European Commission recently launched Traffic Safety Synthesis 2016, prepared by European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO), with the active contribution of NTUA. The European Road Safety Observatory (ERSO) gathers harmonised specialist information on road safety practices and policy in European countries. Evidenced-based approaches lie at the heart of the most successful road safety polices – backed up by accident and other road safety data. ERSO collects a range of information types including a series of data protocols and collection methodologies, national and in-depth accident data, exposure data and safety performance indicators. ERSO was developed by the SafetyNet project and was later updated and expanded by the DaCoTA project. Current updates are managed by the EU’s Directorate-General for Mobility and Transport.
The Traffic Safety Synthesis 2016 includes 22 key traffic safety topics:
Advanced driver assistance systems
Cell phone use while driving
Cost Benefit Analysis
Driver Distraction
Integration of Road Safety in Other Policy Areas: Synergies and Conflicts
Novice Drivers
Older Drivers
Pedestrians and Cyclists
Post-impact care
Power two wheelers
Quantitative Road Safety Targets
Road Safety Management
Safety Ratings
Serious Injuries
Speed and Speed Management
Speed Enforcement
Vehicle Safety