European Commission Road Safety Vademecum 2013

The Road Safety Unit of DG MOVE of the European Commission issued the Road Safety Vademecum, in order to provide an overview of the latest road safety data and the main road safety developments in the European Union. It is based on data from the EU road accident database (CARE), presenting the first provisional figures reported for 2012, where available, complemented with the final detailed data for 2011. pdf5

March 21st, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: |

WHO World Road Safety Basic Data 2013

The World Health Organization (WHO) released tables with detailed data for specific topics by country/area. 

These tables are part of the statistical annexes of the Global Status Report on Road Safety 2013 and concern:  

– Road traffic deaths and proportion of deaths by road user

March 13th, 2013|Categories: Data|

WHO Road Safety Country Profiles 2013

The World Health Organization (WHO) released the Road Safety Country Profiles 2013.  In these Country Profiles, summary road safety data and information is provided for each of the 182 WHO countries, concering the institutional framework, the safer roads and mobility, the safer vehicles, the safer road users, the basic road safety data and the post-crash care.

At the Road Safety Country Profile for Greece, prepared with contribution from NTUA a comprehensive picture of road safety in Greece is provided. pdf5

March 13th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road Safety by Gender – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety by Gender in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. In 2010, 28.759 people were killed in road traffic accidents throughout the EU, a reduction of 41% since 2001 (49.859). The number of people killed in road accidents in the EU decreased between 2001 and 2010 by 41% for males and 45% for females. There are, however, many gender-related differences in individual countries. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Single vehicle accidents – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of single vehicle accidents in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. Almost 130.000 people were killed in single vehicle accidents in EU within the decade 2001-2010. This number represents almost one third of all traffic accident fatalities in those countries (32%). A significant decrease of 44% in single vehicle accident fatalities is recorded during the decade 2001-2010pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety by Seasonability – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety by Seasonability in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. Although the annual number of people who died in road traffic accidents in Europe has fallen over many years, the distribution of the annual number by month has scarcely changed. Motorcycling is the mode of transport with the most seasonal fatality distributionpdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety outside Urban Areas – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety outside Urban Areas in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 14.540  people were killed in traffic accidents on roads outside urban areas in the EU countries in 2010. Fatalities on roads outside urban areas were reduced by 44% between 2001 and 2010. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety at Junctions – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety at Junctions in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of theEuropean Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. Almost 6.500 people were killed in road traffic accidents at junctions in the EU countries in 2010, representing slightly more than 20% of the total road traffic fatalities. The fall in the number of fatalities at junctions over the past decade has broadly paralleled the fall of all fatalities. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety on Motorways – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety on Motorways in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 2.346 people were killed in road traffic accidents on motorways in 18 EU countries in 2009. The fatality rate (fatalities per million inhabitants) on motorways decreased by more than 48% between 2001 and 2010, from 9,5 per million inhabitants in 2001 to 4,7 in 2010. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. More than 4.800 people were killed in road traffic accidents involving HGVs and more than 800 people died in road traffic accidents involving buses or coaches in the EU countries in 2010. The annual number of people killed in road traffic accidents involving HGVs, buses or coaches fell by more than 40% between 2001 and 2010. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , , |

Car occupants fatalities – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of car occupants in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 15.079 car occupants were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2010, repersenting 48% of the total road traffic fatalities. This figure represents a 49% decrease in relation to the 27.490 fatalities of car occupants since ten years before in 2001. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety of Motorcycles and Mopeds – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Motorcycles and Mopeds in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. In 2010, 1.094 riders (drivers and passengers) of mopeds and 4.368 riders of motorcycles were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries, repersenting 15% of the total road traffic fatalities. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of Cyclists – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Cyclists in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. In 2010, 1.994 pedal cyclists were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries, repersenting 6,8% of the total road traffic fatalities. The figure represents a 38% decrease during the decade 2001-2010. pdf5


