DG Move – Civitas Conference on Urban Mobility 2012

DG Mobility and Transport of the European Commission together with the Civitas Initiative organised the Conference on Urban Mobility on the 17th of September 2012 in Brussels in the framework of the European week of mobility. This conference marked the launch of the public consultation on the EU’s urban mobility activities in the context of the White Paper ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’.

NTUA Associate Professor George Yannis presented “Road safety in urban mobility policies”.  ppt5

September 17th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

SAFECYCLE conference in Vienna 2012

The final SAFECYCLE conference took place in Vienna on 25 October 2012. The SAFECYCLE project, co-funded by the European Commission – DG MOVE, is investigating how ICT can be used to increase the safety of cyclists. ICT and ITS can increase the safety of cyclists. The results of the SAFECYCLE project will be presented (state of the art of ITS applications, SWOT analysis, CBA of selected applications, demonstration and deployment in European countries, recommendations, etc). This will be followed by a discussion with the project team and other experts about the results and the future of ITS and cycling in different sessions. All the conference presentations are available onlineppt5

September 3rd, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

ETSC PIN Report – Challenging start of the new decade 2012

ETSC has launched the PIN Annual Report at the PIN Annual Conference, which took place in Brussels on Wednesday 20th of June 2012.  In 2011, approximately 30,100 people were killed in the EU27 as a consequence of road collisions. Ιt was a mixed year in terms of developments in road safety in Europe. While several countries continued the positive trends of 2010 and 2009, others, including Estonia, Cyprus, Malta and road safety role models like Sweden, Germany and Finland, saw increases in the number of road deaths. Greece with a 30% decrease in road fatalities since 2008, managed to break the barrier of 100 road fatalities per million population (96 for 2011), best performance since 1964!  
NTUA presentation at the session on road injuries concerned: ‘Time for a new European road injury data system’  ppt5
June 21st, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

TEE Workshop – Road Safety and Crisis 2012

The Road Safety Observatory of the Technical Chamber of Greece organised a Workshop in Athens on June 6th, 2012, titled “Road Safety initiatives in the period of crisis“. The aim of the Workshop was to present the activities of all road safety decision makers (Ministries, Regions, etc.) and stakeholders (Industry, Research, NGOs) in Greece, in order to promote the necessary momentum for the improvement of road safety in Greece.

NTUA presentations concerned:

ppt5 Needs for Evidence based decision making on road safety in Europe

ppt5 Manual for the safe driving of older drivers.

June 6th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Sartre 4 Conference – Versailles 2012

The Conference on Social Attitudes to Road Traffic Risk in Europe, organised by the SARTRE4 consortium with the coodination of IFSTTAR, French institute of science and technology for transport, development and networks took place with great success in Versailles on 30-31 of May 2012. The results of the pan-European survey in 19 countries have been presented, with analyses on the attitudes, behaviour, habits and needs of 21.280 car drivers, motorcyclists, cyclists and pedestrians towards road accident risk. Key analysis issues concerned speed, alcohol, drugs and other factors affecting fitness to drive, use of safety equipment, enforcement, ITS, etc.
NTUA presentations concerned:
May 31st, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Transport Research Arena, Athens 2012

More than 1.600 transport scientists and professionals contributed to the works of the  fourth Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference, organised by the European Commission and the CEDR, ERTRAC, ERRAC, Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and took place with great success in Athens, Greece, from 23rd to 26th of April, 2012. The main theme of TRA 2012 was sustainable mobility through innovation.
The road safety presentations of NTUA concerned:
ppt5 doi Integrating real-time traffic data in road safety analysis
April 26th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

