The objective of this Diploma Thesis is the investigation of correlations between variables influencing pedestrian road safety. On the basis of large bibliographical research, the use of log-linear analysis was chosen and applied for the statistical analysis of data from road accidents involving pedestrians for the period 1996 – 2003 in Greece. Thus, a mathematical model was developed in order to examine the qualitative and quantitative impact of road, vehicle and pedestrian characteristics in pedestrian accidents. The application of this model has led to a series of conclusions, such as that children under 15 years old and elderly over66 years old appear to have higher probabilities of fatal injury, while no relationship wasproved between the probability of fatal injury, gender and nationality of the pedestrian. Besides that, two-wheels, trucks and buses seem to have almost the same probabilities offatal injury, while is increased in relation to passenger cars. Finally, the probabilities of the pedestrian to be killed are increased outside urban areas and at junctions in daylight.
ID | ad20 |
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Tags | accident analysis, driver behaviour, pedestrians, statistical modelling |