February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Pedestrians’ Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Pedestrians in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 5.582 pedestrians were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2010, which is 20% of all fatalities. This figure represents a 39% decrease in relation to the 9.130 pedestrian fatalities since ten years before in 2001. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of the Elderly – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of the Elderly in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 6.304 elderly people (>64 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2010. This figure constitutes 21,7% of road traffic fatalities of all ages in 2009. The number of elderly people who died in road traffic accidents fell by 30% between 2001 and 2010. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Young people’s Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Young people in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 4.853 young people (aged 18-24 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2010. The number of young people killes in road accidents halved between 2001 abd 2010. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Youngsters’ Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Youngsters in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. Almost 900 youngsters (aged 15-17 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2010. This figure represents a more than 50% decrease in relation to the 1.859 youngster fatalities since ten years before in 2001. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Children’s Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety of Children in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. Almost 800 children (<15 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2010. This figure represents a fall of over a half in relation to the 1.862 children fatalities since ten years before in 2001. pdf5

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Main Road Safety figures – EU facts & figures 2012

The detailed main road safety figures of the EU are highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012, available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. The United Kingdom, Sweden and Netherlands are the best performing EU countries, as far as fatalities per population is concerned, whereas Greece, Romania and Poland are those with the lowest performance. 

February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety in Urban Areas – EU facts & figures 2012

Road Safety in Urban Areas in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2012 available at the Road Safety Knowledge System of the DACOTA project within the framework of the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission. 10.837 people were killed in traffic accidents on urban roads in the EU countries in 2010, repersenting38% of the total road traffic fatalities. Fatalities on urban roads were reduced by 39% between 2001 and 2010. pdf5


February 4th, 2013|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road fatalities by age, gender, road user type, Greece 2011

According to ELSTAT data, 1.141 persons were killed in Greece:713 drivers, 205 passengers and 223 pedestrians.  Male drivers account for almost 60% of all road fatalities in Greece. Young male drivers account for almost 50% of male driver fatalities and older people account for more than 50% of pedestrian fatalities. The higher accident severity was found in accidents involving older persons (7,7 fatalities per 100 accidents) and younger persons (4,1 fatalities per 100 accidents). pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by road type, Greece 2011

According to ELSTAT data, among the 1.141 persons killed in Greece in 2011: 582 were outside built-up areas and 559 were inside built-up areas. 55% of road fatalities outside built-up area occurred on national roads. More than three quarters of road accidents and 49% of fatalities occurred inside built-up areas. However, accident severity is more than 4 times higher outside built-up areas in total. pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by accident type, Greece 2011

According to ELSTAT data, come off the road and at angle collisions are the most common accident types outside built-up areas. At angle collisions and pedestrian accidents, side impact and rear end collisions are the most common accident types inside built-up areas. Accident severity is 4 times higher outside built-up areas and almost 5 time higher at head-on collisions or when a pedestrian is involved. pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by lighting condition, Greece 2011

According to ELSTAT data, most fatalities occur at daytime and at night with good street lighting inside built-up area, or with no street lighting outside built-up area. Accident severity is increased at night with no street lighting or poor street lighting. pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by weather conditions, Greece 2011

According to ELSTAT data, the majority of road accidents and fatalities occur during clear sky, both inside and outside built-up area. However, accident severity is higher in rainy weather and other weather conditions especially outside built up areas.  pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by transport mode, Greece 2011

According to ELSTAT data, 27% of road fatalities are motorcycle riders, whereas half of road fatalities are passenger car occupants. Most car occupant fatalities occur outside built-up areas while most motorcycle and pedestrian fatalities occur inside built-up areas. Accident severity is higher outside built-up areas for all transport modes.  pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities characteristics, Greece 1991-2011

Basic characteristics of road fatalities in Greece for the period 1991 – 2011 are summarised in a comprehensive Table (data source:ELSTAT. Since 2001, there are more than 700 less road fatalities per year in Greece. According to these time series data an important decrease in road fatalities for young people is observed during the last decade, as well as a spectacular decrease in fatalities outside urban areas and in the number of people killed in accidents with HGV. On the contrary fatalities decrease during the last decade is limited for people kiled in motorways, non natianal drivers and women drivers. pdf5

January 16th, 2013|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities in Greece drop by 9% in 2011

