The objective of this thesis is to examine the attitudes of European drivers towards driving distraction. To achieve this objective, responses of a representative sample of 17.000 European drivers are analyzed from the European survey ESRA, conducted in 2015. The analysis of driver behavior is carried out with the use of statistical methods of cluster analysis and negative binomial distribution. Through the method of cluster analysis, four different groups of European countries were ultimately formed with larger and smaller population, high and low income and the characteristics of each group were identified. Τhe results of cluster analysis were used at the negative binomial distribution in which the answers of Europeans to selected questions were summarized in the basic factors describing their driving behavior, the use of mobile phone during driving and their views on issues related to road behavior of other drivers, the existing measures for road safety, and driver’s distraction.
ID | ad59 |
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Tags | driver behaviour, international comparisons, statistical modelling, survey |