rn148 |
“Trust – Traffic safety culture – A systematic transition towards shared responsibility for safe and sustainable mobility in the EU” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (Scientific Responsible) (2025-2028) |
rn147 |
“SafE-HMI: Safety Evaluation of advanced Human Machine Interfaces in automated driving” funded by NTUA resources (Scientific Responsible) (2024-2028) |
rn146 |
“InAm – Scientific support for URBAN SUSTAINABLE MOBILITY in Greece” for Interamerican (Scientific Responsible) (2024-2030) |
rn145 |
“GreCo – Green Cultural Oases” funded by Municipality of Argyroupoli – Hellinikon (Scientific Responsible) (2024-2027) |
rn144 |
“Satozo – Investigation of Driver’s Safety Tolerance Zone” funded by NTUA resources (2024-2029). |
rn143 |
“VISA – Survey on the acceptance and preferences for contactless card payments instead of tickets at public transport validation machines” funded by NTUA (Scientific Responsible) (2024) |
rn142 |
“CulturalRoad – Cultural, regional and societal factors to overcome barriers to connected, cooperative and automated mobility deployment” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (Scientific Responsible) (2024-2027) |
rn141 |
“IMPROVA – Injury Mitigation to Promote Vision-Zero Achievement” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (Scientific Responsible) (2024-2027) |
rn140 |
“CCAM-ia – Connected, Cooperative and Automated Mobility Impact Assessment” funded by NTUA resources (Scientific Responsible) (2023-) |
rn139 |
“OptiMo – Optimising driver behaviour for safe, green and energy efficient mobility” for the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) (Scientific Responsible) (2023-2025) |
rn138 |
“MetaCCaze – Flexibly adapted MetaInnovations, use cases, collaborative business and governance models to accelerate deployment of smart and shared Zero Emission mobility for passengers and freight” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2024-2027) |
rn137 |
“SshCentre – Recommendation for the provision of financial incentives and benefits by the State for vehicle insurance policies using telematics” in the framework of the research project SSH CENTER for the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program and the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (2023-2024) |
rn136 |
“30m30 – Promoting 30km/h city-wide speed limits by running 30 Marathons in 30 months” of NTUA (Scientific Responsible) (2022-2024) |
rn135 |
“Road safety and driving behavior analysis of Automated Vehicles during level transitions” for the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) (Scientific Responsible) (2023) |
rn134 |
“Flyover – Road Safety Audit of the Prefinal and Detailed Design of the Primary Road Network of the Project: Upgrading of Eastern Inner Thessaloniki Ring Road with PPP” for AVAX (2023) |
rn133 |
“Ivory – AI for Vision Zero in Road Safety” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2023-2027) |
rn132 |
“Ersonext – Support to the European Road Safety Observatory” for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2023-2026) |
rn131 |
“Automated vehicles impact on traffic and the environment” for the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) (Scientific Responsible) (2023) |
rn130 |
“Trendline-Support of technical activities for the development and collection of Road Safety Key Performance Indicators” for SWOV Institute (2022-2024) |
rn129 |
“PIARC Global Road Safety Knowledge Exchange” for PIARC (2022-2023) |
rn128 |
“Conductor – Fleet and traffic management systems for conducting future cooperative mobility” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2022-2025) |
rn127 |
“PHOEBE – Predictive Approaches for Safer Urban Environments” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2022-2025) |
rn126 |
“Exploring the relationship between unsafe traffic events and crash occurrence” funded by NTUA resources (2022-2024) |
rn125 |
“Model Meta-Industrial Transformation of Akrini” for the Greek Ministry of the Environment and Energy (2021-2022) |
rn124 |
“ESRA3 – E-Survey of Road users’ Attitudes”, within the ESRA cooperation of road safety institutes (2021-2023) |
rn123 |
“Napcore – National Access Point Coordination Organisation for Europe” for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2021-2024) |
rn122 |
“Interact – Modeling and simulation of mixed traffic in shared space” for Toyota (2021) |
rn121 |
“DIT4TraM – Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2021-2024) |
rn120 |
“Tangent – Enhanced data processing techniques for dynamic management of multimodal traffic” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2021-2024) |
rn119 |