According to ELSTAT final data for 2011, road fatalities in Greecein 2011 decreased by 9% in relation to 2010, with the deep economic crisis having an impact on this decrease. During the last decade, road fatalities in Greece have decreased by 39%, whereas serious injuries decreased by 50%. The rate fatalities per number of vehicles has decreased the same period by 61%. This rate is still high in comparison to the other EU countries, explained also by the the high increase of the vehicle fleet in Greece during the same period (56%). The significant increase in Police enforcement was found correlated to the road fatalities decrease. pdf5

November 20th, 2012|Categories: Data|

Basic Road Fatalities Figures, European Union 2002 – 2011

Road fatalities have decreased by almost 44% during the period 2002-2011, leading to 23.322 less road fatalities (2011) in comparison to 2002. Nine countries (LV, ES LT, HU, EE, PT, DK, CZ, IE) have reached reduction of more than 50% for the period 2001-2011. The performance of Greece in fatalities reduction is ranked 20th. pdf5

October 2nd, 2012|Categories: Data|

Road Safety of Motorcycles and Mopeds – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of Motorcycles and Mopeds in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. In 2009, 1.209 riders (drivers and passengers) of mopeds and 4.905 riders of motorcycles were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries, repersenting 16% of the total road traffic fatalities. pdf5

July 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

EU transport in figures 2012

The Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) of the European Commission released the Statistical Pocketbook 2012 ‘EU Transport in figures‘. In this Statistical Pocketbook, key road safety Tables are contained, together with several other Tables on transport statistics, providing a complete picture of current trends in transport in Europe. Data on road fatalities for the EU member states and associate countries allow for time series comparisons and country rankings. pdf5

July 6th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

International Road Safety Comparisons 2010

The Department of Infrastructure and Transport of the Australian Government has recently published a statistical report. The report presents summaries of road deaths and road death rates for Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) nations and Australian states and territories. The rates allow for a comparison of Australia’s road safety performance with that of other OECD nations by accounting for the differing levels of population, motorisation and distances travelled. pdf5

July 4th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Single vehicle accidents – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of single vehicle accidents in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. More than 134.000 persons were killed in single vehicle accidents in EU within the decade 2000-2009. This number represents almost one third of all traffic accident fatalities in those countries (32%). A significant decrease of 36% in single vehicle accident fatalities is recorded during the decade 2000-2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety by Seasonability – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety by Seasonability in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Although the annual number of people who died in road traffic accidents in Europe has fallen over many years, the distribution of the annual number by month has scarcely changed. Motorcycling is the mode of transport with the most seasonal fatality distribution. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Main Road Safety figures – EU facts & figures 2011

The detailed main road safety figures of the EU are highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011, recently released at the  European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. The United Kingdom, Netherlands and Sweden are the best performing EU countries, as far as fatalities per population is concerned, whereas Romania, Greece and Poland are those with the lowest performance. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety at Junctions – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety at Junctions in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 7.200 people were killed in road traffic accidents at junctions in the EU countries in 2009, representing more than 20% of the total road traffic fatalities. The fall in the number of fatalities at junctions over the past decade has broadly paralleled the fall of all fatalities. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Youngsters’ Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of Youngsters in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 1.000 youngsters (aged 15-17 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2009. This figure represents a 40% decrease in relation to the 1.700 youngster fatalities since ten years before in 2000. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Young people’s Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of Young people in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 5.675 young people (aged 18-24 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2009. This figure represents a 44% decrease in relation to young people fatalities since ten years before in 2000. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of the Elderly – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of the Elderly in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 7.000 elderly people (>64 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2009. This figure constitutes 21,7% of road traffic fatalities of all ages in 2009. The number of elderly people who died in road traffic accidents fell by almost a quarter between 2000 and 2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of Cyclists – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of Cyclists in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. In 2009, 2.109 pedal cyclists were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries, repersenting 6,6% of the total road traffic fatalities. The figure represents a 33% decrease during the decade 2000-2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. More than 4.200 people were killed in road traffic accidents involving HGVs and more than 850 people died in road traffic accidents involving buses or coaches in the EU countries in 2009. The annual number of people killed in road traffic accidents involving HGVs, buses or coaches fell by more than 40% between 2000 and 2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , , |

