GAMBIT – 10th Road Safety Seminar, Gdansk 2014

The GAMBIT 10th Road Safety Seminar was organised by the University of Gdansk and took place with great success inGdansk on 2-3 April 2014. The topics at the GAMBIT Seminar covered road safety as a research and practical discipline. The specific thematic areas of the 10th GAMBIT edition included:
– Systemic road safety work
– Road safety programming
– Road safety management
– Safety of vulnerable road users
– Safe road infrastructure
– Road safety analyses and models
All GAMBIT Seminar presentations are now available. 
April 3rd, 2014|Categories: Conferences|

EFTHITA Rhodes – Workshop for 10 Years of Action – Rhodes 2014

EFTHITA Rhodes and the Region of South Aegean organised a workshop celebrating 10 years of actions on road safety, which took place with great success in Rhodes on 27-28 March 2014. Road safety experts and stakeholders contributed and discussed on new challenges for road accidents prevention. Special emphassis was given to traffic education, including an interactive theatrical performance for young children. 

NTUA presentations on Road Safety concerned:

ppt5 Development of the Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011 – 2020

ppt5 Road Safety Education at the Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011 – 2020

March 28th, 2014|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC PIN talk in Athens 2014

A Road Safety debate on Greece’s Road Safety in a European context was organised by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” and the Hellenic Institute of Transport, under the auspices of the Greek EU Presidency, on March 19th, 2014, in Athens. pdf5

This was the 38th Road Safety Performance Index debate (PIN Talk) organised by ETSC since the first PIN talk in Athens on November 2006. The Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Programme was launched in 2006 aiming to compare country performances in road safety, issuing every year the PIN Annual Report.  More than 100 experts and stakeholders participated in the very interesting discussions on measuring safety performance in Europe and in Greece. 

NTUA Associate Professor George Yannis made a presentation on Monitoring road safety policies and performance.  ppt5

March 19th, 2014|Categories: Conferences|

MS-Hanover – 6th Expert Symposium on Accident Research 2014

The 6th International Expert Symposium on Accident Research (ESAR) took place in Hanover on 20-21 June 2014. ESAR is organised by the Medical School of Hanover, the University of Technology of Dresden and the Federal Highway Research Institute of Germany and it is a scientific colloquium which can be seen as a platform for exchanges of information on accident research issues. Representatives from authorities as well as from medical and technical institutions came together to discuss new research issues and exchange experiences on accident prevention and methodologies of accident reconstruction. The goal of ESAR was to give the opportunity to all kind of studies on Accident Investigation Methodologies, Accident Analysis, Active and Passive Safety, Injury mechanisms and Injury Prevention to an audience of experts from government, industry and other researchers from all parts of the world. 


March 7th, 2014|Categories: Conferences|

RTSA Serbia – Transport safety performance indicators, Belgrade 2014

An International Seminar on Transport Safety Performance Indicators, organised by the Road Traffic Safety Agency of Serbia, with the support of the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering of the Belgrade University and the Academy of Criminalistic and Police Studies, took place in Belgrade on 6 March 2014.  
Transport safety performance indicators constitute a great management tool in the hands of decision makers in order to monitor efforts and progress in the field of road traffic safety. The RTSA of Serbia has launched a comprehensice programme of measuring road safety performance in Serbia, which was presented at this international seminar, attended by more than 100 national and international road safety decision makers, stakeholders and experts.
All presenations are available. pdf5
NTUA road safety presentation concerned: ‘An application of a road network safety performance indicator’ pdf5 ppt5
March 6th, 2014|Categories: Conferences|

FEMA – 3rd European Motorcyclists’ Forum – Brussels 2014

The 3rd European Motorcyclists’ Forum was organised by the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) in cooperation with the Motorcycle Industry in Europe (ACEM), hosted by MEP Bernd Lange and took place with great success in the European Parliament in Brussels on 5-6 March 2014. This year’s Forum focused on the question “ITS : Can powered two wheelers benefit from new technologies deployment?” in the context of Horizons 2020 EU research and innovation programme. 

The current state-of-the-art of ITS for transport has not undergone any specific impact assessment with regard to positive or negative consequences for the specific mode of transport on powered two wheels (PTWs). Powered two wheelers, as vulnerable road users, need to be carefully integrated into ITS innovation and deployment policies to guarantee that they also “benefit” from new technologies. All presentations are available at the website of the Forum , together with the respective Forum Memorandum.pdf5

March 6th, 2014|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

TRB Annual Meeting – Washington 2014

The Transportation Research Board (TRB) 93rd Annual Meeting was held in Washington, D.C., in January 2014, with more than 5.500 presentations in more than 800 scientific sessions and workshops and more than 12.000 transportation experts and stakeholders. The spotlight theme for the 2014 TRB Annual Meeting is Celebrating Our Legacy, Anticipating Our Future.

NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 Results from a driving simulator study on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases in rural roads

pdf5 ppt5 Sign recall in a fixed-base simulator as a measure of fitness-to-drive

ppt5 European Road Safety Forecasts

ppt5 Relationship between road safety and economic indicators

January 13th, 2014|Categories: Conferences|

HITE Education and Road Safety, Athens 2013

A Workshop on Education and Road Safety was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers in Athens on 27 November 2013. Several aspects and initiatives of road safety education were highlighted with the the active participation of road safety decision makers, experts and practicioners from Greece. 

All the workshop presentations are now available. 

NTUA Research Associate Dr. Sophia Vardaki presented the education at the national road safety strategic plan. ppt5

November 27th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC Lecture – Road Safety, Reliable Data, Effective Policies, Berlin 2013

The 15th European Transport Safety Lecture was organised by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) together with its three founding members – the German Road Safety Council, the Dutch Safety Board and the British Parliamentary Advisory Council for Transport Safety and took place with great success on November 21st, 2013 in Berlin. Prof. Dietmar Otte from the Medical University of Hannover gave the Lecture on Road Safety: Reliable Data – Effective Policies, having attracted a large audience of more than 150 national and international road safety practitioners, technical specialists and decision makers. Response to the Lecture was given by European Commission Head of Road Safety Unit Mr. Szabolcs Schmidt and TU Delft Professor Fred Wegman. At the lecture and the vivid discussion followed there was focus to the need forreliable and accurate data to be placed at the core of road safety policies, serving to identify problems, risk factors, and priority areas as well as to formulate strategies, setting targets and monitor performance. 

This ETSC Lecture coincided with the celebration of 20 years of ETSC. On the occasion, ETSC Chairman Herman De Croo stated that “ETSC has marked 20 years of concerted advocacy efforts on road safety throughout Europe, acting as an established source of independent and impartial advice to policy and decision-makers in Europe”. pdf5

November 21st, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

RACC – Reducing road accident victims in urban areas Conference, Barcelona 2013

The 20th Forum for Road Safety ‘Reducing victims of road accidents in urban areas’, organised by RACC, P(A)T and Generalitat de Catalunya took place with the participation of more than 200 road safety experts, decision makers and stakeholders, in Barcelona on 14 November 2013. The conference focused on a range of preventive, and corrective techniques applied to the management of public space, especially in the locations in which more accident and fatalities occur as well on the safety of vulnerable road users.  Urban Authorities presented and discussed the complexity of implementing measures addressing and balancing safety concerns of the various different vulnerable road users.  

NTUA Professor George Yannis made a key note presentation on Current trends in Urban Road Safety in Europe ppt5

November 14th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

IRTAD Better Safety Data Conference, Buenos Aires 2013

The International Conference on Better safety data for better road safety outcomes, co-organised by the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF) and the Iberoamerican  Road Safety Observatory (OISEVI) took place with great success in Buenos Aires on 13-14 November 2013. More than 350 road safety experts, decision makers and stakeholders from more than 40 countries participated in the discussions focussing on various aspects of data improvement and quality as the best ally in the development of road safety strategies, as well as of data analysis in IRTAD, OISEVI and other countries.

More than 40 presentations covered all aspects of traffic safety data and their role in road safety policy, including safety indicators, spatial analysis, data quality, simulation tools, politics and health data crossing, capacity development, safety management, safety tendencies and data usage. 

NTUA presentation concerned: ‘Improving fatalities forecasting in times of recession through the use of panel time series models’. ppt5

November 13th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

AF CityPlan – International Conference on Safe Transport Infrastructure, Prague 2013

The 8th annual International Conference on Safe Transport Infrastructure, organised by AF CityPlan took place in Prague on 11-12 November 2013, with the partidcipation of more than 120 road safety experts and stakeholders. In the conference several critical road safety issues found in the European Countries were presented as well as comparisons of the road safety performance of the Czech Republic with those of the 28 countries of the European Union. 

NTUA presentation concerned: ‘ROSEE – A road safety initiative to improve infrastructure and behaviour in South East Europe’ppt5

November 12th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

SEE – Engaging Stakeholders towards Road Safety Conference, Ljubljana 2013

An international conference on “Engaging Stakeholders towards Road Safety”, organised by ROSEE and SENSOR projects in the framework of the South East Europe transnational cooperation programme, was held on November 7th, 2013 in Ljubljana. This Conference brought together the most important stakeholders, experts and public authorities from the South-Eastern Europe region who are engaged in road safety. The aim of the conference was to promote road safety in South East European roads through standardised safety assessment of the road infrastructure, proposals for road safety investments, comparative evaluation of safety performance and user behaviour in SEE countries and the active promotion of safer road user behaviours. 

NTUA presentations concerned:
November 8th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

ETSC PIN Annual Conference, Brussels 2014

The PIN Annual Conference, organised by the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC), will take place in Brussels on 18 June 2014. Key road safety policymakers are invited to discuss national road safety policy, targets and strategies and to help create political leadership. National decision-makers are confronted with both the successes and shortcomings of their road safety policy. During that event ETSC publishes the results of the Annual Report and awards the PIN Award to a high level policymaker responsible for the country’s outstanding progress in road safety.  