TRA – DaCoTA Special Session, Athens 2012

A Special Session of the DaCoTA Research Project took place at the Transport Research Arena (TRA) Conference held in Athens, on April, 25th, 2012. In this DaCoTA Special Session, the stage of development of the European Road Safety Observatory has been presented and the following areas of interest for evidence based road safety policy making were highlighted:
Developing the European Road Safety Observatory – current progress 
ppt5 Dacota overview TRA Special session
ppt5 Road safety policy-making – identifying the characteristics of effective road safety management procedures
ppt5 In-depth accident investigations – developing a network of teams across EU Member States
ppt5 Accident forecasting and comparisons – comparing the development of road safety across countries – state of the art of road safety knowledge
ppt5 eSafety and accident data – identifying the new types of data needed to develop active safety collision prevention and mitigation measures
ppt5 Naturalistic driving protocols – methods to observe normal driving to identify ways to address safety needs.
April 26th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , |

Workshop on Road safety and young people 2012

The Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks, within the framework of the Decade of Action for Road Safety 2011-2020, organised a workshop on road safety and young people, which took place in Athens on 6th April.  At this Workshop the results of the national competition for young artists on road safety digital posters and videos were announced.

April 6th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

Workshop on road safety in Greece by EFTHITA Rhodes

The Hellenic Organisation for Victims of Road Accidents of Rhodes (EFTHITA), member of the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) organised a workshop on the Proposals for the improvement of road safety in Greece, which took place on the 22th of March in the island of Rhodes. NTUA Professor George Kannellaidis emphasised the need for cooperation in order to develop a modern, self-explaining and forgiving road environment.  ppt5

March 23rd, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

Driven to Distraction Conference, Toronto 2012

The International Conference on Distracted Driving organised by the Canadian Automobile Association (CAA) and the Traffic Injury Research Foundation (TIRF), took place in Toronto, Canada on March 1st, 2012. This Conference highlighted current research initiatives from around the world regarding a broad range of distractions, explored lessons learned from legislation and enforcement, and shared experiences drawn from private, public and community approaches to increase awareness and change behaviours.

NTUA Professor George Yannis presented “The Effects of Different Types of Driver Distractions: Findings from the EU”.ppt5

March 1st, 2012|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

3rd Highways Engineering Conference 2012

The 3rd pan-hellenic Highways Engineering Conference, organised by the Technical Chamber of Greece, took place on 9-10 February 2012 in Athens.

NTUA road safety presentations concerned:

ppt5 Safety in Road Design

pdf5 ppt5 Development of a Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011-2020

pdf5 ppt5 Application of the Interactive Highway Safety Design Model (IHSDM) in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Comparative analysis of road safety parameters on European motorways

pdf5 ppt5 Parameters Affecting Greek Drivers Willingness to Pay for the Avoidance of Road Accidents

pdf5 Recording and Evaluation Procedure of Drivers’ Distraction. The Case of Thessaloniki’s Ring Road.

pdf5 Contribution to the investigation of behavior of drivers under fatigue, with the use of innovative technologies

pdf5 ppt5 Road Safety Audit: principles and implementation in Greece. The case of Attica Tollway (“Attiki Odos”)

pdf5 ppt5 Development of a methodology for road safety impact assessment of infrastructure projects in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Analysis of the safety impact of advertising signs on the number of road accidents

February 10th, 2012|Categories: Conferences|

IOAS – AVENUE for Traffic Safety, Athens 2011

The Road Safety Insitute Panos Mylonas (IOAS) in collaboration with the European Transport Council (ETSC) organised a meeting on the 8th of November 2011 at the Zappeion Conference and Exhibition Center in Athens. The objectives of the meeting were the presentation of the AVENUEproject (Actions for Vulnerable, Elderly, Novice Drivers and road Users in Europe) as well as the education through experiential activities with the use of NESTs (Networks & Education for Safety and Traffic).



November 9th, 2011|Categories: Conferences|

3rd Conference on Road Safety and Simulation 2011

The 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation took place in Indianapolis, in September 2011, organised by the Transportation Research Board and the Center for Road Safety Center of Purdue University. NTUA Associate Professor Matthew Karlaftis was member of the Organising Committee.

