Safety of the transport network of Greece, as it is transformed by the new projects, is a basic parameter for the improvement of the transport services offered in Greece. This research project concerns the thorough recording and evaluation of the present situation of the network kai the related active safety infrastructure in the main road axis, airports and ports of Greece and aims at the formulation of a sound and complete proposal for the on-time prediction of all necessary actions and infrastructure for the management of incidents in the road network of the country.
ID | rn1 |
Name | SIMET |
Duration | 1991 - 1995 |
Funding | European Commission - 3rd RTD Framework Programme, Transport Research |
Research Institute | Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA |
Principal Investigator | Prof. C.Abacoumkin |
Partnership | Technicatome-F, Framatome-F, Ecole Centrale-F, EASL-I, Krupp-D, Dornier-D, UPolitechnica Madrid-E, NEA-NL, Coherence-B, Costamasnaga-I |
Publications | pj1 |
Tags | intelligent systems, intermodal transport, logistics, transport networks, transport terminals |