The objective of this work is the presentation of the Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, for the period 2011-2020. The target set in the Strategic Plan is the reduction of the number of road fatalities in Greece in 2020 by 50% compared to 2010. The fundamental objective of the Strategic Plan is the development of road safety culture in Greece. In this paper, firstly, the results of the assessment of the implementation of the previous Strategic Plans for the improvement of road safety in Greece are presented. Road safety developments in Europe and worldwide are also reviewed with focus on the SafeSystem approach. The objective and the targets of the new Road Safety Strategic Plan as well as the structure of the Strategic Plan are presented. Specific Road Safety Programs and measures included in the Strategic Plan are describedin brief and issues related to road safety education and Road Safety Audit are analysed. Finally, the proposed implementation, monitoring and assessment plan is presented.
ID | pc136 |
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Tags | road infrastructure, road safety measures |