ITF – Speed and Crash Risk, 2018

The International Road Traffic and Accident Group (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published recently a new Report “Speed and Crash Risk”, with the active contribution of NTUA. After reviewing the current knowledge on the relationship between speed and crash risk, this report analyses eleven cases from ten countries that have recently changed speed limits or introduced a large-scale automatic speed control. The analysis confirms the very strong relationship between speed and crash risk and that higher speed is associated with increased occurrence and severity of road crashes pdf5

March 31st, 2018|Categories: Knowledge, News|

NTUA Civil Engineering School ranked 11th in Europe 2018

The Civil Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked this year 11th in Europe and 42nd worldwide among all Civil Engineering Schools. This ranking is produced by the QS Organisation (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2018) based on the following criteria: Research, Teaching, Employability, Facilities, Internationalization, Innovation, Engagement and Access. NTUA road safety activities have contributed to this ranking. 

Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Dean of the Civil Engineering School highlighted that the Civil Engineering School advanced one position in the European rankings compared to 2017, with best performance in criterion on citations per paper (23rd worldwide).

March 7th, 2018|Categories: News|

ITF – Alcohol-Related Road Casualties in Official Crash Statistics, 2018

The International Road Traffic and Accident Group (IRTAD) of the International Transport Forum (ITF/OECD) published recently a new Report, with the active contribution of NTUA, which examines how improving insights regarding the real number of alcohol-related road casualties worldwide can help to save lives.  A total of 45 countries were surveyed with the help of an online questionnaire, and insightful statistics are presented in this Report.  pdf5

IRTAD Chairman, Professor Fred Wegman, highlighted that: “With great certainty, the real number of alcohol-related road casualties is higher than reported in the official statistics”.

February 18th, 2018|Categories: Knowledge, News|

SaferAfrica 2nd Newsletter, 2018

The 2nd Newsletter of the African-European Dialogue Platform on Road Safety (SaferAfrica) has been recently issued with the active contribution of NTUA. This Newsletter is the official, semi-annual newsletter of the SaferAfrica Project funded within the EC Horizon 2020 Programme, aiming to create favourable conditions and opportunities for the effective implementation of actions for road safety and traffic management in African countries. This second issue includes: a) Road Safety Data Capturing and Management Challenges in Africa, b) Stories from Cameroon and South Africa, c) Safety Cube Decision Support System, d) Road Safety in new H2020 Work Programme and more. pdf5

NTUA Prof. George Yannis highlighted that for capturing accurate and complete road safety data in Africa there is need to follow international data collection practices and recommendations as well as the systematic re-organisation of the competent national Authorities, within the safe system approach.

February 3rd, 2018|Categories: News|

ITF – Benchmarking Road Safety in Latin America, 2018

Road safety is a major issue in Latin America and substantial actions are needed to reduce the number of road deaths and injuries. The International Transport Forum (ITF) released a report which describes and benchmarks road safety management and performance in ten Latin American countries: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay and Uruguay. The comparisons in this study allow identifying similarities and differences between countries’ road safety performance. It will be useful to policy makers in assessing weaknesses and strengths, and designing effective road safety policies that make use of the experiences in other countries pdf5

February 1st, 2018|Categories: Knowledge, News|

NTUA Road Safety Observatory in figures 2017

The infographic of the 2017 NTUA Road Safety Observatory ( highlights one more very intensive year, striving with highly scientific expertise to improve road safety in Greece, in Europe and worldwide. The nrso people with excellent dedication, efficiency and expertise were active in 16 innovative research projects, succeeded to publish 51 scientific papers (20 in peer reviewed journals), had more than 16.500 nrso users, handled more than 100.000 emails and run more than 4.700 km! pdf5

January 29th, 2018|Categories: News|

e-Drive Academy – Introducing Traffic Behaviour and Road Safety in Greek Schools, 2018

e-Drive Academy is an Innovative Educational e-platform for Safe, Smart, Ecological Transport and Driving, developed and operated by the General Directorate of Road Safety of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks. e-Drive Academy provides all necessary educational services in order to develop an improved road safety culture and safe travelling for all road users, regardless of age, education or economic level. It aims to raise awareness of road users to adapt their behaviour to safer everyday travelling, with particular emphasis on consolidation of road safety issues and traffic safety education of children and preparing them as the responsible drivers of tomorrow. e-Drive Academy introduces for the first time the systematic teaching of Traffic Behaviour and Road Safety in Greek Primary Schools which start within 2018.   

January 21st, 2018|Categories: Knowledge, News|

European Commission – VESAFE, the one stop shop for vehicle safety, 2018

VESAFE, the one stop shop for vehicle safety is an e-guide commissioned by the European Commission (DG Employment, Social Affairs and Inclusion) and it has been developed by a consortium made up of TNOTOIKooperationstelleFesvialvhp, and Learnways. Work-related vehicle risks account for 29% of all fatal occupational accidents. However, good practices to avoid and reduce these risks have already been implemented within the member states in the EU. Sharing them can help employers and workers to improve vehicle-related safety. With this interactive e-guide many good practices are provided as well as an overview of relevant regulations and information about safe driving for work, workplace transport safety, and working on or near a road

January 21st, 2018|Categories: News|

NACTO/GDCI – Global Street Design Guide, 2017

Global Designing Cities Initiative together with the National Association of City Transportation Officials (NACTO) launched “The Global Street Design Guide“, as a very timely resource that will set a global baseline for designing streets and public spaces while redefining the role of streets in a rapidly urbanizing world. The Guide broadens how to measure the success of urban streets to include access, safety and mobility for all users, environmental quality, economic benefit, public health and overall quality of life.  pdf5

Michael R. Bloomberg, Founder of Bloomberg Philanthropies, and Former Mayor of the City of New York highlighted that this guide helps city leaders meet those challenges in ways that also connect people to jobs and services and bring new life to neighborhoods and it is full of creative ways cities are reshaping streets to better serve the public.

January 10th, 2018|Categories: News|

World Bank/GRSF – The High Toll of Traffic Injuries: Unacceptable and Preventable, January 2018

The World Bank Global Road Safety Facility (GRSF) has published a Report titled “The High Toll of Traffic Injuries: Unacceptable and Preventable”. It proposes a comprehensive methodology to quantify both the income growth and social welfare benefits that safer roads could bring to developing countries.  The study shows that reducing the number of RTIs in developing countries not only increases income growth, but also generates substantial welfare benefits to societies

January 10th, 2018|Categories: News|

NTUA Best Wishes for a Joyful and Safe 2018

At the end of another year full of surprises, non-stopping efforts, few disappointments and some great achievements like the new breakthrough Road Safety Decision Support Systems: SafetyCube and SafeFITS, we persist with creative hope and scientific rigor for even more safe road traffic everywhere and for all.

