The PRACT Project (Predicting Road ACcidents – a Transferable methodology across Europe) is an ongoing project aimed atdeveloping a European accident prediction model structure that could, with proper calibration, be applied to different Europeanroad networks.The core principles behind the PRACT project structure are that:
– it is unrealistic to think that one unique Accident Prediction Model (APM) model with a unique set of Crash ModificationFactors (CMFs) can actually be developed, valid for all Europe and for all the different type of networks;
– it is unrealistic to think that one unique Accident Prediction Model (APM) model with a unique set of Crash ModificationFactors (CMFs) can actually be developed, valid for all Europe and for all the different type of networks;
– the development of a specific APM model and a set of CMFs based on local data is extremely time consuming and expensiveand requires data and experience that most road administrations do not have;
– the development of “local” CMFs only based on historical local data prevents the possibility of evaluating the effectivenessof new technologies.The PRACT project addresses these issues by developing a practical guideline and a user friendly tool that will allow for aneasier implementation of APMs and CMFs in different countries and on different road networks.
– the development of “local” CMFs only based on historical local data prevents the possibility of evaluating the effectivenessof new technologies.The PRACT project addresses these issues by developing a practical guideline and a user friendly tool that will allow for aneasier implementation of APMs and CMFs in different countries and on different road networks.
ID | pc230 |
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Tags | international comparisons, motorways, road infrastructure, road safety measures |