Most studies on powered two-wheelers safety focus on the identification of risk factors related to the road infrastructure, the vehicles or the riders. This research aims to analyse the powered two-wheelers road safety level in Greece, by implementing and evaluating the ‘Sunflower’ methodology. The SUNflower methodology is based on a holistic approach, according to which the road safety ‘footprint’ of a country at a specific point in time can be described on the basis of a pyramid that includes a target hierarchy of five levels of distinct yet interrelated road safety components: the structural and cultural characteristics, the implemented road safety programmes and measures, the road safety performance indicators, the final outcomes in terms of road casualties and finally the social cost of road accidents. For the implementation of the methodology on powered two-wheelers road safety level in Greece, all available data for all layers of the pyramid were explored and analysed. The results of the analyses suggest that the increased ownership and use of powered two-wheelers, as well as the improper attitude and behavior of the powered two-wheeler users regarding active and passive safety, together with inefficient enforcement of traffic laws, are the main reasons for the increased risk of this specific group in Greece.
ID | pc164 |
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Tags | accident analysis, road infrastructure |