Items Under Ετικέτα: προσομοιωτής οδήγησης

si15 Ομάδα Χρηστών Προσομοίωσης της Επιτροπής του Transportation Research Board για την Προσομοίωση και τις Μετρήσεις της Απόδοσης των Οχημάτων και της Κυκλοφορίας (TR AND30).(2005-2007)
rn92 “i-Dreams: Υπολογισμός εύρους ανοχής ασφάλειας και παρεμβάσεις για την αλληλεπιδράση οδηγού-οχήματος-περιβάλλοντος υπό δύσκολες συνθήκες” του προγράμματος-πλαισίου έρευνας στις μεταφορές Horizon 2020 της Ευρωπαϊκής Επιτροπής (2019-2023).
rn80 “Driverbrain2 – Αξιολόγηση επιδόσεων οδηγών με εγκεφαλικές παθήσεις” με χρηματοδότηση ΕΜΠ
rn78 Μεταδιδακτορική έρευνα (PostDoc) “• Αξιολόγηση ασφαλούς οδηγικής συμπεριφοράς ηλικιωμένων οδηγών με ή χωρίς εγκεφαλικές παθήσεις” στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος υποτροφιών του Ιδρύματος Κρατικών Υποτροφιών (IKY) (2016-2017)
rn77 Mεταδιδακτορική έρευνα (PostDoc) “Πολύ-επίπεδη ανάλυση οδηγικής συμπεριφοράς με έμφαση στη χρήση κινητού τηλεφώνου με δεδομένα πειράματος σε προσομοιωτή οδήγησης” στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος υποτροφιών του Ιδρύματος Κρατικών Υποτροφιών (IKY) (2015-2017)
rn59 “DRIVERBRAIN – Επιδόσεις οδηγών με εγκεφαλικές παθήσεις σε μη αναμενόμενα συμβάντα” στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος έρευνας ΑΡΙΣΤΕΙΑ της Γενικής Γραμματείας Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας (2012-2015)
rn56 “DISTRACT – Διερεύνηση αιτίων και επιπτώσεων της απόσπασης της προσοχής του οδηγού με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης” στο πλαίσιο του προγράμματος έρευνας ΘΑΛΗΣ, του Υπουργείου Παιδείας, Δια Βίου Μάθησης και Θρησκευμάτων (2012-2015)
rn55 “Η επιρροή του αλκοόλ στους νέους οδηγούς: ένα πείραμα με προσομοιωτή οδήγησης” στο πλαίσιο μεταδιδακτορικής έρευνας (PostDoc) στο Εργαστήριο Κυκλοφοριακής Τεχνικής του ΕΜΠ (2011)
rn18 “Μελέτη εφαρμογής για την ανάπτυξη και δοκιμαστική εφαρμογή ολοκληρωμένου συστήματος βελτίωσης της οδικής ασφάλειας με χρήση εξομοιωτή οδήγησης” του 2ου επιχειρησιακού προγράμματος έρευνας στις μεταφορές της Γενικής Γραμματείας Έρευνας και Τεχνολογίας.
pc429 Oikonomou M., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “The traffic and safety effect of smartphone texting and web surfing during driving in cities: A driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (18-20 October 2021).          
pc425 Spanou P., Pavlou D., Michelaraki E., Kehagia F., Yannis G., “The impact of weather conditions and driver characteristics on road safety”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pc398 Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Modelling the Safety Tolerance Zone: Recommendations from the i-DREAMS project”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pc397 Yang K., Al Haddad C., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Driving Behavior Safety Levels: Classification and Evaluation”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (16-17 June 2021).          
pc396 Amini R., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Al Haddad ., De Vos B., Cuenen A., Yannis G., Brijs T., Antoniou C., “Risk scenario designs for driving simulator experiments”, Proceedings of the 7th IEEE International Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems (16-17 June 2021).          
pc394 Al Haddad C., Yang K., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Exploring driving behavior as a latent variable in safety modeling. A preliminary analysis from a driving simulator study.”, Proceedings of the 9th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART), (3-4 February 2021).      
