Items Under Tag: traffic management

si45 Steering Committee of Go Sump project on Improving Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans and Measures in the Mediterranean of the Interreg Programme of the European Commission (2017-2020).
si15 Simulator Users Group of the Committee of the Transportation Research Board on Simulation and Measurement of Vehicle and Operation Performance (TR AND30) (2005-2007)
sg49 Inter-Party Consultation Committee on Athens Great Walk for City of Athens (2020).
sg42 Local Working Group on Campus sustainable University mobility plans in MED areas of CAMP-sUmp Interreg project (2016-2017).
rn122 “Interact – Modeling and simulation of mixed traffic in shared space” for Toyota (2021)
rn121 “DIT4TraM – Distributed Intelligence and Technology for Traffic and Mobility Management” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2021-2024)
rn120 “Tangent – Enhanced data processing techniques for dynamic management of multimodal traffic” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2021-2024)
rn113 “e-MOPOLI: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility” for Interreg Programme (2021)
rn100 “A-Traffic: Model traffic and parking arrangements in central Athens” for the Athens City Municipality (2019-2020)
rn86 “e-MOPOLI: Electro MObility as driver to support POLicy Instruments for sustainable mobility and traffic management” carried out for the Interred Europe Programme (2019-2021)
rn72 “SaferAfrica – Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2016-2019)
rn52 “Investigation of the possibility for exclusive use of Panepistimiou av. by public transport” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Energy and Climate Change (2010-2011)
rn51 “Analysis of pedestrian’s road crossing behaviour in urban areas by means of survival analysis methods” of the program for the support of basic research of NTUA – PEVE 2009 (2009-2011)
rn44 “Incorporation of parameters related to intelligent transport systems into traffic simulation models” of the program for the support of basic research of NTUA – Karatheodori (2007-2008)
rn38 “FLEXIBLETRAFFIC – Development of Flexible Traffic Models that Exploit Emerging Data Collection Technologies Through the Introduction of Machine Learning Concepts” of the Marie Curie fellowship programme of the sixth framework programme of the European Commission (2006-2008)
rn37 “IN-SAFETY – Infrastructure and safety” of the sixth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2005-2008)
rn31 “e-Traffic – Traffic information system” carried out for the Region of Attica (2003-2005)
rn28 “HEARTS – Health effects and risk of transport systems” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2002-2005)
rn25 “Investigation of implementation and efficiency of delivery restrictions” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (2001-2002)
rn23 “ADVISORS – Action for advanced Driver assistance and Vehicle control systems Implementation, Standardisation, Optimum use of the Road network and Safety” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2000-2002)
rn20 “Traffic and environmental impact from taxi traffic in Athens” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1999-2000)
rn19 “Road Safety Audit in Greece” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1999-2000)
rn17 “Investigation of traffic organisation of National Technical University of Athens campus” carried out for the National Technical University of Athens (1998)
rn12 “Impacts of the operations for the collection and distribution of persons and goods on the traffic conditions and the environment” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1997-1998)
rn11 “Investigation for the improvement of active transport safety services” carried out for the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (1997-1999)
rn5 “Investigation of methods dealing with problems from traffic restriction in the commercial triangle of Athens, Stadiou – Ermou – Athinas” carried out for Athens Municipality (1995-1996)
ro17 “PROS – Priorities for Road Safety Research in Europe” carried out for the European Commission (2012)
ro12 “Preliminary investigation and identification of needs and design parameters of the Interurban Bus Central Station and the Park-and-ride Station in Ag.Savvas Metro Station”, carried out for Attiko Metro SA (2003-2004)
ro6 “Reformation – development and incorporation of ISAP railway stations in their environment” carried out for the Athens – Piraeus Electric Railways Authority (1997-1998)
pj206 Tormo-Lancero M., Valero-Mora P., Sanmartin J., Sánchez-García M., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Alonso F., Campos-Díaz E., “Development of a Roadmap for the Implementation of a Sustainable Mobility Action Plan in University Campuses of Emerging Countries”, Frontiers in Sustainable Cities, January 2022.   doi   doi
pc405 Papantoniou P., Gonidi C., Papantzikou E., Chaziris A., Papadakos P., Nikolaou D., Folla K., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Analysis of traffic and parking characteristics in Athens”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pc404 Yannis G., Vlachogianni E., Papatzikou E., Papadakos P., Oikonomou M., “Traffic Impact Assessment of Innovative Traffic and Parking Measures in the Center of Athens”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pc403 Yannis G., Gonidi C., Petraki V., Papatzikou E., Oikonomou M., Chaziris A., Papantoniou P., Papadakos P., Vlachogianni E., “Traffic impact assessment of the pilot implementation of Athens Great Walk”, Proceedings of the 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (1-3 September 2021).          
