European Commission – Final Road Safety Figures, 2017

On the occasion of the World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims, the European Commission presented the final Road Safety Figures for 2017, which show for the second year in a row a decrease by 2% of road fatalities in the EU compared to the previous year. European Coordinator for Road Safety Matthew Baldwin said: “Whilst European roads are the safest in the world, the downward curve has flattened out in past years. We still have many challenges ahead of us: I especially think of vulnerable road users, who– as the figures show- are making up a larger share of the casualties, especially in urban areas. We need an active, cooperative, holistic approach amongst all stakeholders to implement what we know needs to be done – the Safe System“.  pdf5

November 27th, 2018|Categories: Data, News|

European Commission – Report on the Transport Research Open Science Cloud, 2018

The European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research and Innovation published a Report titled “Analysis of the state of the art, barriers, needs and opportunities for setting up a Transport Research Cloud”, with the active contribution of NTUA Professor George Yannis. This Report focuses on the requirements for data sharing within the transport research community. In particular, the Report examines the potential of a Transport Research Cloud (TRC) as a subset of the European Union’s European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) initiative. Six domain experts collected data based on their personal experiences, contacts, prior research and a survey sent out to other researchers in the transport domain to enable a preliminary analysis concerning the needs, barriers and potential benefits for the domain should a TRC be realized. Road Safety constitutes a major component of this Transport Research Cloud.  

November 27th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

European Commission – Study on powered two-wheeler and bicycle accidents in the EU, SaferWheels, 2018

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) published the Final Report of the “Study on powered two-wheeler and bicycle accidents in the EU, SaferWheels”, with the active contribution of NTUA. The SaferWheels study was conducted to investigate accident causation for traffic accidents involving powered two-wheelers and bicycles in the European Union. The objective of the study was to gather PTW and bicycle accident data from in-depth crash investigations, obtain accident causation and medical data for those crashes, and to store the information according to an appropriate and efficient protocol enabling a causation-oriented analysis. 

November 27th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ITF – Safer City Streets: Global Benchmarking for Urban Road Safety, 2018

The International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published recently a new Report: “Safer City Streets: Global Benchmarking for Urban Road Safety”, with the active contribution of NTUA. This document aims to support cities in setting road safety targets and to monitor progress in improving urban road safety. Pedestrians, cyclists and motorcyclists account for nearly 80% of urban traffic fatalities. Cities should thus intensify efforts to improve the safety of vulnerable road users. This document presents traffic safety indicators for different road user groups collected in 31 cities worldwide to facilitate the evaluation, monitoring and benchmarking of road safety outcomes. It places a particular attention on measuring the risk of fatality per unit distance traveled.   pdf5

November 27th, 2018|Categories: Data, News|

InDeV – Handbook on How to analyse accident causation, 2018

The Horizons 2020 research project InDev (In-depth Understanding of Accident Causation for Vulnerable Road Users) recently published a handbook with focus on vulnerable road users entitled: How to analyse accident causation? This handbook was developed to help road safety professionals diagnose road safety problems by gaining more insights into the mistakes by road users that lead to collision. It describes various road safety methods that can be applied for studying the safety of vulnerable (and other) road users, including: accident data analysis, conflict and behavioural observations, self-reporting and naturalistic studies and road safety audit and inspection. link pdf5

October 18th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

EU transport in figures 2018

The Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) of the European Commission released the Statistical Pocketbook 2018 ‘EU Transport in figures‘. In this Statistical Pocketbook, key road safety Tables are contained, together with several other Tables on transport statistics, providing a complete picture of current trends in transport in Europe. Data on road fatalities for the EU member states and associate countries allow for time series comparisons and country rankings. link pdf5

October 14th, 2018|Categories: Data|

Eurostat – Regional Road Accident Statistics 2018

The Eurostat Regional Yearbook 2018 provides a detailed picture relating to a broad range of statistical topics across the Regions of the EU Member States, as well as the Regions of the EFTA and candidate countries, including the European Regions with the lowest and highest road accident rates. Each chapter presents statistical information in maps, tables, figures and infographics, accompanied by a descriptive analysis highlighting the main findings.  pdf5

September 19th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

European Commission – Paving the way for safer roads in Africa, 2018

European Commission – DG for Research and Innovation in their Success Stories Web-page recently published the SaferAfrica H2020 project, which has been taken place with the active contribution of NTUA. As a continent, Africa has some of the most lethal roads in the world. A lack of road safety protocols, wanting road conditions and poor post-crash emergency response systems make for alarmingly high fatality rates. To help turn this around, the EU-funded project SaferAfrica is driving policies aimed at improving road safety. “Europe can play an important role by supporting African countries in improving road safety and achieving the Action Plan targets [African Road Safety Action Plan 2011-2020],” says project coordinator Luca Persia. “In this view, the project aims at building favourable conditions and opportunities for the effective implementation of road safety actions in African countries by setting up a Dialogue Platform between Africa and Europe.” link

August 16th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ESRA – European Drivers Road Safety Attitudes infographics, 2018

In the framework of the European Survey of Road users’ safety Attitudes (ESRA), NTUA released 3 new infographics, regarding “Drivers’ self-declared behaviourpdf5, “Drivers’ attitudes towards unsafe behaviour” pdf5 and “Drivers personal and social acceptability” pdf5.

ESRA is a joint international initiative of 26 research centers and road safety institutes; the project has surveyed road users in 38 countries on 5 continents. The purpose of this network is to collect comparable data on the opinions, attitudes, and behaviour of road users concerning road safety and mobility, and to provide scientific evidence for policy making at the national and international levels. The Updated Main Report (2017 edition) of ESRA has been published containing the results from the survey in 38 countries, including 13 Latin America countries.

July 31st, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Investigation of Drivers’ Preferences Towards New Innovative Vehicle Insurance Schemes, 2018

A Diploma Thesis titled “Investigation of Drivers’ Preferences Towards New Innovative Vehicle Insurance Schemes” was presented by Emmanouil Konstantinopoulos in July 2018, with the support and data from OSeven Telematics. The objective of this Diploma Thesis is to investigate the most important factors that determine the demand of Greek drivers for vehicle insurance services comprising new innovative insurance schemes of Pay As You Drive and Pay How You Drive (PAYD & PHYD), taking into account critical characteristics of driving behaviour. The analysis demonstrated that the young and the female drivers show higher probability of selecting PAYD/PHYD schemes, while the Freelancers are more reluctant to such schemes. pdf5 ppt5

July 29th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Road fatalities per million population, European Union 2008 – 2017

According to the EU road fatalities infographic of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory, twelve countries have a better performance than the EU average, namely Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Ireland, Estonia, Germany, Finland, Spain, Malta, Austria, and Luxembourg. Greece has been ranked 23rd in 2017. Estonia demonstrated the highest road fatalities rate reduction (64%) in the last decade, followed by Lithuania (57%), whereas the EU average 10-year reduction is 38% and for Greece is 51%. pdf5

June 29th, 2018|Categories: Data|

EuroRAP – New report tackles the transition to automated vehicles on roads that cars can read, 2018

Serious crashes on inter-urban roads may be slashed by a quarter over the next 30-40 years with the introduction of automated vehicles. However, the journey may be far from easy, with a mixed fleet transition and vital need for roads that cars can read, according to recent Report released by EuroRAP. The Report, the third in the “Roads that Cars Can Read” series, examines the relationship between road infrastructure and safety for conventional and increasingly-autonomous vehicles (AVs) and provides a framework for infrastructure safety investment.  pdf5 Other Reports in the series: “Roads that cars can read I: A consultation paper” – 2011 and “Roads that cars can read II: A quality standard for road markings and traffic signs on major rural roads” – 2013.

