Intersections are a critical part of the European road network, representing a small fraction of its overallsize, but concentrating more than a fifth of the fatalities. More than 82.000 persons were killed in trafficaccidents at junctions in 18 European Union countries between 1999 and 2008. In these 18 countriesthere were 30% fewer traffic accident fatalities at junctions in 2008 than in 1999. The objective of thisresearch is the analysis of road safety related parameters in European road junctions through the use ofthe EU CARE database with disaggregate data on road accidents as well as of other international datasources (OECD/IRTAD, Eurostat, etc.). Time-series data from 23 EU countries over a period of 10 year(1999-2008) are correlated with basic safety parameters, such as junction geometric design, vehicle type,area type and gender of the driver. Additional insight into accident causation is offered through the useof in-depth data from more than 1000 accidents. The results of the analysis allow for an overallassessment of the road safety level in the European road junctions in comparison to the remaining roadnetwork, providing thus useful support to decision makers working for the improvement of safety in theEuropean road network.
ID | pc114 |
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Tags | accident analysis, international comparisons, junctions, road infrastructure |