We are sending you all our very best wishes for very joyful Christmas holidays and a very happy and fruitful new year 2018, plenty of personal and professional achievements. pdf5

January 1st, 2018|Categories: News|

Universita di Pavia – Post Graduate programme in management of Road Safety, 2018

Universita di Pavia is implementing for 2018 a post bachelor programme in Management of road safety and reconstruction and analysis of road accident. The innovative course has the aim of training highly qualified professionals with a solid background in road safety and capable of operating in all the phases of investigations and analysis of road accidents. The programme is a full time international one-year program and designed for students from all over the world. The master’s course language is English and Italian.  pdf5

December 6th, 2017|Categories: News|

European Commission launched TRIMIS, 2017

The Transport Research and Innovation Monitoring and Information System – TRIMIS is an online platform for researchers to share and discuss innovation in mobility in Europe. It is an evolution of the Transport Research & Innovation Portal (TRIP), and incorporates TRIP’s database of over 10,000 EU and national transport research projects. TRIMIS monitors the implementation and effectiveness of the roadmaps developed by the Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda (STRIA). TRIMIS analyses technology trends, research and innovation capacities and developments in the European transport sector, providing open-access information. 

December 2nd, 2017|Categories: Knowledge, News|

Global NCAP & AA South Africa launched #SaferCarsforAfrica, 2017

Global NCAP and AA South Africa launched #SaferCarsforAfrica on 22 November 2017 in Cape Town, with the first independent crash test assessment of some of South Africa’s most popular compact and small cars. The crashworthiness results of the five cars tested showed a wide range of safety performance, from four to zero stars for adult protection, with the lowest ratings resulting in a high probability of life threatening injury in a road crash. 

December 2nd, 2017|Categories: News|

WHO – 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets 2017

The World Health Organization (WHO) in collaboration with other United Nations Agencies and Regional Commissions is developing the global performance targets on key risk factors and service delivery mechanisms to reduce road traffic fatalities and injuries, aligned to the UN Sustainable Development Goals for 2030.  The second revision of the related WHO Discussion Paper was published in August 2017 pdf5 and in November 2017 a comprehensive set of 12 Global Road Safety Performance Targets was put forward aiming to guide global road safety policy and related activities up to 2030. pdf5  The Member States have also invited WHO and other UN Agencies to continue the work by developing a set of related indicators. 



November 22nd, 2017|Categories: News|

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2017

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is observed on the third Sunday of November each year (this year on 19 November 2017) by an increasing number of countries on every continent around the world. From 1995, the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) observed this day, as European Day of Remembrance, that was adopted by the United Nations in 2005, and is dedicated to remembering the many millions killed or injured in road crashes and their families and communities, as well as to pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police and medical professionals who daily deal with the traumatic aftermath of road death and injury.   twitter

Several activities took place worldwide, including those of:

  • the World Health Organization (WHO) supported this World Day of remembrance  and produced Save LIVES: a road safety technical package, last May pdf5

Several activities took also place in Greece:

November 7th, 2017|Categories: News|

UN – Road accidents in Africa among deadliest worldwide, urging more action, 2017

A recent United Nations‘ Press Release highlighted the fact that 650 people are killed each day in road accidents throughout Africa. “There is projected increase in urbanization, motorization, infrastructure development projects and vehicle ownership in the region over the coming decades. Road traffic fatalities and injuries will continue to take a rising toll on countries if no significant changes are made” warned the Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, addressing the 2017 Africa Road Safety Conference in Cape Town, South Africa. To change this trend, Mr. Todt urged participating governments to implement the Global Plan for the Decade of Action and the African Road Safety Action Plan, which focuses on safer roads, vehicles and road users. It also details improved post-crash care and stronger road safety governance, including the enforcement of strong legislation. He also called for implementing basic laws not obeyed in some countries, such as using seat belts and helmets, child safety seats, and prohibiting drunk drivers. 

November 7th, 2017|Categories: News|

HITE Position on Road Safety and on Road Traffic Code changes in Greece

The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE), has released its position towards the improvement of road safety in Greece with an elaborate problem analysis and a comprehensive set of prioritised measures.  In addition, HITE has released its position on the changes of the Road Traffic Code proposed by the Government. Even though some proposed provisions are considered very useful (cycle and HGV traffic rules, fines rationalisation, etc.) the intention to decrease speeding fines and to increase motorways speed limits are blatant failures highlighted by the HITE. pdf5 pdf5 

November 5th, 2017|Categories: News|

25th IRTAD Meeting – Marrakesh 2017

The 25th Meeting of the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF) took place in Marrakesh, on 13 October 2017 

NTUA presentations concerned:

October 14th, 2017|Categories: Conferences, News|

Safety Science – Call for papers for the Special Issue on Naturalistic Driving Research, 2017

A special issue of Safety Science on Naturalistic Driving Research is now calling for papers with NTUA Professor George Yannis as Guest Editor. Manuscripts submitted to this Special Issue will enable information dissemination on the latest methodologies and findings from naturalistic driving research worldwide. Topic Areas may include, but are not limited to: Crash risk and crash causation, Distraction and inattention, Interaction with cyclists and pedestrians, Vehicle automation and connectivity, Eco-driving, Typical everyday driving behaviour, Novice drivers, Elderly Drivers, Naturalistic Cycling, Naturalistic Riding (Powered two-wheelers), Methodology and definitions. 

Deadline for Submission of full paper online: December 31, 2017

October 11th, 2017|Categories: News|

FIA – Distraction is a killer, #ParkYourPhone when on the road, 2017

FIA Region I and its member Clubs are launching #ParkYourPhone, a campaign to encourage responsible smartphone use in traffic. For drivers, pedestrians and cyclists, only a few seconds of distraction can make a difference between life and death.  FIA President and UN Secretary-General’s Special Envoy for Road Safety, Jean Todt, said “Drivers, cyclists and pedestrians need to understand the dangers of using smartphones in traffic. To combat the 3,500 lives lost every day in road accidents, I urge all road users to park their phones when they are in traffic.”   video video

October 3rd, 2017|Categories: Knowledge, News|

UN ECE – SafeFITS Global Road Safety Model 2017

Safe Future Inland Transport Systems (SafeFITS), the Global Road Safety Model developed by NTUA for the United Nations – Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE) with the support of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) was presented by NTUA Professor George Yannis, at the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety (WP.1) as part of its Seventy-fifth session in 19 September 2017, in order to showcase current developments and obtain feedback from national representatives. The SafeFITS tool is built around a statistical model based on historical road safety data and the relations between different road safety indicators. SafeFITS will enable Governments to identify the most appropriate road safety measures and policies to save even more lives. pdf5 

September 30th, 2017|Categories: Knowledge, News|

BRSI is now Vias institute, 2017

VIAS Institute is the organisation that is taking over the role of Belgian Road Safety Institute (BRSI) after 30 years. The change of name is the final part of a process that was put in motion six years ago. Over the years, BRSI has built up a strong reputation in the area of road and traffic safety. BRSI have done so – based on research – by targeting the way in which they work on the changes to people’s behaviour out on the road. Improving road safety, along with mobility and safety in general: that is the aim of VIAS Institute, as a major Belgian Knowledge center.  

September 14th, 2017|Categories: News|

SAFER’s new Website, 2017

The Vehicle and Traffic Safety Centre at Chalmers (SAFER) has recently launched its new website, aiming to further communicate worldwide SAFER research findings and presenting all projects, publications, news, seminars and other activities. SAFER is the open innovation arena with the contribution of Volvo, VTI, Chalmers University and other partners, where researchers and expertise work together to create safe mobility. Its traffic safety approach covers people, vehicles and the infrastructure – and together they contribute to safer road transports and smarter, more sustainable cities. 