“SmartMaps – Smart city mapping for safer and eco driver behaviour through smartphone sensor big data” co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund of the European Union and Greek national funds through the Operational Program “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation”, under the call “RESEARCH-CREATE-INNOVATE” (2021-2023) |
rn118 |
“Big Data and New Urban Sustainable Mobility Forms” for the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) (Scientific Responsible) (2021) |
rn117 |
“Road accident risk factors and big data” for the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation (HFRI) (2022-2024) |
rn116 |
“Development of the Road Safety Strategic Plan in Greece 2021-2030” for the Ministry of Infrastucture and Transport (2021) |
rn115 |
“Advanced Road Safety Research” funded by NTUA resources (2021-2022) |
rn114 |
“SafetySkills – Development of road safety skills and promotion of related actions in middle and low income countries” funded by NTUA resources (2021-2026) |
rn113 |
“e-MOPOLI: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility” for Interreg Programme (2021) |
rn112 |
“Baseline – Collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety” for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2021-2022) |
rn111 |
“BaseLine – Support of coordination activities for the collection of Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) for road safety” for VIAS Institute (2021-2022) |
rn110 |
“Covid-19 impact on mobility and safety” for the University of Valencia (2020-2021) |
rn109 |
“NetSafety – Study on a Methodology for Network-wide Road Assessment” for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2020-2023) |
rn108 |
“Collaborative Research and Mentoring in Driver Behavior and Traffic Safety” in the framework of the Greek Diaspora Fellowship Program of Stavros Niarhos Foundation (Scientific Responsible) (2020-2021) |
rn107 |
“LSE Athens Urban Age Task Force” for London School of Ecomomics (Scientific Responsible) (2019-2020) |
rn106 |
“Supporting evidence-based road safety decision making” funded by NTUA resources (2020-2025) |
rn105 |
“Supporting the investigation of road users’ safety culture and travel habits” funded by NTUA resources (2020-2025) |
rn104 |
“Acceptance of Automated Mobility-on -Demand Services in Large Metropolitan Areas: The Case of the City of Athens” for Toyota (2020) |
rn103 |
“Road Safety Audit of the final design of the primary road network of the project for the development of the Hellinikon-Ag.Kosmas metropolitan pole” for Lamda Development (2020) |
rn102 |
“EcoCharge: Investigating the socio-economic impact of environmental transport charging policies” for the Association of Motor Vehicle Importers Representatives (AMVIR) (2020) |
rn101 |
“EcoDrive – Personalized Service for Eco Driving” funded by NTUA resources (2020-2022) |
rn100 |
“A-Traffic: Model traffic and parking arrangements in central Athens” for the Athens City Municipality (2019-2020) |
rn99 |
“Acceptance of Automated Mobility-on -Demand Services in Large Metropolitan Areas: The Case of the City of Athens“ for Toyota (2020) |
rn98 |
“Investigation of driver distraction impact using big data from a smartphone application” funded by The Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2019-2021) |
rn97 |
“Older Drivers safety behaviour assessment in a naturalistic driving experiment” funded by The Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2019-2021) |
rn96 |
“Development of Global Road Safety DataBases” funded by NTUA resources (Scientific Responsible) (2019-2020) |
rn95 |
“SHOW – Shared Automation Operating Models for Worldwide Adoption” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2020-2023) |
rn94 |
“HADRIAN – Holistic Approach for Driver Role Integration and Automation Allocation for European Mobility Needs” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2019-2023) |
rn93 |
“i-safemodels – International Comparative Analyses of Road Traffic Statistics and Safety Modeling” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF): Greece – China Joint R&D Projects, funded by the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK) (2019-2023) |
rn92 |
“i-Dreams: Safety Tolerance zone calculation and interventions for driver – vehicle – environment interactions under challenging conditions” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2019-2023) |
rn91 |
“Drive2theFuture – Needs, wants and behaviour of “Drivers” and automated vehicle users today and into the future” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2019-2022) |
rn90 |
“High resolution spatio-temporal analysis of road safety and traffic behaviour” funded by The Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2018-2020) |
rn89 |
“BEOPEN – European forum and oBsErvatory for OPEN science in transport” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2019-2021) |