June 28th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ESRA Report on Road Users’ Safety Attitudes Worldwide, 2018

The Updated Main Report (2017 edition) of the European Survey of Road users’ safety Attitudes (ESRA) has been published containing the results from the survey in 38 countries, including 13 Latin America countries, with the active contribution of NTUA. The updated version of the ESRA webpage with Deliverables and Publications includes the 2017 Main Report in 3 languages (English, Spanish, French), six Thematic Reports on European drivers attitudes, and the country fact sheets. 


June 25th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ERF/FEMA – Improving infrastructure safety for Powered Two-Wheelers, 2018

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) and the Federation of European Motorcyclists’ Associations (FEMA) have published a joint position paper, called ‘Improving infrastructure safety for powered two-wheelers’. Only in 2017 power two-wheelers fatalities (motorcycles and mopeds) counted for 17% of the total road victims, while accounting only for 1,8% of the total traffic flow. Both ERF and FEMA strongly believe that road safety for motorcyclists can be significantly improved by looking at the design of road infrastructure

June 25th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ETSC – 12th Annual Road Safety Performance Index (PIN) Report, 2018

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) published the 12th edition of PIN Annual Report, with the active contribution of NTUA, presented at the 2018 PIN Conference which took place with great success on 18 June, 2018 in Brussels. 25,250 people lost their lives on the EU roads in 2017, representing a 2% reduction on the 2016 figure. There has been progress since 2010 but time is running out and the 2020 target is now highly unlikely to be met. Strong political will and urgent measures are still needed in all EU Member States to narrow the gap between the desired and the actual EU progress. 

June 19th, 2018|Categories: Data|

ETSC – An Overview of Road Death Data Collection in the EU, 2018

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published the 35th PIN Flash Report “An Overview of Road Death Data Collection in the EU“, with the active contribution of NTUA. The goal of this PIN Flash Report is to gather information on road death data collection in different PIN countries and to find out if and how countries cross-check or complement road death data recorded by the police with alternative sources. This Report provides very useful information to exchange good practice on how to improve road death data collection and recording

June 10th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

IRF World Road Statistics 2017

Since 53 years, the  International Road Federation (IRF) World Road Statistics (WRS) continue to be the major comprehensive, universal source of statistical data on road networks, traffic and inland transport. Over the past years, the WRS have proved to be an invaluable and internationally accepted reference tool for governments, NGOs, investments banks, research institutes and anyone analyzing and reporting trends in key subject areas like traffic volumes and vehicle usage, road expenditure, road safety, energy consumption and emissions. This year, the WRS 2017 (data 2010-2015) features more than 205 countries, with data on over 45 road related topics, presented in nine substantive sections, with the active contribution of NTUA for the Greek data.  

June 5th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

European Commission – One stop shop for vehicle safety, 2018

European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) released a very interesting guide containing good practices for managing work related vehicle risks in the EU, with a specific focus on workplace transport, driving for work and working on or near a road. With this interactive e-guide many good practices are provided as well as an overview of relevant regulations and information in three key aspects of vehicle risks: safe driving for work, workplace transport safety, and working on or near a roadlink

May 29th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

IRTAD Annual Road Safety Report 2018

The International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published the full version of the Road Safety Annual Report 2018, which provides a detailed insight of road safety performance for 28 countries. The Annual Report outlines the most recent road safety developments across IRTAD countries and provides comparative data for the main road safety indicators also detailed by road user, age group and type of road. Furthermore, the IRTAD Annual Report contains syntheses of the the road safety strategies and targets in place as well on recent trends in speeding, drink-driving and other aspects of road user behaviour.  pdf5

May 29th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

How many crashes are caused by driver interaction with passengers? A meta-analysis approach, 2018

A paper titled “How many crashes are caused by driver interaction with passengers? A meta-analysis approach” authored by Athanasios Theofilatos, Apostolos Ziakopoulos, Eleonora Papadimitriou, and George Yannis is now published in Journal of Safety Research. Conversation and other interactions with passengers while driving induce a level of distraction to the person driving. This paper conducts a qualitative literature review on the effect of passenger interaction on road safety and then extends it by using meta-analysis techniques.  The findings of the random-effects meta-analyses that were carried out showed that driver interaction with passengers causes a non-negligible proportion of road crashes, namely 3,5% of crashes regardless of the age of the passengers and 3.8% when child and teen passengers are excluded. doi


May 21st, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ELSTAT – Casualty Road Accidents in Greece, 2016

The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) has issued a comprehensive set of statistics on Casualty Road Accidents in Greece for 2016, comprising time-series for the decade 2007-2016. In 2016, 11.318 road accidents with fatalities or serious injuries occurred in Greece, recording a decrease of 1.1% in comparison with 2015 and ending an impressive road fatalities drop during the economic crisis of almost 50%. During the last five years, road fatalities in Greece have decreased by 29% (since 2011), however injury road accidents decreased only by 17%. The rate fatalities per number of vehicles has decreased by 30% since 2011.  pdf5

May 21st, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ITF – Cooperative Mobility Systems and Automated Driving, 2018

The International Road Traffic and Accident Group (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published recently a new Report: “Cooperative Mobility Systems and Automated Driving”. Automated vehicles could make roads safer as well as reduce congestion. Whether society will be able to capture these benefits while minimizing negative impacts depends on effective regulation of self-driving vehicles. The technology is still largely experimental and mass use is likely to take decades. This report reviews the range of existing service concepts for automated driving systems and technologies, the operational environments they require and assesses the need for regulatory action pdf5

May 13th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

J.P. Assailly – Homo automobilis ou l’humanité routière, 2018

A new book titled ‘Homo automobilis ou l’humanité routière‘ authored by Dr. Jean-Pascal Assailly, Researcher at the French Institute of Sciences & Technology for Transport (IFSTTAR), is now available. “Homo automobilis”, who are you? That is the question this book answers. Jean-Pascal Assailly analyzes the behavior of the users of the road environment  – whether one is a motorist or a pedestrian – which is so different depending on age, sex and culture. doi

May 13th, 2018|Categories: Data|

Road to Zero Coalition – The Road to Zero Report, 2018

The Road to Zero Report” was developed by the Road to Zero Coalition, together with the RAND Corporation, setting a goal to eliminate traffic fatalities in the U.S. by 2050. The report is the first of its kind in the U.S. and identifies proven, life-saving actions for the short, mid, and long-terms that should be taken by federal, state, and local government officials; automakers; technology manufacturers; business leaders; insurance agencies; law enforcement; and safety advocates.  pdf5

May 4th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

European Commission – Safer Roads for All, 2018

The European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) published the EU good practice guide: Safer roads for all. It includes Road Safety Statistics in EU, and good practices in EU countries with different safety performance levels. The EU success story is the result of many contributing factors: making road safety a political priority; broad cooperation across borders for a true European road safety area; adoption of the ‘safe system’ approach and the ‘vision zero’ perspective; target setting, data collection and continuous monitoring of results; and dedicated actions ranging from education and awareness campaigns to legislative action and safety focused technical vehicle regulations. pdf5