September 4th, 2017|Categories: News|

I_HeERO Workshop & Demonstration in Athens, 2017

The Institute of Communication & Computer Systems and the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure & Transport are organising a workshop and demonstration of  I_HeERO – “Infrastructure Harmonised eCall European Pilot” implementation in Greece, that will be held on Tuesday, 24 October 2017 at the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport facilities, in Athens, Greece. The European project I_HeERO: Deployment pilot project of EU-wide eCall is aimed at the preparation of Public Safety Answering Points (PSAPs) in the participant Member States (Bulgaria, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finland, Germany, Greece, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia) for the deployment of eCall based on 112 as reference implementations. The event is expected to attract a wide variety of participants from private and public institutions, local authorities, academic and research communities, manufacturers, road transport professionals and end users associations.  pdf5

August 29th, 2017|Categories: Conferences, News|

PIARC – Advanced technology for data collection and information to users and operators, 2017

The World Road Association-PIARC recently published a Report entitled: “Advanced technology for data collection and information to users and operators”. The Report provides brief summaries of projects from around the world, presented in the form of use cases that are representative of innovative ways of collecting, distributing, and making use of mobile data to assist transportation officials in their winter maintenance operations and to provide information to the travelling public. The use cases or case studies were selected because it is the belief of the authors that, when deployed, any of the technologies described will have a positive impact on transportation safety, mobility, the environment, and/or more efficient use of human and material resources needed to carry out their winter maintenance duties. 

August 29th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

SaferAfrica Newsletter, 2017

The Newsletter of the African-European Dialogue Platform on Road Safety (SaferAfrica) has been recently issued with the active contribution of NTUA. This Newsletter is the official, semi-annual newsletter of the SaferAfrica Project funded within Horizon 2020 programme of the European Commission, aiming to create favourable conditions and opportunities for the effective implementation of actions for road safety and traffic management in African countries by setting up a Dialogue Platform between Africa and Europe. The first issue includes a) New Network of Regional Road Safety Observatories by World Bank, OECD and FIA, b) Towards the Pan-African Road Safety Knowledge and Data Centre, c) Data-driven road safety under construction in Cameroon. pdf5

August 1st, 2017|Categories: News|

ARRB – Automated and Driverless Vehicles in Australia 2017

The Australia and New Zealand Driverless Vehicle Initiative (ADVI), led by the Australian Road Research Board (ARRB), released the Preliminary findings from the first Australian National Survey of Public Opinion about Automated and Driverless Vehicles. In late 2016, a sub-set of members of ADVI’s Scientific Research Group designed and conducted a public opinion survey to gauge Australian public awareness, understanding and likely acceptance of automated vehicles, with the primary focus on cars. Responses from 5263 participants were collected and analysed in relation to their level of awareness of automated vehicles generally, and their opinions specifically about partly- and fully-automated cars: perceived risks associated with them, their willingness to pay for them, perceived potential benefits, trust in them, perceived concerns and likely acceptancepdf5

July 12th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|Tags: , , |

NTUA Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering ranked 9th in Europe 2017

The Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the Civil Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked 9th in Europe and 39th worldwide among all Transportation Science & Technology Schools  and the Civil Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked 7th worldwide (3rd European) among all Civil Engineering Schools  according to ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking of Academic Subjects (GRAS) 2017 pdf5. The methodology of the ShanghaiRanking’s Global Ranking include specific thresholds, indicators and weights. 

June 30th, 2017|Categories: News|

EU Council – New target of halving seriously injured on the roads 2017

The Council of the European Union set a new target of halving the number of serious injuries on roads in the EU by 2030 from the 2020 baseline, using a recently agreed common definition. Of particular concern is the number of pedestrians and cyclists killed or seriously injured each year. Council conclusions on road safety endorse the Valletta declaration on improving road safety adopted at an informal ministerial meeting organised by the presidency on 29 March 2017. They will feed into the next EU strategy on road safety, which is expected to be developed for the decade 2020-2030.  pdf5

June 15th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

ETSC – Call for urgent action on vehicle safety standards 2017

A coalition of Industry, NGOs, Consumer Groups and Cities are calling on the European Commission to urgently bring forward new minimum safety standards for new cars, vans and trucks, waited since long. The European Association of Automotive Suppliers (CLEPA), the European Cyclists Federation (ECF), POLIS, the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) and Transport & Environment (T&E) released a letter suggesting that new minimum vehicle safety standards are ‘absolutely critical’ to reducing deaths and serious injuries on European roads

June 6th, 2017|Categories: News|

WHO – Save Lives, a road safety technical package 2017

World Health Organisation (WHO) released a a road safety technical package entitled: Save LIVES, which is an evidence-based inventory of priority interventions with a focus on Speed management, Leadership, Infrastructure design and improvement, Vehicle safety standards, Enforcement of traffic laws and post-crash Survival. The 6 strategies and 22 interventions recommended in the package are interrelated and should be implemented in an integrated manner to effectively address road traffic deaths and injuriespdf5

May 29th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

Global Network for Road Safety Legislators – Manifesto #4RoadSafety, 2017

With 3500 people killed every day in traffic crashes the Manifesto #4RoadSafety issued by the Global Network for Road Safety Legislators highlights the measures that can help prevent this tragic waste of human life on the world’s roads. The Manifesto #4RoadSafety includes ten key recommendations to encourage parliamentarians to support the current United Nation’s Decade of Action for Road Safety (2011-2020), with focus on speed management, the safe system approach, occupational road safety, good governance and funding for road injury prevention, the role of the multilateral development banks and proposes a new UN target for road safety in 2030.  

Download the Manifesto #4RoadSafety pdf5 and the Recommendations: pdf5

May 9th, 2017|Categories: Data, News|

SafetyCube – Practical guidelines for determining the number of serious road injuries – Newsletter May 2017

SafetyCube is a research project funded by the European Commission under Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in the domain of Road Safety. The project started on May 1st, 2015 and runs for a period of three years with primary objective to develop an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select and implement the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and all severities in Europe and worldwide. NTUA is actively contributing to all phases of the SafetyCube project. 

The latest SafetyCube newsletter is now available, including very useful Practical Guidelines for determining the number of serious road injuries.  

May 4th, 2017|Categories: News|

UNECE – Working Document on Automated Driving 2017

On March 23rd, during its 74th session, UN World Road Safety Forum discussed an Informal Document on automated driving. This document, submitted by the Chair of WP.1 Informal Working Group of Experts on Automated Driving (IWG-AD), provides a draft common understanding of the Vienna and Geneva conventions with regard to the use of automated driving functions. pdf5

May 3rd, 2017|Categories: News|

NTUA – PostDoc Marie Curie Individual Fellowships 2017

NTUA is inviting experienced researchers from EU countries established outside Greece, who would like to pursue a PostDoc research programme at the NTUA Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, to apply for European or Global Fellowships of the Marie Curie Individual Fellowships Programme of the European Commission (deadline: September 14th, 2017).

