The aim of this work is the analysis of traffic and parking characteristics in the Municipality of Athens. utilizing data from services of the Municipality of Athens, the Attica Region, the OASA, and other Authorities in Greece and internationally, which after appropriate processing, captured both the current situation in Athens and comparative evaluations in relation to other Greek and European cities. The sectors analyzed are vehicle fleet, Road Infrastructure, Traffic, Parking, Road Safety, Public Transport and Pollutants. The analyzes showed that in the road network of Athens, problems are the condition of the sidewalks, parking along the street, illegal stopping and parking, the poor level of road paving on roads and non-observance of bus lanes. Athens appears to have a low level of service ratios in proportion to population and over 70% of greenhouse gas emissions come from road transport.
ID | pc405 |
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Tags | field surveys, impact assessment, parking, statistical modelling, traffic management, urban mobility |