Items Under Tag: accident analysis

si76 Sub Group of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) on Road Safety Key Performance Indicators of the International Transport Forum (2020-).
si44 Special Interest Group on Traffic Safety Analysis and Policy of the World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR – SIG C4) (2017-).
si33 Sub Group of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) on the socio-economic cost of crashes, of the Joint Transport Research Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Transport Forum (2015- )
si32 Sub Group of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) on the road accident forecasting analysis, of the Joint Transport Research Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Transport Forum (2015- )
si24 Sub Group of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) on the impact of speed changes on crash occurrence and severity, of the Joint Transport Research Centre of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development and the International Transport Forum (2012- )
si4 Management Committee of the COST-329 Research Action – Models for traffic and safety development and interventions (1996-1999)
si1 Government Experts Group on road accident statistics, European Commission (1987- )
rn93 “i-safemodels – International Comparative Analyses of Road Traffic Statistics and Safety Modeling” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF): Greece – China Joint R&D Projects, funded by the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” (EPAnEK) (2019-2023)
rn79 “Correlating road accidents with high resolution traffic and weather data” funded by State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) (2017-2019)
rn63 “PRACT – Predicting road accidents – a transferable methodology across Europe” carried out for the Conference of European Directors of Roads (CEDR) (2014-2016)
rn59 “DRIVERBRAIN – Performance of drivers with cerebral diseases at unexpected incidents” in the framework of the research programme ARISTEIA of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2012-2015)
rn56 “DISTRACT – Causes and impacts of driver distraction: a driving simulator study” in the framework of the research programme THALIS for the Ministry of Education, Lifelong Learning and Religious Affairs (2012-2015)
rn55 “Effects of alcohol among young drivers: a driving simulator study” in the framework of PostDoc research at the Laboratory of Traffic Engineering of NTUA (2011)
rn54 “Development of the Strategic Plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece, 2011 – 2020” carried out for the Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport and Networks (2010-2011)
rn53 “DACOTA – Road Accident Data Collection Transfer and Analysis” of the seventh framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2010-2012)
rn47 “2BESAFE – Two Wheeler Behaviour and Safety” of the seventh framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2009-2011)
rn43 “Road Safety Data collection in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2007-2009)
rn42 “Support of the implementation of methods for hazardous locations identification and of the necessary countermeasures in the interurban road network” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (2007-2008)
rn39 “A Statistical Investigation of Heavy Vehicle Effects on Road Safety” carried out for the Association of Motor Vehicle Importers and Representatives (2006-2007)
rn36 “Development of Road Safety Strategic Plan for Greece, 2006 – 2010” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2004-2005)
rn35 “SAFETYNET – The European road safety observatory” of the sixth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2004-2008)
rn33 “Investigation of accident risk of drivers with increased involvement in road accidents” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2003-2005)
rn26 “Development of system for statistical processing of road accident data” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2001-2003)
rn24 “Development of the methodology for the determination of black spots on the rural road network of Greece” carried out for the Ministry of National Economy (2000-2001)
rn21 “Development of the strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of National Economy (1999-2001)
rn13 “Development of a methodology and suggestions for the improvement of selected high hasard locations on the main road network of Attiki” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1997-1998)
rn8 “COST 329 – Models for traffic and safety development and interventions” carried out for the European Commission (1996-1999)
rn6 “Current and future potential of a European road accident data base with disaggregate data” carried out for the European Commission (1995-1996)
ro22 “SAFERWHEELS – Study on accident causation for traffic accidents involving powered two-wheelers and bicycles in the European Union” carried out for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (2015-2018)
ro14 “ESUM -European Safer Urban Motorcycling” carried out for the European Commission (2009-2010)
ro11 “SUNFLOWER+6 – A comparative study of the development of road safety in the SUNflower+6 countries” (2003-2004)
pj202 Sekadakis M., Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Yannis G., “Analysis of the impact of COVID-19 on collisions, fatalities and injuries using time series forecasting: The case of Greece”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 162, November 2021.   doi   doi
pc427 Mihou Archimandritou Y., Kallidoni M., Theofilatos A.,Yannis G., “Comparative Investigation of Road Accident Cost in The European Union”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pc422 Folla K., Charalampidi M., Yannis G., “Investigation of factors affecting serious crash injuries in Europe”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pj200 Nikolaou D., Folla K., Yannis G., “Impact of socioeconomic and transport indicators on road safety during the crisis period in Europe”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion Volume 28, Issue 4, 2021, pp.479-485   doi   doi
pj197 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Laiou A., Michelaraki E., Yannis G., Rosenbloomc T., “Examining the relationship between impaired driving and past crash involvement in Europe: Insights from the ESRA study”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Published online: June 2021.   doi   doi
pj189 Folla K., Nikolaou P., Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “Benchmarking Analysis of Road Safety Levels for an Extensive and Representative Dataset of European Cities”, Advances in Mobility-as-a-Service Systems, November 2020, pp. 1066-1075.   doi   doi
pc392 Nikolaou P., Folla K., Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “European Countries’ Road Safety Evaluation by Τaking Ιnto Αccount Multiple Classes of Fatalities”, Proceedings of the 23rd EURO Working Group on Transportation Meeting, EWGT 2020, organised by KIOS Research and Innovation Center of Excellence (KIOS CoE), University of Cyprus (16-18 September 2020).          