The NTUA Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering is a world class centre on transport research excellence, offering high level research opportunities in state-of-the-art transport science disciplines, within a highly skilled and warm research team. Detailed requirements for application are available at the Marie Curie Programme website  pdf5 and for further information you can contact us.

May 1st, 2017|Categories: News|

IRU – Guidelines for Safe and Efficient Road Freight Reception, 2017

The International Road Transport Union (IRU) has recently launched the Guidelines on Safer Goods Receptionwith aim to promote and ensure a safe and efficient working environment and use of the loading/unloading site for all stakeholders at the reception of goods. These IRU Guidelines provide information, rules and recommendations for different goods reception areas, taking into consideration safety, environment and cost effectiveness measures, enabling users to select the best solution based on its specific requirements. The Guidelines include general information on goods reception areas intended to facilitate the safe loading and unloading of goods and aim to contribute to an efficient and safe working environment for all new and existing reception areas.  pdf5

April 29th, 2017|Categories: News|

UN Fourth Global Road Safety Week 2017

The UN Road Safety Collaboration is organising the global campaign for the Fourth UN Global Road Safety Week, 8-14 May 2017. The Week will focus on speed and what can be done to address this key risk factor for road traffic deaths and injuries. Speed contributes to around one-third of all fatal road traffic crashes in high-income countries, and up to half in low- and middle-income countries. The Global Road Safety Week seeks to increase understanding of the dangers of speed and generate action on measures to address speed, thereby saving lives on the roads. link  Several events are also organised in Greece:

April 25th, 2017|Categories: News|

TISPOL / EC – EDWARD – European Day without a Road Death 2017

The European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) together with the European Commission DG Move Road Safety Unit have launched the project EDWARD – the European Day Without A Road Death 2017. After just one year, Project Edward has earned its place on Europe’s road safety calendar. The 2017 European Day without a Road Death will take place on Thursday 21 September. Several events, initiatives and promotional activity right across Europe will take place. Moreover, there will be a brand new dedicated Project EDWARD website with lots of new resources, artwork you can download – including images and infographics, a social media schedule so you will know what we’re going to be doing and can align yourself with various messages in the build-up to the day and on the day itself, a countdown timer to the day itself (starting 11 June, 100 days before 21 September), an interactive map and a brand new pledge to sign. link 

Several EU countries have uploaded their videos about project EDWARD 2017: video

April 11th, 2017|Categories: News|

GRSP – New series of road safety positioning papers 2017

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) has launched a new series of Positioning Papers, designed to create an understanding of the scale of road traffic deaths and injuries and their linkages to other humanitarian and development issues. The Positioning Papers seek to highlight that road safety is a multidimensional issue that requires an urgent and sustained contribution across many sectors, and that evidence based road safety interventions can address broader development issues such as children’s rights, public health, consumer rights and more. The Positioning Papers further enhance the GRSP’s suite of tools to support road safety advocacy campaign planning, including a general advocacy campaign toolkit and media advocacy toolkit, all of which are available on its Advocacy Tools web page. 

March 21st, 2017|Categories: News|

NTUA Civil Engineering School ranked 12th in Europe 2017

The Civil Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked this year 12th in Europe and 42rd worldwide among all Civil Engineering Schools. This ranking is produced by the QS Organisation (QS World University Rankings by Subject 2017) based on the following criteria: Research, Teaching, Employability, Facilities, Internationalization, Innovation, Engagement and Access. NTUA road safety activities have contributed to this ranking. pdf5

Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Dean of the Civil Engineering School highlighted that the Civil Engineering School improved its ratings, compared to 2016, in all individual criteria of the ranking, except for one: the reputation of its graduates, in which there was a slight decline (from 80 to 74.9). The Civil Engineering School scored its best individual ranking in the “citations per paper” criterion (91.1), in which it was ranked 19th worldwide. In this specific criterion it overpasses a lot of competitive schools which have a better overall ranking

March 10th, 2017|Categories: News|

ICoRSI – Independent Council for Road Safety International

The Independent Council for Road Safety International (ICoRSI) is a recently launched new not-for profit organization, which provides independent authoritative advice on global road safety policies by road safety scientists that have no financial conflicts of interest. ICoRSI aims to provide rapid, independent and evidence-based information on road safety policy and practice to policy makers and the public, strengthen the capacity of safety professionals and policy makers to understand existing evidence and undertake new research and facilitate in capacity building for safety professionals and policy makers in the field of transportation safety. 

ICoRSI has recently launched comments on WHO’s draft global targets for road safety risk factorspdf5

February 28th, 2017|Categories: News|

Transport Research Arena – Research Awards TRAVisions 2018

TRAVisions concerns two competitions for transport research awards to be announced in a prestigious award ceremony at the Transport Research Arena Conference on 16-19th April 2018 in Vienna:  pdf5 twitter

  • TRAVisions 2018 Young Researcher Competition, an academic student competition with the goal of stimulating the interest among young researchers and students in the field of sustainable surface transport 
  • TRAVisions 2018 Senior Researcher Competition , a competition for senior researchers in the field of innovative surface transport concepts based on results only from EU-funded projects .
February 24th, 2017|Categories: Conferences, News|

NTUA Road Safety Observatory in figures 2016

The infographic of the 2016 NTUA Road Safety Observatory ( highlights one more very intensive year, striving with highly scientific expertise to improve road safety in Greece, in Europe and worldwide.

The nrso people with excellent dedication, efficiency and expertise were active in 13 innovative research projects, succeeded to publish more than 55 scientific papers (21 in peer reviewed journals), achieved more than 38.500 visits of the nrso website, handled more than 75.000 emails and run more than 4.500 km! pdf5

February 11th, 2017|Categories: News|

NTUA Best Wishes for a Joyful and Safe 2017

At the end of another year full of surprises and non-stopping efforts, we heartily wish you very joyful Christmas holidays and a very happy and fruitful new year 2017, plenty of personal and professional achievements. Let’s face the new challenges ahead with creative hope and scientific persistence for even safer roads in Europe and worldwide.

December 10th, 2016|Categories: News|

Ministry of Infrastructure – Road Safety Auditors Certification in Greece 2016

The recently established Road Infrastructure Safety Directorate (P.D.109/2014) pdf5 of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks has further adapted Greek legislation to the provisions of Directive 2008/96/EC pdf5 on Road Infrastructure Safety Management by introducing the certification procedures for Road Safety Auditors in Greece (OG 1694/13.6.2016) pdf5.

This new legislation concerns the establishment and implementation of procedures for road safety audits and inspections, the assessment of road safety impacts and the management and improvement of the Greek national road network safety level, at the design, construction and operational stages. According to these new procedures, Road Safety Audits will be performed by Certified Auditors who should have completed a Certified Road Safety Training Program and obtained the certificate of competence.  NTUA has actively contributed to the development of these procedures and the related scientific supporting material.

