The subject of this Diploma Thesis is the analysis of distraction characteristics due to mobile phone use in Greece. The data used for the statistical analysis were collected from field measurements during November-December 2021 in Greece. The collected data are related to distraction measurements but also to driver’s age and gender, the type of vehicle, the weather conditions, the time period and the road type in three areas (in and around Athens, Thessaloniki and Larisa). On that purpose, two mathematical models were developed: Binary Logistic Regression and the Random Forests. Four variations were used for each model, aiming to counterbalance the distraction and nodistraction classes. In the two models, driver’s distraction is the dependent variable for all four variations. The results demonstrate that old and middle aged drivers are less likely to use mobile phone while driving than younger drivers. It was also found, that van drivers tend to use mobile phone more often than drivers of any other vehicle type. Furthermore, drivers on motorways are more likely to use mobile phone than drivers on urban and rural roads. Regarding bad weather conditions, drivers are less likely to use mobile phone while driving than during good weather conditions.
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