Eleonora Papadimitrou is an Assistant Professor of Urban Mobility & Road Safety at the Department of Transportation Planning Engineering at the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA). Her research focuses on the planning and engineering of urban road transport systems, with emphasis on active modes of transport. From 2018 to 2024 she was Associate Professor of Transport Safety at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft), and from 2023 to 2024 she was co-director of the TU Delft Safety & Security Institute.

She holds a Civil Engineering Diploma from NTUA (2001), a MSc from the Ecole des Ponts – ParisTech (2003) and a PhD from NTUA (2010) on the modelling of pedestrian behaviour and safety in urban road networks.

She has more than 20 years of experience in transportation engineering and road safety, with emphasis on vulnerable road users, and on quantitative methods for safety and efficiency assessment. She has been involved in more than 40 research and engineering projects and studies and in several scientific committees of the European Commission and other International Organisations (e.g. UNECE, OECD, WHO, World Bank). She is currently the coordinator of the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie action IVORY – ‘AI for Vision Zero in Road Safety’, an industrial doctorates network. She has published 117 papers in scientific journals, with more than 2,500 citations worldwide (h-index: 30).



  • PhD in Transportation, Planning and Engineering (2010), School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece
  • Master of Science (MSc) (Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies – DEA) in Transport (2003) École des Ponts ParisTech – Université Paris XII.
  • Diploma of Civil Engineering, majoring in Transportation Engineering (2001), School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Athens, Greece.

Specialisation areas

  • Urban Mobility
  • Urban Infrastructure Safety Management
  • Road Safety
  • Statistical and Econometric Modelling; AI in Road Safety; Efficiency Assessment.
  • Road user behaviour; Human Factors; Vulnerable Road Users.
  • Ethical Issues in Road Safety.

Academic Activities 

  • Teaching
    • Instructor in the compulsory graduate course Urban Road Networks of the 8th semester of the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA (2025 – today).
    • Module manager & Instructor in the elective MSc course Transport Safety of the Transport, Infrastructure & Logistics MSc programme of TU Delft (2018-2024).
    • Module manager & Instructor in the compulsory BSc course Ethics & Safety in Maritime Engineering of the Maritime Engineering BSc programme of TU Delft (2018-2024).
    • Instructor, Traffic Safety, Bachelor course jointly provided by Beijing Jiaotong Technical University & TU Delft (2020-2024).
    • Teaching Assistant (2005-2018) in the compulsory graduate course Traffic management and Road safety of the 9th semester of the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA.


    • PhD Advisory Committee member of 6 PhD students at NTUA:
      • Julia Porto (2024-), Proactive risk mapping and infrastructure safety management, School of Civil Engineering, NTUA.
      • Simone Paradiso (2024-), AI for road safety monitoring and crash prediction from micro- to macro levels, School of Civil Engineering, NTUA.
      • Aristotelis Tsoutsanis (2024-), Data fusion of traffic, behaviour & infrastructure for holistic driver assistance. School of Civil Engineering, NTUA.
      • Maria-Armira Kontaxi (2025), Integrated support of driver traffic behaviour and safety by smartphone data, School of Civil Engineering, NTUA.
      • Eva Michelaraki (2024), Big Data and road traffic risk, School of Civil Engineering, NTUA.
      • Alexandra Laiou (2019-), Measuring road safety culture. School of Civil Engineering, NTUA.
    • Co-promotor of 5 PhD students at Delft University of Technology:
      • Mohammad Pashaee (2024-), Learning from the whole spectrum of driver behaviour. TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management.
      • Ajay Iyer (2024-), Modelling driver distraction and drowsiness at different levels of automation. TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management.
      • Rongxin Song (2025-), Towards safety and efficiency: Human – Maritime Autonomous Surface Ship interaction in the mixed waterborne transport system, TU Delft Faculties of Technology, Policy & Management / Mechanical Engineering.
      • Jie Xue (2022), Modeling Seafarers’ Navigational Decision-Making for Autonomous Ships’ Safety, Safety & Security Science Section, TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management.
      • Pengfei Chen (2020), Probabilistic Risk Analysis for Ship Collision – Theory and Application for Conventional and Autonomous Ships, Safety & Security Science Section, TU Delft Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management.
    • Supervisor of more than 20 MSc Theses in the Faculties of Civil Engineering / Technology, Policy & Management of TU Delft (2018-2025).
    • Supervising Assistant in more than 15 Diploma Theses in the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA, as well as 3 PhD Theses (2004 – 2018).

Research Activities 

Participation in thirty (31) research projects in the field of Transportation Planning and Engineering, out of which two (2) research fellowships, thirteen (14) from the European Commission, four (4) from other International Organizations (ITF, WHO, CEDR) and eleven (11) from national authorities and other organisations in Greece and the Netherlands.


Research Fellowships 

  • Post-Doctoral Research Grant PEDMOD – Models of Pedestrian Behaviour and Safety of the Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs, in collaboration with IFSTTAR – France (2012 – 2015) (Principal Investigator).
  • Analysis of Pedestrians Crossing Behaviour in Urban Areas by Means of Survival Analysis Methods, of the Basic Research Programme of the National Technical University of Athens (2009-2011).

Research Projects

National Technical University of Athens  

2023-2026       Ersonext – Support to the European Road Safety Observatory for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission.

2023-2027       IVORY – Artificial Intelligence for Vision Zero in Road Safety – granted under the Horizons Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme of the European Commission.

