The aim of e-MOPOLI project is the deployment of electromobility and alternative fuels through the improvement of 9 policy instruments related to the Structural Funds in Italy, Greece, Belgium, Finland, Norway, Romania and Latvia. The Region of Attica will scientifically contribute in this project through the investigation and deployment of electromobility solutions and policies related to the Priority Axis 06 – Improvement of Quality of life in Urban Environment of the Development Strategy of the Region of Attica for the period 2014-2020. The targets of the project are: – Development of action plans for the promotion of electromobility in the areas of the Project Partners (PPs), – Formulation of policy recommendations for electromobility development in the PPs’ areas, – The stakeholders will create a network aiming at making available the knowledge about electromobility and alternative fuels.
ID | rn86 |
Name | e-MOPOLI |
Duration | 2018-2022 |
Funding | European Commission |
Research Institute | National Technical University of Athens |
Principal Investigator | Prof. G. Yannis |
Tags | electro mobility, smart cities, traffic management, urban mobility |