Road Safety in Urban Areas – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety in Urban Areas in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 12.301 people were killed in traffic accidents on urban roads in the EU countries in 2009, repersenting 38% of the total road traffic fatalities. Fatalities on urban roads were reduced by 32% between 2000 and 2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety outside Urban Areas – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety outside Urban Areas in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. More than 16.000  people were killed in traffic accidents on roads outside urban areas in the EU countries in 2009. Fatalities on roads outside urban areas were reduced by 40% between 2000 and 2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety by Gender – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety by Gender in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. In 2009, 31.978 people were killed in road traffic accidents throughout the EU, a reduction of more than 37% since 2000 (51.202). The number of people killed in road accidents in the EU decreased between 2000 and 2009 by 37% for males and 39% for females. The reductions in most countries were greater for female fatalities than for male. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Children’s Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of children in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 900 children (<15 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2009. This figure represents a fall of over a half in relation to the 1.912 children fatalities since ten years before in 2000. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|

Car occupants fatalities – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of car occupants in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 15.158 car occupants were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2009, repersenting 47% of the total road traffic fatalities. This figure represents a 45% decrease in relation to the 27.651 fatalities of car occupants since ten years before in 2000. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety on Motorways – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety on Motorways in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the  European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 2.346 persons were killed in road traffic accidents on motorways in 18 EU countries in 2009. The fatality rate (fatalities per million inhabitants) on motorways decreased by almost 48% between 2000 and 2009, from 10,0 per million inhabitants in 2000 to 5,1 in 2009. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Pedestrians’ Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2011

Road Safety of Pedestrians in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2011 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 6.641 pedestrians were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2009, which is 20% of all fatalities. This figure represents a 34% decrease in relation to the 9.476 pedestrian fatalities since ten years before in 2000. pdf5

June 15th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Drink Driving: Towards Zero Tolerance 2012

In April 2012, ETSC published the report ‘Drink Driving: Towards Zero Tolerance‘. Drink driving is one of the three main killers. According to the European Commission’s estimates 25% of all road fatalities across the EU are alcohol related. This report provides an overview of the drink driving situation in the European Union and measures taken at the EU level to curb drink driving deaths. Countries’ progress in reducing road fatalities attributed to drink driving between 2001 and 2010 is also presented. pdf5

April 27th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2011

The International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published the Annual Report 2011, which comprises a synthesis of the main trends and road safety indicators for the year 2010 and preliminary data for the year 2011. It presents longer-term trends in order to better understand the developments taking place in the different countries. It also presents a summary of national road safety strategies and related targets that have been developed in IRTAD countries in the context of the UN Decade of Action for Road Safety. Recent safety measures implemented are highlighted together with detailed safety data by road user, location and age. Moreover, a report activity of the IRTAD Group for the year 2010 summarising the activities of the Group and detailed reports from 32 countries are presented. NTUA has contributed to the detailed report for Greece. pdf5

April 6th, 2012|Categories: Data|Tags: |

EU progress in cutting road deaths falls to 2% in 2011

The European Commission has published road fatalities statistics based on provisional data for 2011 showing that EU progress in cutting road fatalities significantly slowed last year (to2%) compared with a very promising EU-wide reduction throughout the last decade (on average -6%). Worse still, some EU Member States, like Germany and Sweden, who have very strong safety records, now show a significant increase in deaths. In other Member States, like Poland and Belgium – already lagging behind in road safety – the number of road fatalities went up. 

March 30th, 2012|Categories: Data|

ERF European Road Statistics 2011

The European Union Road Federation (ERF) released recently the ERF 2011 European Road Statistics. This annual publication contains all essential information on the road transport sectorfor the period 1990-2009 for the EU countries, but also for other countries in Europe and worldwide.  These statistics concern the road network, infrastructure financing, road maintenance and investing, goods and passenger transport, road safety, taxation and environement. The road safety section contains road fatalities time series, country rankings, safety indicators and basic fatalities characteristics. pdf5