2022-2026       PHOEBE – Predictive Approaches for Safety Urban Environments Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission

2016 – 2018     SaferAfrica – Innovating dialogue and problems appraisal for a safer Africa, of the Horizons 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission.

2016                Methodological approach for the development of the ‘IRTAD and the cities’ network and database of the International Transport Forum of the OECD.

2015 – 2018     SAFETYCUBE – Safety Causation, Benefits and Efficiency of the Horizons 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (Role: Leader, WP5 on “Infrastructure”)

2015 – 2016     ELDERSAFE – Risks and Countermeasures for Road Traffic of the Elderly in Europe, Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission (Role: Leader, WP2 on “Risk factors”).

2015 – 2018     ERSO+ Update of the European Road Safety Observatory, Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the European Commission.

2014 – 2015     PRACT – Predicting road accidents – a transferable methodology across Europe, CEDR – Conference of European Directors of Roads.

2014 – 2016     BESAFE – Belarusian road safety network of the Tempus programme of the European Commission.

2012 – 2015     DRIVERBRAIN – Performance of drivers with cerebral diseases at unexpected incidents in the framework of the programme ARISTEIA of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of Greece. (Role: WP3 Leader Methodology)

2012 – 2015     DISTRACT – Causes and impacts of driver distraction: A driving simulator study in the framework of the programme THALES of the Ministry of Education, Life Long Learning and Religious Affairs. (Role: Leader WP6 Analyses)

2010 – 2012     SARTRE – Social Attitudes to Traffic Risk in Europe, European Commission, DGTREN.

2010 – 2012     DaCoTA – Data Collection, Transfer and Analysis of the 7th framework programme of the European Commission (Roe: Leader Task 1.5 on “Policy Analysis”).

2007 – 2009     Road Safety Data Collection in Greece, Ministry of Transport and Communications.

2008 – 2009     Road Safety Data Manual, WHO – World Health Organization.

2006 – 2008     Best practices on cost-effective road safety infrastructure investments, CEDR – Conference of European Directors of Roads.

2004- 2008      SAFETYNET – Building the European Road Safety Observatory integrated research project of the 6th Framework Programme on Transport Research of the European Commission (Leader, Task 2.1. on “Risk and Exposure data”).

2003-2005       ROSEBUD – Road safety and environmental benefit-cost and cost-effectiveness analysis for use in decision Making of the 5th Framework Programme on transport research of the European Commission.

2003-2005       HEARTS – Health Effects and Risks of Transport Systems of the 5th Framework Programme on transport research of the European Commission.

2003-2005       Investigation of accident risk of drivers with increased involvement in road accidents, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Greece.

2003-2004       Technology Foresight in Greece, General Secretariat for Research and Technology.

2001-2002       Development of system for statistical processing of road accident data, Ministry of Transport and Communications of Greece.

2001-2002       Investigation of implementation and efficiency of delivery restrictions, Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works of Greece.

2001 – 2002    Investigation of the effects of heavy goods vehicles’ traffic in the Athens central area, Ministry of Environment, Physical Planning and Public Works of Greece.

Delft University of Technology

2023-today      IVORY – Artificial Intelligence for Vision Zero in Road Safety – granted under the Horizons Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie programme of the European Commission (Role: Project Coordinator).

2023 – 2024    SOBER – Effects of social influence on speeding behavior, TU Delft Safety & Security Institute ‘seed funding’ programme. Faculties of Technology, Policy & Management – Civil Engineering – Mechanical Engineering.

2023 – today   Using Virtual Reality to understand wheelchair pedestrians’ road-crossing behavior, TU Delft Safety & Security Institute ‘seed funding’ programme.

2022 – 2023    The effect of opening large-scale events during the COVID-19 pandemic, funded by CLICKNL on the basis of Fieldlab events data analysis. Role: contributor.

2022 – 2024    GAZE-TO-AV – Using eye-tracking in on-road research to investigate the interaction between human driven and automated vehicles. TU Delft Safety & Security Institute ‘seed funding’ programme.

2021- 2023     RHAPSODY – Recognition of Human Patterns of Optimal Driving for Safety of conventional and autonomous vehicles, of the Horizons 2020 programme of the European Commission, Marie Skłodowska-Curie actions (Role: Scientific coordinator).

2019 – 2023     i-Dreams – Safety tolerance zone calculation and interventions for driver-vehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions, of the Horizons 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (Task Leader on Transfer of knowledge between transport modes).


At the present time (January 2025) two hundred forty five (245) publications have been made (or have been accepted for publication), out of which 106 papers in scientific Journals with thousands of citations (scopus >2,500 / h-index: 30. Google Scholar >5,400 / h-index: 43), 139 papers in Conference Proceedings, 8 monographs / book chapters and 70 presentations in scientific seminars, workshops / events (out of which 25 invited presentations).


  1. Publications in peer-reviewed journals

1.106     Berge S.H., de Winter J., Dodou D., Afghari A.P., Papadimitriou E., Reddy N. Dong Y., Raju N., Farah H. (2024). Understanding cyclists’ perception of driverless vehicles through eye-tracking and interviews. Transportation Research Part F 2025, 109, pp. 399–420.

1.105     Roussou, S., Michelaraki, E., Katrakazas, C……, Brijs, T., Yannis, G. Unfolding the dynamics of driving behavior: a machine learning analysis from Germany and Belgium, European Transport Research Review, 2024, 16(1), 40

1.104     Papadimitriou, E., Athanasiadis, O., Klunder, G., Calvert, S., Xiao, L., van Arem,  B. (2024). A method to assess the safety implications of authority transitions in automated driving. Article in Press, Traffic Safety Research.