November 5th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

University Roma Tre – Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Rome 2013

The 4th Edition of the Road Safety and Simulation 2013 (RSS 2013) Conference was organised by the University of Roma Tre and took place in Rome on 23-25 October 2013, with the participation of more than 250 scientistists from more than 45 countries. Special emphasis was put on driving simulationand how this tool can improve roadway design and the study of emerging technologies that take into consideration human factors as well and their effects on safety. 
NTUA Associate Professor Matthew Karlaftis in a key note speech highlighted the “Conflicting Objectives and Modeling Implications in Road Safety Data Analysis”. ppt5
NTUA presentations concerned:
pdf5 ppt5 Factors Influencing Freeway Traffic Upstream of an Incident
pdf5 ppt5 Identification of safety hazards on existing road network regarding road Geometric Design: Implementation in Greece
pdf5 ppt5 Analytical Method For Three-Dimensional Stopping Sight Distance Adequacy Investigation
pdf5 ppt5 Road Safety Audit: A comparative Review of Current Guidelines and 1 Designers’ Approach
October 23rd, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , |

8th International Congress on Vascular Dementia – Athens 2013

The 8th International Congress on Vascular Dementia & The First Cognitive Impairment European Meeting, took place in Athens on 17-20 October 2013. The Congress was showcased new developments in the study of dementia. The goal of the Congress was to facilitate a fruitful exchange of knowledge and information between leading clinicians and researchers in the field of vascular dementia. 

A special session of this Conference focussed on the ability to drive in mild cognitive impairment and dementia, with four presentations:

ppt5 Assessing Driving Ability in the elderly: methodological issues

ppt5 Assessing cognition in elderly drivers

ppt5 Behavioral modifications in the elderly and driving

ppt5 Mild Cognitive Impairment, Dementia and Driving: Concluding remarks

October 20th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki 2013

Hellenic Institute of Transport and the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers took place in Thessaloniki, Greece on 17-18 October, 2013, with the participation of more than 200 transport scientists and stakeholders from Greece and abroad.  The main objectives of the Congress were to present recent research results in the field of transport and to examine the current developments and to exchange knowledge and experiences on the transport research at national and international level, with special focus on energy, environment and economy parameters in transport. 

NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 Attitudes and behaviour of European drivers and other road users towards Road Safety

pdf5 ppt5 Effect of GDP Change on Road Accidents

pdf5 ppt5 Investigation of factors affecting helmet use among European motorcyclists

October 18th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

IFSTTAR – Power two Wheeler Scientific Days, Lyon 2013

A symposium on “Powered Two Wheelers” organized by IFSTTAR, took place on 15-16 October 2013 in Lyon-Bron. This symposium was an opportunity to present to the scientific community recent research on the powered two wheelers road safety in France, in Europe and worldwide. 

NTUA presentation concerned “Implementation of the SUNflower Methodology for the analysis of Powered Two-Wheelers Road Safety In Greece“. pdf5 ppt5


October 16th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

3rd International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Gothenburg 2013

The 3rd International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention organised by the SAFER – Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre of the Chalmers University took place in Gothenburg on 4-6 September 2013, having brought together more than 150 Experts and stakeholders from more than 20 countries. 

Driver Distraction and Inattention Conference 2013 brought into the spotlight relevant developments in research from mainstream and neighbouring disciplines, and showcased new and emerging technologies, products and countermeasures. All papers, abstracts and presentations are now available.

NTUA presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 Effects of cerebral diseases on driver distraction

pdf5 ppt5 Impact of Texting on Young Drivers’ Behaviour and Safety on Motorways by the Use of a Driving Simulator

pdf5 ppt5 Impact of Mobile Phone Use and Music on Driver Behaviour and Safety by the Use of a Driving Simulator

September 5th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

SAFER – Workshop on Naturalistic Cycling Analysis, Gothenburg 2013

A Workshop on Naturalistic Cycling Analysis organised by SAFER and Chalmers University of Technology, took place on 3rd of September in Gothenburg. The aim of this workshop was to discuss the potential of naturalistic cycling analysis to improve traffic safety. The workshop comprises of two parts: In the first part, current naturalistic cycling studies were presented, while in the second, different research questions were discussed and prioritized to suggest how naturalistic cycling analyses may tackle bicycle safety issues, such as single-bicycle accidents and conflicts at intersections.


September 4th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

13th World Conference on Transport Research, Rio de Janeiro 2013

The 13th World Conference on Transport Research, organised by the World Conference on Transport Research Society and by the COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, took place in Rio de Janeiro in Brazil, between 15-18 July 2013. More than 1.200 participants from more than 60 countries presented and discussed the most recent trends in transport research in more than 900 oral presentations and in more than 100 poster presentations. Traffic safety analysis and policy was a major topic area (C4) of the Conference with more than 50 presentations.

NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 Review of distracted driving factors

pdf5 ppt5 Characteristics of road accidents with young people in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Parameters affecting road fatalities outside urban areas in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Seasonal distributions of road fatalities in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Motivations, travel habits, attitudes and behaviour of European Pedestrians

pdf5 ppt5 Evolution in motorcycle crashes and current crash characteristics in the OECD countries

pdf5 ppt5 Contributory factors of powered two wheelers crashes

pdf5 ppt5 Misreporting injury severity in European road accidents

pdf5 ppt5 Impact of meteorological factors on the number of injury accidents

pdf5 ppt5 Powered Two Wheelers Safety Measures: Recommendations and Priorities

July 18th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

ROSEE – Transnational Meeting for Road Safety in South East Europe, Athens 2013

The 1st Meeting of the Transnational Working Group for road safety in South East Europe took place in Athens, on 4 July 2013 organised by the ROSEE project in the framework of the South East Europe transnational cooperation programme. Representatives from the ROSEE project countries (Italy, Romania, Hungary, Greece, Slovenia, Bulgaria) discussed onkey road safety issues in this European region and attempted to create synergies and cross fertilization across the South East Europe in the quest for fewer road accidents and casualties. All presentations are available at the ROSEE project website.

The NTUA presentation concerned a broad overview of road safety in Greece with focus on specific road safety issues related to the policy framework, the road infrastructure and the road user behaviour, as highlighted at the respective National Advisory Group.ppt5

July 4th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

KFV – Mobility and Road Safety in an Ageing Society, Vienna 2013

The Austrian Traffic Safety Board (KFV) organised the International Congress: Mobility and Road Safety in an Ageing Society, which took place in 19-20 June, in Vienna. The Congress focused on future aspects and solutions of mobility and transport versus safety and quality of life in the context of an ageing society and it brought together a wide spectrum of more than 200 safety and mobility experts to discuss all aspects of this contemprorary issue of growing importance. The Abstract book together with all the presentations are available at the Conference website.
NTUA presentations concerned:
June 20th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

ETSC PIN Report – Back on track to reach the 2020 target – 2013

ETSC has launched the PIN Annual Report at the PIN Annual Conference, which took place in Brussels on Monday 17th of June 2013. There have been 2,661 fewer road deaths in 2012 than in 2011 in the EU as a whole. Out of the 31 countries monitored by the PIN Programme, 27 registered a drop in the number of road deaths in 2012 compared to 2011. Frontrunners are Malta and Cyprus followed by Israel and Denmark, but road deaths increased in Switzerland, Luxembourg, Lithuania and Romania. Greece, the UK and Slovakia achieved better than EU average reductions. The 2013 PIN Award was presented to Denmark for its outstanding efforts to improve road safety. For the EU to be reaching the 2020 target through constant annual progress, another 600 deaths would have had to be saved over the 2011- 2012 period.pdf5

June 17th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

University of Brescia – Living and Walking in Cities Conference, Brescia 2013

The International Conference ‘Living and Walking in Cities’, organised by the Università degli Studi di Brescia and the Friendly City Study Center (CeSCAm) took place on 13-14 June in Brescia, with the participation of more than 100 experts in the fields. Twenty years after the first Road Safety Forum, held in Brescia in June 1993, the Conference came back to the issues relating to the vulnerable users’ road safety. CeSCAm Director, Professor Roberto Busi stated that there is an urgent need to incorporate mobility and safety needs of walking and cycling in the continuous urban planning processpdf5

NTUA Professor George Yannis presented the “State of the Art on Road Safety“, highlighting basic facts on urban road safety, the needs for road safety knowledge, the key road safety research priorities and the fundamental urban road safety choices to be made by citizens and Authorities in the European cities. ppt5

June 13th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

ROSEE Workshop at the Munich Transport Fair 2013

A workshop organised by the Agency of East Lombardy for Transport and Logistics (ALOT) in the framework of Munich fair took place on 4-7 June, 2013 in Munich. ROSEE Workshopsessions concerned a general presentation of the project, road safety on primary and secondary network and road safety audit and management.
June 10th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

Central Europe – Save Our Lives Conference, Brussels 2013

The final SOL conference on “Comprehensive road safety strategy for Central Europe” organised by the Agency of East Lombardy for Transport and Logistics (ALOT) took place on May 27th, 2013 in Brussels. The conference highlighted the undertaken actions and the results, including the SOL Road Safety Guidelines, which were produced during the project SOL – Save Our Lives, cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) and carried out within the framework of the European Programme of Territorial Cooperation Central Europe.

