The objective of this research is the formulation of a common framework for road accident data collection across European countries. In this way, harmonisation of accident data at both national and EU level could be achieved and progressively, additional comparable road accident data from all EU countries will be available, allowing for more interesting and complete analyses. Information on existing national road accident data collection systems was gathered, and the needs of the various stakeholders in different EU countries were identified, in order to define the necessary data for road accident analysis. The national collection systems from all EC member states were analysed and through an iterative process, taking into account both data availability and usefulness, and the National Experts views, the recommendation for a Common Accident Data Set was formulated, consisting of a minimum set of standardised data elements, which will allow for comparable road accident data to be available in Europe. The adoption of this Common Accident Data Set is flexible according to any national needs and/or particularities and it could be a solid basis for the development of the respective common data set to be used at global level.
ID | pc100 |
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Tags | information systems, international comparisons |