ID | eg95 |
Tags |
accident analysis (241)
information systems (328)
international comparisons (243)
road safety measures (261)
road safety strategy (180)
speed (40)
driver behaviour (490)
culture (77)
driver distraction (87)
pedestrians (59)
cyclists (40)
motorcyclists (74)
enforcement (29)
young drivers (39)
older drivers (66)
cognitive impairment (97)
alcohol (23)
road infrastructure (220)
road safety audit (18)
junctions (8)
motorways (15)
road design (20)
road equipment (15)
weather conditions (24)
intelligent systems (92)
telematics (94)
traffic automation (59)
driving simulator (136)
naturalistic driving (84)
field surveys (94)
statistical modelling (381)
big data (94)
machine learning (61)
artificial intelligence (11)
impact assessment (69)
eco-driving (11)
urban mobility (194)
electro mobility (19)
public transport (15)
traffic management (158)
traffic simulation (16)
parking (20)
smart cities (32)
metro systems (22)
large events (12)
intermodal transport (33)
transport networks (164)
transport terminals (43)
logistics (45)
COVID-19 (13)
vehicle (15)
survey (19)
automation (5)
electro mobolity (1)
multi-modal transport (1)
micromobility (14)
Recent Items
- Strategic Plan for Attica Transport, for the Athens Urban Transport Organization (OASA S.A.) (2024-2026).
- Restoration of Horizontal and Vertical of the Zografou Technical University Road Network for NTUA for NTUA (2024).
- Road Safety and Functionality Assessment of the Zografou Technical University Road Network for NTUA (2024).
- Sub Group of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) on serious injuries of the International Transport Forum (2024-).
- Member of the “Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Association” dedicated to promoting and facilitating pre-competitive research on CCAM within the European Research Area (2024-).