May 2nd, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Structural equation model analysis for the evaluation of overall driving performance: A driving simulator study focusing on driver distraction, 2018

A paper titled “Structural equation model analysis for the evaluation of overall driving performance: A driving simulator study focusing on driver distraction” authored by Panagiotis Papantoniou is now published in Traffic Injury Prevention, Volume 19, 2018 – Issue 3, pp. 317-325. 95 participants from all age groups were asked to drive under different types of distraction (conversation with passenger, cell phone use) in urban and rural road environments with low and high traffic volume in a driving simulator experiment. Then, a structural equation model is developed in which overall driving performance is estimated as a latent variable based on several individual driving simulator measures. The implementation of the structural equation model allows for the assessment of driving behaviour in terms of overall performance and not through individual performance measures, which allows an important scientific step forward from piecemeal analyses to a sound combined analysis of the interrelationship between several risk factors and overall driving performance.. doi

April 16th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Road fatalities characteristics, Greece 1991-2016

Basic characteristics of road fatalities in Greece for the period 1991-2016 are summarised in a comprehensive Table prepared by the NTUA Road Safety Observatory (data source: ELSTAT). Since 2005, there are approximately 1.000 less road fatalities per year in Greece. According to these time series data a spectacular decrease in road fatalities for young people (70%) and in junctions outside built up areas (72%) is observed during the last decade. On the contrary, fatalities decrease during the last decade is quite limited for cyclists, older drivers, and women drivers. pdf5

April 14th, 2018|Categories: Data|

ODI – Securing Safe Roads: the Politics of Change, 2018

The Overseas Development Institute (ODI) launched a publication titled “Securing safe roads: the politics of change” which is an output of the project: The politics of road safety. Over the past 10 years, road safety has been escalated to an issue of international concern. Together with the World Resources Institute Ross Center for Sustainable Cities, ODI undertook research in three middle-income cities: Nairobi, Kenya; Mumbai, India; and Bogotá, Colombia. In this report, ODI synthesizes the findings from these case studies concluding with a series of strategies to improve road safety pdf5

April 14th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

POLIS – Road Vehicle Automation and Cities and Regions, 2018

POLIS, the European cities and regions network for innovative transport solutions released a discussion paper entitled: “Road Vehicle Automation and Cities and Regions”. Polis promotes the discussion about vehicle automation, focusing on the car as opposed to lorries and buses and on ‘personal mobility’ rather than logistics. The aims of this paper are among others: a) to raise awareness of AV developments and their potential mobility and safety impact among city and regional administrations and to assist them in setting transport policies and plans to deal with them and b) to raise awareness of city and regional transport policies among vehicle manufacturers and other automated vehicle players.  pdf5

April 14th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

European Commission – Encouraging road safety results second year in a row, 2018

The European Commission has published the preliminary 2017 road safety statistics, which indicate for the second year in a row, a decrease in the number of fatalities of around 2%. While national authorities deliver most of the day-to-day actions, such as enforcement and awareness-raising, the Commission is working on a series of concrete measures to spur further substantial progress. This would be another step towards a “Europe that protects” as envisioned by President Juncker

Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc said: “25 300 people lost their lives on our roads last year, and many more were left with life-changing injuries. Behind these figures are as many stories of grief and pain. Road safety is of course a responsibility shared with the Member States, but I believe that the EU can do more to better protect Europeans. The ambition is clear: saving more lives on our roads.”  

The Road Safety Statistics on EU are included in the recent EU report titled “Trends, Statistics and main challenges” pdf5 and are discussed in the European Commission Fact Sheet: 2017 road safety statistics: What is behind the figures? 

April 14th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ETSC – EU Funds for Road Safety in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published a Position Paper titled “EU Funds for Road Safety in the Multiannual Financial Framework 2021-2027“. In this paper, ETSC presents recommendations for funding for road safety initiatives within the next long-term EU budget, known as the Multiannual Financial Framework (MFF). These recommendations should support work towards meeting the EU’s current target to reduce road deaths by 50% by 2020 and the new targets for 2030 as well as the long-term Vision Zero pdf5

March 17th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

New significant decrease of road fatalities in Greece 2017

Road fatalities in Greece in 2017 presented a significant decrease (10%) compared to 2016 figures, according to recently published ELSTAT data. This significant decrease could be attributed not only to the fact that Greece is still under economic crisis but also and mainly due to the fact that in the first semester of 2017, more than 500 km on new or upgraded motorways have been opened, replacing national roads with high road fatalities rates. pdf5

During the last decade, Greece presents one of the most significant road safety performances in the European Union, with a decrease of road fatalities of 54% and a decrease of serious injuries of 62%. The rate fatalities per million vehicles has decreased by 59% since 2007.

March 13th, 2018|Categories: Data|

ETSC – New EU vehicle safety standards essential to reducing child road deaths, 2018

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published the 34th PIN Flash Report “New EU vehicle safety standards essential to reducing child road deaths“, with the active contribution of NTUA. More than 8,000 children aged 0-14 years have been killed in road traffic collisions over the last ten years in the European Union, new data show. Half of the children killed were travelling in cars, a third were walking and 13% were cycling. ETSC says that measures that can reduce speeding are critical to preventing the deaths of more children and is calling for the EU to require vehicle safety technologies such as Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) and Automated Emergency Braking (AEB) that can detect pedestrians and cyclists to be fitted as standard on all new cars. 

February 28th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

UNECE – SafeFITS – the Global Road Safety Model on-line, 2018

The UNECE Global Road Safety Model SafeFITS developed by NTUA is now freely available online. The primary objective of the state of the art “Safe Future Inland Transport Systems (SafeFITS)” model is to assist Governments and Decision Makers to identify the most appropriate road safety policies and measures, allowing them to simulate the impact and effectiveness of different possible interventions based on real-world data.  

SafeFITS Final Report e-publicationpdf5

Jean Todt, United Nations Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety stated that: SafeFITS provides a tool to help Member States review their current road safety situation and priorities, assisting them to determine the most appropriate and beneficial policy options for their national context, under the framework of the Decade of Action for Road Safety.

February 27th, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ETSC – Call for mandatory alcohol interlocks in vans, lorries and buses across the EU, 2018

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has just published a Report titled ‘Call for mandatory alcohol interlocks in vans, lorries and buses across the EU‘. ETSC is looking at how to reduce the 5.000 deaths still caused by drink-driving in the European Union each year and comes up with two main recommendations: the EU should require alcohol interlocks: a) to be fitted in all new professional vehicles and b) retrofitted to cars used by repeat drink-driving offenders. 

Antonio Avenoso, Executive Director of ETSC said that: the alcohol interlock programmes have proven to be one of the most effective measures for tackling repeat drink-driving offences and should be extended across the European Union.