December 27th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

How is your country doing? Road Safety 2011

The European Commission has published a leaflet demonstrating the situation at the end of 2010 and the progress made since 2001 on the EU roads and by country. The target of the EU was to halve the number of fatalities on European roads by 2010. The reduction in fatalities achieved between 2001 and 2010 for the EU is 43%. The purpose of this leaflet is to allow Member States and European citizens to compare their situation and to encourage them to continue their efforts regarding road safety. pdf5

December 22nd, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities characteristics, Greece 1991 – 2010

Basic characteristics of road fatalities in Greece for the period 1991 – 2010 are summarised in a comprehensive Table (data source:ELSTAT). After 20 years, there are about 800 less road fatalities per year in Greece. According to these time series data an important decrease in road fatalities for young people and pedestrians is observed during the last decade, as well as a spectacular decrease in fatalities outside urban areas.  On the contrary fatalities decrease during the last decade is limited for motorcyclists and older drivers. pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by transport mode, Greece 2010

According to ELSTAT data, 29% of road fatalities are motorcycle riders, whereas half of road fatalities are passenger car occupants. Most car occupant fatalities occur outside built-up areas while most motorcycle and pedestrian fatalities occur inside built-up areas. Accident severity is higher outside built-up areas for all transport modes.  pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by weather conditions, Greece 2010

According to ELSTAT data, the majority of road accidents and fatalities occur during clear sky, both inside and outside built-up area. However, accident severity is higher in rainy weather, especially inside built-up areas. pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by lighting condition, Greece 2010

According to ELSTAT data, most fatalities occur at daytime and at night with good street lighting inside built-up area, or with no street lighting outside built-up area. Accident severity is increased at night with no street lighting or poor street lighting. pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by accident type, Greece 2010

According to ELSTAT data, head-on, at angle, rear-end collisions and come-off the road are the most common accident types outside built-up areas. At angle collisions and pedestrian accidents are the most common accident types inside built-up areas. Accident severity is 4 times higher outside built-up areas, especially at head-on collisions when a pedestrian is involved. pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by road type, Greece 2010

According to ELSTAT data, among the 1.258 persons killed in Greece in 2010: 665 were outside built-up areas and 593 were inside built-up areas. 60% of road fatalities outside built-up area occurred on national roads. More than three quarters of road accidents and 47% of fatalities occurred inside built-up areas. However, accident severity is more than 4 times higher outside built-up areas in total. pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities by age, gender, road user type, Greece 2010

According to ELSTAT data, 1.258 persons were killed in Greece: 838 drivers, 241 passengers and 179 pedestrians.  Male drivers account for almost 70% of all road fatalities in Greece. Young male drivers account for almost 45% of male driver fatalities and older people account for more than 50% of pedestrian fatalities. The higher accident severity was found in accidents involving older persons (8,0 fatalities per 100 accidents) and younger persons (4,5 fatalities per 100 accidents). pdf5

December 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|

Basic road safety figures, Greece 1998 – 2010

According to ELSTAT data, during the last decade, road fatalities in Greece have decreased by 38%, whereas serious injuries decreased by 59%. The rate fatalities per number of vehicles has decreased the same period by 60%. This rate is still high in comparison to the other EU countries, explained also by the the high increase of the vehicle fleet in Greece during the same period (58%). The significant increase in Police enforcement was found correlated to the road fatalities decrease. pdf5

October 19th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

EU transport in figures 2011

Directorate General for Mobility and Transport (DG Move) of the European Commission released the Statistical Pocketbook 2011 ‘EU Transport in figures‘. In this Statistical Pocketbook, key road safety Tables are contained, together with several other Tables on transport statistics, providing a complete picture of current trends in transport in Europe. Data on road fatalities for the EU member states and associate countries allowed for time series comparisons and country rankings. 

July 26th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Changes of Greek drivers’ attitude towards road safety 2011

According to the first results of the SARTRE 4 Pan-European drivers’ attitude survey processed by NTUA, Greek drivers demonstrate an increase of perceived risk associated with drug use or mobile phone use between 2004 – 2011. The perceived risk associated with bad weather and driver fatigue has also increased between 1996 – 2011. Greek drivers self-reported speeding behaviour increased in 2011, despite the decrease between 1996 – 2004.pdf5

July 15th, 2011|Categories: Data|

EU road fatalities fall by 11% in 2010

The European Commission has published new statistics showing that EU road fatalities decreased by 11% in 2010. However, country by country statistics show that the number of deaths still varies greatly across the EU. Most countries achieved double-digit reductions in the number of road deaths over the past year, the best ones being Luxembourg (33%), Malta (29%) Sweden (26%) and Slovakia (26%). However there is still a lot of work to be done. 

