Recently there has been a large increase in bicycle kilometers in urban and peri-urban contexts. This is due to the availability of self-service systems, the widespread use of the bike to make deliveries at home, the use of the bike for sightseeing tours but also a change in mentality especially among young people who favor active transport modes. Carrying out a cross analysis of the reasons for travel and the public concerned, we find a large part of these kilometers travelled by young people under 30 and for leisure and night outings.
The objective of Velivr ‘is to observe and analyze the behavior and practices of French cyclists (especially young people) towards the consumption of alcohol and drugs. An international benchmark on accidentology and good practices will help frame and better define the problem. Direct observation through a survey will make it possible to measure the extent of the phenomenon, to identify the profiles concerned and to get an idea of the causes of the phenomenon (using statistical models) so that, in the future, formulate and implement appropriate public actions.
ID | rn85 |
Name | VELIVR' |
Duration | (2018-) |
Funding | Délégation à la Sécurité Routière |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Partnership | IFSTTAR |
Tags | cyclists |