NTUA Professor George Yannis presented “ROSEE – Road Safety Policies and Measures in South East European Regions“. ppt5

May 27th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

5th European Road Safety Day: Pedestrian Safety 2013

During the 5th European Road Safety Day on May 6th, 2013 organised by the European Commission, a conference dedicated to reducing pedestrian fatalities in urban areas was held in Brussels. Commission Vice-President Siim Kallas said: “The EU has an outstanding road safety record in global comparison. But every death is one too many. Pedestrians and cyclists are facing the biggest risks in urban areas. And these risks are likely to increase rather than decrease with ever rising traffic volumes in our growing cities. This is why we are addressing this issue pro-actively on the occasion of the European Road Safety Day and the UN Global Road Safety Week“. pdf5

At this Conference, the Commission’s work on several measures specifically linked to the safety of vulnerable road users and urban road safety have been demonstrated together with key presentations by road safety experts and representatives of the major international road-safety organisations.

May 6th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

University of Belgrade – Road Safety in local communities, Valjevo 2013

The International Conference ‘Road Safety in local communities‘, organised by the Faculty of Transport and Traffic Engineering of University of Belgrade, took place in City of Valjevo, Divcibare, on 18-20 April 2013. The conference is part of UN Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020. The subject areas of the conference are:
-road safety management
-safer roads
-safer vehicles
-safer road users and
-pre-hospital care
April 20th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

White Roads Conference 2013

The European Union Road Federation and the Spanish Road Association presented on March 20th, 2013 in Brussels, the final results of the White Roads Project, the cumulative effort of 3 years of work. The underlying philosophy behind the White Roads Project is to create positive approach to road safety and focus on zero fatality roads, as opposed to the traditional practice of focusing on black spots. In total, 982 EU WhiteSpots have been identified representing 40% over the total TEN-T road network and after analysing 85,418 Kms of roads and 248,158 accidents in the EU. The main challenge was the collection and analysis of data and statistics from 27 member states.

NTUA Professor George Yannis presented “Improving data & statistics in road safety: EU perspective”.  ppt5

March 20th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

HITE-IOAS Road Safety Workshop, Athens 2013

The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas” (IOAS) organised a Workshop on Road Safety which took place in Athens on 19th March 2013. The workshop was organised under the framework of 6th Road Safety Week together with numerous activities and events all over Greece. 
March 19th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

Road accidents and economic crisis at the HITE Workshop 2013

A workshop organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, concerning transportation during periods of economic recession, took place in Athens on February 6th, 2013. The impact of the current deep economic crisis in Greece to the various sectors of transport was presented and estimations for the future of transport in Greece were attempted. The road safety contribution of NTUA  Professor George Yannis concerned the “Economic crisis and road accidents”.   ppt5

February 7th, 2013|Categories: Conferences|

European Accidentology Conference, Athens 2012

The European Road Safety Conference on data and knowledge-based policy-making took place with great success in the Acropolis Museum Conference Centre in Athens on 22-23 November 2012. This Conference was organised by the DaCoTA EU co-funded research project and it was a high level event which brought together more than 150 road safety delegates (policy-makers, stakeholders and technical community). The latest developments in EU road safety strategies were presented together with the latest research findings.

All Conference presentations can be found at the Dacota project website

The NTUA presentations concerned:

ppt5 Linking road safety management with road safety performance

ppt5 A comprehensive road safety data and knowledge support tool

ppt5 Forecasting fatalities in times of recession

November 23rd, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

25th ICTCT Workshop in Hasselt University 2012

The 25th annual ICTCT workshop took place on 6-9 of November 2012, in the Transportation Research Institute (IMOB), Hasselt University, Belgium. The workshop provided a forum to discuss innovating theories and concepts in Road Traffic Safety research and brought together international experts. This year the conference theme was ‘road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world– current issues and future challenges’. All the presentations can be found at the ICTCT website (Workshop – past – Hasselt-Belgium).

NTUA presentation concerned: “The attitudes and behaviour of European pedestrians”ppt5

November 9th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

SARTRE 4 Conference in Brussels 2012

The Final conference of th SARTRE 4 project took place on 8th November 2012 in Brussels. The objective of the project was to survey, with a uniform methodology in all 21 European countries participating, the attitudes, opinions, self-reported behaviour and experiences of European drivers, riders of power two wheels, and of non-driverswith respect to road trafic risk. The project addressed issues such as mobility experiences, perception of safety needs by different types of road users, opinions and experiences about speeding, impaired driving, attitudes towards motorcycle riders, pedestrians and other road users. NTUA was in charge of the survey in Greece and the respective analyses. The Final Report and the Booklet of the project are now available. 

November 8th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos 2012

October 26th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Workshop on transport in the Municipalities of Attica 2012

A workshop on trasport in the Municipalities of Attica took place in Pefki on the 26th of September 2012. The workshop was organised by the the Association for Sustainable Development of Cities together with the Municipality of Likovrisi-Pefki.

NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

ppt5 Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011 – 2020, by George Kanellaidis

ppt5 Policies and measures for the decrease of road accidents in the municipalities of Attica, by George Yannis

September 26th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

DG Move – Civitas Conference on Urban Mobility 2012

DG Mobility and Transport of the European Commission together with the Civitas Initiative organised the Conference on Urban Mobility on the 17th of September 2012 in Brussels in the framework of the European week of mobility. This conference marked the launch of the public consultation on the EU’s urban mobility activities in the context of the White Paper ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’.