November 25th, 2016|Categories: News|

NTUA Associate Researchers obtained the NTUA Thomaidion Awards 2016

Dr. Panagiotis Papantoniou obtained the NTUA Thomaidion Αward 2016 for the publication of the journal paper titled “Assessment of driving simulator studies on driver distraction, co-authored by Prof. George Yannis and Dr. Eleonora Papadimitriou in the Advances in Transportation Studies. doi

Dr. Dimosthenis Pavlou obtained the NTUA Thomaidion Αward 2016 for the publication of the conference paper titled “Driving behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment and Alzheimer’s Disease: a driving simulator study, co-authored by Dr. Eleonora Papadimitriou, Dr. Costas Antoniou, Dr. Panagiotis Papantoniou, Prof. George Yannis, Prof. John Golias, and Dr. Sokratis Papageorgiou, in the Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015. pdf5

November 24th, 2016|Categories: News|

NTUA ranked 3rd in Europe for scientific citations in transport 2016

According to a recent University Ranking, based on the number of references in scientific journals over the last decade (2007-2016) in the field of transportation, NTUA ranks 3rd in Europe and 19th worldwide (h-index: 26). The Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens has contributed largely to this excellent performance and road safety was one of the main components. 

November 24th, 2016|Categories: News|

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2016

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is observed on the third Sunday of November each year (this year on 20 November 2016) by an increasing number of countries on every continent around the world. From 1995, the European Federation of Road Traffic Victims (FEVR) observed this day, as European Day of Remembrance, that was adopted by the United Nations in 2005, and is dedicated to remembering the many millions killed or injured in road crashes and their families and communities, as well as to pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police and medical professionals who daily deal with the traumatic aftermath of road death and injury.   twitter

Several activities took place worldwide, including those of:

Several activities took also place in Greece:

November 20th, 2016|Categories: News|

SaveKidsLives – Safe and healthy journey to school at the new urban Agenda 2016

The New Urban Agenda is a twenty year global policy framework for cities. It has been adopted at the United Nations Habitat III conference, held in Quito, Ecuador. The #SaveKidsLives campaign, contributed towards ensuring road safety goals were included in the Global Goals. Now, with over 1 million supporters, the #SaveKidsLives campaign marks a significant achievement; the New Urban Agenda includes the core objective of a ‘safe and healthy journey to school for every child’ as a prioritylink

November 8th, 2016|Categories: News|

ITF – Safer City Streets – New Global Network launched 2016

Safer City Streets, the new global traffic safety network for liveable cities, was launched on 18 October during the UN Habitat III conference in Quito, Ecuador. Safer City Streets is managed by the International Transport Forum and it is built for cities to share their experience and learn from each other. Cities address many challenges by working together and learning from each other – but so far not in road safety. Safer City Streets fills this gap by linking cities that are working to make their citizens safer in traffic. It provides city officials high-value information for better decision making, global networking and learning opportunities for city officials and the possibility to carry out research on topics of common interest. Member cities have access to policy-relevant data, a network of experts and targeted analysis. link link

NTUA has actively contributed to the Methodology for Developing the Database and Network.  link

October 31st, 2016|Categories: News|

EuroNCAP – Latest Safety Ratings published 2016

EuroNCAP announced it’s latest safety ratings, sorted by the date of publication, by star rating and by make in alphabetical order. In 2016, the star rating is based on a vehicle fitted only with safety equipment which is standard across the entire model range, throughout EU28. All cars assessed now have a rating with standard safety equipment only. A second rating might also be available for the same vehicle model which represents the additional safety available from a ‘safety pack’, containing all of the safety technologies needed to achieve the additional star rating and must be available on all variants in all countries where the additional equipment is not standard. The EuroNCAP’s latest safety ratings are now available: 

October 31st, 2016|Categories: News|

FIA Foundation – Investing to prevent road trauma 2016

A new Report “Investing to prevent road trauma saves lives and pays financial dividends” launched by FIA Foundation on 22nd September 2016 during the iRAP Innovation Workshop hosted by the World Bank in Washington DC, presenting findings to representatives of development banks, philanthropies and road authorities. The new report builds on the last year’s Report: Breaking the Deadlock: A Social Impact Investment Lens on Reducing Costs of Road Trauma and Unlocking Capital for Road Safety and is part of the FIA Foundation’s ‘Financing for Development’ series of policy and research papers. link

October 6th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , , , |

TISPOL / EC – EDWARD – European Day without a Road Death 2016

The European Traffic Police Network (TISPOL) together with the European Commission DG Move Road Safety Unit have launched the project EDWARD – the European Day Without A Road Death 2016, which took place with great success on 21 September 2016. This day there were 43 road deaths across 31 countries, compared to 70 fatalities on the same day in 2015 (reduction of almost 39%) with 19 countries recording zero fatalities on 21 September, compared with 11 countries in 2015. A full country-by-country result report is now available: link

Project EDWARD also featured a road safety pledge asking road users to promise to: drive at speeds that are both legal and safe, pay particular attention when driving near schools, never drive after drinking alcohol or taking drugs/medicines, always wear seat belt and not using mobile phone while driving. link


September 21st, 2016|Categories: News|

International SOS Foundation – Launch of Road Safety Travel Risk Map 2016

A new Road Safety overlay feature to the Travel Risk Map has been recently launched by the International SOS Foundation, working in collaboration with GRSP and utilizing data from the WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015. The interactive Travel Risk Map has been a widely used resource for business travellers in understanding the risks posed when visiting or relocating to foreign countries in terms of travel security and medical risk. The addition of the Road Safety Risk overlay will serve to educate the mobile workforce to be more aware of the vast differences in road traffic environments from country to country. 

June 9th, 2016|Categories: News|

NTUA – Department of Transportation Planning & Engineering new website 2016

The new website of the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens is now up and running at:

The education and research activities of the Department since its establishment in 1982 are highlighted, together with all the latest news. Road safety was and still constitutes a major scientific discipline within the activities of the Department. 

May 15th, 2016|Categories: News|

NTUA PhD Thesis awarded European Friedrich List Prize 2016

The PhD Dissertation of Dr. Panagiotis Papantoniou at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens, titled: ‘Risk factors, driver behaviour and accident probability. The case of distracted driving‘ has been awarded winning dissertation of the European Friedrich-List-Award 2016 and the European Platform of Transport Sciences (EPTS).  ppt5

May 13th, 2016|Categories: News|

Transportation Research F – Call for papers on Fitness to Drive 2016

A special issue of Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, on Fitness to Drive is now calling for papers. The Special Issue of Fitness to Drive considers all aspects associated with determining if a person is fit to drive and subsequent implications of this decision.

Its basis includes: 1) naturalistic and/or observational studies of drivers post personal decision or medical requirement to cease driving, 2) evaluation of methodologies for objectively determining fitness to drive 3) issues of enforcement, legal and societal implications, and 4) consideration of how decisions of fitness to drive fit within the licensing system in terms of private and commercial license holders. The submissions should be empirical papers based on rigorous quantitative and qualitative methods/techniques and should be submited before October 1st, 2016

May 12th, 2016|Categories: News|

UN Resolution to improve global road safety 2016

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution which represents the strongest ever commitment on road safety made by UN Member States. It invites Member States that have not already done so to consider adopting policies and measures to implement United Nations vehicle safety regulations or equivalent national standards to ensure that all new motor vehicles, meet applicable minimum regulations for occupant and other road users protection, with seat belts, air bags and active safety systems fitted as standard.

