Road Safety” event which was organised by the International transport Forum (ITF), the Volvo Group and the ITF Corporate Partnership Board (CPB), was held with great success on 18 February 2020, in Stockholm, Sweden. The event brought together top road safety experts, policymakers and other stakeholders which highlighted the importance of the ongoing innovative work of key global companies in improving road safety; with new technologies and data being the major catalysts.   NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5  CPB Report: Safer Roads with Automated Vehicles?

February 19th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

3rd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety, Stockholm, Sweden, 2020

The 3rd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety took place with great success on 19–20 February 2020, in Stockholm, Sweden marking the conclusion of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety coordinated by the World Health Organisation (WHO). More than 1,700 participants from around 140 countries discussed extensively how the global targets for road safety can be developed, not the least in relation to the already existing goals for road safety in the 2030 Agenda.  During the Conference, the Stockholm Declaration focusing on global road safety efforts up to 2030 was presented,pdf5 together with the recommendations from the Academic Experts Grouppdf5

NTUA contributed actively in various sessions including: ppt5 The ITF/CPB Report: Safer Roads with Automated Vehicles? and reporting session on Developing New Technologies for Road Safety.

February 19th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ICORSI – Globalising Vision Zero: Generating Scientific Evidence for the Road Ahead, Stockholm, 2020

The ICoRSI International Symposium on Safety of Vulnerable Road Users co-sponsored a Workshop on “Globalising Vision Zero: Generating Scientific Evidence for the Road Ahead” on 18th February 2020 in Stockholm (A Pre-Conference event on the occasion of the 3rd Global Ministerial Conference on Road Safety).  At this event ICoRSI in association with Campbell Collaboration presented for discussion an Evidence and Gap Map for road safety interventions worldwide. This work enabled future research and discussions to be based on approaches and interventions which science shows can be effective in different parts of the world.  pdf5

February 18th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Athenian Brewery – Road Safety Round-table Meeting, Athens, February, 2020

Athenian Brewery organized a Round-table Meeting titled “Responsible Alcohol Consumption and Road Safety, which was held with great success in Athens, Greece, on 12 February 2020.  Participants exchanged ideas and proposals creating opportunities for actions aimed at educating especially young road users and informing about responsible alcohol consumption, driving behaviour and road accident prevention.    pdf5 NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: Driving Under the Influence of Alcohol and Road Safety ppt5

February 14th, 2020|Categories: Conferences, News|

iRAP – Innovation workshop, Stockholm, February, 2020

iRAP in cooperation with ITF and the World Bank organized a workshop entitled: “Achieving the UN Road Safety Targets by 2030” which took place on 17-18 Febuary 2020 in Stockholm Sweden. The iRAP innovation workshop brought together leaders at the highest level of global and regional impact including government, policy, financing, technology, infrastructure management and data innovation. A number of sessions focused on the global structure needed to deliver the 2030 targets, big data for big life savings, lobal planning and design standards, international case studies of success and the business case for safer roads and investment innovation. 

January 31st, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Ministry of Development – National Conference on Growth, Athens, 2020

The Greek Ministry of Development and Investment organised with great success the National Conference on Growth for the Partnership Agreement 2021-2027, which was held in Athens on 17 January 2020. The Conference for the upcoming period 2021 – 2027 marks the official launch of the dialogue of all productive forces, social and scientific bodies and policy makers. The aim is to formulate strategic choices at National and Regional level for all the critical development and socio-economic issues of the new period 2021-2027. Transport and road safety were key components of the discussions.  twitterNTUA Professor George Yannis contributed  actively with the following presentation: Critical challenges for a Sustainable National Transportation System ppt5 video

January 17th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport – Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans Workshop, Athens, 2020

The Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport in cooperation with the partners of the European program CIVITAS SUMPs-UP organized with great success a two-day event on 16 and 17 January 2020 on Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (SUMP), in Athens. The purpose of the event was to provide support for the development of sustainable cities and to ensure accessibility for pedestrians, bike users and all citizens. Road safety was a key component of the urban mobility discussions. NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: Road Safety Measures for Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans ppt5

January 17th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

99th TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2020

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting was held with great success in Washington, D.C., on 12–16 January 2020. The meeting program covered all transportation modes, with more than 5,000 presentations in nearly 800 sessions and workshops, addressing topics of interest to policy makers, administrators, practitioners, researchers, and representatives of government, industry, and academic institutions.  A number of sessions and workshops focused on the spotlight theme for the 2020 meeting: A Century of Progress: Foundation for the Future.   NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

