The objective of this project is to support the coordination of all activities related to the project management, methodological issues and data management that are required for the collection of the road safety KPIs in the EU. The coordination activities concern:
– Management and dissemination: including participation in the project Coordination Team, participation in the Technical Committee, participation and active involvement in the KPI Expert Groups, preparation of the collected information (documents, presentations, etc.) for dissemination and contribution to the development of the website
– Preparation and support: including the development of methodological guidelines for the collection of the KPIs from the EU Member States, the creation of a database for the gathering of all data elements and assistance in the support to project partners on methodological issues
– Data collection and KPIs calculation: including assistance in the support to project partners on data collection and KPI calculation and quality control of data received from the project member
– Reporting: including analysis and review of the data submitted by the project partners, contribution to the progress report and contribution to the final report.
ID | rn111 |
Name | BaseLine |
Duration | 2021-2022 |
Funding | European Comission |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Tags | driver behaviour, driver distraction, information systems, international comparisons, road infrastructure, speed |