pc390 Oikonomou M., Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., “Impacts of Autonomous Shuttle Services on Traffic, Safety and Environment for Future Mobility Scenarios”, Proceedings of the 23rd IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, ITSC 2020, virtual, Greece (20-23 September 2020).          
pj179 Petraki V., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., “Combined impact of road and traffic characteristic on driver behavior using smartphone sensor data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 144, September 2020.   doi   doi
pc379 Parmaksizoglou I., Tselentis D., Yannis G., “Spatial analysis of driver safety behaviour using data from smartphones”, Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020 Conference (Helsinki, Finland, 27-30 April 2020). Conference Cancelled.          
pc360 Ropaka M., Nikolaou D., Yannis G., “Investigation of Traffic and Safety Behavior of Pedestrians Texting or Web-Surfing”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 12-16 January 2020).          
pc356 Fafoutellis P., Kampitakis E., Vlahogianni E., Koziris N., Yannis G., Golias J., “Mining spatiotemporal features of city traffic”, Proceedings of the 9th International Congress on Transportation Research, organised by The Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (HITE) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport (HIT/CERTH) (Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019).          
pc332 Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Moraitis C., “Impacts of large urban regeneration projects: The case of the new Athens Intercity Bus Terminal“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.          
pc318 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Exploration of real-time crash likelihood of Powered-Two Wheelers in Greece”, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.          
pc311 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Tselentis D., Yuan Q., “Exploring Weather Effects on Powered-Two-Wheeler Safety on Urban Arterials in Athens”, Proceedings of the 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation – hEART2018, NTUA, Athens, Greece, 5-7 September 2018.          
pj139 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Impact of real-time traffic characteristics on crash occurrence: The case of rare events”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 130, September 2019, pp. 151-159.   doi   doi
pc281 Papantoniou P., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Campos Diaz E., Tormo Lancero M.T., Valero Mora P., “Evaluating the use of ICT tools to the mobility management of University Campuses”, Proceedings of the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference, Patras, Greece, 7-8 December 2017.          
pc272 Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Kotsi E., “Reference analysis for the mobility in NTUA Campus”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.          
pc271 Mavromatis S., Yannis G., Laiou A., Tripodi A., Persia L., “Assessing Road Safety Management in Africa”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.          
pc262 Charoniti E., Orfanou F., Sermpis D., Yannis G., “Analysis of Alternative Scenarios for Managing Traffic Incidents Through Micro Simulation”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.          
pj124 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Golias J., Vlahogianni E., “Modelling the effect of traffic regimes on safety of urban arterials: the case study of Athens”, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering, Vol. 4, Issue 3, 2017, pp. 240-251.   doi   doi
pc255 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., Golias J., “Stochastic cusp catastrophe models with traffic and weather data for crash severity analysis on urban arterials”, Proceedings of the 96rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.          
pj120 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “Investigation of Powered-Two-Wheeler accident involvement on urban arterials by considering real-time traffic and weather data”, Traffic Injury Prevention, Vol. 18, Issue 3, 2017 pp. 293-298.   doi   doi
pj118 Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Tselentis D., “Road, Traffic, and Human Factors of Pedestrian Crossing Behavior: Integrated Choice and Latent Variables Models”, Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, Issue 2586, 2016, pp. 28–38.   doi   doi
pc243 Papadimitriou E, Lassarre S., Yannis G., “Human factors of pedestrian walking and crossing behavior”, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research,Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.          
pb6 Rogan A., Boutatis A., Yannis G., Golias J., “Traffic parameters for the re-organisation of Port operations in Attiki for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games”, A Compendium of Best Transportation Practices in the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, January 2007.
pt6 Golias J., Yannis G., Vlahogianni E., “Traffic Flow Applications” NTUA, Athens, December 2008.
pt3 Golias J., Yannis G., “Traffic flow exercices”, NTUA, Athens, 2000-2003.
pt2 Yannis G., Golias J., Kanellaidis G., “Notes on traffic engineering basics”, NTUA, Athens, 2000-2004.