January 16th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

Drive2theFuture – 1st Workshop, Brussels, 2020

The Horizon 2020 project Drive2theFuture is organising the 1st Drive2theFuture Workshop which was held in Brussels, Belgium, on 6 March 2020. Drive2theFuture’s mission was to prepare “drivers”, travellers and vehicle operators of the future to accept and use connected, cooperative and automated transport modes and the industry of these technologies to understand and meet their needs and wants. The Workshop focused on the discussion, exchange of ideas and learning about the future of user-centered automation.  pdf5

January 16th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

AET – 48th European Transport Conference, online, September 2020

The Association for European Transport  organised with great success the 48th European Transport Conference, which took place online, on 9-11 September 2020.  The European Transport Conference (ETC) is the annual conference of the Association for European Transport. Each year the conference presents the opportunity to interact with a range of speakers across the Transport Industry, including several Road Safety Topics. The range of topics, the multi-seminar approach and the networking environment make ETC unique among transport conferences, making it the established premier event of its type.  pdf5 video

January 13th, 2020|Categories: Conferences|

ARCADE/ERTRAC – Joint Stakeholder Workshop, Brussels, 2020

ARCADE Joint Connected and Automated Driving (CAD) Network and ERTRAC Working Group on “Connectivity and Automated Driving”  organised with great success the 3rd Stakeholder workshop of the joint CAD network which was held in Brussels, on 13 February 2020. The workshop targeted stakeholders from industry, scientific research, policy makers, public and road authorities, user associations and others with an interest in Connected and Automated Driving. 

December 27th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ARCADE – Interactive Symposium, Helsinki, 2020 – canceled

The ARCADE with the support of the European Commission Directorate General for Research & Innovation (RTD) as well as the ERTRAC European Technology Platform organised the 2nd Interactive Symposium on Research & Innovation for Connected and Automated Driving in Europe which took place on 28-29  April 2020, in Helsinki, Finland. The event was held within the framework of Transport Research Arena conference (TRA2020) and  facilitated in depth discussions around specific topics for Research & Innovation in Connected and Automated Driving, in a three-hour workshop format. It was targeted at public and private stakeholders in road transport, interested in exchanging views on immediate next steps and future actions required for connected and automated mobility, while participation was only open to registered participants of TRA. 

December 25th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

Urban Growth Conference, Athens, 2019

The 2019 Urban Growth Conference tοοk place on 11 December 2019, in Athens, Greece, organised by Boussias Conferences. The conference brought together industry leaders, government officials, executives of public and private companies, engineers, academics and researchers with the aim of providing solutions for the design and implementation of sustainable cities. The themes of the conference focused on today’s urban development, sustainability in industrial production, infrastructure and eco-architecture, sustainable urban mobility, investment opportunities and public-private partnerships, circular economics, water use and digitalization of cities.  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Sustainable Urban Mobility in Smart City


December 17th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ITS Hellas – 5th Intelligent Transportation Systems Conference, Athens, 2019

The 5th Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems and related developments in Greece, which is organised by the “Hellenic Association for the deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems – ITS Hellas, took place with great success on 17 & 18 December 2019 at the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport, Athens, Greece.  The conference focused on the broad deployment of Intelligent Transport Systems (ITS) as a tool to achieve economic growth and prosperity and ensure the effectiveness, efficiency and safety of transport for the benefit of the respective industry, the end-users and the environment. During this important for the Hellenic transport sector event, prominent Greek and foreign speakers thoroughly discussed and presented a number of key-topics, through several sessions and a number of Round-Table discussions.  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 i-Dreams – Enhancing drivers safety by monitoring the behaviour through smartphones

December 17th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

LU/SCRC – 9th International Cycling Safety Conference, Lund, November 2021

The  Lund University and the Swedish Cycling Research Centre at the National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI) organised  with great success the 9th International Cycling Safety Confer ence (ICSC2021) which was held in Lund, Sweden, on 10-12 November 2021. The ICSC is a forum for researchers and experts in the field of cycling safety to exchange their knowledge and bring up new research topics or safety solutions. The conference facilitates interaction between participants and offers a premium forum to share scientific results and ideas, and favours networking in the cycling safety community

December 4th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ESRA2 – International Conference on Measuring Traffic Safety Culture, Paris, 2020

E-Survey of Road Users’ Attitudes (ESRA2) organised with great success the International Conference on Measuring Traffic Safety Culture which took place on 1-3  April 2020, in Paris, France. The Conference focused on measuring traffic safety culture using road users attitude metrics including new thematic reports on seat belt & child restraint systems, automated vehicles, risk perception, enforcement, cyclists, and elderly road users as well as first results from sixteen new countries. 

