The aim of the project is to thoroughly examine model traffic and parking arrangements in the centre of Athens. To this end, the characteristics of the examined area will be analyzed, the objectives of the traffic arrangements will be defined, and a specific traffic model and traffic demand scenarios will be developed. Alternative traffic scenarios will then be considered and the optimal traffic and parking arrangements for tourist buses and motorcycles will be selected. The model traffic and parking arrangements to be considered will be harmonized with the international principles of sustainable urban mobility. An Environmental Impact Assessment will be prepared as part of the project. If necessary, a review of potential new scenarios and arrangements will be carried out, as well as an update of the Traffic and Environmental Impact Assessments.
ID | rn100 |
Name | A-Traffic |
Duration | 2019-2020 |
Funding | Athens City |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Tags | road infrastructure, statistical modelling, traffic management, traffic simulation, urban mobility |