pc228 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Kopelias P., Papadimitriou F., “Predicting Road Accidents: a Rare-Events Modeling Approach”, Proceedings of the 6th European Transport Research Arena Conference, Warsaw, April 2016.          
pc223 Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Tselentis D., “Road, traffic and human factors of pedestrian crossing behaviour: integrated choice and latent variables models”, Proceedings of the 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2016.          
pc206 Panagolia X., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “A review of the impact of traffic volume on road accidents”, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.          
pj100 Theofilatos A., Yannis G., “A review of the effect of traffic and weather characteristics on road safety”, Accident Analysis & Prevention, Vol. 72, 2014 pp.244-256.   doi   doi
pc171 Papadimitriou E., Auberlet J-M., Yannis G., Lassarre S., “Challenges in simulation of pedestrians and motorised traffic”, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.          
pj74 Antoniou C., Koutsopoulos H., Yannis G., “Dynamic data-driven local traffic state estimation and prediction”, Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies, Vol. 34, 2013, pp. 89-107.   doi   doi
pj68 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Petrellis N., “Mobile phone use and traffic characteristics”, Traffic Engineering & Control, 2013, pp.7-11.   doi   doi
pj61 Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., “Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction”, Journal of Transport and Shipping, Vol. 5, 2012, pp. 97-116.   doi   doi
pc118 Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., “Incorporating intelligent transport systems into traffic simulation models”, Proceedings of the International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems, University of Patras, Greek Road Federation, Patras, October 2011.          
pc115 Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Golias J., Eliou N., Lemonakis P., “Identifying riding profiles parameters from high resolution naturalistic riding data”, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 2011.          
pc109 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Analysis of pedestrian crossing behaviour in urban areas”, Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Volos, September 2010.          
pc107 Spyropoulou I., Yannis G., Heydeker B., “Modelling Intelligent Speed Adaptation”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.          
pc105 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., “Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.          
pc104 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Petrellis N., “Cell phone use and traffic characteristics”, Proceedings of the 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.          
pj46 Kepaptsoglou K., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of a new on-street parking management scheme on demand of a park-and-ride facility: a before – after analysis”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Section B 22, 2010, pp. 75-81.   doi   doi
pj45 Papadimitriou Ε., Yannis G., Golias J., “Theoretical framework for modeling pedestrians’ crossing behavior along a trip”, ASCE Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 136, Issue 10, 2010, pp. 914-924.   doi   doi
pj43 Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Karekla X., Kontodima F., “Mobile phone use by young drivers: effects on traffic speed and headways”, Transportation Planning and Technology,Vol. 33, No. 4, 2010, pp. 385-394.   doi   doi
pc93 Yannis G., Sykianaki A., Bairaktari S., Toleris E., Kaperoni P., Theofilis I., Kopsacheili A., “Urban Mobility strategy in Greek cities”, Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Physical and Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, September 2009.          
pj38 Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “A critical assessment of pedestrian behaviour models”, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, Vol. 12, No. 3, 2009, pp. 242-255.   doi   doi
pj37 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Rogan A., “An integrated scheme for Olympic Village traffic and parking arrangements”, ASCE Journal of Infrastructure Systems, Vol. 15, No. 1, 2009, pp. 40-49.   doi   doi
pc90 Ziomas I., Yannis G., Tryfona V., Smyrnioudi V., Vyras L., Karlaftis M., “Environmental traffic management”, Proceedings of the seminar for Mobility on Urban Areas – the Green Paper and the Greek Reality, Athens, June 2008.      
pc89 Yannis G., Sykianaki A., Bairaktari S., Toleris E., Kaperoni P., Theofilis I., Kopsacheili A., “National Strategy on Urban Mobility in issues of the competence of the Ministry for the Environment”, Proceedings of the seminar for Mobility on Urban Areas – the Green Paper and the Greek Reality, Athens, June 2008.          
pc84 Karlaftis M., Yannis G., Kepaptsoglou K., “Effects of a new parking management scheme on public transport park & ride facilities”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, NTUA, ASCE, TRB, Athens, May 2008.      
pc82 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Arsenio E., Azevedo C., “Introducing safety on advanced traveller information systems and consequent impact on drivers’ route choices”, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, NTUA, ASCE, TRB, Athens, May 2008.          