1.103     Song R., Papadimitriou E., Negenborn R., van Gelder P. (2024). Integrating Situation-Aware Knowledge Maps and Adapted Dynamic Window Approach for Safe  Path Planning in Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. Ocean Engineering, 2024, 311, 118882.

1.102     Papadimitriou E., Afghari A.P., van Gelder P. (2024).  Latent class models for capturing unobserved heterogeneity in major global causes of mortality: The cases of traffic crashes and COVID-19. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary perspectives 2024, 26, 101147.

1.101     Yannis, G. , Papadimitriou, E. (2024). Editorial, Special issue “RSS2022 Conference: Advanced Road Safety Analyses”, Safety Science, 2024, 175, 106491

1.100     Al Haddad, C., Alam, M.R., Papadimitriou, E., Brijs, T., Antoniou, C. (2024), Data Handling: Good Practices in the Context of Naturalistic Driving Studies, Transportation Research Procedia, 2024, 78, pp. 95–102.

1.99       Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E. (2023). A comparative analysis of machine learning approaches for the identification of driver profiles from naturalistic driving data. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary perspectives 2023, 21, 100900.

1.98       Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E. (2023). Time-series clustering for pattern recognition of speed and heart rate while driving: A magnifying lens on the seconds around harsh events. Transportation Research Part F 2023, 98, pp. 254–268.

1.97       Sheykhfard A., Haghighi F., Papadimitriou E., Van Gelder P. (2023). Exploring the influence of signal countdown timers on driver behavior: An analysis on pedestrian-vehicle conflicts at signalized intersections. Article in press, Transportation Research Record.

1.96       Afghari A.P., Vos J., Farah H., Papadimitriou E. (2023)  “I did not see that coming”: A latent variable structural equation model for understanding the effect of road predictability on crashes along horizontal curves, Accident Analysis & Prevention 187, 107075.

1.95       Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E. (2022). The usefulness of Artificial Intelligence for safety assessment of different transport modes. Accident Analysis & Prevention 186, Special Issue on Road Safety & Simulation, 107034.

1.94       Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E. (2023). Driver Profile and Driving Pattern Recognition for Road Safety Assessment: Main Challenges and Future Directions. IEEE Open Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems 4, pp. 83-100.

1.93.      Berrio S., Barrero L.H., Zambrano L., Papadimitiou E. (2022) Ergonomic factors affecting comprehension levels of traffic signs: A Critical Review. Article in press, International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology.

1.92.      Song, R.;Wen, Y.; Tao, W.; Zhang, Q.; Papadimitriou, E.; van Gelder, P. (2022). Semantic Modeling of Ship Behavior in Cognitive Space. Journal of Marine Science and Engineering, 10, 1347.

1.91.      Afghari A.P., Papadimitriou E., Pilkington-Cheney F., Filtness A., Brijs T., Brijs K., Cuenen A., De Vos B., Dirix H., Ross V., Wets G., Lourenço A., Rodrigues L. (2022). Investigating the effects of sleepiness in truck drivers on their headway: An instrumental variable model with grouped random parameters and heterogeneity in their means. Article in press, Analytic Methods in Accident Research 36, 100241.

1.90.      Papadimitriou E.,  Afghari A.P., Tselentis, D. Van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2022). Road-safety-II: Opportunities and barriers for an enhanced road safety vision. Accident Analysis & Prevention 175, 106723.

1.89.      Papadimitriou E.,  Farah H., Van de Kaa G., Santoni de Sio F., Hagenzieker M., Van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2022). Towards common ethical and safe ‘behaviour’ standards for automated vehicles. Accident Analysis & Prevention 175, 106724.

1.88.      Afghari A.P., Imani A.F., Papadimitriou E., van Gelder p., Hezaveh A.M. (2021). Disentangling the effects of unobserved factors on seatbelt use choices in multi-occupant vehicles. Journal of Choice Modelling 41, 100324.

1.87.      Afghari A.P., Papadimitriou E., Li X., Kaye S-A., Oviedo-Trespalacios O. (2021) How much should a pedestrian be fined for intentionally blocking an autonomous vehicle? A random parameters Beta hurdle model with heterogeneity in the variance. Analytic Methods in Accident Research 32, 100186.

1.86.      Sheykhfard A., Haghighi F., Papadimitriou E., Van Gelder P. (2021). Review and assessment of different perspectives of vehicle-pedestrian conflicts and crashes: Passive and Active analysis approaches. Article in press, Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering 8(5), pp. 681-702.

1.85.      Xue J., Papadimitriou E., Reniers G., Wu C., Jiang D., Van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2021). A Comprehensive Statistical Investigation Framework for Characteristics and Causes Analysis of Ship Accidents: A case study in the Fluctuating Backwater Area of Three Gorges Reservoir Region. Ocean Engineering 229, 108981.

1.84.      Economou A., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G. (2021). Intraindividual Variability in Driving Simulator Parameters of Healthy Drivers of Different Ages. Transportation Research Part F 78, 91-120.

1.83.      Katrakazas C., Theofilatos A., Islam M.A., Papadimitriou E., Dimitriou L., Antoniou C. (2021). Prediction of rear-end conflict frequency using multiple-location traffic parameters. Accident Analysis & Prevention 152,106007.