pj193 Economou A., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Intraindividual Variability in Driving Simulator Parameters of Healthy Drivers of Different Ages”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 78, April 2021, pp. 91-102.   doi   doi
pj186 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Vlachogianni E., “Are driving errors and driving performance correlated? A dual structural equation model”, IATSS Research, Vol.43, April 2019, pp. 44-50.
pj185 Katrakazas C., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Identification of driving simulator sessions of depressed drivers: A comparison between aggregated and time-series classification”, Transportation Research, Vol. 75, November 2020, pp. 16-25.   doi   doi
pc383 Pavlou D., Kyriakouli E., Yannis G., “Analysis of the impact of nighttime driving to drivers’ behavior in rural roads through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.          
pc381 Chaireti M., Kontaxi A., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of the impact of weather conditions to young drivers’ behaviour and safety in cities”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.          
pc377 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Elderly drivers with brain disorders: Is their driving behavior the same before and after an unexpected incident?”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.          
pc365 Brijs T., Brijs K., Kaiser S., Talbot R., Lourenço A., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Avenoso A., Wets G., “i-DREAMS: an Intelligent Driver and Road Environment Assessment and Monitoring System”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.      
pc338 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “How an unexpected event affects overall driving performance?”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport TRANSPORTATION SYSTEMS OF THE FUTURE – mobil.TUM 2019, organised by the Chair of Transportation Systems Engineering (TSE), Department of Civil, Geo and Environmental Engineering, Technical University of Munich (TUM) (Munich, Germany, 11-12 September 2019).          
pc333 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “How unexpected events affect lateral position variability?“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.          
pj145 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Pavlou D., “Which factors affect accident probability at unexpected incidents? A structural equation model approach”. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, April 2018, pp. 1-18.   doi   doi
pc306 Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., “How an unexpected incident affects speed related driving performance measures”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together, Munich, 13-14 June 2018.          
pj143 Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Road safety behavior of drivers with neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions: an interdisciplinary Structural Equation Model analysis approach”. Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue XLIV, April 2018, pp. 133-150.   doi   doi
pj138 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Nikas M. “Comparative analysis of young drivers behavior in normal and simulation conditions at a rural road”. Transport Europe, Iss.66, December 2017, Paper no 5, ISSN 1825-3997   doi   doi
pj137 Beratis Ι., Andronas Ν., Fragkiadaki S., Kontaxopoulou D., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Stamelou M., Stefanis L., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Exploring the association of the Comprehensive Trail Making Test with driving indexes in patients with Parkinson’s disease”. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 59, 2018, pp. 535-544.   doi   doi
pc299 Linardou M., Spyropoulou I., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Impact of mobile phone use on driving performance: findings from a simulator study”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.          
pc298 Pavlou D., Gkouskou A., Yannis G., “The impact of roadside advertising on safe driving behaviour in cities: A driving simulator approach”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.          
pc297 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Compensatory driving behaviour of older drivers with Parkinson’s disease. Is it sufficient to counterbalance their driving difficulties? “, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.          
pc296 Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Investigating which factors affect lateral position variability through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.          
pc286 Beratis I., Stanitsa E., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Kontari P., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “The Value of Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) and Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA) in the Prediction of Fitness to Drive in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease (mAD)”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.          
pc279 Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., “Assessment of Speeding Profiles and Safety Margins from Tangent to Curve by means of Driving Simulation”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017          
pj134 Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., 2017, “Simulation based safety margin assessment on speed variation between tangent to curved road alignment”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Vol. 43, 2017, pp. 5-16.   doi   doi
pj132 Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Beratis I., Pavlou D., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Incidental and intentional memory: their relation with attention and executive functions”. Archives of Clinical Neuropsychology, Vol. 32, Issue 5, August 2017, pp. 519–532.   doi   doi
pc259 Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “How does distracted driving affect lateral position of older drivers?”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Paris, March 2017.          
pc258 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G., “The detrimental effect of mobile phone use on the driving competence of patients with neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Paris, March 2017.          
