The paper presents the development of the web portal “African Road Safety Observatory (ARSO)” within the research project “SaferAfrica – Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa” aiming to support policy makers and stakeholders with evidence on critical risk factors, related actions and good practices drawn from high quality data and knowledge. The project is funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme. The African Road Safety Observatory is structured using the relevant European Road Safety Observatory as reference, and adjusting it to the specific needs of African stakeholders, the particularities of road safety problems and the availability and quality of data in African countries. Moreover, additional crowdsourcing functions are foreseen in order to deliver a “participative” environment between experts and end users. ARSO is designed based on the certain core sections, namely; Statistics, Road Safety Management, Good Practices, Capacity Building and Dialogue Platform. A brief description of each section is provided and the required inputs and outputs are outlined and discussed.
ID | pc293 |
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Tags | road safety measures, road safety strategy |