February 21st, 2018|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

WHO Europe – Fact Sheets on Road Safety SDGs 2017

World Health Organisation (WHO) Regional Office for Europe released Facts Sheets with key facts and figures, ongoing commitments, guidance on action, and indicators to monitor progress of the Sustainable Development Goals health targets, regarding Road Safety  pdf5:

  • SDG target 3.6: by 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents and
  • SDG target 11.2: by 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible and sustainable transport systems for all, improving road safety, notably by expanding public transport, with special attention to the needs of those in vulnerable situations, women, children, people with disabilities and older people.
November 21st, 2017|Categories: Data|

European Commission – TRIP Transport Safety Analysis Report , 2017

European Commission’s Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG-MOVE) released the sixth and final Research Theme Analysis Report, covering the Transport Safety research theme, produced under the Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP) continuation project, with the active contribution of NTUA. This Research Theme Analysis Report provides a robust and thorough assessment of the results from several European road safety projects and highlights the perspectives from scientific and policy points of view. pdf5

November 21st, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by transport mode, Greece 2015

According to the ELSTAT final road accidents data for 2015 in Greece, 40% of road fatalities are passenger car occupants, whereas almost 30% of road fatalities are power two wheelers (the highest percentage in the European Union). Most car occupant fatalities occur outside built-up areas while most motorcycle and pedestrian fatalities occur inside built-up areas. Accident severity is five times higher outside built-up areas for all transport modes. pdf5

October 27th, 2017|Categories: Data|

ERF – European Road Statistics 2017

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) has released the Road Statistics Yearbook 2017” with the active contribution of NTUA. As for many years, this publication provides the road community with important updated information on road transport sector and road infrastructure in Europe and beyond as an essential key element of the global mobility with one section focusing on road safety.  pdf5

October 27th, 2017|Categories: Data|

ITF – Road Injury Accidents Database 2017

The International Transport Forum (ITF) released the updated version of the Transport Database including the Road Injury Accidents Database with the latest data (2016). The database includes data on road injury accidents and road casualties in 53 countries, covering years from 2000 to 2016. The interactive design of the database gives the opportunity to export data, draw charts, and make dynamic queries. 

October 23rd, 2017|Categories: Data|

SuM4All – Global Mobility Report 2017

Sustainable Mobility for All (SuM4All) released the Global Mobility Report: the first-ever study to assess the global performance of the transport sector and the progress made toward four main objectives: universal access, efficiency, road safety, and green mobility. The publication covers all modes of transport, including road, air, waterborne, and rail transport. According to the report, the world is not on track to achieving sustainable mobility. Apart from being inaccessible to many of the world’s most vulnerable, the transport sector today is plagued by high fossil fuel use, rising greenhouse gas emissions, air and noise pollution, an alarming number of road fatalities, and a reluctance to embrace digitalization.  pdf5

October 23rd, 2017|Categories: Data|

EU transport in figures 2017

The Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) of the European Commission released the Statistical Pocketbook 2017 ‘EU Transport in figures‘. In this Statistical Pocketbook, key road safety Tables are contained, together with several other Tables on transport statistics, providing a complete picture of current trends in transport in Europe. Data on road fatalities for the EU member states and associate countries allow for time series comparisons and country rankings. pdf5

October 23rd, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2017

The International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published the full version of the Annual Report 2017, which provides an overview of road safety performance for 2015 in 40 countries, with preliminary data for 2016, and detailed reports for each country. It includes tables with cross country comparisons on key safety indicators and puts special emphasis on road safety for an ageing population, which represents a growing concern in many countries. The positive trend over the last few years of reduced road fatalities did not continue in 2015 and 2016. The 31 IRTAD member countries registered a 3.3% increase in road fatalities in 2015 compared to 2014. Finally, in 2016, the number of fatalities increased in 14 countries. doi

October 14th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

SafetyCube – The European Road Safety Decision Support System launched, 2017

The SafetyCube European Road Safety Decision Support System (DSS) was recently launched, developed within EU Horizons 2020 research project SafetyCube with the active contribution of NTUA. SafetyCube DSS is a long waited powerful tool offering for the first time worldwide, scientific evidence on the effects of a large number of road safety risks and related countermeasures on behaviour, infrastructure, vehicle and post-crash care, providing a wealth of scientific evidence to support road safety decision making.  video

NTUA presentation in the launch event concerned: ppt5 SafetyCube – the European Road Safety Decision Support System

October 6th, 2017|Categories: Conferences, Data, Knowledge|

Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety – Walking the Talk, 2017

The Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety, launched its new publication “Walking the Talk“, which describes the response of the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety and its member NGOs to the call for action represented by the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), with focus on SDG 3.6 (“By 2020, halve the number of global deaths and injuries from road traffic accidents.”) and 11.2 (“By 2030, provide access to safe, affordable, accessible, and sustainable transport systems for all.”). pdf5 

October 6th, 2017|Categories: Data|

EuroNCAP Road Map 2025 In Pursuit of Vision Zero, 2017

EuroNCAP launched its Road Map 2025, setting out for the first time the programme’s priorities for the mobility and technological revolution the auto industry is just beginning to experience. The objective is to offer clarity and confidence to motoring consumers, highlighting new automated driving technologies and raising awareness of their benefits whilst also helping to ensure their safety potential is fully realised.  pdf5 video

October 4th, 2017|Categories: Data|

European Commission – C-ITS Platform Phase II Final Report 2017

European Commission launched a report following the C-ITS Platform Phase I report from January 2016 and addresses the common technical and legal framework necessary for the deployment of C-ITS and also takes the needs and possibilities of higher levels of automation into consideration. Following an invitation of the European Commission, industry representatives and public authorities have agreed on a further developed shared vision on the inter-operable deployment of Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) towards cooperative, connected and automated mobility (CCAM) in the European Union. pdf5 

October 4th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions, 2017

A paper titled “Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s disease in different road and traffic conditions” authored by Dimosthenis PavlouEleonora PapadimitriouCostas Antoniou, Panagiotis PapantoniouGeorge Yannis, John Golias and Sokratis G. Papageorgiou, is now published in Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Volume 47, May 2017, pp. 122-131. The objective of this research was the analysis of the driving performance of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) or Alzheimer’s disease (AD), in different road and traffic conditions, on the basis of a driving simulator experiment. The results of this research suggest that compensatory behaviours developed by impaired drivers are not adequate to counterbalance the direct effects of these cerebral diseases on driving skills. They also demonstrate that driving impairments increase as cognitive impairments become more severe (from MCI to AD)doi

September 30th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

United Nations – Improving Global Road Safety Report 2017

United Nations launched the Report on Improving Global Road Safety, prepared by the World Health Organization in consultation with the United Nations regional commissions and other partners of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration. This Report provides an account of activities undertaken and achievements attained by the global road safety community in pursuance of the objectives of the Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011 -2020) and of target 6 of Sustainable Development Goal 3 (halving road traffic deaths and injuries by 2020). A number of notable high-level events were held in the intervening period, including the activities of the EU Horizons 2020 Research project SaferAfrica – African-European Dialogue Platform on Road Safety with the active contribution of NTUA. The Report concludes with a number of recommendations to the Assembly for achieving the goals of the Decade of Action and Sustainable Development Goal target 3.6pdf5

September 29th, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by weather conditions, Greece 2015

According to ELSTAT data, the majority of road accidents and fatalities in Greece occur during clear sky, both inside and outside built-up area. However, both road accidents and fatalities share outside built-up areas is much higher during rainy conditions than normal conditions of clear sky. Furthermore, accident severity is increased by 50% during raining especially inside built-up areas.pdf5

