The purpose of this research project is the development of the Strategic Plan for the improvement of Road Safety in Greece for the period 2011-2020 which will have specific quantitative targets and appropriate structure. This will result to the selection, application, supervision and assessment of the necessary measures for the reduction of road accidents and corresponding deaths and injuries. The previous Road Safety Strategic Plans will be assessed and the current situation concerning road safety in Greece will be recorded and evaluated. In addition, the current developments on road safety and Strategic Plans worldwide will be examined, analysed and assessed. The final and the interim quantitative targets will be set and the structure of the Road Safety Strategic Plan, 2011-2020 will be defined. Furthermore, the particular road safety programmes will be formed and an integrated Plan for the implementation, the supervision and the assessment of the Strategic Plan will be developed.
ID | rn54 |
Duration | 2010-2011 |
Funding | Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks |
Research Institute | Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G.Kanellaidis |
Publications | pc126, pc136, cp53, cp57 |
Technical Report | |
Tags | accident analysis, road safety measures, road safety strategy |