pj32 Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., “Mobility patterns of moped and motorcycle riders in Greece”, Transportation Research Record, No. 2031, December 2007, pp. 69-75.   doi   doi
pj31 Yannis G., Kanellaidis G., Dimitropoulos J., Muhlrad N., “Assessment of pedestrian safety measures in Europe”, ITE Journal, Vol. 77, Issue 12, December 2007, pp. 40-48.   doi   doi
pj30 Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., “Modelling crossing behaviour and accident risk of pedestrians”, Journal of Transportation Engineering, Vol. 133, Issue 11, November 2007, pp.634-644.   doi   doi
pc72 Antoniou C., Koutsopoulos H., Yannis G., “An efficient non-linear Kalman filtering algorithm using simultaneous perturbation and applications in traffic estimation and prediction”, Proceedings of the 10th IEEE ITS conference, Seattle, September – October 2007, pp. 217-222.      
pj27 Lassarre S., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Measuring accident risk exposure for pedestrians in different micro-environments”, Accident Analysis and Prevention, Vol 39, 2007, pp. 1226-1238.   doi   doi
pj25 Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., “Travel patterns of three distinct driver age groups in Greece”, Proceedings of ICE – Transport, Volume 160, Issue TR3, August 2007, pp.117-124.   doi   doi
pc71 Antoniou C., Koutsopoulos H., Yannis G., “Traffic state prediction using Markov chain models”, Proceedings of the European Control Conference, EUCA, Kos, July 2007, pp. 2428-2435.          
pj21 Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Effects of urban delivery restrictions on traffic movements”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 29, No. 4, 2006, pp. 295-311.   doi   doi
pj18 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Integration of weigh-in-motion technologies in road infrastructure management”, ITE Journal, Vol.75, No.1, pp. 39-43, 2005.   doi   doi
pc52 Spyropoulou I., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., Golias J., “Impact of use of advanced traveller information systems on the road transportation system ” Proceedings of the 2rd pan-hellenic road construction conference, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 2005.          
pc50 Karlaftis M., Golias J., Yannis G., “A Simulation Model for Analyzing Traffic and Environmental Impacts from Heavy Vehicle Movement in Urban Areas”, Proceedings of the 10th World Conference on Transportation Research, Istanbul, July 2004.          
pc47 Bekiaris E., Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Standardisation, implementation and optimum use of advanced driver assistance and vehicle control systems”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Transport Research in Greece, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Hellenic Institute of Transport, Athens, February 2004, pp. 161-173.          
pc43 Yannis G., Golias J., Antoniou C., “Combining traffic simulation and driving simulator analyses for Advanced Cruise Control system impact identification”, Proceedings of the 83rd Annual Meeting of Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2004.          
pc40 Karlaftis M., Golias J., Yannis G., “The use of simulation for the investigation of impact from delivery vehicle traffic in central Athens area”, Proceedings of the 6th Panehellenic Logistics Conference, Hellenic Logistics Society, Glyfada, November 2002.          
pc39 Antoniοu C., Yannis G., Golias J., “Road network efficiency and environmental impact assessment of Driver Assistance Systems”. Proceedings of the 9th World Congress on intelligent transport systems, ITS America, ERTICO, Chicago, October 2002.          
pc38 Yannis G., Stevens A., Golias J., “Investigation of safety impact of driver assistance systems through traffic simulation modelling”. Proceedings of the International Congress on IT Solutions for Safety and Security in Intelligent Transport, ERTICO, European Commission, ITS France, Lyon, September 2002.          
pj14 Golias J., Antoniοu C., Yannis G., “A methodology for the estimation of traffic and related impacts of advanced driver assistance systems”. Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Volume 7, Numbers 3-4, July-December 2002, pp. 261-277.   doi   doi
pj12 Golias J., Yannis G., Harvatis M., “Off-street parking choice sensitivity”, Transportation Planning and Technology, Vol. 25, No. 4, 2002, pp. 333-348.   doi   doi
pc37 Yannis G., “Sustainable solutions for parking in metropolitan areas”, Proceedings of the Conference on Parking in metropolitan areas. Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Athens, June 2002.      
pj11 Golias J., Yannis G., Antoniοu C., “Impact of advanced driver assistance systems on urban traffic network conditions”. European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research, special issue on advanced vehicle control and safety systems, Vol. 1, No.3, 2001, pp. 277-289.   doi   doi
pj10 Golias J., Yannis G., “Algorithm for the calculation of the impact of delivery vehicle stopping on traffic capacity of an urban road link”. Technika Chronika, Series I, Issue 3/2001, pp.23-33.   doi   doi
pc28 Yannis G., Karlaftis M., Golias J., “Classification of urban road network and road safety”, Proceedings of the Scientific Conference “Roadside land use and access management”, Technical Chamber of Greece, Athens, April 2001.          
