The paper aims to provide a critical overview of the infrastructure risk factors in African countries performed within the research project “SaferAfrica – Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa”. The project is funded by the European Commission’s Horizon2020 research and innovation programme. Both macroscopic (generic level) and microscopic (infrastructure element level) potential risk factors were examined and discussed. The macroscopic infrastructure risk factor analysis was based on WHO mortality data and revealed a weak but existent relationship between an extensive road network and fatality rates in African countries. On the other hand, the microscopic infrastructure risk factors analysis, based on technical reports and scientific papers, showed various potential factors, such as low road width, curve radius, low median width, absence of street light etc. Although some research has been carried out in the field of infrastructure risk factors and road safety, the major identified drawback is the lack of available data. Therefore, it is strongly suggested to validate the empirical findings with real-African data. Such an analysis accompanied with reliable and accurate data consists the basis for identifying priority areas for road safety actions and interventions.
ID | pc329 |
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Tags | information systems, international comparisons, road infrastructure, road safety measures, statistical modelling |