1.82.      Sheykhfard A., Haghighi F., Papadimitriou E., Van Gelder P. (2020). Analysis of the occurrence and severity of vehicle-pedestrian conflicts in Marked and Unmarked Crosswalks through Naturalistic Driving Study. Transportation Research Part F 76, pp. 178-192.

1.81.      Tzouras P.G., Farah H., Papadimitriou E., van Oort N., Hagenzieker M. (2020) Tram drivers’ perceived safety and driving stress evaluation. A stated preference experiment. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives 7,100205.

1.80.      Chen P., Huang Y., Papadimitriou E., Mou J., P.H.A.J.M. van Gelder (2020) Global Path Planning for Autonomous Ship: A Hybrid Approach of Fast Marching Square and Velocity Obstacles Methods. Ocean Engineering  214, 107793.

1.79.      Papadimitriou E., Schneider C., Aguinaga Tello J., Damen W., Lomba Vrouenraets M., ten Broeke A. (2020) Transport safety and human factors in the era of automation: What can transport modes learn from each other? Accident Analysis & Prevention 114, 105656.

1.78.      Economou A., Pavlou D., Beratis I., Andronas N., Papadimitriou E., Papageorgiou S.G., Yannis G. (2020) Predictors of accidents in patients with Mild Cognitive Impairment, mild Alzheimer’s disease and healthy controls in simulated driving. International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry 35(8), 859-869.

1.77.      Chen P., Huang Y., Papadimitriou E., Mou J., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2019). An Improved Time Discretized Non-linear Velocity Obstacle Method for Multi-ship Encounter Detection. Ocean Engineering 196,106718.

1.76.      Daniels S., Martensen H., Schoeters A., Van den Berghe W., Papadimitriou E., Ziakopoulos A., Kaiser S., Aigner-Breuss E., Soteropoulos A., Wijnen W., Weijermars W., Carnis L., Elvik R., Perez O.M. (2019). A systematic cost-benefit analysis of 29 road safety measures. Accident Analysis and Prevention 133,105292.

1.75.      Xue J., Van Gelder P.H.A.J.M., Reniers G., Papadimitriou E., Wu C. (2019). Multi-attribute decision-making method for prioritizing maritime traffic safety influencing factors of autonomous ship maneuvering decisions using grey and fuzzy theories. Safety Science 120, pp. 323-340.

1.74.      Papadimitriou E., Argyropoulou A., Tselentis D., Yannis G. (2019). Analysis of driver behaviour through smartphone data: The case of mobile phone use while driving. Safety Science 119, pp. 91-97.

1.73.      Xue J., Chen Z., Papadimitriou E., Wu C., Van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2019). Influence of Environmental Factors on Human-Like Decision-Making for Intelligent Ships. Ocean Engineering 186 (2019) 106060.

1.72.      Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2019). A meta-analysis of the impacts of operating in-vehicle information systems on road safety. IATSS Research 43(3), pp. 185-194.

1.71.      Papadimitriou E., Filtness A., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Quigley C., Yannis G. (2019). Review and ranking of crash risk factors related to the road infrastructure. Accident Analysis and Prevention 125, pp. 85-97.

1.70.      Martensen H.; Diependaele K; Daniels S.; Van den Berghe W.; Papadimitriou E.; Yannis G.; Van Schagen I.; Weijermars W.; Wijnen W.; Filtness A.; Talbot R.; Thomas P.; Machata K.; Aigner Breuss E.; Kaiser S.; Hermitte T.; Thomson R.; Elvik R. (2018). The European Road Safety Decision Support System on Risks and Measures, Accident Analysis and Prevention 125, pp. 344-351.

1.69.      E. Papadimitriou, S. Mavromatis, D. Pavlou, G. Yannis (2018). Identification of Patterns of Driver Speeding Behaviour and Safety Margins from Tangent to Curve. Advances in Transportation Studies 1 Special Issue on Road Safety and Simulation, pp. 83-94.

1.68.      Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2018) How many crashes are caused by driver interaction with passengers? A meta-analysis approach. Journal of Safety Research 65, pp.11-20.

1.67.      Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Diamandouros K. (2017). Meta-Analysis of the Effect of Road Work Zones on Crash Occurrence. Accident Analysis & Prevention 108, pp. 1-8.

1.66.      Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G. (2017). Simulation based safety margin assessment on speed variation between tangent to curved road alignment. Advances in Transportation Studies 43.

1.65.      Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A. (2017). A meta-analysis of crash risk factors in freeway entrance and exit areas. Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 143(10).

1.64.      Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G. (2015) Comparative assessment of the behaviour of drivers with Mild Cognitive Impairment or Alzheimer’s Disease in different road and traffic conditions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 47, pp. 122-131.

1.63.      Beratis I.N., Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Andronas N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G. (2017) Mild Cognitive Impairment and driving: Does in-vehicle distraction affect driving performance? Accident Analysis and Prevention 103, pp. 148-155.

1.62.      Mavromatis S., Papadimitriou E., Psarianos B., Yannis G. (2017). Vehicle skidding assessment through maximum attainable constant speed investigation. Article in press, Journal of Transportation Engineering.

1.60.      Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S. Psarianos B. (2018). Stopping sight distance adequacy assessment on freeways: the case of left horizontal curves over crest vertical curves. Transportation Letters 10(5), pp. 269-279

1.59.      Papadimitriou E. (2016).Towards an integrated approach of pedestrian behavior and exposure. Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, pp. 139-152.

