The present project investigates issues related to two-wheeler behaviour and safety in order to define the parameters of their behaviour resulting in their high risk. Other project sub-objectives concern the obtaining of know-how on the risk factors for two-wheelers and on their behaviour and the design of tools to represent two-wheeler behaviour efficiently. First, the possible causes for two-wheeler road accidents are investigated obtaining data from accident databases to define specific scenarios that contain high risk for two-wheelers. Next, two-wheeler behaviour, conspicuity and risk perception are investigated using a set of tools part of which is designed/customised within the framework of the project. Such tools are instrumented two-wheelers for naturalistic riding studies, questionnaires, riding simulators and video tools. The synthesis of the project results leads to the design of measures for the improvement of two-wheeler road safety.
ID | rn47 |
Name | 2BESAFE |
Duration | 2009-2011 |
Funding | European Commission - DG Transport |
Research Institute | Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA |
Principal Investigator | Prof. J. Golias |
Publications | pj52, pj71, pj77, pj87, pc106, pc115, pc122, pc138, pc139, pc160, cp60 |
Tags | accident analysis, driver behaviour, international comparisons, motorcyclists |