NTUA Associate Professor George Yannis presented “Road safety in urban mobility policies”.  ppt5

September 17th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

SAFECYCLE conference in Vienna 2012

The final SAFECYCLE conference took place in Vienna on 25 October 2012. The SAFECYCLE project, co-funded by the European Commission – DG MOVE, is investigating how ICT can be used to increase the safety of cyclists. ICT and ITS can increase the safety of cyclists. The results of the SAFECYCLE project will be presented (state of the art of ITS applications, SWOT analysis, CBA of selected applications, demonstration and deployment in European countries, recommendations, etc). This will be followed by a discussion with the project team and other experts about the results and the future of ITS and cycling in different sessions. All the conference presentations are available onlineppt5

September 3rd, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

ETSC PIN Report – Challenging start of the new decade 2012

ETSC has launched the PIN Annual Report at the PIN Annual Conference, which took place in Brussels on Wednesday 20th of June 2012.  In 2011, approximately 30,100 people were killed in the EU27 as a consequence of road collisions. Ιt was a mixed year in terms of developments in road safety in Europe. While several countries continued the positive trends of 2010 and 2009, others, including Estonia, Cyprus, Malta and road safety role models like Sweden, Germany and Finland, saw increases in the number of road deaths. Greece with a 30% decrease in road fatalities since 2008, managed to break the barrier of 100 road fatalities per million population (96 for 2011), best performance since 1964!  
NTUA presentation at the session on road injuries concerned: ‘Time for a new European road injury data system’  ppt5
June 21st, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

TEE Workshop – Road Safety and Crisis 2012

The Road Safety Observatory of the Technical Chamber of Greece organised a Workshop in Athens on June 6th, 2012, titled “Road Safety initiatives in the period of crisis“. The aim of the Workshop was to present the activities of all road safety decision makers (Ministries, Regions, etc.) and stakeholders (Industry, Research, NGOs) in Greece, in order to promote the necessary momentum for the improvement of road safety in Greece.

NTUA presentations concerned:

ppt5 Needs for Evidence based decision making on road safety in Europe

ppt5 Manual for the safe driving of older drivers.

June 6th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Sartre 4 Conference – Versailles 2012

The Conference on Social Attitudes to Road Traffic Risk in Europe, organised by the SARTRE4 consortium with the coodination of IFSTTAR, French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks took place with great success in Versailles on 30-31 of May 2012. The results of the pan-European survey in 19 countries have been presented, with analyses on the attitudes, behaviour, habits and needs of 21.280 car drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians towards road accident risk. Key analysis issues concerned speed, alcohol, drugs and other factors affecting fitness to drive, use of safety equipment, enforcement, ITS, etc.
NTUA presentations concerned:
May 31st, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Transport Research Arena, Athens 2012

More than 1.600 transport scientists and professionals contributed to the works of the  fourth Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, organised by the European Commission and the CEDR, ERTRAC, ERRAC, Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and took place with great success in Athens, Greece, from 23rd to 26th of April, 2012. The main theme of TRA 2012 was sustainable mobility through innovation.
The road safety presentations of NTUA concerned:
ppt5 doi Integrating real-time traffic data in road safety analysis
April 26th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

TRA – DaCoTA Special Session, Athens 2012

A Special Session of the DaCoTA Research Project took place at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference held in Athens, on April, 25th, 2012. In this DaCoTA Special Session, the stage of development of the European Road Safety Observatory has been presented and the following areas of interest for evidence based road safety policy making were highlighted:
Developing the European Road Safety Observatory – current progress 
ppt5 Dacota overview TRA Special session
ppt5 Road safety policy-making – identifying the characteristics of effective road safety management procedures
ppt5 In-depth accident investigations – developing a network of teams across EU Member States
ppt5 Accident forecasting and comparisons – comparing the development of road safety across countries – state of the art of road safety knowledge
ppt5 eSafety and accident data – identifying the new types of data needed to develop active safety collision prevention and mitigation measures
ppt5 Naturalistic driving protocols – methods to observe normal driving to identify ways to address safety needs.
April 26th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , |

Workshop on Road safety and young people 2012

The Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, within the framework of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, organised a workshop on road safety and young people, which took place in Athens on 6th April.  At this Workshop the results of the national competition for young artists on road safety digital posters and videos were announced.

April 6th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

Workshop on road safety in Greece by EFTHITA Rhodes

The Hellenic Organisation for Victims of Road Accidents of Rhodes (EFTHITA), member of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) organised a workshop on the Proposals for the improvement of road safety in Greece, which took place on the 22th of March in the island of Rhodes. NTUA Professor George Kannellaidis emphasised the need for cooperation in order to develop a modern, self-explaining and forgiving road environment.  ppt5

March 23rd, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Driven to Distraction Conference, Toronto 2012

The International Conference on Distracted Driving organised by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) and the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), took place in Toronto, Canada on March 1st, 2012. This Conference highlighted current research initiatives from around the world regarding a broad range of distractions, explored lessons learned from legislation and enforcement, and shared experiences drawn from private, public and community approaches to increase awareness and change behaviours.