pj182 Brown L., Morris A.,Thomas P., Ekambaram K., Margaritis D., Davidse R., Shingo Usami D., Robibaro M., Persia L., Buttler I., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Martin A., Wadji F., “Investigation of Accidents Involving Powered Two Wheelers and Bicycles – a European In-Depth Study”. Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 76, February 2021, pp. 135-145.   doi   doi
pj181 Theofilatos A., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Exploring injury severity of children and adolescents involved in traffic crashes in Greece”. Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition) Volume 8, Issue 4, August 2021, pp. 596-604   doi   doi
pc387 Folla K., Nikolaou P., Dimitriou L., Yannis G., “Benchmarking Analysis of Road Safety Levels for an Extensive and Representative Dataset of European Cities”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (Virtual CSUM2020), organised by The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog (17-19 June 2020).          
pc378 Kourtis E.-M., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Modelling the economic impacts of road crashes in Greece”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.          
pc358 Yannis G., Folla K., Giagkou D., “The Effect of Mobility Characteristics on Road Safety in European Cities”, Proceedings of the 30th Annual Polis Conference, organised by POLIS, the European Cities Network (Brussels, Belgium, 27-28 November 2019).          
pc351 Nikolaou D., Folla K., Bellos E., Yannis G., “Tourism and Road Accidents in Greece”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).          
pj156 Bellos V., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Investigation of the effect of tourism on road crashes”. Journal of Transportation Safety & Security, Vol.12, Issue 6, January 2019, pp. 782-799   doi   doi
pj153 Papadimitriou E., Filtness A., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Quigley C., Yannis G., “Review and ranking of crash risk factors related to the road infrastructure”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 125, April 2019, pp. 85-97.   doi   doi
pc323 Nikolaou D., Folla A., Yannis G., “The effect of socioeconomics and transportation conditions on road safety in the European Union”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.          
pc318 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Exploration of real-time crash likelihood of Powered-Two Wheelers in Greece”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.          
pc314 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla A., Nikolic N., Molnar E., “SafeFITS: A Global Road Safety Model”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.          
pc312 Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Margaritis D., Thomas P., Morris A., Brown L., Robibaro M., Usami D.S., Phan V., Davidse R., Buttler I., “A preliminary analysis of in-depth accident data for powered two-wheelers and bicycles in Europe”, Proceedings of the International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury – IRCOBI 2018, Athens, Greece, 12 September 2018.          
pc311 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Tselentis D., Yuan Q., “Exploring Weather Effects on Powered-Two-Wheeler Safety on Urban Arterials in Athens”, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation – hEART2018, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 5-7 September 2018.          
pc307 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Exploring Crash Injury Severity on Urban Motorways by Applying Finite Mixture Models”, Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference on Mobility and Transport Urban Mobility – Shaping the Future Together, Munich, 13-14 June 2018.          
pc303 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., Nikolic N., Molnar E., “SafeFITS – A global model as a tool for road safety policy making”, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference “Road Safety in Local Community”, Serbia, Kopaonik, Hotel Kraljevi Cardaci, 18-21 April 2018.          
pc302 Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Combining data mining techniques to investigate crash severity in urban motorways”, Proceedings of the 8th International Expert Symposium on Accident Research (ESAR), Hannover, 19-20 April 2018.      
pc300 La Torre F., Tanzi N., Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Richter T., Ruhl S., Karathodorou N., Graham D., “Accident prediction in European countries – development of a practical evaluation tool”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.
pj139 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Impact of real-time traffic characteristics on crash occurrence: The case of rare events”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 130, September 2019, pp. 151-159.   doi   doi
pc295 Folla K., Yannis G., Laiou A., Brandstaetter C., Bauer R., Machata K., “Characteristics of Single Vehicle Accidents in Europe”, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.          
pc277 Breen J., Laiou A., Yannis G., “An overview of serious road injuries in EU countries”, Proceedings of the Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.          
