The objective of this Diploma Thesis is to investigate the impact of economic, social and transport indicators on road safety before and after the crisis period in Europe. For this analysis a database containing Gross Domestic Product per capita (GDP), motorway-kilometers per road network-kilometers, vehicle fleet per population and road fatalities for European states for 2000-2016 was developed. Linear Mixed Models were developed and applied for all European states tested that were divided into different group of states that were selected (low economic performance, largest countries, high economic performance). The results led to the conclusion that Gross Domestic Index per capita has the most important impact and its increase leads to road fatalities decrease. Moreover, the increase of motorway-kilometers per road network positively affects the road fatalities decrease. After the economic crisis, the impact of the GDP is even higher. Concerning the vehicle fleet per population, there is a decrease in the relative impact on the number of road fatalities after the economic crisis.
ID | ad83 |
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Tags | accident analysis, international comparisons, statistical modelling |