1.58.      Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S. (2016), Relating traffic fatalities to GDP in Europe on the long term. Accident Analysis & Prevention 92, pp. 89-96.

1.57. Pavlou D., Papantoniou, P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Economou A., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G (2016). Self-assessment of older drivers with brain pathologies: reported habits and self-regulation of driving. Journal of Transport and Health 4, pp. 90-98.

1.56.      D. Pavlou, I. Beratis, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, P. Papantoniou, J. Golias, S.G. Papageorgiou, (2016). Driving performance profiles of drivers with brain pathologies in rural roads.  Article in press, International Journal of Transportation.

1.55.      P. Papantoniou, C. Antoniou, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, D. Pavlou, J. Golias, (2016). Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment. Article in press, International Journal of Transportation.

1.54.      Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Tselentis D., (2016). Road, traffic and human factors of pedestrian crossing behaviour: Integrated choice and latent variables models. Transportation Research Record 2586.

1.53.      D. Pavlou, P. Papantoniou, E. Papadimitriou, S. Vardaki, G. Yannis, C. Antoniou, J. Golias, S.G. Papageorgiou, (2016). Which are the effects of driver distraction and brain pathologies on reaction time and accident risk? Advances in Transportation Studies 2016 Special Issue, Vol. 1, pp. 83-98.

1.52.      Yannis G., Roumpas L., Papadimitriou E. (2016). Mobile Phone Use, Speed and Accident Probability of Young Drivers. Advances in Transportation Studies 39, pp. 49-66.

1.51.      Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G. (2016) Introducing human factors in pedestrian crossing behavior models. Transportation Research Part F 36, pp. 69-82.

1.50.      Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., (2016) Good Practices on Cost – Effective Road Infrastructure Safety Investments. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, article in press.

1.49.      Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2014). Assessment of Driving Simulator Studies on Driver Distraction. Advances in Transportation Studies 35, 129-144.

1.48.      Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A., Broughton J., (2014). Modelling road accident injury under-reporting in Europe. European Transport Research Review 6 (4), 425-438.

1.47.      Papadimitriou E., Auberlet J-M., Yannis G., Lassarre S., (2014). Simulation of Pedestrians and Motorised Traffic: existing research and future challenges. International Journal of Interdisciplinary Telecommunications and Networking 6(1), 57-73.

1.46.      Dupont, E.; Commandeur, J.F.; Lassarre S.; Bijleveld, F.; Martensen H.; Antoniou, C.; Papadimitriou, E.; Yannis, G.; Hermans, E.; Pérez K.; Santamariña-Rubio E.; Shingo Usami D.; Giustiniani G., (2014). Latent risk and trend models for the evolution of annual fatality numbers in 30 European countries. Accident Analysis and Prevention 71, 327-336.

1.45.      Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2014). Needs and priorities of road safety stakeholders for evidence-based policy making. Transport Policy 3, 286-293.

1.44.      Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E. (2014). Impact of mobile phone use and music on driver behaviour and safety by the use of a driving simulator, article in press, European Transport.

1.43.      Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Cestac J., Kraiem S., (2014). Motorcycle riding under the influence of alcohol: Results from the SARTRE-4 survey. Accident Analysis and Prevention 70, 121-130.

1.42.      G.Yannis, E.Papadimitriou, K.Folla (2014). Effects of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities. Safety Science 63, 42-49.

1.41.      Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2014). Analysis of pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban areas. International Journal of Operations Research and Information Systems, 5 (2), Special issue on ‘Operation Research and its Application in Transportation’, 39-55.

1.40.      Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2014). Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time-series models. Traffic Injury Prevention 15 (6).

1.39.      G.Yannis, A.Laiou, S.Vardaki, E.Papadimitriou, A.Dragomanovits, G.Kanellaidis (2013). An Analysis of Mobile Phone Use by Car Drivers in Greece. ICE Transport, 168 (2), 161-171.

1.38.      Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2013). Is road safety management linked to road safety performance? Accident Analysis & Prevention 59, 593-603.

1.37.      Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Voulgari C. (2012). A statistical analysis of the impact of advertising signs on road safety. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 20(2), 111-120.

1.36.      Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Voulgari C. (2013). Driver distraction and road safety in Greece and internationally. Journal of Transport and Shipping 5, 57-73.

1.35       Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E. (2013). Macroscopic traffic safety data analysis and prediction. Journal of Transport and Shipping 5, 115-140.

1.34       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A. (2013). Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing. Transportation Planning and Technology 36 (4).

1.33       Dupont E., Papadimitriou E., Martensen H., Yannis G. (2013). Multilevel analysis in road safety research. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 402-411.

1.32       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Bijleveld F., Cardoso J.L. (2013). Exposure Data and Risk indicators for Safety Performance Assessment in Europe. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 371-383.

1.31       Yannis G., Weijermars W., Gitelman V., Vis M., Chaziris A., Papadimitriou E., Azevedo C.L. (2013). A road safety performance indicator for the interurban road network. Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 384-395.

1.30       Commandeur J.F.C., Bijleveld, F., Bergel R., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E. (2013). On statistical inference in time series analysis of the evolution of road safety.  Accident Analysis & Prevention 60, 424-433.

1.29       Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G. (2013), Patterns of pedestrian attitudes, perceptions and behaviour in Europe, Safety Science 53, 114-122.

1.28       Papadimitriou, Yannis G., Golias J. (2012). Analysis of pedestrian risk exposure in relation to crossing behaviour. Transportation Research Record 2299, 79-90.

1.27       Papadimitriou E., Eksler V., Yannis G., Lassarre S. (2012). Modelling the spatial variation of road safety in Greece. ICE, Transport 166 (1), 49-58.

1.26       Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Dragomanovits A., Kanellaidis G. (2012), A statistical analysis of motorcycle helmet use in Greece, Advances in Transportation Studies 27, July 2012.

1.25       Lassarre S., Bonnet E., Bodin F., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J. (2011), A GIS-based methodology for identifying pedestrians crossing patterns, Computers, Environment & Urban Systems 36 (4), 321-330.

1.24       Papadimitriou Ε. (2011), Theory and models of pedestrian crossing behaviour along urban trips, Transportation Research Part F 15 (1), 75-93.

1.23       Yannis G., Antoniou, C., Papadimitriou Ε. (2011), Autoregressive nonlinear time-series modelling of traffic fatalities in Europe, European Transport Research Review 3 (3), 113-127.

1.22       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P. (2011), About pedestrian safety in Europe, Advances in Transportation Studies 24, July 2011.

1.21       Yannis G., Antoniou, C., Papadimitriou Ε., Katsochis D. (2011), When may road fatalities start to decrease? Journal of Safety Research 42, 17-25.

1.20       Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Dragomanovits A., Kanellaidis G. (2011), Parameters affecting seat belt use in Greece, International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 18 (3), 189-197.

1.19       Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., Dupont E., Martensen H. (2010), Estimation of fatality and injury risk by means of in-depth fatal accident investigation data, Traffic Injury Prevention 11 (5), 492-502.

1.18       Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., Karekla X., Kontodima E. (2010), Mobile phone use by young drivers: effects on traffic speed and headways, Transportation Planning and Technology 33 (4), 385-393.

1.17       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J. (2010), Theoretical framework for modelling pedestrians crossing behaviour along a trip, Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (10), 914-923.

1.16       Papadimitriou E., Mylona V., Golias J. (2010), Perceived level of service, driver and traffic characteristics: piecewise linear model, Journal of Transportation Engineering 136 (10), 887-893.

1.15       Dupont E., Martensen H., Papadimitriou Ε., Yannis G. (2010), Risk and protection factors in fatal accidents, Accident Analysis & Prevention 42 (2), 645-653.

1.14       Broughton J., Keigan M., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Chaziris A., Papadimitriou E., Bos N., Hoeglinger S., Pérez C., Amoros E., Holló P., Tecl J. (2010), Estimation of the real number of road casualties in Europe, Safety Science 48 (3), 365-371.

1.13       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J. (2009), A critical assessment of pedestrian behaviour models, Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 12 (3), 242-255.

1.12       Yannis G., Gitelman V., Papadimitriou E., Hakkert A.S., Winkelbauer M. (2008), Testing a framework for the efficiency assessment of road safety measures, Transport Reviews 28 (3), 281-301.

1.11       Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., Antoniou, C. (2008), Impact of enforcement on traffic accidents and fatalities: A multivariate multilevel analysis, Safety Science 46 (5), 738-750.

1.10       Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Modelling crossing behaviour and accident risk of pedestrians, Journal of Transportation Engineering 133 (11), 634 – 643.

1.9         Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Effects of driver nationality and road characteristics on accident fault risk , International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion 14 (3), 171-180.

1.8         Lassarre, S., Papadimitriou E., Golias, J., Yannis, G., (2007), Measuring accident risk exposure for pedestrians in different micro-environments, Accident Analysis and Prevention 39 (6), 1226-1238.

1.7         Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Mobility patterns of motorcycle and moped riders in Greece, Transportation Research Record 2031, 69 -75.

1.6         Yannis G., Antoniou, C., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Road casualties and enforcement: distributional assumptions of serially correlated count data, Traffic Injury Prevention 8 (3), 300 – 308.

1.5         Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Accident risk of foreign drivers in various road environments, Journal of Safety Research 38, 471-480.

1.4         Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou Ε., Yannis G., Golias J. (2007), Travel patterns of three distinct driver age groups, Proceedings of ICE, Transport, 160 (3), 117-123.

1.3         Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., Antoniou, C. (2007), Multilevel modelling for the regional effect of enforcement on road accidents, Accident Analysis and Prevention 39 (4), 818-825.

1.2         Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2005), Driver age and vehicle engine size effects on fault and severity in young motorcyclists’ accidents, Accident. Analysis and Prevention 37 (2), 327-333.

1.1         Golias I., Milona B., Papadimitriou E., (2004), Determination of Highway Level of Service Thresholds On the Basis of Road User’s Perception , Technical Chronicles Ι – The Journal of the Technical Chamber of Greece, Issue 2/2003.


  1. Publications in Conference Proceedings


2.139     Chaudhry A., Kalantari A.H., Afghari A.P., Papadimitriou E., Sala M., Pellicer-Pous A., Papadoulis A., Brackstone M., Burke M., Chapman S., Lucchesi s. (2025) A Behaviour-Agnostic Methodological Framework for Incorporating Human Factors into Traffic Microsimulation, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025

2.138     Fafouti O., Papadimitriou E., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Stamatelos P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., “The traffic behavior of pedestrians with mild Alzheimer’s Disease or Mild Cognitive Impairment in urban areas, and its neuropsychological predictors”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025

2.137     Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Khattak W. M., Adnan M., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Afghari A. P., Al Haddad C., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Interactions among Road, Vehicle and Driver Risk Factors for the Identification of Safety Tolerance Zone”, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025

2.136     Michalaka D., Chaudhry A., Papadimitriou E. (2025), Analysis of potential safety benefits resulting from different automation levels and penetration rates of automated vehicles: a case study in the Netherlands. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting, Washington, 5-9 January 2025.