The resolution builds upon the ‘Brasilia Declaration’ passed by the 2nd Global High Level Conference on Road Safety held on 18th -19th November 2015 in Brasilia and endorses the standard fitment of active safety systems which are the primary focus of the Stop the Crash Partnership.  

April 28th, 2016|Categories: News|

SafetyCube – Developing an Innovative Road Safety DSS – Newsletter April 2016

SafetyCube is a research project funded by the European Commissionunder the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in the domain of Road Safety. The project started on May 1st, 2015 and will run for a period of three years with primary objective todevelop an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select and implement the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and all severities in Europe and worldwide. NTUA is actively contributing to all phases of the SafetyCube project. 

The latest SafetyCube newsletter with the latest project developments is now available.  

April 25th, 2016|Categories: News|

UGroningen – Traffic Psychology and Sustained Mobility MSc Programme – 2016

The MSc programme ‘Traffic Psychology and Sustained Mobility‘will start running on 1 September 2016, by the University of Groningen. The programme is based on differenct disciplines covering the broad theme of mobility and offer courses that examine social perspectives that consider how a decline in the ability to process information affects mobility and that focus on the clinical effects of ageing (e.g. dementia). Road Safety in the modern mobility framework is a key issue addressed by this MSc Programme.  

April 18th, 2016|Categories: News|

UN Resolution to Establish Road Safety Trust Fund 2016

The United Nations General Assembly adopted a resolution seeking to establish a road safety trust fund, Aimed at Halving Global Number of Traffic Deaths and Injuries. Acting without a vote, the Assembly adopted a draft resolution titled “Improving global road safety” (document A/70/L.44), expressing concern that road traffic crashes killed more than 1.25 million people and injured as many as 50 million people a year.  It invited Member States and the international community to step up collaboration to meet target 3.6, and encouraged the upcoming United Nations Conference on Housing and Sustainable Development to consider road safety and safe, affordable public transport.

Jean Todt, Special Envoy of the Secretary-General for Road Safety, stated that the Road Safety Trust Fund is a priority, taking into account that the cost of road accidents and their consequences is estimated to around $500 billion a year.  

April 15th, 2016|Categories: News|

European Commission new enforcement and road safety rules 2016

The European Commission has adopted a series of rules applicable to road hauliers and road passenger transport operators. They include a common classification of serious road safety infringements undertransport legislation, as well as new specifications for smart tachographs (the device that records driving times of lorry, bus and coach drivers), making the best use of new digital technologies such as Galileo. The objective is to enhance road safety, contribute to a fairer competition between road transport operators and to facilitate a consistent enforcement of EU rules across borders. 

March 26th, 2016|Categories: News|

NTUA Civil Engineering School ranked 8th in Europe 2016

The Civil Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked this year 8th in Europe and 33rd worldwide among all Civil Engineering Schools. This ranking is produced by the QS Organisation based on the following criteria: Research, Teaching, Employability, Facilities, Internationalization, Innovation, Engagement and Access. NTUA road safety activities have contributed to this ranking.

Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Dean of the Civil Engineering School said that this great improvement is the result of the systematic and collective efforts of all Faculty members, researchers and students for academic and research excellence.   

March 24th, 2016|Categories: News|

ETSC new film on Seat Belt Reminder Systems Importance 2016

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has released a new film that is calling the European Commission to require the fitting of Seat Belt Reminder Systems in all passenger seats in new cars when it reviews vehicle safety regulations later this year. The short video highlights thecritical importance of seat belt wearing to prevent serious injury and death and cites research showing that up to a quarter of rear seat passengers are still failing to belt up. Seat Belt Reminder systems are already required on drivers’ seats thanks to the last update to vehicle safety regulations in 2009. The film features experts in vehicle safety, post-collision rehabilitation and police enforcement.  video

February 29th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: , |

ETSC new film on Intelligent Speed Assistance 2016

The European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) has released a new film that makes the case for making overridable Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) a standard feature on all new vehicles in Europe. The five-minute video has been launched as the European Commission continues work on the development of the next generation of vehicle safety standards, expected to be launched later this year. A major study published last year by the European Commission found that Intelligent Speed Assistance (ISA) is one of several new vehicle technologies which are now suitable for mandatory fitting on new cars as they are ‘feasible in terms of the technology required’, already available on the market and offer a positive benefit-cost ratio.  video

February 11th, 2016|Categories: News|Tags: |

GRSP New Advocacy Resource Centre 2016

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) has recently launched a key new web resource centre to support advocacy efforts specifically for road safety policies and implementation. The new Advocacy Resource Centre is a one-stop resource for organizations campaigning for road safety policies or policy implementation. It features over 800 pieces of content, which have been specifically collated and created to be useful for both road safety organizations and other organizations that may be interested in addressing road safety.

The Advocacy Resource Centre also holds a comprehensive Advocacy Toolkit, which is a a nine-part comprehensive guide detailing all aspects of constructing a successful advocacy campaign, focusing specifically on road safety.

January 26th, 2016|Categories: News|

SafetyCube – Developing an Innovative Road Safety DSS – Newsletter 2016

SafetyCube is a research project funded by the European Commissionunder the Horizon 2020, the EU Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, in the domain of Road Safety. The project started on May 1st, 2015 and will run for a period of three years with primary objective todevelop an innovative road safety Decision Support System (DSS) that will enable policy-makers and stakeholders to select and implement the most appropriate strategies, measures and cost-effective approaches to reduce casualties of all road user types and all severities in Europe and worldwide. NTUA is actively contributing to all phases of the SafetyCube project. 

The first SafetyCube newsletter with the latest project developments is now available. 

January 15th, 2016|Categories: News|

Journal of Transportation Safety & Security – Call for papers: Driving Simulation Experiments and Behavior Analysis 2016

A Special Issue of the Journal of Transportation Safety & Security focusing on Driving Simulation Experiments and Behavior Analysis is now calling for papers.  Topics of interest include, but are not limited to the following:

– driver behavior and human factors
– driver perception and modeling
– driver distraction
– impaired driving performance
– infrastructure design
– innovative data collection and analyses
– design of simulator scenarios
– simulator sickness (e.g. simulation fidelity)  doi
January 4th, 2016|Categories: News|

Accident Analysis & Prevention – Call for papers: Road Safety Data Considerations 2016

A Special Issue of Accident Analysis & Prevention focusing on Road Safety Data Considerations is now calling for papers that address issues related to road safety data and methods that can be applied at all stages of data handling (collection, processing and analysis). Moreover, the presentation of applications utilizing innovative road safety data analysis is encouraged, particularly in emerging regions (that typically lack detailed and updated crash and casualty information), focusing on methodological adaptations for tackling information scarcity, or other limitations of technology transfer. 

January 2nd, 2016|Categories: News|

NTUA Road Safety Observatory in figures 2015

2015 was a very intensive year for the NTUA Road Safety Observatory as presented at the respective 2015-in-figures infographic highlighting nrso activities on research and web presence but also on work and sports.