pc267 Laiou A., Yannis G., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., “An overview of road accident fatalities in the European Union”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.          
pc266 Dragomanovits A., Yannis G., Laiou A., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Richter T., Ruhl S., Graham D., Karathodorou N., “Predicting Road ACcidents – a Transferable methodology across Europe”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.          
pj135 Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Diamandouros K., (2017). “Meta-analysis of the effect of road work zones on crash occurrence”. Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 108, 2017, pp. 1-8.   doi   doi
pj128 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Chaziris A., Serbis D., “Time series and support vector machines to predict powered-two-wheeler accident risk and accident type propensity: A combined approach”, Transportation Safety and Security, 2017, pp. 1-20.   doi   doi
pj127 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Richter T., Ruhl S., Graham D., Karathodorou N., “Road traffic accident prediction modelling: a literature review”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport (Themed issue on transport safety and assessment), Volume 170, Issue 5, 2017, pp. 245-254.   doi   doi
pj124 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Golias J., Vlahogianni E., “Modelling the effect of traffic regimes on safety of urban arterials: the case study of Athens”, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 240-251.   doi   doi
pc255 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., “Stochastic cusp catastrophe models with traffic and weather data for crash severity analysis on urban arterials”, Proceedings of the 96rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.          
pj120 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Investigation of Powered-Two-Wheeler accident involvement on urban arterials by considering real-time traffic and weather data”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2017 pp. 293-298.   doi   doi
pj117 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S, Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Dupont E., “Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece”, International Journal of Transportation Vol. 5 No. 2, 2017, pp.1-14.   doi   doi
pc253 Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., “Comparative analysis of road accidents in the European motorways”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.      
pc252 Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., “Road traffic accidents in European urban areas”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.      
pc249 Yannis G., Dragomanovits A., Laiou A., La Torre F., Domenichini L., Richter T., Ruhl S., Graham D., Karathodorou N., “Development of an online Repository of Accident Prediction Models and Crash Modification Factors”, Proceedings of the 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, October 2016.          
pc247 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Pispiringos G., “Investigation of road accident severity per vehicle type”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.          
pc241 Yannis G., Laiou A., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., “An overview of car occupant fatalities in the European countries”, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.          
pb11 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., “Improving fatalities forecasting in times of recession in Europe”, Relationship between developments in road safety and the economic performance, IRTAD, International Transport Forum, October 2015.      
pb9 Yannis G., “Road safety research in Greece, through NTUA diploma theses”, Honorary Edition for Professor G.Giannopoulos, 2012.      
pb5 Belehri M., Yannis G., Petridou E., “Road accidents in Greece and in Europe”, submitted for publication in the Special Honorary Edition for Professor Koutselinis, January 2004.      
po6 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Handanos J., “Economic crisis and road accidents”, Newsletter of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Vol. 184, February 2013, pp. 31-35.
pc235 Evgenikos P., Yannis G., Folla K., Bauer R., Machata K., Brandstaetter C., Thomas P., Kirk A., “How Safe Are Cyclists on European Roads?”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.          
pc228 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Predicting Road Accidents: a Rare-Events Modeling Approach”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.          
pc225 Laiou A., Theofilatos A., Mavromatis S., Yannis G., Azemsha S., “An Exploration of Road Safety Parameters in Belarus and the European Union”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.          
pc219 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Reitzopoulou O., “Impact of vehicle collision type on road accident severity in Greece”, Proceedings of the 7th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, November 2015.          
pc208 Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., Broughton J., Thomas P., Kirk A., “Road traffic casualties in the elderly in Europe: analysis of macroscopic and in-depth data”, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.          
pc206 Panagolia X., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “A review of the impact of traffic volume on road accidents”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.          
pc198 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Dupont E., “Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.          
pc193 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Mermygka M., “Multilevel comparative analysis of road safety in european capital cities”, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.          
pj97 Dupont E., Commandeur J., Lassarre S., Bijleveld F., Martensen H., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Hermans E., Pérez K.; Santamariña-Rubio E.; Shingo Usami D., Giustiniani G., “Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 71, 2014, pp.327–336.   doi   doi
pj96 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A., Broughton J., “Modeling road accident injury under-reporting in Europe”, European Transport Research Review, Volume 6, Issue 4, 2014, pp.425-438.   doi   doi
pj91 Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Chaziris A., “Investigation of road accident severity”, Traffic Engineering and Control, March 2014, pp. 31-35.      
pj88 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban areas”, International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 2014, Vol. 5, Issue 2, pp.40-55   doi   doi
pj86 Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time-series models”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 15, Issue 6, 2014, pp. 598-605.   doi   doi
pj85 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., “Effect of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities”, Safety Science, Vol. 63, 2014, pp. 42-49.   doi   doi
pc166 Folla K., Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., “Effect of GDP Change on Road Accidents”, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, October 2013.          