December 4th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

VINCI Autoroutes – Euro-barometer for responsible driving Workshop, Athens, 2019

At a press conference organized by «Fondation VINCI AUTOROUTES» for Responsible Driving that took place with great success in Athens on 28 November 2019, the results of the “Euro-barometer for responsible driving” survey were presented, that took place in 12 European countries. It is the second year that Greece is included in the survey.  The major risks for road safety in Greece according to the survey are drowsiness and inattention during driving.  

December 3rd, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

Pre-events of 3rd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety in Stockholm, February 2020

Several highly interesting pre-events were organised by various international road safety organisations, mainly the days before the 3rd Global High-Level Conference on Road Safety which took place on 19–20 February 2020, in Stockholm, Sweden, marking the conclusion of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. The full list of pre- and post-side events, including details regarding the scope, date and location of each one, is available in the following link: link

December 2nd, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

CIECA – 52th CIECA Congress, online, November 2020

The 52th CIECA General Assembly and Congress was held online on 10 November. The General Assembly and Congress was hosted by the  Associação Nacional de Escolas de Condução Automóvel (ANIECA). With the Congress, entitled Different drivers & vehicles. Safety for all, CIECA focused on the exchange of driving licenses without any educational process or examination,  the use of a single training model for all candidates or the adoption of a tailored training strategy and the driver’s ability to drive vehicles with different technologies. 

December 2nd, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

30th POLIS Conference – Brussels, 2019

The 2019 Polis Conference tοοk place on 27 and 28 November 2019, in Brussels, Belgium, organised by POLIS, the European Cities Network, celebrating the network’s 30th anniversary. The conference provided an opportunity for cities, metropolitan areas and regions to showcase their transport achievements to a large audience, and for the wider transport community to engage with representatives of local and regional authorities on innovative transport solutions. Modern road safety problems and solutions in urban areas constituted a key focus area of the Conference.  pdf5  NTUA contributed actively with:

November 28th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

7th International Conference – Mobility Challenges in Transport and Public Safety, Kosovo, 2020

The College of Applied Technical Sciences “Tempulli” in cooperation with the Faculty of Public Safety, Kosovo Academy of Public Safety organised with great success the 7th International Conference “Mobility Challenges in Transport and Public Safety” which took place in Kosovo, on January 23-25, 2020. The objective of the Conference was to create a new platform for eliciting issues related to public safety, traffic, transport, road safety, logistics, mobility, environment and alternative energy.  pdf5


November 26th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

IRTAD 29th Meeting, Klettwitz, Germany, 2019

The International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF) organised a Meeting at DEKRA headquarters, in Klettwitz, Germany, on 23-24 October 2019, in which the latest international road safety developments were discussed. NTUA contributed actively with the following presentations:

November 18th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ATSSA/AASHTO – Safer Roads 2020 International Conference, Virginia, USA, November 2020

The American Traffic Safety Services Association (ATSSA) and the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)  organized Safer Roads 2020 International Conference. The May 12-14 conference has been rescheduled for November 2020 and will be held in Richmond, Virginia, USA.  The Safer Roads 2020 International Conference is a triennial event for roadway safety professionals and transportation officials from around the world. The conference brings together industry leaders, government officials, corporate roadway department personnel, and others in the roadway safety industry, with a focus on working better together. 