NTUA presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 An investigation of older driver road safety perceptions and driving performance on freeways

pdf5 ppt5 Is it risky to talk, eat or smoke while driving? Findings from a driving simulator experiment

pdf5 ppt5 Identifying riding profiles parameters from high resolution naturalistic riding data

pdf5 ppt5 Detecting secondary accidents in freeways

pdf5 ppt5 Young drivers and alcohol impaired driving: a driving simulator experiment

pdf5 ppt5 Model for sight distance calculation and three-dimensional alignment evaluation in divided and undivided highways

September 29th, 2011|Categories: Conferences|

SATM – Access Management Conference, Athens 2011

The 1st International Conference on Access Management took place in Athens in June 2011 and was organised by the Hellenic Association of Rural and Surveying Engineers, the TRB, the Technical Chamber of Greece and the NTUA School of Rural and Surveying Engineering.

NTUA presentations included:

pdf5 ppt5 Effectiveness of road safety measures at junctions

pdf5 ppt5 A critical assesment of intersection safety across Europe

July 1st, 2011|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

MRSH – Crete motorcyclists urged to use helmets, Chania 2011

A new campaign to reduce road casualties by promoting use of motorcycle helmets has been launched on the island of Crete by Make Roads Safe Hellas with the support of the FIA Foundation, as the first European programme of the Global Helmet Vaccine Initiative. This campaign has been preseneted at a conference held on the 24th of March 2011 at the Centre for Mediterranean Architecture in Chania. 

March 24th, 2011|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , , |

FERSI – Conference on European Best Practices in Road Safety, Athens 2011

The Conference on European best practices in road Safety was jointly organised by the Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport & Networks on February 21st and 22nd, 2011 at Zappeion Megaron, Athens, Greece.

NTUA presented:

ppt5 Road Safety Strategy in Greece

ppt5 Efficiency assessment of road safety measures in Europe’

February 21st, 2011|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

5th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos 2010

The 5th International Congress on Transport Research was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Hellenic Institute of Transport and the University of Thessaly and took place in Volos, Greeece in September 2010. At the road safety sessions quite a few interesting papers were presented, some of them concerning research carried out by NTUA.link
NTUA road safety presentations concerned:
September 27th, 2010|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , |

Norvegian Embassy – Child safety in cars, Athens 2009

The conference Child Safety in the car – The Greek Reality – The Norwegian/Scandinavian model, organised by the Norvegian Embassy took place in Athens, in November 2009.

NTUA presented ‘Use of child seat in Greece’ppt5

In order to ensure that children are as safe as possible on the roads, everyone needs to be aware of the risks and how things can be improved.  link

November 24th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference 2009

The 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the National Technical University of Athens.

NTUA presented:

pdf5 ppt5 Characteristics of lorry and bus accidents in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Application of the SUNflower methodology for the assessment of two-wheeler safety in Greece

pdf5 ppt5 Correlations of road accident and meteorological conditions time-series

pdf5 ppt5 Seat belt and helmet use in Greece

November 18th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , , , , , |

International Conference Road Safety and Simulation 2009

The International Conference Road Safety and Simulation took place in Paris, in October 2010.

NTUA presented ‘About pedestrian safety in Europe – 2009‘. pdf5 ppt5

The objective of this research is to create an overall picture of pedestrians’ road safety in European countries, to identify factors associated with increased pedestrian fatality risk, and to propose countermeasures for the improvement of pedestrians road safety in Europe.

October 8th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: , |

4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul 2009

The 4th IRTAD Conference took place in Seoul and brought together more than 100 road safety experts from around the world to discuss the use of safety data for setting targets and monitor road safety performance and to encourage knowledge transfer for data collection and analyses.