July 7th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

World traffic death rates 2011

In Wikipedia, several road fatalities data sources were combined in order to produce the world list of traffic-related death rates: the annual number of road fatalities per capita, per vehicle fleet and per vehicle-kms. According to the World Health Organization motor vehicle collisions are the 6th most common cause of death in developed nations with an average rate of 20.8 per 100,000 populations in the year 2000 (30.8 for males, 11.0 for females). African nations have the world’s highest road traffic injury mortality rates. 

July 4th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

ETSC PIN Report – Greece ranked 27th 2011

In June 2011, ETSC published the PIN Annual Report. During the period 2001-2010 a decrease of road fatalities of 43% was observed in the 27 EU countries, whereas the respective reduction in Greece was 37%.  For the first time, Greece is ranked 27th, with 123 persons killed per million population (EU average 62).  The European target of 50% road fatalities reduction in comparison to 2001 was achieved by eight countries.  pdf5

July 1st, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety at Junctions – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety at Junctions in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 8.300 people were killed in road traffic accidents at junctions in the EU countries in 2008, representing 21% of the total road traffic fatalities. This figure represents a 30% decrease in relation to the 10.500 fatalities at junctions since ten years before in 1999. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Main Road Safety figures – EU facts & figures 2010

The detailed main road safety figures of the EU are highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010, recently released at the  European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. The Netherlands, United Kingdom and Sweden are the best performing EU countries, as far as fatalities per population is concerned, whereas Greece, Romania and Poland are those with the lowest performance. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety on Motorways – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety on Motorways in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the  European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 1.654 persons were killed in road traffic accidents on motorways in 16 EU countries in 2008, representing almost 7% of the total road traffic fatalities. The fatality rate (fatalities per million inhabitants) on motorways decreased by almost 42% between 1999 and 2008, from 8,3 per million inhabitants in 1999 to 4,8 in 2008. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of Motorcycles and Mopeds – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of Motorcycles and Mopeds in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. In 2008, 1.213 riders (drivers and passengers) of mopeds and 3.999 riders of motorcycles were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries, repersenting 17,7% of the total road traffic fatalities. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Car occupants fatalities – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of car occupants in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 17.037 car occupants were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2008, repersenting 48% of the total road traffic fatalities. This figure represents a 39% decrease in relation to the 27.748 fatalities of car occupants since ten years before in 1999. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Children’s Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of children in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 980 children (<15 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2008. This figure represents a 55% decrease in relation to the 2.155 children fatalities since ten years before in 1999. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Single vehicle accidents – EU facts & figures 2010

European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. More than 106.000 persons were killed in single vehicle accidents in EU within the decade 1999-2008. This number represents one third of all traffic accident fatalities in those countries (33%). The number of people killed in single vehicle accidents in 2008 was 35% less than in 1999. pdf5


June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety by Seasonability – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety by Seasonability in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Although the annual number of people who died in road traffic accidents in Europe has fallen over many years, the distribution of the annual number by month has scarcely changed. Motorcycling is the mode of transport with the most seasonal fatality distribution. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety by Gender – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety by Gender in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. In 2008, 36.721 people were killed in road traffic accidents throughout the EU, a reduction of almost one third since 1999 (30.1%). The number of people killed in road accidents in the EU decreased between 1999 and 2008 by 29% for males and 34% for females. The reductions in most countries were greater for female fatalities than for male. pdf5