The intensive 2015 nrso activity is demonstrated by the active contributions to 12 research projects, together with the 54 papers in scientific journals and conferences and the more than 38.500 visits of the nrso website, whereas the 65.368 emails handled and the 3.088km run are proving the high nrso efficiency and fitness to perform!  pdf5

January 1st, 2016|Categories: News|

GRSP interactive mapping tool 2015

The Global Road Safety Partnership (GRSP) has launched a newinteractive mapping tool on its website. This interactive map draws on a database of over 11,000 cells and allows the user to quickly and easily find information and data of interest. The interactive map features three primary tabs, enabling searching by GRSP Activity, IFRC Engagement or by Global Crash Data from the WHO Global Status Report on Road Safety 2015.

This tool comes as a result of multiple surveys into stakeholder needs and will be constantly updated with the latest data so that it becomes a ‘go to’ entry point for a wealth of road safety information, data, tools and resources that are being built into the GRSP website.  

December 24th, 2015|Categories: News|

NTUA best wishes for a joyful and safe 2016

We heartily wish you very joyful Christmas holidays and a very happy and fruitful new year 2016, plenty of personal and professional achievements. Let’s face the new challenges ahead with creative hope and scientific persistence for even safer roads in Europe and worldwide.

December 17th, 2015|Categories: News|

CNN Greece – Ηas crisis made us better drivers 2015

At a recent interview at CNN Greece, NTUA Professor George Yannis attempts to decode the effect of economic crisis on the impressive reduction of road fatalities in Greece and in Europe. He presented NTUA related work but also the main findings from the recent OECD/ITF Report on the relation between growth and road safety.

According to recent research, the economic crisis has played a major role to the recent impressive road fatalities reduction in Greece and in Europe (claimed to be responsible for the 2/3 of this reduction).  Professor George Yannis estimates that after the crisis, traffic increase will result to some road accidents increase (already happening in the EU), however this increase will be limited as the improved driver behaviour (less agressive and less speedy) will also remain after the crisis.  The full article  and the related video are now available.

November 30th, 2015|Categories: News|

World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims 2015

The World Day of Remembrance for Road Traffic Victims is observed on the third Sunday of November each year (this year on 15 November 2015) by an increasing number of countries on every continent around the world. This day adopted by the UN in 2005, was dedicated to remembering the many millions killed or injured in road crashesand their families and communities, as well as to pay tribute to the dedicated emergency crews, police and medical professionals who daily deal with the traumatic aftermath of road death and injury.

In Greece this year, Efthita Rhodes, member of FEVR (European Federation of Road Traffic Victims) and the Global Alliance of NGOs for Road Safety organised a series of events to commemorate this day, including the promotion of the special video translated in several languages.  Furthermore, on the occasion of this day, the Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas (IOAS) has released the results of the UN Millennium Development Campaign MY World video

November 15th, 2015|Categories: News|

FIA Save Kids Lives – A film by Luc Besson 2015

A film to raise awareness of the road safety crisis, directed by Luc Besson is now a part of the #SAVEKIDSLIVES campaign on road safety of the FIA and FIA Foundation, the international motoring federation. According to World Health Organisation figures, 500 children are killed each day in road crashes globally. In a bid to raise awareness of this road safety crisis, Jean Todt, President of the FIA, and Special Envoy of the UN Secretary General for Road Safety, turned to world renowned film director Luc Besson to deliver a potent visual message highlighting the road dangers facing children around the world.

The film is a shocking wake-up call and was shot on location in South Africa and Paris demonstrating the dangers faced every day by children on their journey to school, whether caused by the lack of safe infrastructure in the townships of South Africa or by the heavy traffic of a major European city.  video

October 13th, 2015|Categories: News|

SWOV Road Safety Library Portal 2015

The Dutch Institute for Road Safety Research SWOV, offers openly to the road safety scientific community, a very powerful online documentation tool: the SWOV Library Portal. It provides users the opporunity to search through a large number of journals, full text publications and several other road safety theme files.   

September 8th, 2015|Categories: News|

Panagiotis Papantoniou defended his PhD thesis on driver distraction 2015

Panagiotis Papantoniou has successfully defended his PhD thesis titled:Risk factors, driver behaviour and accident probability. The case of distracted driving. This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Prof. George Yannis.

The objective of the PhD thesis is the analysis of the effect of road, traffic and  driver risk factors on driver behaviour and accident probability at unexpected incidents, with particular focus on distracted driving. For this purpose, a large driving simulator experiment took place in which 95 participants were asked to drive under different types of distraction (no distraction, conversation with passenger, cell phone use) in different road (urban/rural) and traffic conditions (high/low). Then, within the framework of an advanced statistical methodology, latent analysis through a sequence of four Structural Equation Models allowed to go well beyond the piecemeal analyses of driving performance measures to a sound combined analysis of the interrelationship between risk factors, driving performance, driver error and accident probability at unexpected incidents. Results indicate that more likely to commit driving errors are young or old female drivers at urban areas while more likely to be involved in an accident at an unexpected incident are female drivers in low traffic conditions while talking on the cell phone. pdf5 ppt5

August 31st, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

Professor John Golias appointed Minister at the new transitional Government of Greece 2015

Professor John Golias was appointed Minister for Reconstruction of Production Environment and Energy  at the new transitional Government of Greece. It is the first time that a Transportation Engineer is appointed Minister at the Greek Governement.

Professor John Golias is the Director of Traffic Engineering Laboratory of NTUA and Rector of NTUA. He has been involved in all areas of transportation planning and engineering sector for more than 35 years through numerous research projects, engineering studies and committees in Greece and abroad and he is the author of a great number of published scientific papers, cited widely worldwide. He served also as Secretary General of the Ministry of Transport during the Athens 2004 Olympic Games and Chairman of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers. Road accident analysis and road safety policy are among his key scientific areas. [/fusion_builder_column][/fusion_builder_row][/fusion_builder_container]

August 30th, 2015|Categories: News|

Hellastron – Emergency lane campaign 2015

The newly founded organisation HELLASTRON (Hellenic Association of Toll Road Network) carried out an information campaign promoting the appropriate use of emergency lanes in all Greek Motorways: Atiiki Odos, Rion-Antirion Bridge, Egnatia Odos, Nea Odos, Moreas, Aegean Motorway, Olympia Odos and Kentriki Odos. A well-documented leaflet titled “Emergency lane – Life lane” containing the necessary instructions for the use of the emergency lane is widely distributed this summer to the drivers using the Greek motorways.  

August 11th, 2015|Categories: News|

IOAS – Enjoy visiting Greece 2015

The Road Safety Institute “Panos Mylonas”  in collaboration with the Athens International Airport “Eleftherios Venizelos” carried out a campaign for road safety for Greek and foreign drivers who visit Greece, putting posters in projection screens in Athens Airport for the whole month of August 2015, with the support of Interbus. The aim of this campaign is toremind people who visit Greece that the risks on the road are constant, especially when the road network is overloaded with a large number of vehicles during summer holidays.  