NTUA Professor George Yannis presented “The Effects of Different Types of Driver Distractions: Findings from the EU”.ppt5

March 1st, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

3rd Highways Engineering Conference 2012

The 3rd pan-hellenic Highways Engineering Conference, organised by the Technical Chamber of Greece, took place on 9-10 February 2012 in Athens.

NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

ppt5 Safety in Road Design

pdf5 ppt5 Development of a Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011-2020

pdf5 ppt5 Application of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Comparative analysis of road safety parameters on European motorways

pdf5 ppt5 Parameters Affecting Greek Drivers Willingness to Pay for the Avoidance of Road Accidents

pdf5 Recording and Evaluation Procedure of Drivers’ Distraction. The Case of Thessaloniki’s Ring Road.

pdf5 Contribution to the investigation of behavior of drivers under fatigue, with the use of innovative technologies

pdf5 ppt5 Road Safety Audit: principles and implementation in Greece. The case of Attica Tollway (“Attiki Odos”)

pdf5 ppt5 Development of a methodology for road safety impact assessment of infrastructure projects in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Analysis of the safety impact of advertising signs on the number of road accidents

February 10th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

IOAS – AVENUE for Traffic Safety, Athens 2011

The Road Safety Insitute Panos Mylonas (IOAS) in collaboration with the European Transport Council (ETSC) organised a meeting on the 8th of November 2011 at the Zappeion Conference and Exhibition Center in Athens. The objectives of the meeting were the presentation of the AVENUEproject (Actions for Vulnerable, Elderly, Novice Drivers and road Users in Europe) as well as the education through experiential activities with the use of NESTs (Networks & Education for Safety and Traffic).



November 9th, 2011|Categories: Conferences|

3rd Conference on Road Safety and Simulation 2011

The 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation took place in Indianapolis, in September 2011, organised by the Transportation Research Board and the Center for Road Safety Center of Purdue University. NTUA Associate Professor Matthew Karlaftis was member of the Organising Committee.

NTUA presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 An investigation of older driver road safety perceptions and driving performance on freeways

pdf5 ppt5 Is it risky to talk, eat or smoke while driving? Findings from a driving simulator experiment

pdf5 ppt5 Identifying riding profiles parameters from high resolution naturalistic riding data

pdf5 ppt5 Detecting secondary accidents in freeways

pdf5 ppt5 Young drivers and alcohol impaired driving: a driving simulator experiment

pdf5 ppt5 Model for sight distance calculation and three-dimensional alignment evaluation in divided and undivided highways

September 29th, 2011|Categories: Conferences|

SATM – Access Management Conference, Athens 2011

The 1st International Conference on Access Management took place in Athens in June 2011 and was organised by the Hellenic Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers, the TRB, the Technical Chamber of Greece and the NTUA School of Rural and Surveying Engineering.

NTUA presentations included:

pdf5 ppt5 Effectiveness of road safety measures at junctions

pdf5 ppt5 A critical assesment of intersection safety across Europe

July 1st, 2011|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

MRSH – Crete motorcyclists urged to use helmets, Chania 2011

A new campaign to reduce road casualties by promoting use of motorcycle helmets has been launched on the island of Crete by Make Roads Safe Hellas with the support of the FIA Foundation, as the first European programme of the Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative. This campaign has been preseneted at a conference held on the 24th of March 2011 at the Centre for Mediterranean Architecture in Chania. 

March 24th, 2011|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , , |

FERSI – Conference on European Best Practices in Road Safety, Athens 2011

The Conference on European best practices in road Safety was jointly organised by the Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport & Networks on February 21st and 22nd, 2011 at Zappeion Megaron, Athens, Greece.

NTUA presented:

ppt5 Road Safety Strategy in Greece

ppt5 Efficiency assessment of road safety measures in Europe’

February 21st, 2011|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

5th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos 2010

The 5th International Congress on Transport Research was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Hellenic Institute of Transport and the University of Thessaly and took place in Volos, Greeece in September 2010. At the road safety sessions quite a few interesting papers were presented, some of them concerning research carried out by
NTUA road safety presentations concerned:
September 27th, 2010|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , |

Norvegian Embassy – Child safety in cars, Athens 2009

The conference Child Safety in the car – The Greek Reality – The Norwegian/Scandinavian model, organised by the Norvegian Embassy took place in Athens, in November 2009.

NTUA presented ‘Use of child seat in Greece’ppt5

In order to ensure that children are as safe as possible on the roads, everyone needs to be aware of the risks and how things can be improved.  link

November 24th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference 2009

The 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the National Technical University of Athens.