pj126 Beratis I., Andronas N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Pavlou D., Papatriantafyllou J., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Driving in Mild Cognitive Impairment: the role of depressive symptoms”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol.18, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 470-476.   doi   doi
pj122 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Gkartzonikas C., “Simulation of Texting Impact on Young Drivers’ Behaviour and Safety on Motorways”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 41, Part A, 2016, pp 10-18.   doi   doi
pc257 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papageorgiou S.G., “Can driving at the simulator “diagnose” cognitive impairments?”, Proceedings of the 96rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.          
pj115 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.,“Driving performance profiles of drivers with brain pathologies in rural roads”, International Journal of Transportation, Vol. 5, No.3, 2017, pp.17-28.   doi   doi
pj114 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J.,“Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment”, International Journal of Transportation, Vol. 5, No 1, 2017, pp. 35-46.   doi   doi
pj113 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G., “Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk?”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Special Issue Vol.1, 2016, pp. 83-98.   doi   doi
pc248 Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “Investigation of Texting on Young Drivers Behavior by Means of Multivariate Copulae Analysis”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.          
pc240 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.,“The Impact of cognitive impairments on accident risk”, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.          
pj107 Vardaki S., Devos H., Beratis I., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Exploring the association between working memory and driving performance in Parkinson’s disease”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 17, Issue 4, 2016, pp. 359-366.   doi   doi
pj106 Vardaki S., Dickerson A., Beratis I., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Simulator measures and identification of older drivers with MCI”, American Journal of Occupational Therapy, Issue 70(2), 2016, pp. 1–10.   doi   doi
pj103 Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Assessment of Driving Simulator Studies on Driver Distraction”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue 35, 2015, pp. 129-144.   doi   doi
pc234 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Which are the Critical Measures to Assess the Driving Performance of Drivers With Brain Pathologies?”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.          
pc233 Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J., “Investigating the Effect of Area Type and Traffic Conditions on Distracted Driving Performance”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.          
pc217 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Nikas M., “Comparative analysis of young drivers behavior in normal and simulation conditions at a rural road”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.          
pc216 Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Golias J., “Cell phone use and driving performance of different age groups”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.          
pc215 Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “In-vehicle distraction and brain pathologies: Effects on reaction time and accident probability”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.          
pc210 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J., “How does distracted driving affect reaction time of older drivers?”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.          
pc203 Βαρδάκη Σ., Γιαννής Γ., Αντωνίου Κ., Παύλου Δ., Μπεράτης Ι., Ανδρονάς Ν., Παπαγεωργίου Σ., “Διερεύνηση της σχέσης μεταξύ μνήμης εργασίας και της νόσου του Πάρκινσον σε προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Πρακτικά 6ου διεθνούς Πανελληνίου Συνεδρίου Οδικής Ασφάλειας, Σύλλογος Ελλήνων Συγκοινωνιολόγων, Εθνικό Μετσόβιο Πολυτεχνείο, Αθήνα, Μάρτιος 2015.          
pc201 Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “Driving performance profiles of drivers with brain pathologies in rural roads”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.          
pc200 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.          
pc192 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papageorgiou S., “Do simulator measures improve identification of older drivers with MCI?”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.          
pc191 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., “Driving behaviour of drivers with mild cognitive impairment and alzheimer’s disease: a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.          
pc188 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Exploring the Association between Working Memory and Parkinson’s Disease in a Driving Simulator”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.          
pc187 Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Golias J., “Is distracted driving performance affected by age? First findings from a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.          
pc186 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Beratis I., Economou A., Papageorgiou S.G., “Assessment of driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies in urban roads, using a driving simulator”, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.          
pc185 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., “Distracted driving and mobile phone use: overview of impacts and countermeasures”, Proceedings of the Communication Technologies and Road Safety Conference, Abu Dhabi, November 2014.          