pc164 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “Application of the SUNflower methodology for the assessment of two-wheeler safety in Greece”, Proceedings of the Scientific Days on Power Two Wheelers, October 2013.          
pc163 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E., “Impact of Mobile Phone Use and Music on Driver Behaviour and Safety by the Use of a Driving Simulator”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.          
pc162 Yannis G., Laiou A., Papantoniou P., Gartzonikas C., “Impact of Texting on Young Drivers’ Traffic and Safety on Motorways by the Use of a Driving”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.      
pj76 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.268-276.   doi   doi
pj75 Bergel-Hayat R., Debbarh M., Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Explaining the road accident risk: weather effects”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.456-465.   doi   doi
pj73 Yannis G., Kondyli A., Mitzalis N., “Effect of lighting on frequency and severity of road accidents”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Volume 166, Issue 5, October 2013, pp. 271-281.   doi   doi
pc159 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Katsohis D., “Impact of meteorological factors on the number of injury accidents”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.          
pc158 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Katsochis D., “Misreporting injury severity in European road accidents”, Proceedings of the 13th World Conference on Transportation Research, COPPE – Federal University of Rio de Janeiro at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 2013.          
pj67 Papadimitriou E., Ekshler V., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Modelling the spatial variation of road safety in Greece”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Vol. 166, Issue 1, 2012 pp. 49-58.   doi   doi
pj63 Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Bergel-Hayat R., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 60, 2013, pp.424-434.   doi   doi
pc148 Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. “Road safety forecasts in five european countries using structural time-series models”, Proceedings of the 92st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.          
pc147 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “Assessment of exposure proxies for macroscopic road safety prediction”, Proceedings of the 92st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.          
pc145 Margaritis D., Bekiaris E., Evgenikos P., Yannis G., “Pan-European road accident in-depth investigation database”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.          
pc138 Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., Vuthy P., Saleh P., Winkelbauer M., “Power-Two Wheelers Critical Risk Factors: A European Study”, Proceedings of the 5th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Volos, October 2012.          
pj61 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction”, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Vol. 5, 2012, pp. 97-116.   doi   doi
pj58 Theofilatos A., Graham D., Yannis G., “Factors Affecting Accident Severity Inside and Outside Urban Areas in Greece”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 13, Issue 5, 2012, pp. 458-467.   doi   doi
pj54 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of pedestrian exposure to risk in relation to crossing behaviour”, Transportation Research Record, Issue 2299, 2012, pp. 79-90.   doi   doi
pc132 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Evgenikos P., Papantoniou P., Kirk A., “Characteristics and causes of power two wheeler accidents in Europe”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.      
pc131 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Road safety in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.       doi       doi
pc130 Antoniou C., Yannis G., “State-space based analysis and forecasting of macroscopic road safety trends in Greece”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Elsevier, Athens, April 2012.          
pc122 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “Comparative analysis of road safety parameters on European motorways”, Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic highway engineering conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, February 2012.          
pc121 Vlachogianni E., Yannis G., Golias J., Eliou N., “Identifying Outlying Power Two Wheeler Riding Behaviors at the Emergence of an Incident”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2012.          
pc119 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of Pedestrian Risk Exposure in Relation to Crossing Behaviour”, Proceedings of the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2012.          
pj51 Yannis G., Tsoumani A., “Correlating macroscopic road safety parameters in the European Union”, Technika Chronika, Series I, Issue 1/2011, pp. 35-44.
pc114 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Knowles J., Broughton J., Kirk A., “A critical assesment of intersection safety across Europe”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Access Management, Athens, June 2011.          
pj50 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., “Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modeling of traffic fatalities in Europe”, European Transport Research Review, Vol. 3, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 113-127.   doi   doi
pj49 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “About pedestrian safety in Europe”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Section A 24, 2011, pp.5-14.   doi   doi
pj47 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Katsohis D., “When may road fatalities start to decrease?”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 42, Issue 1, February 2011, pp. 17-25.   doi   doi
pc112 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., “Modeling traffic fatalities in Europe”, Proceedings of the 90th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2011.          
pc111 Papadimitriou E., Hughes T., Yannis G., “Evolution of pedestrian safety in urban areas in the OECD countries”, Proceedings of the Walk 21 – Getting Communities back on their feet, The Hague, November 2010.          
pc108 Yannis G., Petridou E., Evgenikos P., Chaziris A., Terzidis A., Desypris N., “Calculation of the underreporting level of road accident casualties in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos, September 2010.          
