Road telematics and driver assistance systems can constitute a real opportunity to support mobility and to improve road safety. Human factors and cognitive engineering competencies exist in Europe but are scattered. Integration of research capacities will allow to face the international challenge, to strength potential inputs to R&D European industries, to harmonise Road Safety and ITS approaches among State Members, to increase Societal Benefits of ITS implementation and to react quickly to any new technological developments by structuring common knowledge databases, identifying knowledge gaps, avoiding redundancy and duplication of research activities. The goal of HUMANIST is to create an European Virtual Centre of Excellence on HUMAN centred design for Information Society Technologies applied to Road Transport (IVIS and ADAS), with a coherent joint program of activities, gathering research, integrating and spreading activities.
ID | rn34 |
Duration | 2004-2008 |
Funding | European Commission – 6th RTD Framework Programme, Transport Research |
Research Institute | Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA |
Principal Investigator | Prof. J.Golias |
Publications | pc52, pc57, pc63 |
Tags | driver behaviour, driver distraction, intelligent systems, road infrastructure |