NTUA presentations concerned:

pdf5 ppt5 CADaS – A common road accident data framework in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Road safety and the elderly in Europe

pdf5 ppt5 Analyses using the European Road Safety Observatory

September 16th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

UN-ECE – Improving Road Traffic Safety in South-Eastern Europe, Halkida 2009

A United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) conference on Improving Global Road Safety: Setting Regional and National Road Traffic Casualty Reduction Targets was organized in Halkida, in June 2009. link

NTUA presented ‘Assessment of Road Safety Measures in Greece’ ppt5 and ‘National Strategic Plan for the Improvement of Road Safety in Greece (2006-2010)’. Despite some progress in recent years, South Eastern European countries are still suffering from high numbers of causalities on the road.

June 25th, 2009|Categories: Conferences|

4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece 2008

The 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece was organised by NTUA, ASCE and TRB and took place in Athens in May 2008.link
NTUA presented:
May 26th, 2008|Categories: Conferences|

SafetyNet Conference, Rome 2008

The 2nd SafetyNet conference was held in Rome, in April 2008.link

NTUA presented:

ppt5 How the European Road Safety Observatory can be used to save lives

ppt5 Modelling road fatality trends in the European countries

ppt5 Risk exposure data availability and compatibility – From data needs to a common European framework

ppt5 CADaS – Attaining road accident uniformity at EU level

ppt5 Current and future Challenges for road accident data in Europe

April 18th, 2008|Categories: Conferences|

5th International Conference on Protection of children in cars 2007

The 5th International Conference on Protection of children in cars took place in Munich, in December 2007. An interdisciplinary forum of engineers, experts in biomechanics and pediatrists in children’s hospitals were in the focus as well as the advances in child restraint systems and their interaction with the car.link

NTUA presented ‘How safe are children in cars on European roads?’.pdf5 ppt5



December 10th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents 2007

The 14th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents was organized by the Swedish National Road and Transport Research Institute (VTI), with active support of GRSP (Global Road Safety Partnership), FERSI (Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes), TRB (Transportation Research Board) and ECTRI (European Conference of Transport Research Institutes) and took place in Thailand in November 2007.

NTUA presented  ‘Implementing the european road safety observatory in the Safetynet project’pdf5

November 19th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|

14th World Congress on Intelligent Transport Systems Beijing

The 14th World Congress on ITS took place in Beijing, China in October 2007, with the theme of “ITS for a Better Life”.

NTUA presented ‘Effects of driver accident history on ITS acceptance’. pdf5 ppt5

This study investigates Greek driver attitudes towards specific systems that have the potential to improve road safety, and traffic and environmental conditions.



October 15th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|

Attiki Odos – Incident Management Seminar, Athens 2007

Attiki Odos SA together with Attikes Diadromes SA, the Operations Company of Attiki Odos, within their wide range of activities for the promotion of road safety, organized with high success the first Road Safety Seminar on Incident Management, where all aspects of more efficient accident management were highlighted by all the authorities and organizations involved in the field.  link

September 24th, 2007|Categories: Conferences|

Second conference on driver needs in relation to ITS 2006

The Second conference on driver needs in relation to ITS, was organised by VTT took place in Finland in September 2006. There are a lot of choices and decisions for the end-users to make when for instance buying a new car. Their willingness to pay for new technology depends on the benefits expected by the new systems and services.

NTUA presented ‘Greek driver needs on ITS in relation to driver accident history’pdf5 ppt5

September 30th, 2006|Categories: Conferences|

3rd International Conference on Transport Research 2006

The 3rd International Conference on Transport Research was organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Hellenic Institute of Transport and took place in Thessaloniki in May 2006. link
NTUA presented:
May 22nd, 2006|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |

SafetyNet – European Accident Data and Road and Vehicle Safety Policy, Prague 2006

The first SafetyNet Conference and Workshop on European accident data and road and vehicle safety policy, organised by Loughborough University took place in Prague in May 2006. The purpose of the conference is to examine the ways in which data driven road and vehicle safety policies are formed and identify the new challenges that will come with new technologies and post-2010 casualty reduction targets. link

NTUA presented:

ppt5 State-of-the-art on risk exposure data

ppt5 CARE Accident Data

May 12th, 2006|Categories: Conferences|Tags: |