pc103 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Evgenikos P., “Comparative analysis of junction safety in Europe”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.          
pj44 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Dupont E., Martensen H., “Estimation of fatality and injury risk by means of in-depth fatal accident investigation data”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 11, No. 5, 2010, pp. 492-502.   doi   doi
pj42 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “Older Drivers’ Perception and Acceptance of In-Vehicle Devices for Traffic Safety and Traffic Efficiency”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, Issue 5, 2010, pp. 472-479.   doi   doi
pj41 Broughton J., Keigan M., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Chaziris A., Papadimitriou E., Bos N., Hoeglinger S., Perez K., Amoros E., Hollo P., Tecl J., “Estimation of the real number of road casualties in Europe”, Safety science, Vol. 48, March 2010, pp. 365-371.   doi   doi
pj40 Dupont E., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Risk and protection factors in fatal accidents”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 42, March 2010, pp. 645-653.   doi   doi
pj39 Christoforou Z., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Heavy vehicle age and road safety”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Vol. 163, February 2010, pp. 41-48.   doi   doi
pc102 Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Weather Effects on Daily Traffic Accidents and Fatalities: A Time Series Count Data Approach”, Proceedings of the 89th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2010.      
pc101 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., “About pedestrian safety in Europe”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Paris, October 2009.          
pc99 Evgenikos P., Yannis G., Leitner T., Hoeglinger S., Broughton J., Lawton B., “Road safety and the elderly in Europe”, Proceedings of the 4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul, September 2009.          
pc98 Dupont E., Martensen H., Stipdonk H., Bijleveld F., Commandeur J., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Bergel R., Brandstaetter C., “Analyses using the European Road Safety Observatory”, Proceedings of the 4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul, September 2009.          
pc97 Golias J., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Characteristics of lorry and bus accidents in Greece”, Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, November 2009.          
pc95 Yannis G., Karlaftis M., Bilionis D., “Correlations of road accident and meteorological conditions time-series”, Proceedings of the 4th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, November 2009.          
pj36 Petridou E., Yannis G., Terzidis A., Dessypris N., Germeni E., Evgenikos P., Tselenti N., Chaziris A., Skalkidis I., “Linking Emergency Medical Department and Road Traffic Police casualty data: a tool in assessing the burden of injuries in less resourced countries”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 10, No. 1, 2009, pp. 37-43.   doi   doi
pj35 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., “Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis”, Safety Science, Vol. 46, June 2008, pp. 738-750.   doi   doi
pc87 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Kapotsis G., “Correlation of road risk with selected interurban road characteristics”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, May 2008.          
pc86 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Mpournelaki E., “Investigation of the influence of the median to the relative risk of interurban road segments”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Athens, May 2008.          
pc80 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Hoeglinger S., Bos N., Broughton J., Lawton B., “Comparative analysis of road safety parameters in the European motorways”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Ljubljana, April 2008.          
pc79 Katsohis D., Handanos J., Yannis G., “A comparative analysis of drinking and driving related accidents in Southern European countries”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Ljubljana, April 2008.          
pj33 Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Kanellaidis G., “An exploration of road safety parameters in Greece and Turkey “, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Issue 4, December 2007, pp. 125-134.   doi   doi
pc77 Walters L., Broughton J., Lawton B., Hoeglinger S., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Bos N., “How safe are children in cars on European roads?”, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Protection of children in cars, Munich, December 2007.          
pj28 Yannis G., “Road Safety in Greece”, Journal of IATSS, Vol. 31, 2007, No 2, pp. 110-112.   doi   doi
pj26 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Effects of driver nationality and road characteristics on accident fault risk”, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, Vol.14, No.3, 2007, pp. 171-180.   doi   doi
pj24 Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., “Road casualties and enforcement: distributional assumptions of serially correlated count data”, Traffic Injury and Prevention, Vol. 8, Issue 3, 2007, pp.300-308.   doi   doi
pj23 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Accident risk of foreign drivers in various road environments”, Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 38, 2007, pp. 471-480.   doi   doi
pj22 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., “Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents” Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 39, 2007, pp. 818–825.   doi   doi
pc70 Katsochis D., Handanos I., Yannis G., “Comparative assessment of road safety performance in Greece” Proceedings of the 11th World Conference on Transportation Research, Berkeley, June 2007.          
pc66 Hoeglinger S., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Bos N., Broughton J., “A comprehensive set of road safety basic statistics”, Proceedings of the 3rd IRTAD Seminar, OECD/ECMT, CDV, Brno, November 2006.          
pc65 Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Lejeune P., Hoeglinger S., Broughton J., “Enhancement and exploitation of the existing European road accident data”, Proceedings of the 3rd IRTAD Seminar, OECD/ECMT, CDV, Brno, November 2006.          