pj99 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “Assessing Selected Cognitive Impairments Using a Driving Simulator: A Focused Review”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Issue 34, 2014, pp. 105-128.   doi   doi
pj94 Papadimitriou E., Auberlet J-M., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Simulation of Pedestrians and Motorised Traffic: existing research and future challenges”, International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking, Vol. 6, 2014 pp.57-73.   doi   doi
pj90 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Christoforou C., “Impact of texting on young drivers’ behaviour and safety in urban and rural roads through a simulation experiment”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 49, 2014, pp.25-31.   doi   doi
pj89 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E., “Impact of mobile phone use and music on driver behaviour and safety by the use of a driving simulator”, European Transport, in press.   doi   doi
pc181 Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Golias J., Papageorgoiu SG, “First findings from a simulator study on driving behaviour of drivers with cerebral diseases”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.          
pc180 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Antoniou C., Golias J., “First exploration of the effect of road and traffic environment on distracted driving through a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April. 2014.          
pc174 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papageorgiou S.G., “Sign recall in a fixed-base simulator as a measure of fitness-to-drive”, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.          
pc173 Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J, Papageorgiou S.G., “Results from a driving simulator study on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases in rural roads”, Proceedings of the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.          
pc172 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Christoforou C., “Simulation of Texting Impact on Young Drivers Behaviour and Safety in Urban and Rural Roads”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.          
pc170 Vardaki S., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “A Review of Driving Performance Assessment in Simulators with focus to cognitive impairments related to age or caused by neurodegenerative disorders”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.          
pc169 Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Assessment of driving simulator studies on driver distraction”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.          
pc168 Yannis G., Golias J., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Papageorgiou S., Andronas N., Papatriantafyllou I., Liozidou A., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragiadaki S., Economou A., “Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.          
pc163 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E., “Impact of Mobile Phone Use and Music on Driver Behaviour and Safety by the Use of a Driving Simulator”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.          
pc162 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Gartzonikas C., “Impact of Texting on Young Drivers’ Traffic and Safety on Motorways by the Use of a Driving”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.      
pj53 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of alcohol on speeding and road positioning among young drivers: a driving simulator study”, Transportation Research Record, Vol. 2281, 2012, pp.32-42.   doi   doi
pc120 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of alcohol on speeding and road positioning among young drivers: a driving simulator study”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2012.          
pc117 G.Yannis, E.Papadimitriou, C.Bairamis, V.Sklias, “Is it risky to talk, eat or smoke while driving? Findings from a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011.          
pc116 Z.Christoforou, M.Karlaftis, G.Yannis, “Young drivers and alcohol impaired driving: a driving simulator experiment”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011.          
pc43 Yannis G., Golias J., Antoniou C., “Combining traffic simulation and driving simulator analyses for Advanced Cruise Control system impact identification”, Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2004.          
ad120 Γρηγόρης Χριστοδούλου, “Η επιρροή των καιρικών συνθηκών, καθώς και της πίεσης χρόνου στην ασφαλή συμπεριφορά των οδηγών σε υπεραστικές οδούς, με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Διπλωματική Εργασία, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad108 Γιώτα Σπανού, “Η επιρροή των καιρικών συνθηκών και της πίεσης χρόνου στην οδική ασφάλεια”, Διπλωματική Εργασία, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Μάρτιος 2021.." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad99 Μάριος Σεκαδάκης, “Συμπεριφορά οδήγησης και χρήση του διαδικτύου στο επαρχιακό δίκτυο με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Διπλωματική Εργασία, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Μάρτιος 2020." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad81 Ορέστης Γαβαλάς, “Η επιρροή του θυμού στην οδική συμπεριφορά και ασφάλεια”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Ιούλιος 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad71 Αρμίρα Κονταξή, “Η επιρροή της οδήγησης τη νύχτα στη συμπεριφορά και στην ασφάλεια των νέων οδηγών στις πόλεις”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2017." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad70 Ελευθερία Κυριακούλη, “Ανάλυση της επιρροής της νυχτερινής οδήγησης στη συμπεριφορά και στην ασφάλεια των νέων οδηγών στις επαρχιακές οδούς με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2017." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad68 Μαρία Χαιρέτη, “Διερεύνηση της επιρροής των καιρικών συνθηκών στη συμπεριφορά και την ασφάλεια νέων οδηγών σε αστικές οδούς με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2017." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad67 ‘Αννα-Μαρία Σουρέλλη, “Ανάλυση της επιρροής των καιρικών συνθηκών στη συμπεριφορά και στην ασφάλεια νέων οδηγών σε υπεραστικές οδούς με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Νοέμβριος 2017." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad54 Αναστασία Γκούσκου, “Η επιρροή των διαφημιστικών πινακίδων στη συμπεριφορά και στην ασφάλεια των οδηγών στις πόλεις”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Ιούλιος 2015." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad36 Γκαρτζονίκας Χρίστος, “Επιρροή των γραπτών μηνυμάτων στην κυκλοφορία και στην ασφάλεια νέων οδηγών σε αυτοκινητόδρομους με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Ιούλιος 2012." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad35 Χριστοφόρου Χαράλαμπος, “Προσομοίωση των επιπτώσεων των γραπτών μηνυμάτων στη συμπεριφορά και στην ασφάλεια νέων οδηγών σε αστική και επαρχιακή οδό”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Ιούλιος 2012." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad29 Έλενα Παπαθανασίου, Ευριδίκη Ποσταντζή, “Η επιρροή της χρήσης κινητού τηλεφώνου και της μουσικής στη συμπεριφορά και στην ασφάλεια του οδηγού με χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Μάρτιος 2011." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad28 Χαράλαμπος Μπαιράμης, Βασίλης Σκλιας, “Διερεύνηση της επιρροής της συνομιλίας, της κατανάλωσης φαγητού και του καπνίσματος στη συμπεριφορά του οδηγού και στην πιθανότητα ατυχήματος σε ορεινή οδό με τη χρήση προσομοιωτή οδήγησης”, Σχολή Πολιτικών Μηχανικών ΕΜΠ, Αθήνα, Οκτώβριος 2010." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
cp492 “Alzheimer’s Dementia and predictors of Driving Cessation: Results from a 4-year Longitudinal Study”, at the 7th Virtual Congress of the European Academy of Neurology (EAN) (19-22 June 2021).    
cp471 “Driver-vehicle-environment interactions and safety tolerance”, for the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.    
cp394 “Driving anger: Emerging issues and opportunities to advance the safety science” at the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
cp393 “Driving Simulator of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory” at the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
cp391 “Does driving at night affect the driving performance of young drivers? A driving simulator study” at the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
cp390 “To which extent the driving behavior of older drivers with neurological diseases affecting cognition is different after an unexpected incident?” at the RSS – Road Safety and Simulation 2019 International Conference, organised by the Iowa University (Iowa, USA, 14-17 October 2019).    
cp354 “Driver-vehicle-environment interactions and safety tolerance” at the NTUA – Digitalisation and Road Safety Research Workshop, organised by NTUA within the framework of the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week (Athens, Greece, 17 May 2019)    
cp339 “Intraindividual variability within and across conditions in driving simulator measures of neurology patients and healthy drivers” at the 47th INS Annual Meeting (New York, 20-23 February 2019)    
cp338 “Intraindividual variability within and across conditions in driving simulator measures of healthy drivers of different ages” at the 47th INS Annual Meeting (New York, 20-23 February 2019)    
cp330 “Predictors of Accidents in Patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment, Mild Alzheimer’s Disease and Healthy Controls in Simulated Driving” at the 46th Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society on “Connecting the Present to the Future” (Washington DC, 14-17 February 2018)    
cp245 “Monitoring behaviour of drivers with cognitive impairments – DriverBrain” at the Workshop “The Future of Road Safety Research” in the framework of the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week (Athens, 15 May 2017)    
cp244 “Monitoring Driver Distraction – Distract” at the Workshop “The Future of Road Safety Research” in the framework of the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week (Athens, 15 May 2017)    
cp205 “The driving simulator as a valid measure of driving behavior”, at the Society of Applied Neuroscience Conference (SAN), (Corfu, 6-9 October 2016)    
cp199 “Exploration of accident probability of drivers with brain pathologies” at the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Tampere, 18-21 September, 2016)    
cp189 “Deviant driving measures and variability in Parkinson’s disease patients and healthy controls in simulated driving”, at the 2nd congress of the European Academy of Neurology (Kopenhagen, 28-31 May 2016).    