September 21st, 2017|Categories: Data|

Analysis of the effect of economic recession on road safety in Greece, 2017

A Diploma Thesis titled “Analysis of the effect of economic recession on road safety in Greece” was presented by Christos Batsos in September 2017. For this analysis, suitably processed road accident data during the period 2003-2014 have been exploited. It appears that the economic recession has led to a significant reduction in fatalities and serious injuries. The principal mechanisms bringing this decline about are the reduction of accidents with involvement of passenger cars, of young drivers and outside traffic junctions. These results indicate that apart from the decline of vehicle kilometers of travel, changes in road user behaviour might have contributed significantly to the overall improvement of road safety during the economic crisispdf5 ppt5

September 15th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Modelling mobile phone use impact on driver behaviour through the exploitation of data from smartphone sensors, 2017

A Diploma Thesis titled “Modelling mobile phone use impact on driver behaviour through the exploitation of data from smartphone sensors” was presented by Anastasia Argyropoulou in July 2017, with the support and data from OSeven Telematics. The aim of this Diploma Thesis was to examine and model the impact of mobile phone use on driver behaviour through the exploitation of data from smartphone sensors. To achieve this objective, data collected from 100 drivers who participated at a naturalistic driving experiment for four months were analysed through statistical modelling. The application of the models revealed that the factors affecting the harsh events are five, with the average driving speed being the main one, while the factors affecting the possibility of using the mobile phone while driving are six, with the average angular speed being the main onepdf5 ppt5

September 6th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Meta-analysis of the effect of road work zones on crash occurrence, 2017

A paper titled “Meta-analysis of the effect of road work zones on crash occurrence” authored by Athanasios TheofilatosApostolos ZiakopoulosEleonora PapadimitriouGeorge Yannis, and  Konstandinos Diamandouros is now published in Accident Analysis and Prevention. This paper presents formal meta-analyses of studies that have estimated the relationship between the number of crashes and work zone duration and length, in order to provide overall estimates of those effects on crash frequencies. All studies presented in this paper are crash prediction models with similar specifications. Meta-regression findings indicate that the main factors influencing the overall estimates of the beta coefficients are study year and region for work zone duration and study year and model specification for work zone length. doi

September 6th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Road fatalities by lighting conditions, Greece 2015

According to the latest ELSTAT data for 2015, most road fatalities in Greece occur at daytime and at night with good street lighting inside built-up area, or with no street lighting outside built-up area. Accident severity is increased 3 to 7 times more at night with no street lighting or no street lighting, but also at night accidents outside built-up areas. pdf5

September 6th, 2017|Categories: Data|

European Commission – Annual Road Accident Report and Infographics 2016

The Road Safety Unit of DG Move of the European Commission published recently the 2016 Edition of the EU Annual Road Accidents Report pdf5 and the respective Infographics pdf5 with the active contribution of NTUAKFV and ERF. The EU Annual Road Accidents Report is based on most recent disaggregate data for all EU countries from the CARE Database of the European Commission and consist of summary and cross-country comparative tables, figures and maps on key road safety topics for which data comparable across the EU counties are available.

September 6th, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities per million population, European Union 2007 – 2016

According to the EU road fatalities infographic of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory, ten countries have a better performance than the EU average, namely Sweden, UK, Netherlands, Denmark, Spain, Germany, Ireland, Finland, Austria, and Slovakia. Greece is ranked 24th in 2016. Lithuania demonstrated the highest road fatalities rate reduction (72%) in the last decade, followed by Estonia (63%) and Latvia (58%), whereas the EU average 10-year reduction is 42,5% and for Greece is 48%. pdf5

September 4th, 2017|Categories: Data|

PIARC – Advanced technology for data collection and information to users and operators, 2017

The World Road Association-PIARC recently published a Report entitled: “Advanced technology for data collection and information to users and operators”. The Report provides brief summaries of projects from around the world, presented in the form of use cases that are representative of innovative ways of collecting, distributing, and making use of mobile data to assist transportation officials in their winter maintenance operations and to provide information to the travelling public. The use cases or case studies were selected because it is the belief of the authors that, when deployed, any of the technologies described will have a positive impact on transportation safety, mobility, the environment, and/or more efficient use of human and material resources needed to carry out their winter maintenance duties. 

August 29th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

European Commission – Infographics on Traffic Safety Facts & Figures 2016

New Infographics with key traffic safety facts and figures were recently published at the European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) of the DG Move Road Safety Unit of the European Commission, with the active contribution of NTUA, KFV and ERF. These Infographics are based on the respective Basic Traffic Safety Facts 2016 published at the ERSO, containing a comprehensive series of statistical tables with the latest available data from the CARE database of the European Commission. These Infographics concern the following key traffic safety topics in relation to the Road Users: [Children, Young people (18-24), Youngsters (15-17), Elderly (aged >64), Gender Pedestrians, Cyclists, Motorcycles and Mopeds, Car occupants, Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses], the Road Infrastructure (Motorways, Junctions, Urban areas, Roads outside urban areas) and the Accident Circumstances (Seasonality, Single vehicle accidents). pdf5

July 26th, 2017|Categories: Data|Tags: |

ARRB – Automated and Driverless Vehicles in Australia 2017

The Australia and New Zealand Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI), led by the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), released the Preliminary findings from the first Australian National Survey of Public Opinion about Automated and Driverless Vehicles. In late 2016, a sub-set of members of ADVI’s Scientific Research Group designed and conducted a public opinion survey to gauge Australian public awareness, understanding and likely acceptance of automated vehicles, with the primary focus on cars. Responses from 5263 participants were collected and analysed in relation to their level of awareness of automated vehicles generally, and their opinions specifically about partly- and fully-automated cars: perceived risks associated with them, their willingness to pay for them, perceived potential benefits, trust in them, perceived concerns and likely acceptancepdf5

July 12th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|Tags: , , |

UNECE – SafeFITS – The Global Road Safety Model by NTUA 2017

SafeFITS, the Global Road Safety Model developed by NTUA for the United Nations – Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the support of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) has been presented and discussed at the respective RoundTable in Geneva, on June 30th, 2017. SafeFITS Model is a global macroscopic road safety decision making tool aiming to assist governments and decision makers, both in developed and developing countries, to explore and choose the most appropriate road safety policies and measures in order to achieve tangible results. The SafeFITS Model is based on the related scientific knowledge available worldwide, with emphasis on recent academic research and project results. 

NTUA Professor George Yannis presentation concerned:

ppt5 SafeFITS – A Global Road Safety Model For Future Inland Transport Systems

July 2nd, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

WHO – Advancing Road Safety in India, 2017

WHO Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion Collaborating Centre in India, released two reports on road safety prepared by Underwriters Laboratories (UL) and National Institute of Mental Health and Neuro Sciences (NIMHANS):

1. “Advancing Road Safety in India: Implementation is the key”, which is a report providing a comprehensive review of road safety scenario in India from a public health perspective pdf5

2. “Advancing Road Safety in India: Facts and Figures”, which is a report based on available information from different sources in India provides facts and figures aimed at equipping diverse stakeholders in taking appropriate actions pdf5

June 26th, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by accident type, Greece 2015

According to ELSTAT final road accidents data for 2015, come off the road and at angle collisions are the two most common accident types outside built-up areas. Pedestrian accidents, at angle collisions, come off the road and collisions with stopped vehicle are the most common accident types inside built-up areas. Accident severity is more than 5 times higher outside built-up areas at pedestrian accidents. pdf5

June 25th, 2017|Categories: Data|

ETSC – Tapping the potential for reducing work-related road deaths and injuries, 2017

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has just published the 33th PIN Flash Report “Tapping the potential for reducing work-related road deaths and injuries“, with the active contribution of NTUA. Over 25,600 lives were lost on the road in the European Union in 2016, of those a large proportion were victims of work-related road (WRR) collisions. Even though the exact number is unknown, it is likely that up to 40% of all road deaths are work-related. It includes three parts: Part I: Work-related road safety (WRRS) data collection and reporting, Part II: The national legal framework for work-related road safety, and Part III: Public authority leadership in managing work-related road risks.