NTUA presented:

pdf5 ppt5 Characteristics of lorry and bus accidents in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Application of the SUNflower methodology for the assessment of two-wheeler safety in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Correlations of road accident and meteorological conditions time-series

pdf5 ppt5 Seat belt and helmet use in Greece

November 18th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , , , , |

International Conference Road Safety and Simulation 2009

The International Conference Road Safety and Simulation took place in Paris, in October 2010.

NTUA presented ‘About pedestrian safety in Europe – 2009‘. pdf5 ppt5

The objective of this research is to create an overall picture of pedestrians’ road safety in European countries, to identify factors associated with increased pedestrian fatality risk, and to propose countermeasures for the improvement of pedestrians road safety in Europe.

October 8th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul 2009

The 4th IRTAD Conference took place in Seoul and brought together more than 100 road safety experts from around the world to discuss the use of safety data for setting targets and monitor road safety performance and to encourage knowledge transfer for data collection and analyses.

NTUA presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 CADaS – A common road accident data framework in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Road safety and the elderly in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Analyses using the European Road Safety Observatory

September 16th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

UN-ECE – Improving Road Traffic Safety in South-Eastern Europe, Halkida 2009

A United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) conference on Improving Global Road Safety: Setting Regional and National Road Traffic Casualty Reduction Targets was organized in Halkida, in June 2009. link

NTUA presented ‘Assessment of Road Safety Measures in Greece’ ppt5 and ‘National Strategic Plan for the Improvement of Road Safety in Greece (2006-2010)’. Despite some progress in recent years, South Eastern European countries are still suffering from high numbers of causalities on the road.

June 25th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|

4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece 2008

The 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece was organised by NTUA, ASCE and TRB and took place in Athens in May
NTUA presented:
May 26th, 2008|Categories: Conferences|

SafetyNet Conference, Rome 2008

The 2nd SafetyNet conference was held in Rome, in April

NTUA presented:

ppt5 How the European Road Safety Observatory can be used to save lives

ppt5 Modelling road fatality trends in the European countries

ppt5 Risk exposure data availability and compatibility – From data needs to a common European framework

ppt5 CADaS – Attaining road accident uniformity at EU level

ppt5 Current and future Challenges for road accident data in Europe

April 18th, 2008|Categories: Conferences|

5th International Conference on Protection of children in cars 2007

The 5th International Conference on Protection of children in cars took place in Munich, in December 2007. An interdisciplinary forum of engineers, experts in biomechanics and pediatrists in children’s hospitals were in the focus as well as the advances in child restraint systems and their interaction with the

NTUA presented ‘How safe are children in cars on European roads?’.pdf5 ppt5



December 10th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents 2007

The 14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents was organized by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), with active support of GRSP (Global Road Safety Partnership), FERSI (Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes), TRB (Transportation Research Board) and ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes) and took place in Thailand in November 2007.

NTUA presented  ‘Implementing the european road safety observatory in the Safetynet project’pdf5

November 19th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|

14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems Beijing

The 14th World Congress on ITS took place in Beijing, China in October 2007, with the theme of “ITS for a Better Life”.

NTUA presented ‘Effects of driver accident history on ITS acceptance’. pdf5 ppt5

This study investigates Greek driver attitudes towards specific systems that have the potential to improve road safety, and traffic and environmental conditions.



October 15th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|

Attiki Odos – Incident Management Seminar, Athens 2007

Attiki Odos SA together with Attikes Diadromes SA, the Operations Company of Attiki Odos, within their wide range of activities for the promotion of road safety, organized with high success the first Road Safety Seminar on Incident Management, where all aspects of more efficient accident management were highlighted by all the authorities and organizations involved in the field.  link

September 24th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|

Second conference on driver needs in relation to ITS 2006

The Second conference on driver needs in relation to ITS, was organised by VTT took place in Finland in September 2006. There are a lot of choices and decisions for the end-users to make when for instance buying a new car. Their willingness to pay for new technology depends on the benefits expected by the new systems and services.

NTUA presented ‘Greek driver needs on ITS in relation to driver accident history’pdf5 ppt5

September 30th, 2006|Categories: Conferences|

3rd International Conference on Transport Research 2006

The 3rd International Conference on Transport Research was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Hellenic Institute of Transport and took place in Thessaloniki in May 2006. link
NTUA presented:
May 22nd, 2006|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

SafetyNet – European Accident Data and Road and Vehicle Safety Policy, Prague 2006

The first SafetyNet Conference and Workshop on European accident data and road and vehicle safety policy, organised by Loughborough University took place in Prague in May 2006. The purpose of the conference is to examine the ways in which data driven road and vehicle safety policies are formed and identify the new challenges that will come with new technologies and post-2010 casualty reduction targets. link

NTUA presented:

ppt5 State-of-the-art on risk exposure data

ppt5 CARE Accident Data

May 12th, 2006|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |