Regional Stakeholder Group on Electro Mobility as driver to support Policy Instruments for sustainable mobility of e-mopoli Interreg project (2019-).
“e-MOPOLI: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility” for Interreg Programme (2021)
“e-MOPOLI: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility and traffic management” carried out for the Interred Europe Programme (2019-2021)
Maragkoudakis V., Kontaxi A., Deliali K., Yannis G., “Public opinion on e-scooters in Athens: a stated preference approach”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).
Petraki V., Papantoniou P., Gonidi C., Yannis G., “Techno-Economic Feasibility Analysis for Electromobility in the Region of Attica”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).
Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Action Plan for promoting electromobility in the Region of Attica”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).
Orfanou, F., Papantoniou, P., Vlahogianni, E., Yannis, G., “A Comparative Gap Analysis for Electromobility and Alternative Fuels”, Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, November 2020, pp. 606–615.
Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “A comparative gap analysis for electromobility and alternative fuels”, Proceedings of the 5th Conference on Sustainable Urban Mobility (Virtual CSUM2020), organised by The University of Thessaly, Department of Civil Engineering, Traffic, Transportation and Logistics Laboratory – TTLog (17-19 June 2020).
Broos J., Vanhaverbeke L., Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Embracing Electromobility in Europe: Analysis of good practices and their Transferability in nine European Regions”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.
Orfanou F., Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Embracing Εlectromobility in Greece: Review of good practices in the Region of Attica”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).
John Kyparissis, “Stated preferences of Athenians towards electric vehicles”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">
“Investigating gaps in electromobility: The case of Region of Attica” at the 2nd International Conference Intermodal Transports, October 2021.
“Electrobility, Sustainable mobility, Green transport” at the Green Deal Greece 2021, organised by the Technical Chamber of Greece (June 2021).
“Electromobility as driver for sustainable mobility and safety” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.
“Attica Region Action Plan” at the e-MOPOLI Final Conference, May 2021.
“Recommendations and Regional Action Plans” at the e-MOPOLI Final Conference, May 2021.
“Current Situation and Perspectives of e-mobility in Greece” at the e-MOPOLI Final Conference, May 2021.
“Towards the development of an action plan for promoting electromobility” at the PIONEERing Solutions for the Smart City Challenge, April 2021.
“Interregional Learning Workshop of Region of Attica”, for the project e-MOPOLI, March 2021