With the completion of the National Road Safety Strategic Plan, each authority will be responsible for the monitoring and the planning of its future policy. Past experience shows that the weakness on substantiating the actions and the lack of evaluation of results is due to the absence of suitable data bases. In this framework the aim of this research project, is the development of a system for the analysis of road accident data. The implementation of this system will provide to the Ministry of Transportation and Communication the necessary information concerning the two main factors of accident causation for which the Ministry is responsible: the driver and the vehicle. These results will also assist the Ministry to specify its short and long term policy.
ID | rn26 |
Duration | 2001-2003 |
Funding | Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works |
Research Institute | Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA |
Principal Investigator | Prof. J.Golias |
Publications | pj16, pj23, pj26, pc51 |
Tags | accident analysis, information systems |