The scope of this research project is the identification and analysis of the components of a strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, the implementation of which could lead to a decrease of the number of road accidents and casualties and at the same time to the strengthening of the procedure that incorporates road safety actions in the 3rd EU Community Cohesion Fund. This research project is divided in four work packages. More specifically international experience will be recorded and current situation in Greece will be identified in detail. Afterwards a road safety strategic plan will be developed and its specific implementation programme will be proposed.
ID | rn21 |
Duration | 1999-2001 |
Funding | Ministry of National Economy |
Research Institute | Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G.Kanellaidis |
Publications | pc21, pc29, pc33, pc35, pc44, cp7, cp11, cp14 |
Tags | accident analysis, road safety measures, road safety strategy |