2.135     Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Roussou S., Katrakazas C., Afghari A., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Al Haddad C., Alam M., Adnan M., Khattak W., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Modelling the inter-relationship among task complexity, coping capacity and crash risk”, Proceedings of the 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (Heraklion, Greece, 20-22 September 2023)

2.134     Tselentis, D. I., Papadimitriou, E. & Arturo Tejada (2024). Can safe driving patterns be identified? An exploratory analysis. Transportation Research Arena (TRA) Conference, Dublin, Ireland, 15-18 April, 2024.

2.133     Michelaraki E., Garefalakis T., Roussou S., Afghari A. P., Papazikou E., Talbot R., Adnan M., Khattak M. W., Al Haddad C., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Brijs T., Yannis G., “Investigating the effect of driver-vehicle-environment interaction with risk through naturalistic driving data”, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena TRA 2024 Conference, Dublin, 15-18 April 2024

2.132     Tselentis, D. I., Papadimitriou, E. & Arturo Tejada (2024). Towards the identification of optimal safe driving patterns. Transportation Research Board (TRB) Annual Meeting, Washington DC, USA, January 7-11, 2024. 2.132 Farah, H., Berge, S.H., De Winter, J.C.F., Dodou, D., Reddy, N., Dong, Y., Raju, N., Afghari, A.P., Papadimitriou, E. (2023) Do cyclists notice the absence of a driver when interacting with a driverless vehicle? A field study. In the 35TH ICTCT Conference, Catania, Italy, 26-27 October 2023.

2.131     Song R., Papadimitriou E., Negenbord R., van Gelder P. (2023) Distributed Situational Awareness for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships in Mixed Waterborne Transport: An Ontology-based Framework. 7th  International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS 2023)  August 4 – 6, 2023 | Xi’an, China.

2.130     Song R., Papadimitriou E., Negenbord R., van Gelder P. (2023) Trust-affected Decision-making for Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships with Human Supervision. 5th ICMASS 2023 | 8 – 9 November 2023 | Ahoy Rotterdam, Netherlands.

2.129Papadimitriou E., Afghari A.P. (2023). Exploring common attributes between the traffic safety pandemic and the Covid-19 pandemic: a global macroscopic analysis. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 8-13 January 2023.

2.128Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E. (2023) Recognition of Driving Patterns During Harsh Events on the Basis of Speed and Heart Rate Data: A Time-series Clustering Approach. Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 8-13 January 2023.

2.127     Mantouka E., Fafoutelis P., Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E., Vlahogianni E., Yannis G. A Multi-level Approach to Link Smooth Driving with Safe Driver Behavior, Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 8-13 January 2023.

2.126     Afghari A.P., Vos J., Farah H., Papadimitriou E. (2023) “I Did Not See that Coming”: How Does Road Predictability Affect Vehicular Crashes along Horizontal Curves? Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington DC, 8-13 January 2023.

2.125     Song R., Papadimitriou E.,   Negenborn R.R., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2022). Constructing Knowledge Maps for Situation Awareness of Maritime Autonomous Surface Ships. International Ship Control Systems Symposium, Delft, the Netherlands, November 2022.

2.124     Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E. (2022). Investigation of travel and driving pattern evolution in the post-pandemic era. 16th International Conference on Travel Behaviour Research, December 2021, Santiago, Chile.

2.123     Afghari A.P., Papadimitriou E., Maynard S., Talbot R., Filtness A., Wets G. (2022). Risk Factors, Monitoring Techniques, and Intervention Strategies: Experiences and Lessons from Different Transport Sectors. Road Safety and Simulation 2022, Athens, June 2022.

2.122     Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M (2022). The usefulness of Artificial Intelligence to the safety of all transport modes. Road Safety and Simulation 2022, Athens, June 2022.

2.121     Papazikou E., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Filtness A., Quigley C., Papadimitriou E. (2022) The impact of traffic flow distribution over arms at junctions on crash risk. Road Safety and Simulation 2022, Athens, June 2022.

2.120     Michelaraki E., Katrakazas C., Afghari A.P., Papadimitriou E., Senitschnig N., Al Haddad C., Yang K., Antoniou C., Brijs T., Yannis G. (2022). Modeling the concept of a Safety Tolerance Zone: State-of-the-art and proposed alternatives. Road Safety and Simulation 2022, Athens, June 2022.

2.119     Afghari A-P., Pilkington-Cheney F., Filtness A., Papadimitriou E., Lourenço A., Brijs T. (2021). The i-DREAMS intervention strategies to reduce driver fatigue and sleepiness for different transport modes. 7th International IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems.

2.118     Afghari A.P., Imani A.F., Papadimitriou E., van Gelder p.h.a.j.m., Hezaveh A.M. (2021). Are Vehicle Occupants Influenced by One Another in Wearing Seatbelt? An Inquiry into Seatbelt Use Modelling in Multi-Occupant Vehicles. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 100th Annual Meeting – A Virtual Event, January 2021.