June 22nd, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

ETSC PIN Report – Ranking EU Progress on Road Safety 2017

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published the PIN Annual Report at the eleventh edition of PIN Annual Conference on 20 June 2017, in Brussels. Since 2014, progress has virtually ground to a halt. 2016 was the third consecutive poor year for road safety: 25,670 people lost their lives on EU roads compared to 26,200 the previous year – a 2% decrease. But this followed a 1% increase in 2015 and stagnation in 2014. Out of the 32 countries monitored by the PIN Programme, 15 countries registered a drop in the number of road deaths last year. NTUA contributed actively to this ETSC PIN Annual Report.

June 22nd, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by road type, Greece 2015

According to the Hellenic Statistical Authority ELSTAT data, among the 793 persons killed in Greece in 2015: 405 were outside built-up areas and 388 were inside built-up areas. 57% of road fatalities outside built-up area occurred on national roads. More than 80% of road accidents and half of fatalities occurred inside built-up areas. However, accident severity is almost 5 times higher outside built-up areas in total. pdf5

June 22nd, 2017|Categories: Data|

Together for Safer Roads – New Trends and Opportunities in Road Safety Round Table, Atlanta 2017

The Private Sector Global Coalition Together for Safer Roads (TSR) composed by 16 leading global companies has organised on June 19th, 2017, in Atlanta, USA a Round Table Discussion on New Trends and Opportunities in Road Safety. This Round Table Discussion demonstrated the high potential of technology and new trends for safety improvement as well as the role of the Member Companies to promote and exploit this potential. NTUA Professor George Yannis presentation concerned:

ppt5 Exploiting Data for Road Safety Decision Making

June 20th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

EU Council – New target of halving seriously injured on the roads 2017

The Council of the European Union set a new target of halving the number of serious injuries on roads in the EU by 2030 from the 2020 baseline, using a recently agreed common definition. Of particular concern is the number of pedestrians and cyclists killed or seriously injured each year. Council conclusions on road safety endorse the Valletta declaration on improving road safety adopted at an informal ministerial meeting organised by the presidency on 29 March 2017. They will feed into the next EU strategy on road safety, which is expected to be developed for the decade 2020-2030.  pdf5

June 15th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

WHO – Save Lives, a road safety technical package 2017

World Health Organisation (WHO) released a a road safety technical package entitled: Save LIVES, which is an evidence-based inventory of priority interventions with a focus on Speed management, Leadership, Infrastructure design and improvement, Vehicle safety standards, Enforcement of traffic laws and post-crash Survival. The 6 strategies and 22 interventions recommended in the package are interrelated and should be implemented in an integrated manner to effectively address road traffic deaths and injuriespdf5

May 29th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

PIARC – Experience with Significant Incidents in Road Tunnels 2016

The World Road Association (PIARC) has recently published a report entitled: “Experience with Significant Incidents in Road Tunnels”. Approximately ten to fifteen years ago many countries introduced tunnel safety management systems and started paying attention to tunnel safety in a more structured way. Experience with tunnel incidents and methods for incident evaluation and risk analysis have led to developments in organisation and management and to improvements in the systems in use. In this report several contributing countries share information on lessons learned from incidents and developments in safety management and risk analysis and conclusions are drawn on topics of general interest

May 18th, 2017|Categories: Data|

DEKRA Vision Zero Interactive Map 2017

DEKRA has updated its online tool to track the status of “Vision Zero”, a multinational road traffic safety project demonstrating that hundreds of towns and cities with more than 50,000 inhabitants achieved the target of zero deaths caused by road accidents in at least a single year. 16 of these towns and cities did not see a single death caused by road accidents in the entire period. Overall, the figures show that, far from being an illusion, “vision zero” is attainable in urban habitats and already a reality in many towns and cities. This highlights the need to step up efforts to learn from successful towns and cities, to further improve road safety and get ever closer to achieving the vision – including with regard to serious injuries.   

May 17th, 2017|Categories: Data|

IRF – New knowledge repository on Road Safety 2017

The International Road Federation (IRF Geneva) supporting global action aiming at halving the number of road death and injuries from road crashes by 2020 released a new knowledge repository on road safety. The Global Transport Knowledge Practice (gTKP) hosts work produced by Project Group 1 and Project Group 2 of the United Nations Road Safety Collaboration Group (UNRSC). The release is being made possible by work of many of the members of the UNRSC and support from the World Bank hosted Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) and from RoadSafe UK

May 17th, 2017|Categories: Data|

CEDR – Trans-European Road Network, TEN-T (Roads) Performance Report 2016

Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) has published its fourth biennial report in 2016 on the performance of the TEN-T (Roads) network within CEDR member countries. CEDR’s intention in collecting and publishing this information is to establish a stable set of data with which to monitor trends and identify changes in the performance of the TEN-T (Roads) network. As such, the report is a useful source of information for individual National Road Administrations (NRAs), regulatory bodies, and others for benchmarking purposes and for setting national performance targets. pdf5

May 17th, 2017|Categories: Data|

Global Network for Road Safety Legislators – Manifesto #4RoadSafety, 2017

With 3500 people killed every day in traffic crashes the Manifesto #4RoadSafety issued by the Global Network for Road Safety Legislators highlights the measures that can help prevent this tragic waste of human life on the world’s roads. The Manifesto #4RoadSafety includes ten key recommendations to encourage parliamentarians to support the current United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020), with focus on speed management, the safe system approach, occupational road safety, good governance and funding for road injury prevention, the role of the multilateral development banks and proposes a new UN target for road safety in 2030.  