cp188 “Deviant driving measures of healthy controls, MCI and AD patients in simulated driving”, at the 2nd congress of the European Academy of Neurology (Kopenhagen, 28-31 May 2016).    
cp187 “Incidental vs intentional memory in patients with Parkinson’s Disease (PD)”, at the 2nd congress of the European Academy of Neurology (Kopenhagen, 28-31 May 2016).    
cp186 “Driving performance in the frontotemporal dementia spectrum”, at the 2nd congress of the European Academy of Neurology (Kopenhagen, 28-31 May 2016).    
cp167 “Εκτελεστικές λειτουργίες και επιδόσεις οδηγών με ήπια νοητική έκπτωση σε αστικές συνθήκες υψηλής κυκλοφορίας” στην περιφερειακή συνάντηση της Ευρωπαϊκής Ομοσπονδίας Οργανισμών Νευρολογικών Επιστημών (FENS) (Θεσσαλονίκη, 7-10 Οκτωβρίου 2015).    
cp161 “Self-assessment of change in driving in relation to current driving performance on a driving simulator in patients with various neurological conditions” στο 1ο συνέδριο της Ευρωπαϊκής Ακαδημίας Νευρολογίας (Βερολίνο, 20-24 Ιουνίου 2015).    
cp145 “Motorway driving performance in healthy controls, MCI, and AD patients: Preliminary results from a driving simulation experiment” στο 67ο ετήσιο συνέδριο της Αμερικάνικης Ένωσης Νευρολογίας (Ουάσινγκτων, 18-25 Απριλίου 2015).    
cp143 “City and rural driving performance in healthy controls, MCI, and AD patients: Preliminary results from a driving simulation experiment with the use of distraction” στο 67ο ετήσιο συνέδριο της Αμερικάνικης Ένωσης Νευρολογίας (Ουάσινγκτων, 18-25 Απριλίου 2015).    
cp123 “Αντισταθμιστικές στρατηγικές ταχύτητας στην οδηγική συμπεριφορά ασθενών με MCI, AD και PD: αρχικά αποτελέσματα από ένα μεγάλο πείραμα σε προσομοιωτή οδήγησης με απόσπαση προσοχής” στο ετήσιο συνέδριο της Αμερικάνικης Νευρολογικής Εταιρείας (Βαλτιμόρη, 12-14 Οκτωβρίου 2014).    
cp121 “Δείκτες ταχύτητας και ατυχημάτων σε ασθενείς με ήπια νοητική διαταραχή: πρώτα αποτελέσματα από ένα μεγάλο πείραμα σε προσομοιωτή οδήγησης” στο 2ο διεθνές συνέδριο αλτσχάιμερ και άνοιας που οργάνωσαν τα επιστημοινά περιοδικά Alzheimer’s Disease and Parkinson και Neurological Disorders (Βαλένθια, 23-25 Σεπτεμβρίου 2014).    
cp98 “Αξιολόγηση της ικανότητας οδήγησης στους ηλικιωμένους: μεθοδολογικά ζητήματα” στο 8ο διεθνές συνέδριο για την αγγειακή άνοια που οργάνωσε η Παγκόσμια Ομοσπονδία Νευρολογίας (Αθήνα, 17-20 Οκτωβρίου 2013).    
cp97 “Η επιρροή της νευρολογικής κατάστασης στην απόσπαση της προσοχής του οδηγού σε ένα πείραμα σε προσομοιωτή οδήγησης: αρχικά ευρήματα” στο XXI παγκόσμιο συνέδριο νευρολογίας – νευρολογία στην εποχή της παγκοσμιοποίησης που οργάνωσε η Παγκόσμια Ομοσπονδία Νευρολογίας (Βιέννη, 21-26 Σεπτεμβρίου 2013).