pc63 Spyropoulou I., Golias J., Yannis G., Sigalas E., “Greek driver needs on ITS in relation to driver accident history”, Proceedings of the 2nd Conference on Driver Needs in relation to ITS, Technical Institute of Finland, Technical Institute of Finland, Turku, September 2006.          
pc61 Yannis G., Golias I., Papadimitriou E., “An integrated analysis of health effects and risks of transport systems “, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport Thessaloniki, May 2006, pp. 372-384.          
pc56 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., “Cost benefit assessment of selected road safety measures in Greece ” Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Road Safety on Four Continents, Swedish National Road Administration and Transport Research Institute, Warsaw, October 2005, pp. 792-806.          
pc54 Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Causes and countermeasures of two-wheel accidents” Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Patra, Patra, October 2005.          
pc53 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., Spyropoulou I., “Passenger car and two-wheel drivers risk analysis in Greece” Proceedings of the 3rd pan-hellenic road safety conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, University of Patra, Patra, October 2005.          
pj16 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Driver age and vehicle engine size effects on fault and severity in young motorcyclists accidents”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol. 37, No. 2, 2005, pp. 327-333.   doi   doi
pc51 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Potential and limitation of road accident data analysis in Greece”, Proceedings of the 2rd pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 2005.          
pc35 Yannis G., Vardaki S., Karadimas C., Kanellaidis G., “Development of a strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Greece 2001 – 2005”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Transport Research, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2002, pp. 298-309.          
pc30 Golias J., Yannis G., “Dealing with lack of exposure data in road accident analysis”, Proceedings of the 12th international conference “Traffic Safety on three Continents”, Federation of European Road Safety Institutes, Transportation Research Board, Moscow, September 2001.          
pc20 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., Handanos J., “The potential of accident analysis systems for the evaluation of road safety measures in Europe”, Proceedings of the XIII ICTCT Workshop “Evaluation, validation, implementation of measures to improve transport safety”, Corfu, October 2000, pp. 45-57.      
pc18 Yannis G., “Analysis of accident characteristics by the use of a road accident database”, Proceedings of Conference “Technological developments in active and passive safety of drivers and passengers”, Hellenic society for the support of road accident victims, Preveza, May 2000, pp. 19-32.      
pc12 Golias J., Yannis G., “Road safety parameters of two-wheel vehicles”, Proceedings of the seminar “Two-wheel traffic in urban areas”, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, November 1996.          
pj2 Matsoukis E., Golias J., Yannis G., “An overview of Road Safety in Greece”, Transport Reviews, Vol.16, No.4, 1996, pp. 357-367.   doi   doi
pc6 Golias J., Yannis G., “Road safety parameters of Greek roads” Proceedings of the first pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Larisa, October 1995, pp. 511-521.      
pc5 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., “Road safety – comparisons between the 15 E.U. member states”, Proceedings of the first pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Larisa, October 1995, pp. 489-500.          
eg68 Identification of hazardous locations and respective intervention on Attica Region road network for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (2007-2008).
ei32 Measuring Risk Exposure on Irish Roads for the Road Safety Authority of Ireland (2017-2019).
ei27 SafeFITS – Road Safety in Future Inland Transport Systems for the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (2015-).
ei17 Development of a strategic plan for the improvement of road safety in Cuprus for the Ministry of Transport and Works of Cyprus (2001).
ei8 Road Safety Quick Indicator for the European Commission (1989-2002).
ei4 CARE – European road accident data base with disaggregate data for the European Commission (1989-2002).