Download the Manifesto #4RoadSafety pdf5 and the Recommendations: pdf5

May 9th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

WHO – Powered two- and three-wheeler safety 2017

The World Health Organization has released a Road Safety Manual for decision-makers and practitioners concerning Powered Two- and Three-Wheeler (PTW) Safety. This Manual describes the magnitude of PTW death and injury; key risk factors; ways of assessing the PTW safety situation in a given setting and preparing an action plan; and how to select, design, implement and evaluate effective interventions. The Manual also stresses the importance of a comprehensive, holistic approach that includes engineering, legislation and enforcement measures, as well as behavioural changes.  pdf5

May 3rd, 2017|Categories: Data|

Together for Safer Roads – Report on Technology Transport Solutions 2017

In conjunction with World Day for Safety and Health at Work on April 28, Together for Safer Roads (TSR) released the “Guidelines for Using Technology to Address Road Safety Challenges” Report. This Report is the second in its Advancing Road Safety Best Practices for Companies and Their Fleets series, outlines how to effectively apply safety technologies, like connected vehicles and infrastructure, autonomous vehicles and features, sensors and telematics, and consumer electronics, to fleet operations in order to pave the way to a golden era of road safetypdf5 

April 30th, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by age, gender and road user type, Greece 2015

According to Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) data, 793 persons were killed in Greece in 2015: 545 drivers, 120 passengers and 128 pedestrians. Male drivers account for 65% of all road fatalities in Greece. Young male drivers aged 15-24 years old account for 15% of all male driver fatalities and older people account for more than 63% of all pedestrian fatalities. The higher accident severity was found in accidents involving older persons (7.6 fatalities per 100 accidents) and younger persons (4.4 fatalities per 100 accidents). pdf5

April 21st, 2017|Categories: Data|

ETSC – Reducing deaths in Single Vehicle Collisions, 2017

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has recently published the PIN Flash Report 32 ‘Reducing deaths in Single Vehicle Collisions‘, with the contribution of NTUA. A third of road deaths in the EU are caused by collisions that involve a single motorised vehicle where the driver, rider and/or passengers are killed but no other road users are involved. Several significant key recommendations to Member States and key recommendations to EU Institutions are included in this PIN Flash Report.  pdf5

April 11th, 2017|Categories: Data|

ITF – Global transport statistics interactive map 2017

The International Transport Forum (ITF) launched recently a new visualisation tool for transport indicators, including road fatalities data. The tool makes it possible to compare trends across countries, create rankings or show data on a map.

19 indicators for more than 50 countries cover topics including CO2 emissions, road safety, infrastructure investment, modal shares and the transport network. 

April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Data|

European Commission – Road safety 2016 encouraging results, 2017

The European Commission has published the most recent road safety statistics, based on provisional data for 2016 road deaths in Europe indicating a drop of 2% in the number of fatalities recorded across the EU last year. 25,500 people lost their lives on EU roads in 2016, 600 fewer than in 2015 and 6,000 fewer than in 2010. A further 135,000 people were seriously injured on the road according to Commission’s estimates. Following two years of stagnation, 2016 marks the return of a positive downwards trend and over the last six years, road fatalities have been cut by 19%. While this pace is encouraging, it may nevertheless be insufficient if the EU is to meet its target of halving road fatalities between 2010 and 2020, as said by Commissioner for Transport Violeta Bulc

April 3rd, 2017|Categories: Data|

WHO – Managing Speed 2017

In the context of the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week, WHO has released a new Report on Managing Speed, which highlights that excessive and inappropriate speed is among the key risks for road traffic deaths and injuries, contributing to around one third of road traffic fatalities in high-income countries and up to one half in low- and middle-income countries. Safe speeds are among the four main elements of the “safe systems approach” to road safety, along with safe roads and roadsides, safe vehicles and safe road users.  pdf5

March 21st, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

WHO – European Country Profiles on road safety 2016

This World Health Organisation (WHO) published the new Country Profiles from the “Global status report on road safety 2015” for 52 of 53 Member States in the WHO European Region. It is a companion to the regional data presented in “European facts and the global status report on road safety 2015”; the global status report adds a country-level perspective to allow individual countries to assess their own status with regard to road traffic fatality and policy indicators, to examine the comprehensiveness of legislation on established behavioural risk factors of speeding, drink–driving, and not using motorcycle helmets, seat-belts and child car restraints, to assess road safety audits, policies on mobility and vehicle safety standards and to take stock of progress towards achieving road safety for all road users.  pdf5

March 10th, 2017|Categories: Data|

ELSTAT – Infographics for road traffic accidents 2016

The Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT) recently announced the results of the Road traffic accidents survey for the 2016. This infographic visualises data regarding accidents, persons killed and persons injured in 2016 in Greece. In Attica, approximately 6.000 accidents took place, 7.000 persons persons (seriously or slightly) injured, and 201 persons killed. 

March 10th, 2017|Categories: Data, Knowledge|

Greece’s impressive road fatalities drop is stopped in 2016

Road fatalities in Greece in 2016 presented an increase (1%) for the first time since 2004, ending an impressive road fatalities drop during the economic crisis of almost 50%, as highlighted at the comprehensive statistics table based on recently published ELSTAT data.

During the last five years, road fatalities in Greece have decreased by 29% (since 2011), however injury road accidents decreased only by 17%. The rate fatalities per number of vehicles has decreased by 30% since 2011. pdf5

March 1st, 2017|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities characteristics, Greece 1991-2015

Basic characteristics of road fatalities in Greece for the period 1991-2015 are summarised in a comprehensive Table prepared by the NTUA Road Safety Observatory (data source: ELSTAT). Since 2005, there are approximately 1.000 less road fatalities per year in Greece. According to these time series data a spectacular decrease in road fatalities for young people (68%) and children (86%) is observed during the last decade, as well in fatalities outside urban areas, especially when raining and in accidents with heavy goods vehicles. On the contrary, fatalities decrease during the last decade is quite limited for motorcyclists and cyclists, older drivers, men drivers, single vehicle accidents, as well as in junctions outside built-up areas. pdf5

March 1st, 2017|Categories: Data|

European Commission – Traffic Safety Synthesis 2016

European Commission recently launched Traffic Safety Synthesis 2016, prepared by European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO), with the active contribution of NTUA. The European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) gathers harmonised specialist information on road safety practices and policy in European countries. Evidenced-based approaches lie at the heart of the most successful road safety polices – backed up by accident and other road safety data. ERSO collects a range of information types including a series of data protocols and collection methodologies, national and in-depth accident data, exposure data and safety performance indicators. ERSO was developed by the SafetyNet project and was later updated and expanded by the DaCoTA project. Current updates are managed by the EU’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport. 

The Traffic Safety Synthesis 2016 includes 22 key traffic safety topics:

  • pdf5 Advanced driver assistance systems
  • pdf5 Alcohol
  • pdf5 Cell phone use while driving
  • pdf5 Children
  • pdf5 Cost Benefit Analysis
  • pdf5 Driver Distraction
  • pdf5 Fatigue
  • pdf5 Integration of Road Safety in Other Policy Areas: Synergies and Conflicts
  • pdf5 Novice Drivers
  • pdf5 Older Drivers
  • pdf5 Pedestrians and Cyclists
  • pdf5 Post-impact care
  • pdf5 Power two wheelers
  • pdf5 Quantitative Road Safety Targets
  • pdf5 Roads
  • pdf5 Road Safety Management
  • pdf5 Safety Ratings
  • pdf5 Serious Injuries
  • pdf5 Speed and Speed Management
  • pdf5 Speed Enforcement
  • pdf5 Vehicle Safety
  • pdf5 Work-related
February 28th, 2017|Categories: Data|

European Commission – New publication on road safety country performance, 2015

The European Commission has published a leaflet demonstrating the road safety situation at the end of 2015 and the progress made since 2010 in the EU countries. The target of the EU was to halve the number of road fatalities on European roads by 2020. The purpose of this leaflet is to allow Member States and European citizens to compare their situation and to encourage them to continue their efforts regarding road safetypdf5

It is the first time that comparative figures on serious injuries and hospitalised casualties are published in Europe, exploiting the new harmonised definition based on MAIS3+.

