The EC has released an ambitious Road Safety Policy Framework for the decade 2021-2030, setting new intermediate targets to halve the number of fatalities and the number of serious injuries on European roads by 2030. The need for monitoring the implementation of the road safety strategies and the road safety progress over the decade has been highlighted by almost all EU Member States, so that preventive measures can be taken in time in order to achieve the goals set at the end of decade. The objective of the current study is to provide an overview of the existing national road safety strategies of the EU Member States and current practices in monitoring the progress of the implementation of the national strategies and in assessing the effectiveness of strategy interventions in road safety. Additionally, the development of a tool for monitoring the imple-mentation of the national road safety strategies/ action plans in the EU Member States for the decade 2021-2030 is presented. This monitoring tool aims to moti-vate and assist the EU, national authorities, industry, and the road users by sup-porting the implementation of policies, programmes and measures, exchanging best practices among the countries and benchmarking performances.
ID | pc527 |
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