rn88 |
“LEVITATE – Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2018-2022) |
rn87 |
“Safety Audit of the new, under development, network of roads, cycle paths and pedestrian roads in the Metropolitan Pole of Elliniko – Agio Kosma” carried out for Lamda Development (2018) |
rn86 |
“e-MOPOLI: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility and traffic management” carried out for the Interred Europe Programme (2019-2021) |
rn85 |
“Velivr’ – Cycling under the influence of alcohol and drugs: current state and risks” carried out for the Délégation à la Sécurité Routière (2018-2019) |
rn84 |
“BeSmart – Multi-modal driver behaviour and safety support system on the basis of smartphone applications” in the framework of the research programme EXPLORE-CREATE-INNOVATE (EREVNO-DHMIOURGO-KAINOTOMO) of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2018-2022) |
rn83 |
“InAm – Scientific support for actions to improve drivers’ safety behaviour in Greece” carried out for Interamerican (2017-19) |
rn82 |
“Investigation of the socio-economic impact of ride sharing services in Athens” carried out for Uber B.V. (2017-2018) |
rn81 |
“ESRA2 – E-Survey of Road users’ Attitudes” within the ESRA cooperation of road safety institutes (2018-2021) |
rn80 |
“Driverbrain2 – Performance assessment of drivers with cerebral disease” funded by NTUA resources (2017-2019) |
rn79 |
“Correlating road accidents with high resolution traffic and weather data” funded by State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2017-2019) |
rn78 |
“Evaluation of safe driving behaviour of older drivers with or without cerebral diseases” funded by State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2015-2017) |
rn77 |
“Multilevel analysis of driving behaviour with focus on distraction based on a driving simulator experiment” funded by State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2015-2017) |
rn76 |
“Road Safety Decision Support” funded by NTUA resources (2016-2019) |
rn75 |
“NRSO – Support of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory operation” funded by NTUA resources (2016-2019) |
rn74 |
“CAMP-sUmp – CAMPus sustainable University mobility plans in MED areas”, in the framework of the Interreg MED Programme, co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund (2017-2018) |
rn73 |
“DLicence2020 – Assessment of the implementation of Directive 2006/126/EC on driving licences” carried out for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2016-2017) |
rn72 |
“SaferAfrica – Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2016-2019) |
rn71 |
“Skillful – Skills and competences development of future transportation professionals at all levels” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2016-2019) |
rn70 |
“KSYL – Management, Organisation, Development and Planning of a Multi-Operation System for the Development of the Interurban Bus Central Terminal at Eleonas” carried out for the Athens Interurban Central Bus Station (2016-2019) |
rn69 |
“IRTAD Cities” carried out for the International Transport Forum (ITF) (2016) |
rn68 |
“SafeCulture – Safety culture in private and professional transport: examining its influence on behaviours and implications for interventions” carried out for the Norwegian Research Council (2016-2018) |
rn67 |
“ESRA – European Survey of Road users’ safety Attitudes” within the ESRA Pan-European cooperation of road safety institutes (2015-2016) |
rn66 |
“SAFETYCUBE – Safety Causation, Benefits and Efficiency” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2015-2018) |
rn65 |
“ELDERSAFE – Risks and Countermeasures for Road Traffic of the Elderly in Europe” carried out for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2014-2015) |
rn64 |
“ERSO+ Update of the European Road Safety Observatory” carried out for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2015-2018) |
rn63 |
“PRACT – Predicting road accidents – a transferable methodology across Europe” carried out for the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) (2014-2016) |
rn62 |
“BESAFE – Belarusian road safety network” of the Tempus programme of the European Commission (2013-2017) |
rn61 |
“RIDERSCAN – European scanning tour for motorcycle safety” carried out for the European Commission (2011-2015) |
rn60 |
“ROSEE – Road safety in South East European regions” in the framework of the South East Europe Transnational Cooperation Programme (2012-2014) |
rn59 |
“DRIVERBRAIN – Performance of drivers with cerebral diseases at unexpected incidents” in the framework of the research programme ARISTEIA of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2012-2015) |
rn58 |
“EUROMED – Regional Transport Project: Road, Rail, and Urban Transport” carried out for the European Commission (2012-2014) |
