The aim of the PIARC Global Road Safety Knowledge Exchange project is to promote knowledge-sharing through appropriate implementation aids, reflecting previous work of, but not limited to, PIARC and is also modern, appealing and appropriate for disseminating PIARC-generated knowledge on road safety. The project focuses on spreading the road safety knowledge to Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). PIARC Exchange project produced a literature review of over 50 PIARC documents, manuals and webinars. Special attention was given to the “Road Safety Manual” and the “Road Tunnels Manual”. The literature review report provided a comprehensive overview of relevant PIARC knowledge in terms of reports, seminars, proceedings, webinars and manuals on road safety for LMICs. The scope was to collate the available knowledge and identify the gaps towards the preparation of a series of relevant material to be disseminated across a wide range of stakeholders in LMICs. The PIARC documents have been reviewed based on their relevance to 8 major road safety areas, namely management, infrastructure, tunnels, vulnerable road users, human behavior, vehicles, speed and data. All PIARC Exchange dissemination activities have been configured within a year-long knowledge sharing campaign. This year-long campaign, under the title “PIARC is Boosting Road Safety at LMICs”, is an innovative dissemination activity, dedicated to road safety, providing monthly updates, on social media and on PIARC website, for all essential road safety areas. Through the numerous in-person and online events organized, as part of the knowledge-sharing campaign, all LMIC stakeholders have been able to interact with PIARC road safety experts, engage and learn more about PIARC reports and PIARC knowledge products.
ID | rn129 |
Name | Piarc |
Duration | 2022-2023 |
Funding | PIARC |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Partnership | AIT |
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