A paper titled ‘Modeling road accident injury under-reporting in Europe‘ co-authored by George Yannis, Eleonora Papadimitriou, Antonis Chaziris and Jeremy Broughton is now published in European Transport Research Review. The purpose of this research is to present a disaggregate analysis of road accident injury under-reporting in selected European countries. The level of injury under-reporting is expressed by under-reporting coefficients, estimated as the actual estimated number of road accident injuries of a given severity to the number of related injuries recorded by the Police. Log-rate models are developed in order to estimate the combined effects of country (CZ, FR, GR, HU, NL, ES and the UK), road user type (car occupant, motorcyclist, pedal cyclist, pedestrian), Police severity score (serious or slight injury) and MAIS score (the maximum Abbreviated Injury Scale score) on under-reporting. The results suggest that the examined characteristics have important combined effect on under-reporting (i.e. third-order interaction). For example, it was found that slight injuries are more likely to be under-reported than serious injuries in the Czech Republic, France, and Greece, while the opposite is the case for the Netherlands and the UK. Moreover, although the Netherlands do not present high under-reporting rates overall, a particular issue is identified in this country for pedal cyclists’ slight injuries.