rn57 |
“PEDMOD – Models of Pedestrian Behaviour and Safety” in the framework of the Support Action for PostDoc Researchers of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2012-2015) |
rn56 |
“DISTRACT – Causes and impacts of driver distraction: a driving simulator study” in the framework of the research programme THALIS for the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs (2012-2015) |
rn55 |
“Effects of alcohol among young drivers: a driving simulator study” in the framework of PostDoc research at the Laboratory of Traffic Engineering of NTUA (2011) |
rn54 |
“Development of the Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011 – 2020” carried out for the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (2010-2011) |
rn53 |
“DACOTA – Road Accident Data Collection Transfer and Analysis” of the seventh framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2010-2012) |
rn52 |
“Investigation of the possibility for exclusive use of Panepistimiou av. by public transport” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (2010-2011) |
rn51 |
“Analysis of pedestrian’s road crossing behaviour in urban areas by means of survival analysis methods” of the program for the support of basic research of NTUA – PEVE 2009 (2009-2011) |
rn50 |
“SARTRE 4 – Social attitudes to road traffic risk in Europe” carried out for the European Commission (2009-2012) |
rn49 |
“Development of an integrated framework for the implementation of national interoperability of electronic toll payment systems” carried out for the National Highway Fund (2009) |
rn48 |
“Development of manual for the safe driving of elderly drivers” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2009-2010) |
rn47 |
“2BESAFE – Two Wheeler Behaviour and Safety” of the seventh framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2009-2011) |
rn46 |
“Manual on Road Traffic Injury Data Collection Systems” carried out for the World Health Organisation (2008-2009) |
rn45 |
“Obligation for the implementation of inter-operability at the electronic toll payment in Greece: potential for transformation of the National Highway Fund” carried out for the National Highway Fund (2007-2008) |
rn44 |
“Incorporation of parameters related to intelligent transport systems into traffic simulation models” of the program for the support of basic research of NTUA – Karatheodori (2007-2008) |
rn43 |
“Road Safety Data collection in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2007-2009) |
rn42 |
“Support of the implementation of methods for hazardous locations identification and of the necessary countermeasures in the interurban road network” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (2007-2008) |
rn41 |
“Development of multimedia tools for driver education for the new Road Code” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (Scientific Responsible: Ass.Prof. M.Karlaftis) (2006-2007) |
rn40 |
“Best practices on cost-effective safety investments” carried out for the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) (2006-2008) |
rn39 |
“A Statistical Investigation of Heavy Vehicle Effects on Road Safety” carried out for the Association of Motor Vehicle Importers and Representatives (2006-2007) |
rn38 |
“FLEXIBLETRAFFIC – Development of Flexible Traffic Models that Exploit Emerging Data Collection Technologies Through the Introduction of Machine Learning Concepts” of the Marie Curie fellowship programme of the sixth framework programme of the European Commission (2006-2008) |
rn37 |
“IN-SAFETY – Infrastructure and safety” of the sixth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2005-2008) |
rn36 |
“Development of Road Safety Strategic Plan for Greece, 2006 – 2010” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2004-2005) |
rn35 |
“SAFETYNET – The European road safety observatory” of the sixth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2004-2008) |
rn34 |
“HUMANIST – Human centered design for information society technologies” of the sixth framework programme on e-safety research of the European Commission (2004-2008) |
rn33 |
“Investigation of accident risk of drivers with increased involvement in road accidents” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2003-2005) |
rn32 |
“Technical support in specialised scientific issues of satelite navigation system Galileo and trans- and pan-european networks” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2003-2004) |
rn31 |
“e-Traffic – Traffic information system” carried out for the Region of Attica (2003-2005) |
rn30 |
“Development – specialisation of actions of the strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of National Economy (2002-2003) |
rn29 |