August 4th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

TRA 2016 – EU Champions of Transport Research Competition 2016

The 6th European Transport Research Conference Transport Research Arena 2016 to take place in Warsaw between 18-21 April 2016 is organising the EU Champions of Transport Research Competition. The competition recognises and celebrates leading researchers who are, or have recently been, contributing to surface transport EU‐funded projects. Successful candidates will have to demonstrate excellence and proven impacts in their field of research. This competition will provide a platform to further disseminate knowledge and results from research projects in Surface Transport, promoting future synergies and further development of innovative ideas, in line with the strategic objectives of the TRA stakeholders. The Champions of Research Competition will act as a showcase for the very best EU‐funded research and encourage the identification of current and future leaders in the field. The deadline for submission of entries is 30 September 2015. 

July 25th, 2015|Categories: News|

Panagiotis Papantoniou awarded outstanding Conference Poster, London 2015

Panagiotis Papantoniou, NTUA PhD Candidate and Researcher at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering in the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens has been awarded with the outstanding conference poster award of the 1stInternational Conference on Transport & Health Changing Perspectives, which took place in London, 6-8 July 2015. The outstanding conference poster award concerned the poster presentation on “How cell phone use affects reaction time of older drivers” co-authored by Costas Antoniou, George Yannis, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Dimosthenis Pavlou and John Golias.   ppt5

July 8th, 2015|Categories: News|

European Commission Interim Evaluation of Road Safety Policy 2011-2020

The Interim Evaluation of the road safety policy framework has been recently released by the European Commission, taking stock of action taken to date and assessing progress made towards the target of halving of the number of road deaths over the period 2011-2020. The main conclusions of this Interim Evaluation are:

– the policy framework remains relevant,
– the fatality reduction target is an important tool,
the target is still within reach, but will be a challenge,
– more attention needs to be paid to vulnerable road‑users and serious injuries,
– future challenges: an ageing population, distracting technical devices.  

The complete documentation of the European Commission Road Safety Policy Interim Evaluation is now available: The Interim Evaluation Report and the Staff Working Document  , The Support study  and its Annexes  by Jeanne BreenPolicy orientations on road safety 2011-2020   and Transport White Paper 2011.

June 15th, 2015|Categories: News|

New EU Regulation for eCall 2015

The EU 2015/758 Regulation concerning the type-approval requirements for the deployment of the eCall in-vehicle system based on the 112 service is just published in the Official Journal on 19 May 2015. This Regulation foresees the mandatory fitting of 112-based eCall in-vehicle system on all new types of M1 and N1 vehicles from 31 March 2018 onward, as well as the right of the vehicle owner to use a TPS eCall in-vehicle system providing a similar service, in addition to the 112-based eCall in-vehicle system.

The 112 eCall automatically dials Europe’s single emergency number 112 in the event of a serious road accident and communicates the vehicle’s location to the emergency services. 

May 26th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

Olympia Odos – Workzone Safety Video 2015

A video explaining the traffic arrangements in Olympia Odos has recently been released by Olympia Odos Operation Company. Olympia Odos is one of the hardest road infrastructure projects built today in Greece, because it has a major specificity; it is the only highway made while being in use by significant traffic volumes, as the under construction new motorway follows the route of the old road.  In the video, the reasons for all the traffic arrangements and how they contribute in the safety of those who use the motorway and those working for the construction of the new motorway are illustrated. video

May 8th, 2015|Categories: News|

Third United Nations Global Week on Children and Road Safety 2015

The global campaign for the Third United Nations Global Road Safety Week, organised by the UN Road Safety Collaboration took place the Week 4-10 May 2015, on the theme children and road safety. The campaign #SaveKidsLives was seeking to highlight the plight of children on the world’s roads; generate action to better ensure their safety; and promote the inclusion of safe and sustainable transport in the post-2015 development agenda. The campaign invited all road safety policy-makers and advocated to “sign it”, “show it”, and “deliver it” to those in charge of road safety in countries and communities during the Week. 

Hundreds of international and national organisations participated actively at the campaigns for the road safety of children, including the World Health Organisation (WHO) which issued the ten strategies for keeping children safe on the road  , the European Commission video, the International Transport Forum and the NTUA  .

May 5th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

UN Special Envoy on Road Safety 2015

The UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon has appointed FIA President Jean Todt as his Special Envoy for Road Safety at a meeting held today in Paris. In this capacity, he will assist the UN Secretary General in mobilizing sustained political commitment towards road safety. Mr. Todt will also advocate and raise awareness about the United Nations road safety legal instruments, and share established road safety good practices, through his participation in global and regional activities on road safety. 

May 5th, 2015|Categories: News|

NTUA Civil Engineering School ranked 29th worldwide 2015

The Civil Engineering School of the National Technical University of Athens was ranked this year 29th among all Civil Engineering Schools worldwide and 8th in Europe. This ranking is produced by the QS Organisation based on the following criteria: Research, Teaching, Employability, Facilities, Internationalization, Innovation, Engagement and Access. NTUA road safety activities have contributed to this ranking. 

Professor Demetris Koutsoyiannis, Dean of the Civil Engineering School said that this great improvement is the result of the systematic and collective efforts of all Faculty members for academic and research excellence. 

April 30th, 2015|Categories: News|

University of Cyprus – Round Table discussion on the young drivers’ safety 2015

A Round Table discussion dedicated to the young drivers’ safety organised by the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering (Laboratory of Transportation Engineering) of the University of Cyprus, will take place inNicosia, on 29 April 2015. The event is taking place right before the summer period begins, to promote road safety behavior of the public (especially young drivers) and Cyprus’s visitors for vacation and recreation.  ppt5

April 24th, 2015|Categories: News|

European Commission online tool for all driving licenses models in the EU 2015

The European Commission has launched a new online search tool that displays most valid driving licence models issued in the European Economic Area (Liechtenstein, Norway and Iceland) countries. The tool showspictures of the licence and other information such as explanation of national categories, national codes and administrative validity of the document and will be particular useful for national authorities working on road side checks or dealing with the administrative exchange of driving licences. 

March 30th, 2015|Categories: News|

Hellenic Institute of Transport – Safe School Transport Workshop 2015

A workshop on ‘Safe School Transport: New technologies pave the way for optimizing the organization and upgrading the safety of school transport system’, organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transport of the Centre for Research and Technology Hellas (CERTH) took place in Thessaloniki, on March 27th, 2015. The event was organised under the framework of the project ‘Integrated System for the Safe Transport of Students‘ – i-student trip. 

March 27th, 2015|Categories: News|

IOAS/HITE Road Safety Week 2015

The 8th Road Safety Week organised by the Road Safety Institute ‘Panos Mylonas’ and the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers on 16-23 March 2015, under the framework of UN activities for Road Safety 2015, with focus to children traffic safety. Most of the activities of this year’s road safety day took place in Athens and in Patras and were devoted to children with the interactive traffic education program ‘On the Road to Safety’. 

March 24th, 2015|Categories: News|Tags: |

EuroRAP – How Safe Are You On Europe’s Trade Routes? 2015

Benefit results of road improvement programmes are now available fromEuroRAP. In terms of crash costs alone, more than 2% of European GDP is lost annually. The expected Benefit-Cost ratio is 5 for applying EuroRAP recommendations across the TEN-T, as highlighted in a recent EuroRAP infographic. pdf5

March 22nd, 2015|Categories: News|