ad121 Kostas Michailoglou, “Road Safety Benchmarking in Greek Regions”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, November 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad118 Charie Tsoukalas, “Comparative analysis of road safety between EU and USA”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, October 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad115 Reggina Mermiga, “Comparative analysis of road safety factors across generations, in Greece”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad97 Aikaterini Skliami, “Comparative Analysis of Traffic Accident factors per Driver Nationality in the European Union”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2020." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad94 Areti Thanasko, “Long-term association of road accidents and weather conditions in European cities”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, November 2019." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad89 Maria Charalampidi, “Impact of economic, social and transport indicators on serious road injuries in the European Union”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2019." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad83 Valentina Vassili, “Impact of economic, social and transport indicators on road safety during the crisis period in Europe”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2019." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad80 Dimitrios Vachaviolos, “Critical driver behaviour and risk factors in Europe“, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad79 Dimitrios Giagkou, “Mobility and road safety in European cities“, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad78 Dimitrios Nikolaou, “Impact of economic, social and transport indicators on road safety during the crisis period in Europe“, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad77 Myrto Damianou, “Relation of the performance of road safety to medical, economic and social indicators to countries in the European Union“, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad76 Ypatia Mihou-Archimandritou, “Comparative investigation of road accidents cost in the European Union“, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad75 Eleftherios-Marios Kourtis, “Modelling the economic impact of road accidents in Greece”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2018." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad69 Vasileios Bellos, “Investigation of the effect of tourism on road accidents”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, November 2017." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad66 Christos Batsos, “Analysis of the effect of economic recession on road safety in Greece”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, September 2017." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad61 Ioannis Zantiris, “Correlation of road safety performance with social and economic indicators in the European Union”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, November 2016." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad50 Olga Reitzopoulou, “Investigation of the effect of vehicle collision type on road accident severity in Greece”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2015." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad49 Eleni Ziaka, “The combined effect of economic crisis, traffic and weather conditions on road safety in Athens”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2014." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad48 Marianthi Mermygka, “Multilevel comparative road safety analysis in European capital cities”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, May 2014." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad46 Evita Alevizou, “Critical Factors of motorcycle accidents in Greece”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, January 2014." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad42 Eleni Georgiadou, “Investigation of the impact on road safety of increasing the speed limit on motorways”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, January 2014." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad40 Apostolos Ziakopoulos, “Correlation of traffic characteristics with road accident severity and probability”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2013." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad39 Eleftheria Choustoulaki, “Multilevel analysis of road accident characteristics in urban areas in Europe”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2013." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad38 Dimitris Spanakis, “Multilevel investigation of road accident characteristics in Greek cities”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2013." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad37 Katerina Folla, “Effect of GDP change on road accidents”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, October 2012." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad33 Konstantinos Kapetanakis, “Macroscopic analysis of road accidents at junctions”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, November 2011." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad32 Georgios Pispiringos, “Investigation of road accident severity per vehicle type”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2011." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad31 Dimitris Bilionis, “Correlation of road accidents and weather conditions”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2011." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad30 Smaragda Kritikou, “Development of macroscopic models for the severity of road accidents with one or more vehicles”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2011." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad27 Nikolaos Mitzalis, “Investigation of the impact of road lighting on the frequency and the severity of road accidents”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2010, Ecocity award 2012." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad20 Marianna Aggelidaki, Manos Vernardos, “Correlation of pedestrian safety impact parameters”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2006." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad19 Antonis Chaziris, “Comparative investigation of risk parameters in the Greek motorways”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, October 2005." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad17 Anastasia Pnevmatikou, “Time series analysis of basic road safety parameters in selected groups of European Countries”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2004." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad15 Theodore Nikolopoulos, “Macroscopic correlation of weather conditions and accident risk and severity in the interurban road network of Greece”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2004." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad12 Yannis Agapakis, Efie Miyaki, “Macroscopic investigation of enforcement impact on road safety improvements”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, October 2003." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad10 Panos Evangeliou, “Assessment of motorway creation impact on road safety with the use of before-and-after methodologies”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2003." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad7 Eleftheria Bournelaki, “Investigation of relative risk impact of median in interurban road network segments”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, October 2002." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad5 George Kapotsis, “Investigation of relative accident risk by driver age in relation to selected geometrical characteristics by the use of linear regression”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2002." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
cp520 “Predicting unsafe driving events on motorway segments – i-safemodels” at the Telematics and Improvement of Driver Behavior Workshop organised by NTUA, February 2022.    
cp488 “COVID-19 impact on mobility and safety” at the 5th Road Safety Expert Group (RSEG) Meeting on Thematic Area 5 – Transport Safety and COVID-19, May 2021.    
cp479 “Modelling crash modification factors globally” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.    
cp456 “Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention” at the 32nd Virtual Meeting of the International Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), April 2021    
cp438 “Tourism and Road Accidents in Greece” at Road Safety Culture, Yesterday-Today-Tomorrow, organised by LaHeRS (20-21 November 2020).    
cp381 “Tourism and Road Accidents in Greece” at the Transport and Tourism Workshop, organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the Centre for Research and Technology-Hellas (CERTH) (Rodos, Greece, 4th September 2019).    