February 24th, 2017|Categories: Data|

IRF World Road Statistics 2016

Since 52 years, the  International Road Federation (IRF) World Road Statistics (WRS) continue to be the major comprehensive, universal source of statistical data on road networks, traffic and inland transport. Over the past years, the WRS have proved to be an invaluable and internationally accepted reference tool for governments, NGOs, investments banks, research institutes and anyone analyzing and reporting trends in key subject areas like traffic volumes and vehicle usage, road expenditure, road safety, energy consumption and emissions. 

This year, the WRS 2016 (data 2009-2014) features more than 200 countries, with data on over 45 road related topics, presented in nine substantive sections, with the active contribution of NTUA for the Greek data. This is a tremendous achievement that complements the work accomplished last years with the 2015, 2014 and 50th Anniversary Editions.

January 13th, 2017|Categories: Data|

EC – Saving Lives: Boosting Car Safety in the EU, 2016

The European Commission recently set out a range of advanced safety measures that could be fitted to vehicles in the future and have the potential to save lives on the roads. These measures will be examined in detail to decide exactly how the vehicles of tomorrow will be made safer. The report presents workable and cost-effective car safety measures. The main objectives are to decrease the number of road victims and to help prevent accidents. As vulnerable road users, special attention was given to children and the elderly.  

January 3rd, 2017|Categories: Data|

EU transport Scoreboard 2016

The European Commission has published the 2016 edition of the EU Transport Scoreboard , a benchmark which compares how Member States perform in 30 categories covering all aspects of transport , including road safety . The objective of the Scoreboard is to assist EU Member States to identify areas requiring priority investment and action and demonstrates how the EU further deepens the internal market in transport.

November 18th, 2016|Categories: Data|

ERF – 2016 edition of the European Road statistics

Road Statitics Yearbook 2016” has been released by the European Union Road Federation (ERF). As for many years, this publication provides the road community with essential information on the road transport sector and remains a reference for all policy makers and major stakeholders. The publication features a range of interesting figures concerning the road network in Europe from the length of motorways to funding, past and on-going, as well as key figures on road safety. According to ERF, under-investment in roads, especially the past years of the financial crisis, represents a threat in the social and economic development of the EU member states and ERF aims to assist stakeholders through this publication to better plan future solutions and actions. pdf5 link

November 11th, 2016|Categories: Data|

ITF – Safe System for Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries, 2016

The International Transport Forum has recently published an evidenced based Research Report titled “Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries: Leading a Paradigm Shift to a Safe System“, prepared by the Safe System Implementation Working Group composed by international road safety experts including NTUA Prof. George Yannis. This ITF Safe System Report was presented at a dedicated Road Safety Seminar, held with great success on 3 October 2016 in Paris France. All presentations are now available.  link

This Report is relying on experiences in ITF/OECD countries, with practical policy recommendations for the attention of policy makers on the various steps in implementing a safe system approach. A Safe System is based on the premise that road crashes are both predictable and preventable, and that it is possible to move towards zero road deaths and serious injuries. This, however, requires a fundamental rethink of the governance and implementation of road safety policy. link

October 6th, 2016|Categories: Data, Knowledge|Tags: , , |

ETSC PIN Report – Ranking EU Progress on Road Safety 2016

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has published the PIN Annual Report at the tenth edition of PIN Annual Conference on 20 June 2016, in Brussels. 2015 was the second consecutive poor year for road safety, 26,300 people lost their lives on EU roads in 2015 compared to 25,970 in 2014, representing an increase of 1%. Out of the 32 countries monitored by the PIN Programme, as many as 22 saw an increase in the number of road deaths between 2014 and 2015. Across the EU28, road deaths were cut by 17% between 2010 and 2015, equivalent to a 3.6% average annual reduction. A 6.7% year-to-year reduction is needed over the 2010-2020 period to reach the target through constant progress in annual percentage terms. Yet the increase in 2015 means that the number of road deaths has to be reduced at a much faster average pace of about 9.7% each year between 2016 and 2020 for the EU to be on track for the target.

NTUA contributed actively to this ETSC PIN Annual Report.   

June 20th, 2016|Categories: Data|

WHO Road Safety Country Profiles 2015

The World Health Organization (WHO) released the Road Safety Country Profiles 2015. In these Country Profiles, summary road safety data and information is provided for each of the 182 WHO countries, concering the institutional framework, the safer roads and mobility, the safer vehicles, the safer road users, the basic road safety data and the post-crash care.  

April 29th, 2016|Categories: Data|Tags: |

EU road safety statistics call for fresh efforts to save lives on EU roads 2015

The European Commission has published the most recent statistics on road fatalities, based on provisional data for 2015 road deaths in Europe, confirming that European roads remain the safest in the world despite a recent slowdown in reducing road fatalities. 26.000 people lost their lives on EU roads last year, 5.500 fewer than in 2010. There is however no improvement at EU level compared to 2014.

In addition, the Commission estimates that 135.000 people were seriously injured on EU roads. The social cost (rehabilitation, healthcare, material damages, etc.) of road fatalities and injuries is estimated to be of at least €100 billion. The country-specific statistics reveal that the number of road fatalities still varies greatly across the EU, though this gap is becoming smaller every year. It is the first time ever that all EU countries present a rate of fatalities per million population of less than 100.

March 31st, 2016|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities characteristics, Greece 1991-2014

Basic characteristics of road fatalities in Greece for the period 1991 – 2014 are summarised in a comprehensive Table (data source: ELSTAT). Since 2001, there are more than 1.000 less road fatalities per year in Greece. According to these time series data a spectacular decrease (more than 60%) in road fatalities for young people and children is observed during the last decade, as well in fatalities outside urban areas, especially in junctions and in in accidents with heavy goods vehicles. On the contrary, fatalities decrease during the last decade is quite limited for motorcyclists and cyclists, older drivers, women drivers and non resident riders, as well as in junctions inside urban areas. pdf5

March 26th, 2016|Categories: Data|

Greece’s impressive road fatalities drop is stalled in 2015

According to provisional data from the Hellenic Statistical Authority (ELSTAT), the number of road fatalities in 2015 shows a slight annual increase of 1,3%, whereas injury accidents show a slight decrease of -1.1%. This road fatalities increase is observed for the first time since 2004, ending an impressive 49% road fatalities decrease in the economic crisis period 2008-2014 (-23% in injury accidents).

Greece has reached a point where there is great need for extra effort to further improve road safety in the Greek roads, with systematic actions from the Authorities and serious engagement from the society despite the continuous economic and social crisis in Greece. pdf5

March 26th, 2016|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by transport mode, Greece 2014

According to the ELSTAT final road accidents data for 2014 in Greece, 34% of road fatalities are passenger car occupants, whereas 38% of road fatalities are power two wheelers. Most car occupant fatalities occur outside built-up areas while most motorcycle and pedestrian fatalities occur inside built-up areas. Accident severity is higher outside built-up areas for all transport modes. pdf5

March 25th, 2016|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by lighting condition, Greece 2014

According to ELSTAT data, most fatalities occur at daytime and at night with good street lighting inside built-up area, or with no street lighting outside built-up area. Accident severity is increased at night with no street lighting or poor street lighting. pdf5

March 25th, 2016|Categories: Data|