June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road Safety outside Urban Areas – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety outside Urban Areas in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. More than 20.500  people were killed in traffic accidents on roads outside urban areas in the EU countries in 2008. Fatalities on roads outside urban areas were reduced by 36% between 1999 and 2008. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety in Urban Areas – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety in Urban Areas in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 13.502 people were killed in traffic accidents on urban roads in the EU countries in 2008, repersenting 38% of the total road traffic fatalities. Fatalities on urban roads were reduced by 26% between 1999 and 2008. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of Heavy Goods Vehicles and Buses in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. More than 5.200 people were killed in road traffic accidents involving HGVs and more than 950 people died in road traffic accidents involving buses or coaches in the EU countries in 2008. The annual number of people killed in road traffic accidents involving HGVs, buses or coaches fell by almost 40% between 1999 and 2008. pdf5


June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , , |

Road Safety of Cyclists – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of Cyclists in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. In 2008, 2.440 pedal cyclists were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries, repersenting 6,5% of the total road traffic fatalities. The figure represents a 29% decrease during the decade 1999-2008. pdf5


June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road Safety of the Elderly – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of the Elderly in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 7.150 elderly people (>64 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2008. This figure constitutes 20,1% of road traffic fatalities of all ages in 2008. The number of elderly people who died in road traffic accidents fell by almost a quarter between 1999 and 2008. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Young people’s Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of Young people in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 6.421 young people (aged 18-24 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2008. This figure represents a 40% decrease in relation to young people fatalities since ten years before in 1999. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Youngsters’ Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of Youngsters in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. Almost 1.200 youngsters (aged 15-17 years old) were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2008. This figure represents a 39,6% decrease in relation to the 1.984 youngster fatalities since ten years before in 1999. pdf5


June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Pedestrians’ Road Safety – EU facts & figures 2010

Road Safety of Pedestrians in the EU is highlighted at the Traffic Safety Basic Facts 2010 recently released at the European Road Safety Observatory of the European Commission as prepared by the DACOTA project. 7.638 pedestrians were killed in road traffic accidents in the EU countries in 2008, which is 20.4 % of all fatalities. This figure represents a 25% decrease in relation to the 10.278 pedestrian fatalities since ten years before in 1999. pdf5

June 30th, 2011|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

IRTAD Road Safety Annual Report 2010

The International Road Traffic and Accident Database (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published the Annual Report 2010, which comprises a synthesis of the main trends and road safety indicators for the year 2009 and preliminary data for the year 2010. It also presents longer term trends in order to better understand the development taking place in the different countries. Moreover, a report activity of the IRTAD Group for the year 2010 summarising the activities of the Group and detailed reports from 32 countries. NTUA has contributed to the detailed report for Greece. pdf5

December 23rd, 2010|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road fatalities by road type, Greece 2009

59% of road accidents and fatalities outside built-up area occurred on national roads. More than three quarters of road accidents and 44% of fatalities occurred inside built-up area. However, accident severity is 5 times higher outside built-up areas in total. pdf5

October 30th, 2010|Categories: Data|Tags: , |

Road fatalities by lighting condition, Greece 2009

Most fatalities occur at daytime and at night with good street lighting inside built-up area, or with no street lighting outside built-up area. Accident severity is increased at night with no street lighting or poor street lighting.  pdf5

October 29th, 2010|Categories: Data|Tags: |

Road fatalities by transport mode, Greece 2009

Almost half of fatalities are passenger car occupants. Another 28% of fatalities are motorcycle riders. Most car occupant fatalities occur outside built-up areas while most motorcycle and pedestrian fatalities occur inside built-up areas. Accident severity is higher outside built-up areas for all transport modes. pdf5

October 29th, 2010|Categories: Data|Tags: , , |

Road fatalities by accident type, Greece 2009

Head on, at angle collisions and come off the road are the most common accident types outside built-up areas. Pedestrian accidents, at angle collisions and collisions with stopped vehicle are the most common accident types inside buipt-up areas. Accident severity is 5 times higher outside built-up areas especially at head on collisions when a pedestrian is involved. pdf5

October 29th, 2010|Categories: Data|

Road fatalities characteristics, Greece 1991 – 2009

Road fatalities characteristics are presented in this table. According to the data an important decrease in the road fatalities of young people and pedestrians is observed during the period 1991 – 2010, as well as a spectacular decrease in fatalities outside urban areas. pdf5

October 29th, 2010|Categories: Data|