Program Planning Group on transportation issues within the responsibility of the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works (2005-2007)
Committee for the processing of proposals for the update up to 2020, of the strategies for transport infrastructure development in Greece of the Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works, Chairman (2005-2006)
“KSYL – Management, Organisation, Development and Planning of a Multi-Operation System for the Development of the Interurban Bus Central Terminal at Eleonas” carried out for the Athens Interurban Central Bus Station (2016-2019)
“Scientific support of the Hellenic Presidency in the fields of air transport, satelite navigation system Galileo and road safety” carried out for the Ministry of Transport and Communications (2002-2003)
“RECORDIT – Real cost reduction of door-to-door intermodal transport” of the fifth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2000-2002)
“Research on air transport demand of Kreta island and setting up of the master plan of Iraklion state airport ‘N.Kazantzakis'” carried out for the Civil Aviation Authority (1998-2000)
“IMPULSE – Interoperaple modular pilot plans underlying logistic system in Europe” of the fourth framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (1996-1999)
“Investigation of Greek transport demand in the combined transport corridor Greece – Italy – Northern Europe” carried out for the European Commission (1993-1994)
“Pilot project for the combined transport corridor Greece – Italy – Northern Europe” carried out for the European Commission (1993)
“SIMET – Smart Intermodal European Transfer in Europe” of the third framework programme on transport research – EURET of the European Commission (1991-1995)
“PONTIFEX – Expert Systems for transport modes scheduling” in the framework of European Commission ESPRIT research programme (information technology) (1990-1991)
“EUROFRET – New technologies in freight transport in Europe” in the framework of European Commission DRIVE research programme (transport telematics) (1990-1991)
“La messagerie express en Europe” for the French Ministry of Transport (1989-1991)
Orfanou F., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G., Moraitis C., “Impacts of large urban regeneration projects: The case of the new Athens Intercity Bus Terminal“, Proceedings of the 15th World Conference on Transport Research (WCTR), Mumbai, India, 26-31 May 2019.
Nævestad T.-O., Størkersen K.V., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Framework conditions of occupational safety: Comparing Norwegian maritime cargo and passenger transport”. International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology, Vol.7, Iss.4, December 2018, pp.291-307
Nævestad T., Størkersen K., Laiou A., Yannis G., “Occupational Safety in Norwegian Maritime Transport: a Study of Respondents from Cargo and Passenger Vessels”, Proceedings of the 8th International Congress on Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.
Rogan A., Boutatis A., Yannis G., Golias J., “Traffic parameters for the re-organisation of Port operations in Attiki for the Athens 2004 Olympic Games”, A Compendium of Best Transportation Practices in the Athens 2004 Summer Olympics, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, January 2007.
Kepaptsoglou K., Karlaftis M., Yannis G., “Effects of a new on-street parking management scheme on demand of a park-and-ride facility: a before – after analysis”, Advances in Transportation Studies, Section B 22, 2010, pp. 75-81.
Rogan A., Iliopoulos K., Yannis G., Psaraki V., Solomonidis H., Karatsami P., Haralampopoulos I., Kasapi E., Dritsa H., Pantelias S., “Strategy for the development of transportation infrastructure in Greece for the 2020 horizon”, Proceedings of the 2nd Pan-Hellenic Conference of Physical and Urban Planning and Regional Development, University of Thessaly, Technical Chamber of Greece, Volos, September 2009.
Dandolou N., Patris G., Yannis G., “Community perspectives for airport security”, Proceedings of the 1st International Conference on Airport Planning and Operation, Ministry of Transport and Communications, Aristoteles AUTh, ΤCG, Thessaloniki, June 2003, pp.269-281.
Frantzeskakis J., Golias J., Yannis G., Papahatzakis K., “Assessment of fire protection and rescue services in Greek airports”, Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on “Air transport and airports”, University of Patras, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, Patras, December 2001.
Rogan S., Golias J., Papageorgiou G., Rogan A., Solomonidis C., Yannis G., “Central port of Piraeus: a purely passenger port offering water front activities to the town”, Proceedings of the conference of Association Internationale Villes et Ports, Marseille, November 2000.
Yannis G., “Gestion des flux et stratégie concurrentielle dans le transport”, Les Cahiers Scientifiques du Τransport, No.30, 1995, pp. 3-17.
Traffic impact study for the Development of the Interurban Bus Central Terminal at Eleonas for the Athens Central Bus Station (2017 – 2018).
Public Transport Passenger Satisfaction Survey for the Public Transport Organisation of Athens (2014).
Ports national strategy for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (2013).
Attiko Metro SA – Chairman of the Board of Directors (2004 – 2010)
Transportation investigation in the Port-industrial zone of Drapetsona-Keratsini for the Piraeus Port Authority (2004).
Final design and traffic signs implementation study of the land area around the Alon Port for the Piraeus Port Authority (2003).
Study for the flow arrangements of ships, vehicles, passengers and service redistribution in Piraeus, Lavrio and Rafina Ports during the Olympic Games ‘ATHENS 2004’ for the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games – Athens 2004 (2002-2003).
General Master Plan for the Port of Lavrion for the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (2001-2003).
Study for the aesthetic improvement, the operations location and the general organisation of the cruise ships mooring area, in the Central Piraeus Port, during the Olympic Games of 2004 for the Organising Committee of the Olympic Games – Athens 2004 (2001-2002).
Development of the strategic, business and organisation plan and master plan of the Port of Piraeus for the Piraeus Port Authority (1999-2000).
Study for a new apron of the Mytilini State Airport “Odisseas Elitis” – Master Plan for the Civil Aviation Authority (1996).
Preliminary feasibility study for the road link of 6th pier of Thessaloniki port with PATHE motorway for the Ministry of National Economy (1995-1996).
INTERREG Ι, ΙΙ – Assistance of frontier regions, promotion of inter-border cooperation for the Ministry of National Economy (1993-1996).
Support of Eurostat Transport Safety Statistics for the European Commission (2020-2023).
Eirini Niovi Christou, “Development of an optimization model for budget allocation for the upgrade of main Greek Airports”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2016." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">
Louvenia Chomata, “Development of an Integrated Optimization Model for Budget Allocation for the Upgrade of Greek Passenger Ports”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, July 2015." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">
Sotirios Charizopoulos, “Development of an optimisation model for the maintenance resources’ allocation of the Greek ports”, Diploma Thesis, NTUA, School of Civil Engineering, Athens, March 2015." target="_blank" class="listview-ppt">
“Road Safety Audit of the Hellinikon Metropolitan Pole” at the Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, May 2021.
“Traffic Study of the new Port of Chios – Proposals” at the 1st Scientific Conference on the development of Chios, organised by the Committee of the Aegean University and the Chios Community “Giannis Karalis” (Chios, 5-7 October 2018)
“National airport system design” in the 2nd Greek Conference: Air Transport Today and Tomorrow organised by the Hellenic Aviation Society (Spata, 9-10 May 2012).