pc25 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “Weight-in-motion stations and road network management”, Proceedings of the 13th National Conference of Operational Research “Transport and new technologies”, Hellenic Society of Operational Research, University of Piraeus, Piraeus, December 2000, pp. 415-426.          
pc24 Rogan S., Golias J., Papageorgiou G., Rogan A., Solomonidis C., Yannis G., “Central port of Piraeus: a purely passenger port offering water front activities to the town”, Proceedings of the conference of Association Internationale Villes et Ports, Marseille, November 2000.      
pc23 Golias J., Yannis G., “Investigation of the characteristics of shop delivery by commercial vehicles in the commercial centre of Athens”, Proceedings of the Seminar “Professional vehicle, traffic and environment” Association of motor vehicle importers-representatives, Athens, October 2000.          
pc22 Yannis G., Antoniou C., “State-of-the art on Advanced Driver Assistance Systems”, Proceedings of the Workshop “The role of Advanced Driver Assistance Systems on traffic safety and efficiency”, NTUA, Athens, October 2000, pp. 4-18.          
pj9 Kanellaidis G., Muhlrad N., Yannis G., “Pedestrian safety problems and implementation of countermeasures” Journal of IATSS, special feature on nonmotorized transport, Vol.23, No.2, 1999, pp. 15-25.   doi   doi
pc17 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., Handanos J., “Road safety in the urban network and access management”, Proceedings of the second pan-hellenic road safety conference, University of Thessalia – Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, May 1998,pp. 347-358.          
pc15 Yannis G., Handanos J., Golias J., “The need of traffic information systems integration in the urban planning process”, Proceedings of the conference “Urban, land and environmental planning and informatics in planning in the transition era”, Department of Regional Planning and Urban Development of the NTUA, Athens, October 1997, pp. 421-428.          
pc11 Frantzeskakis J., Yannis G., “The transport system of Athens and the Olympic Games of 2004”, Proceedings of the second conference “A vision for Athens – the continuation – the charter”, Technical Chamber of Greece – Municipality of Athens, Athens, November 1996, pp. 184-190.          
eg86 Traffic connection study for NorSafe Academy Hellas Company (2020).
eg85 Traffic service investigation of Britania Small Industry for Britania, Athens (2020).
eg83 Garbage Collection and Transportation Optimization System for the City of Athens (2019-).
eg81 Traffic impact study for the Development of the Interurban Bus Central Terminal at Eleonas for the Athens Central Bus Station (2017 – 2018).
eg79 Public Transport Passenger Satisfaction Survey for the Public Transport Organisation of Athens (2014).
eg76 Regeneration of the Axis Aheiropoiitos – Agia Sophia of the Municipality of Thessaloniki for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (2012).
eg74 Traffic Study of the BIC-Violex facilities in Anoixis for the BIC-Violex, Athens (2011-2012).
eg71 Development of Cycleways’ Network in the Greater Athens Area for the Organisation for Planning and Environmental Protection of Athens (2008-2009).
eg35 Transportation investigation in the Port-industrial zone of Drapetsona-Keratsini for the Piraeus Port Authority (2004).
eg34 Final design and traffic signs implementation study of the land area around the Ietionia Coast for the Piraeus Port Authority (2003).
eg33 Final design and traffic signs implementation study of the land area around the Alon Port for the Piraeus Port Authority (2003).
eg30 Study for the aesthetic improvement, the operations location and the general organisation of the cruise ships mooring area, in the Central Piraeus Port, during the Olympic Games of 2004 for the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games – Athens 2004 (2001-2002).
eg29 Traffic in Athens and improvement perspectives for the Institute for Economic and Industrial Research (2000).
eg27 Development of the strategic, business and organisation plan and master plan of the Port of Piraeus for the Piraeus Port Authority (1999-2000).
eg25 Traffic studies for the operation of underground parking stations in Athens for the City of Athens (1999).
eg23 Monitoring and supervision of the studies concerning the integrated system for the environmental management of traffic and transport in Athens for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (1998-2000).
eg17 Transport and energy support of Olympic Games’ logistics” for the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games – Athens 2004 (1997).