October 29th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

FEVR – World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, 2019

 The  European Federation of Road Victims (FEVR) along with the European Commission – DG MOVE and the WHO Regional Office for Europe commemorated the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims on 18 November 2019, in Brussels, Belgium. From 1995, FEVR observed this day, as European Day of Remembrance, that was adopted by the United Nations in 2005, and is dedicated to remembering the many millions killed or injured in road crashes and their families and communities, as well as to pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police and medical professionals who daily deal with the traumatic aftermath of road death and injury. The slogan of 2019 was: “LIFE IS NOT A CAR PART”.   pdf5 twitter

October 29th, 2019|Categories: Conferences, News|

ITF – Micromobility Safety Workshop, Lisbon, 2019

The International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) organised a Workshop on Micromobility Safety, as part of the ITF Corporate Partnership Board, which took place with great success in Lisbon, Portugal, on 18 October 2019. The workshop focussed on the safety questions arising with the rapid development of electrically powered personal mobility devices and framed policy recommendations (including safety regulation and road space allocation) to best manage the safety of all micromobility vehicles and services, from e-scooters to e-bikes, whether privately owned or hired.  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 The effect of experience on injury risk across various modes of transport

October 29th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

NTUA at the 9th International Congress on Transport Research, Athens, 2019

The NTUA Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering contributed actively at the 9th International Congress on Transport Research (ICTR) themed: “Transportation 4.0: The Smart Evolution” and organised with great success on 24-25 October 2019, in Athens, Greece, by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (H.I.T.). Special focus was given to innovative research and technological developments and solutions for the improvement of traffic safety in Greece and worldwide.  NTUA contributed actively with several traffic safety papers and presentations:

October 24th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

RSS2019 – Road Safety and Simulation International Conference, Iowa, 2019

The National Advanced Driving Simulator (NADS) of the University of Iowa organized the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2019 (RSS2019) which was held with great success on 14-17 October 2019 in Iowa City, Iowa, USA. The conference theme focused on Transformations in Transportation, and conference topics included, but were not limited to: Automated Vehicles Technology, Connected Vehicles Technology, Vulnerable Road Users, Roadway Infrastructure Design, and Distributed Simulation Technology.  video NTUA actively contributed with the following papers and presentations:

October 19th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

EuroRAP / RSI Panos Mylonas – Improving TEN-T Road Network Safety Workshop, Athens, 2019

EuroRAP together with RSI Panos Mylonas organised a Workshop within the European Commission (Connecting Europe Facility – CEF) co-funded project “SLAIN”, titled: Saving Lives Assessing and Improving TEN -T Road Network Safety, which took place with great success in Athens on 10-11 October 2019, with the participation of 8 partners from 5 countries (Belgium, Greece, Italy, Spain and Croatia). SLAIN Project aims at the implementation of the European Road Infrastructure Safety Directive (2008/96/EC) and the preparation of the European Road Network to receive automated traffic. 

October 18th, 2019|Categories: Conferences, News|

REMEDIO – Living Lab for Urban Renewals Conference, Treviso, 2019

The Final Conference of Interreg MED REMEDIO project took place with great success in Treviso, Italy, on 01-02 October, 2019. Two different events were organised to promote the dissemination of the project’s results, along with discussion about strategies to improve sustainable and safe  mobility in MED cities. The first day was dedicated to the International Conference “Horizontal Condominium as a Living Lab for Urban Renewals” and on second day the Workshop/Capacity Building event “Paving the way to new ideas: the Horizontal Condominium of West Road” was held.  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Sustainable Urban Mobility and Safety

October 17th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ERTICO – ITS European Congress, Lisbon, 2020 – postponed

ERTICO – ITS Europe is organizing the ITS European Congress, the largest event entirely dedicated to smart mobility and digitalisation of transport. The 2020 ITS European Congress planned for 18-20 May 2020 in Lisbon, Portugal, will be postponed to a later date which will likely be 22-24 May 2023.  The Congress Programme offers delegates an unparalleled opportunity to learn about the latest ITS technologies and new mobility concepts. Experts from the mobility sector are invited to submit contributions for various types of sessions to share innovative ideas, discuss mobility challenges that cities are facing today and how they can be addressed through ITS solutions. 

October 17th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

LEVITATE – Connectivity and Automation Impact Assessment Workshop, Brussels, 2019

The Horizon 2020 research project LEVITATE organised an Experts and Stakeholders Workshop on Impact Assessment of Connected and Automated Transport Systems which took place with great success on 26 November, in Brussels.  Public authorities, road users, researchers and industry players discussed how the Levitate Policy Support Tool (PST) could assist Cities identifying the potential societal level impacts of connected and automated transport systems. Emphasis was given to the prediction of the impact of transport systems automation (forecasting tool) and the identification of (policy) interventions to help achieve certain long-term mobility goals and/or to mitigate the potential negative effects of transport systems automation (backcasting tool).   NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Policy Support Tool

