The objective of this research is to provide a comprehensive review of themethodological issues concerning the assessment of driving behaviour in theelderly. For this purpose, older driver behaviour indicators are examined, includingcognitive functions critical for safe driving (including the impact of cerebraldiseases) as well as older drivers’ behaviour characteristics. In the next step allavailable experiment types of driving behaviour are explored, such as naturalisticdriving experiments, driving simulator experiments, on road experiments, in depthaccident investigations and surveys on opinion and stated behaviour. Finally,general issues regarding the analysis challenges of experiments based on olderdrivers are discussed. More specifically, the experiment design, driver behaviourindicators and data analysis are discussed and the critical issues of data reliabilityand validity when testing older drivers are analysed while appropriaterecommendations regarding each different parameter are suggested. It isconcluded that every experiment type has benefits and limitations and acombination and meta-analysis of experiments results is needed in order to bringmore complete conclusions. Moreover, the experiment methodology and executionhas a direct impact to the results reliability and valid data analysis requires multiannualefforts to address the high complexity.
ID | pc209 |
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Tags | ηλικιωμένοι οδηγοί, συμπεριφορά οδηγού |