eg16 Implementation of the Olympic transportation plan – movements’ calculation methodology and necessary transport and traffic management studies for the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games – Athens 2004 (1997).
eg14 Traffic study in the greater area of Omonia and Kotzia squares for the City of Athens (1996).
eg12 Study for the identification and evaluation of extraordinary incidents impact in the capital city centre for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (1995).
ei36 Establishment of Traffic Safety Laboratory at the National Center for Road Safety of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia for the Ministry of Transport of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (2019).
ei23 Development of the Road Safety Strategic Plan in the Republic of Cyprus for the period 2012 – 2020 for the Ministry of Transport and Works of Cyprus (2011-2012).
ad122 Loukas Stroggylis, “Critical Impact Factors of pedestrian traffic in Athens Downtown”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, October 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad112 Angelina Makri, “Critical impact factors of travel time in Athens”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad109 Nikolaos Economou, “Time Series Analysis of Vehicle and Pedestrian Traffic in Athens”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2021." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad103 Asimina Korentzelou, “Acceptance of environmental transport charging policies”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2020." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad26 Leonidas Roumpas, “Investigation of the impact of mobile phone use to driver behaviour and safety with the use of driving simulator”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, February 2010." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad25 Sofia Tourou, “Pedestrian behaviour characteristics at the urban road network”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2009, Ecocity award 2010." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad24 Athanassios Theofilatos, “Ιnvestigation of the minimum gap from the vehicle accepted by the pedestrian for urban street mid-block crossing”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2009." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad23 Panagiotis Papantoniou, Nikolaos Petrelis “Mobile phone use and traffic characteristics”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2008." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad22 Xenia Karekla, Froso Kontodima, “Impact of mobile phone use on vehicle speed”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2008." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
ad16 Konstantinos Makris, “Investigation of pedestrian behavior in crossing an urban road section”, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2004." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">   
cp487 “Socio-economic impact of environmental transport charging” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.    
cp486 “Electromobility as driver for sustainable mobility and safety” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.    
cp485 “Model traffic and parking arrangements for the Athens Great Walk” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.    
cp472 “Smart city mapping for safer and eco driver behaviour” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.    
cp465 “Attica Region Action Plan” at the e-MOPOLI Final Conference, May 2021.    
cp464 “Recommendations and Regional Action Plans” at the e-MOPOLI Final Conference, May 2021.    
cp463 “Current Situation and Perspectives of e-mobility in Greece” at the e-MOPOLI Final Conference, May 2021.    
cp457 “Pilot Assessment of Athens Great Walk” at the PIONEERing Solutions for the Smart City Challenge, April 2021.    
cp430 “Athens Great Walk transformation project” at Act TravelWise Webinar (14 September 2020).    
cp427 “Four Weeks in Athens Great Walk – Transportation Assessment and Prospects” at the 12th Athens City Council (Athens, Greece, 13 July 2020).    
cp425 “Strategic Transport Planning in Athens” presented within the Framework of the Executive MSc in Cities Laboratory (EMC Lab) of London School of Economics (LSE) (Athens, Greece, 25 June 2020).    
cp419 “International Experience in Environmental Pricing in Transportation” at the International Multidisciplinary Traffic Safety Virtual Conference, organised by the Hellenic Association of Driving Instructors together with Key Transportation Organisations in Greece (29-30 May 2020).    
cp418 “The COVID-19 crisis as an opportunity for new mobility models: Athens Great Walk” at the International Multidisciplinary Traffic Safety Virtual Conference, organised by the Hellenic Association of Driving Instructors together with Key Transportation Organisations in Greece (29-30 May 2020).    
cp415 “Athens Great Walk” at the 11th City of Athens Municipality Council (Athens, Greece, 11 May 2020).    
cp319 “Traffic Study of the new Port of Chios – Proposals” at the 1st Scientific Conference on the development of Chios, organised by the Committee of the Aegean University and the Chios Community “Giannis Karalis” (Chios, 5-7 October 2018)    
cp280 “Transport Challenges of the Urban Tunnel of Ilioupoli” at the 1st Development Conference of the Municipality of Ilioupoli, (Venue of the town hall of Ilioupoli, 26-27 January 2018)    
cp2 “Investigation of traffic impact from the distribution of goods”, International seminar for freight transport management systems in cities, Municipality of Athens Development Agency and Car Free Cities Network of 70 European cities (Athens, 5 February 1999)