cp366 “Modelling crash modification factors globally” at the NTUA – Digitalisation and Road Safety Research Workshop, organised by NTUA within the framework of the Fifth UN Global Road Safety Week (Athens, Greece, 17 May 2019)    
cp347 “International Tourism and Road Safety in Greece – Country Report 2019” at the 6th Global Meeting of Non-Governmental Road Safety Organizations Advocating for Road Safety and Road Victims (Chania, Greece, 8-13 April 2019)    
cp283 “Ranking the importance of real-time traffic and weather variables when examining crash injury severity” at the 16th Conference of Hellenic Consortium of Operational Research and 12th Multicriteria Decision Aid Meeting, organised by TEI Piraeus, School of Management and Economics (Piraeus, 15-17 February 2018)    
cp282 “Modeling the impact of traffic states on crash injury severity in urban motorways” at the 16th Conference of Hellenic Consortium of Operational Research and 12th Multicriteria Decision Aid Meeting, organised by TEI Piraeus, School of Management and Economics (Piraeus, 15-17 February 2018)    
cp239 “Predicting road accidents with real time data – WeatherSafe” at the Workshop “The Future of Road Safety Research” in the framework of the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week (Athens, 15 May 2017)    
cp236 “The CEDR Road Safety APM and CMF Repository – PRACT” at the Workshop “The Future of Road Safety Research” in the framework of the Fourth United Nations Global Road Safety Week (Athens, 15 May 2017)    
cp202 “Correlation of road safety performance with social and economic indicators in the European Union” at the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Tampere, 18-21 September, 2016)    
cp201 “Exploring the difference of traffic parameters by severity level and accident type in urban areas” at the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Tampere, 18-21 September, 2016)    
cp198 “Comparative analysis of road accidents by gender in Europe” at the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Tampere, 18-21 September, 2016)    
cp197 “Characteristics of road accidents with youngsters in Europe” at the 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion (Tampere, 18-21 September, 2016)    
cp192 “PRACT Predicting Road ACcidents – a Transferable methodology across Europe: Project Results for Practitioners I: Repository” at the international workshop for Predicting Road ACcidents with a Transferable methodology across Europe, University of Florence (Manchester, 3 June 2016).    
cp191 “PRACT Predicting Road ACcidents – a Transferable methodology across Europe APM/CMF review and Questionnaire” at the international workshop for Predicting Road ACcidents with a Transferable methodology across Europe, University of Florence (Manchester, 3 June 2016).    
cp182 “Socioeconomic status and traffic safety of pre-school children: a study in Athens”, in the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference 2016 organised by the European Commission, the (Warsaw, 18-21 April 2016).    
cp179 “Road safety in Greece and at its touristic areas” at the Workshop on road safety and tourism, organised by the Greek Society of Regional Scientists and Make Safe Roads Hellas, (Vrahati, 19 March 2016).    
cp140 “Road accident data analysis: from correlation to causation and policy support” in the 6th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, organised by the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers and the National Technical University of Athens (Athens, 12-13 March 2015).    
cp138 “Traffic and safety data analysis: from correlation to causation and policy support” at the National Transportation Center of the University of Maryland (Maryland, 15 January 2015).    
cp131 “An overview on the effect of weather and traffic conditions on road safety” in the 19th Meeting of the International Traffic Safety Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF) (Cologne, 7-8 November 2014).    
cp107 “Relationship between road safety and economic indicators” in the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (Washington, 12-16 January 2014).    
cp103 “Improving road fatalities forecasting in times of recession through the use of panel time series models” in the 5th IRTAD international conference on better safety data for better road safety outcomes organised by the ITF/IRTAD and the OISEVI (Buenos Aires, 13-14 November 2013).    
cp99 “Road Safety policy and data analysis in the South East European countries” in the international conference for Engaging Stakeholders towards Road Safety in South East Europe, organised by the University of Ljubljana, the Slovenian Traffic Safety Agency and the Automobile Association of Slovenia (Ljubljana, 7 November 2013).    
cp79 “Forecasting fatalities in times of recession” in the European Conference on Road Safety Data and Knowledge-based Policy-making organised by the University of Loughborough and the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA (Athens, 22-23 November 2012).    
cp75 “Effects of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities” in the 15th meeting of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF) (Amsterdam, 18-19 October 2012).    
cp48 “Road Safety Trends in Greece” in the 10th meeting of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD) organised by the International Transport Forum (ITF) (Paris, 12-13 April 2010).    
cp41 “Modelling road fatality trends in the European countries” in the 2nd SafetyNet conference – European Road Safety Observatory, organised by the Loughborough University (Rome, 16-18 April 2008).    
cp24 “Passenger car and two-wheel drivers risk analysis in Greece”, in the seminar for car insurance and prevention of road accidents, organised by the Association of Insurance Companies Greece (Athens, 2 February, 2006).    
cp16 “Analysis of data on road accidents of young two-wheelers”, in the seninar for current and future trends of motorcycles, organised by the Ministry of Transport and Communications (Athens, 8 November 2003).