October 16th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

RADAR – Road Safety as shared responsibility Workshop, Prague, 2019

On September 25, 2019, in Prague, Czech Republic, the RADAR project together with the General Automotoclub of the Czech Republic (UAMK) organised a Road Safety Expert Group (RSEG) Workshop on the safety provisions for vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists). This Workshop focussed on optimised provisions for vulnerable road users (pedestrians and cyclists) and the assessment of the potential for dedicated infrastructure provisions and policy attitudes towards VRU safety in the Danube region.  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 RSEG Expert contribution to TA 2 Draft report – Key points for Greece

October 15th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ECTRI – BeOpen – Open Science in Transport, Dublin, 2019

ECTRI organized the first BE OPEN event, during the 47th European Transport Conference (ETC 2019) on October 11, 2019, in Dublin, Ireland. BE-OPEN is a 30-months Horizon 2020 Coordination and Support Action that started on 01 January 2019 aiming to promote Open Science in transport research and assist in regulating and standardizing it. Open science on road safety is a key issue examined within the BeOpen project and the related implementation of TOPOS, the Transport Observatory / fOrum for Promoting Open Science.   NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Analysis of the State of the Art, Barriers, Needs and Opportunities for Setting up a Transport Research Cloud study’s findings

October 13th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

AUVA – 10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work, Vienna, 2019

Austrian Workers’ Compensation Board (AUVA) organized the 10th International Conference on the Prevention of Accidents at Work which took place with great success in Vienna from 23rd to 26th September 2019. The congress, focusing on the prevention of workplace accidents – WOS: Working on Safety – managed to bring together experts from all over the world in order to facilitate a high-level exchange of experience, new findings and good practice solutions. The principal topics of the congress were the Digitalization, Risk Assessment, Safety Management Systems, Vision Zero, Knowledge Transfer and Exchange and Education and Training. 

NTUA actively contributed with the following presentation: ppt5 Fatigue among private and professional drivers in Norway and Greece: examining the influence of national road safety culture

October 10th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

20th International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities, Rotterdam, 2019

The 20th International Walk21 Conference on Walking and Liveable Communities took place in Rotterdam, on 7-10 October 2019, under the theme: “Smart, Healthy and For everyone”. The future city needs to be able to adapt to transitions with smart urban design and new mobility solutions. Measuring walking and walkability and integrating walking into traffic/transport management tools (e.g. modelling) and decision making, can assure a smart city will always be designed on a human level. At the conference were highlighted examples of evidence, tools, measures and systems that have delivered more walking or better walkability.  The presentations per day of Walk21Rotterdam are available in the following link.   

October 7th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

HELLASTRON – Hellenic Motorways change the drivers’ mindset Workshop, 2019

The Hellenic Association of Toll Road Network (HELLASTRON) organised a Road Safety Workshop on the occasion of the EDWARD project – European Day without a Road Death 2019, which took place on October 10, 2019, in Athens, Greece. The theme of the Workshop this year was “The Greek motorways are changing the behaviour of the driver” pdf5 and the very interesting results of a pilot study for the estimation of several Road Safety Key Performance Indicators on motorway drivers behaviour were presented. ppt5

October 7th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

ERTRAC – Road Safety R&I Workshop: from Challenges to Solutions – the Way forward, 2019

ERTRAC in the framework of the FUTURE-RADAR project organized a workshop titled: Road Safety R&I Workshop: from Challenges to Solutions – the Way forward, which took place in Brussels on 15 November 2019. What is the European Commission’s perception of the safety situation on European roads? What is European R&I contributing to make our roads safer? Which safety research is needed in the coming years to overcome the challenges ahead of us and cover remaining “white spots”? How can a good coverage of road safety R&I needs be ensured in Horizon Europe? These were some of the questions that were discussed at this Road Safety Workshop.  pdf5

October 4th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|

AIIT – Transport Infrastructure and Systems Congress, Rome, 2019

The AIIT 2nd international congress on  Transport Infrastructure and Systems in a changing world “Towards a more sustainable, reliable and smarter mobility” took place with great success on 23rd – 24th September 2019, in Rome. The objective of the Congress was to promote the knowledge of the new trends of development of mobility systems and transport infrastructures. The Congress aimed at providing a forum for discussion, interactions and exchange among researchers, scientists and engineers whose fields of interest concern transport and infrastructure engineering including traffic safety.  NTUA actively contributed with the following presentations:

September 26th, 2019|Categories: Conferences|