“ROSEBUD – Road safety and environmental benefit-cost and cost-effectiveness analysis for use in decision Making” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2002-2005) |
rn28 |
“HEARTS – Health effects and risk of transport systems” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2002-2005) |
rn27 |
“Scientific support of the Hellenic Presidency in the fields of air transport, satelite navigation system Galileo and road safety” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2002-2003) |
rn26 |
“Development of system for statistical processing of road accident data” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2001-2003) |
rn25 |
“Investigation of implementation and efficiency of delivery restrictions” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (2001-2002) |
rn24 |
“Development of the methodology for the determination of black spots on the rural road network of Greece” carried out for the Ministry of National Economy (2000-2001) |
rn23 |
“ADVISORS – Action for advanced Driver assistance and Vehicle control systems Implementation, Standardisation, Optimum use of the Road network and Safety” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2000-2002) |
rn22 |
“RECORDIT – Real cost reduction of door-to-door intermodal transport” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2000-2002) |
rn21 |
“Development of the strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of National Economy (1999-2001) |
rn20 |
“Traffic and environmental impact from taxi traffic in Athens” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1999-2000) |
rn19 |
“Road Safety Audit in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1999-2000) |
rn18 |
“Implementation study for the development and pilot implementation of an integrated system for the improvement of road safety by the use of a driving simulator” within the framework of the 2nd Transport research programme of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (1998-1999) |
rn17 |
“Investigation of traffic organisation of National Technical University of Athens campus” carried out for the National Technical University of Athens (1998) |
rn16 |
“Research on air transport demand of Kreta island and setting up of the master plan of Iraklion state airport ‘N.Kazantzakis'” carried out for the Civil Aviation Authority (1998-2000) |
rn15 |
“CAREPLUS 2 – Elaboration of transformation rules converting national road accident values into European” carried out for the European Commission (1998-2000) |
rn14 |
“PROMISING – Promotion of measures with regard to mobility integrated with safety, taking into account the inexperience of vulnerable user groups” of the fourth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (1998-1999) |
rn13 |
“Development of a methodology and suggestions for the improvement of selected high hasard locations on the main road network of Attiki” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1997-1998) |
rn12 |
“Impacts of the operations for the collection and distribution of persons and goods on the traffic conditions and the environment” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1997-1998) |
rn11 |
“Investigation for the improvement of active transport safety services” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1997-1999) |
rn10 |
“SAFESTAR – Safety standards for road design and redesign” of the fourth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (1996-1998) |
rn9 |
“IMPULSE – Interoperaple modular pilot plans underlying logistic system in Europe” of the fourth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (1996-1999) |
rn8 |
“COST 329 – Models for traffic and safety development and interventions” carried out for the European Commission (1996-1999) |
rn7 |
“CAREPLUS – Elaboration of transformation rules converting national road accident values into European” carried out for the European Commission (1996) |
rn6 |
“Current and future potential of a European road accident data base with disaggregate data” carried out for the European Commission (1995-1996) |
rn5 |
“Investigation of methods dealing with problems from traffic restriction in the commercial triangle of Athens, Stadiou – Ermou – Athinas” carried out for Athens Municipality (1995-1996) |
rn4 |
“User requirements for a Community road accidents data base” carried out for the European Commission (1993-1994) |
rn3 |
“Investigation of Greek transport demand in the combined transport corridor Greece – Italy – Northern Europe” carried out for the European Commission (1993-1994) |
rn2 |
“Pilot project for the combined transport corridor Greece – Italy – Northern Europe” carried out for the European Commission (1993) |
rn1 |
“SIMET – Smart Intermodal European Transfer in Europe” of the third framework programme on transport research – EURET of the European Commission (1991-1995) |