2.117     Xue J., Papadimitriou E., Wu C. and Van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2020) Statistical Analysis of the Characteristics of Ship Accidents for Chongqing Maritime Safety Administration District. IEEE Forum on Integrated and Sustainable Transportation Systems (Forum ISTS 2020), November 3-5, 2020, Delft, The Netherlands. (conference held on-line)

2.116     Berrio S., Zambrano L., Papadimitiou E., Barrero L.H., van Gelder P.H.A.J.M. (2020). Protocols for eye-tracking in cyclists: A review and application. Proceedings of 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland (conference cancelled).

2.115     Papadimitriou E., Aguinaga Tello J., Damen W., Lomba Vrouenraets M., Schneider C., Ten Broeke A. (2020). The Impact of Key Human Factors on Safe Transport Automation: Experiences from Different Transport Modes. Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 99th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 12-16 January 2020.

2.114     Gavalas, Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E. (2019). Association of Expressed Driving Anger with Driving Performance Combining Simulator and Survey Data. Road Safety and Simulation, October 14-17, 2019, Iowa, USA.

2.113.    Xue J., Chen Z., van Gelder P., Wu C., Papadimitriou E. (2019) Grey Relational Analysis of Environmental Influencing Factors of Autonomous Ships’ Maneuvering Decision-Making. IEEE 2019 5th International Conference on Transportation Information and Safety (ICTIS), July 14-17, 2019, Liverpool, UK

2.112.    Vlahogianni E., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Leopold F., Polders E., Brijs T., Durso C., Diamandouros K., How is Older Drivers Safety enhanced by In-Vehicle Assistance Systems?, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.

2.111.    Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla A., Nikolic N., Molnar E., SafeFITS: A Global Road Safety Model, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018

2.110     Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Thomas P., Theofilatos A., Filtness A, Overview of the SafetyCube project: Towards a European Road Safety Decision Support System, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Larissa, Greece, 11-12 October 2018.

2.109.    Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G. (2018). Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Selected Road Safety Measures. 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation – hEART2018 Athens, Greece, 5-7 September 2018.

2.108     Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., Nikolic N., Molnar E., SafeFITS – A global model as a tool for road safety policy making, Proceedings of the 13th International Conference “Road Safety in Local Community”, Serbia, Kopaonik, 18-21 April 2018.

2.107     Ziakopoulos A., Botteghi G., Macaluso G., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E. , Yannis G. , Diamandouros K. , Arampidou K., Can light engineering measures make a difference? An overview of the effect of delineation and signage on road safety, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.

2.106     Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., Compensatory driving behaviour of older drivers with Parkinson’s disease. Is it sufficient to counterbalance their driving difficulties?, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018

2.105     Papadimitriou E., Machata K., Bauer R., Stadlbauer S., Soteropoulos A., Daniels S., Elvik R., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Safety effects of infrastructure road safety measures, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018

2.104     Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Thomas P., Filtness A., Martensen H., Van den Berghe W., Diependaele K., Elvik R., Machata K., Kaiser S., Aigner-Breuss E., Weijermars W., Hermitte T., Thomson R., SafetyCube – the European Road Safety Decision Support System, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018.

2103      Papadimitriou E., Tselentis D., Yannis G., Analysis of Driving Behaviour Characteristics Based on Smartphone Data, Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018 Conference, Vienna, Austria, 16-19 April 2018

2.102     Beratis I., Andronas N., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Pavlou D., Economou A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., Cognitive Deficits and Driving Ability in Patients with Parkinson’s Disease, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.

2.101     Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Folla K., Nikolic N., Molnar E., Developing a Global Road Safety Model, Proceedings of the Transportation Research Board (TRB) 97th Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., 7-11 January 2018.

2.100     Theofilatos A., Nieuwkamp R., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., “Effectiveness of intelligent speed adaptation, collision warning and alcolock systems on driving behaviour and safety”, Proceedings of the “Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service” International Conference, Patras, Greece, 7-8 December 2017.

2.99       Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S., Pavlou D., Yannis G., (2017). Assessment of Speeding Profiles and Safety Margins from Tangent to Curve by means of Driving Simulation. Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017

2.98       Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., (2017). Driver distraction without presence of secondary tasks: Inattention, cognitive overload and factors outside the vehicle – an overview. Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.

2.97       Papadimitriou E., Filtness A., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G., (2017). Comparative assessment and ranking of infrastructure related crash risk factors. Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017

2.96       Martensen H., Diependaele K., Van den Berghe W., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Van Schagen I., Weijermars W., Wijnen W., Filtness A., Thomas P., Machata K., Aigner Breuss E., Kaiser S., Hermitte T., Thomson R. (2017). SafetyCube: Building a Decision Support System on Risks and Measures. Road Safety & Simulation International Conference 2017, The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.

2.95       Thomas P., Filtness A., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Machata K., Martensen H., Diependaele K. Overview of the European Road Safety Decision Support System. 8th International Congress on Transportation Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017

2.94       Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Aigner-Breuss E., Kaiser S. An Overview of Risk Factors Related to Driver Distraction: Reviews and Meta-Analyses. 8th International Congress on Transportation Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017

2.93.      Filtness A.J., Talbot R., Thomas P., Aigner-Breuss E., Kaiser S., Martensen H. & Papadimitriou E. (2017). Obstructive sleep apnoea and crash risk: Case study results within the development of the European road safety Decision Support System In the Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Managing Fatigue, San Diego, March 2017.

2.92       P. Papantoniou, D. Pavlou, C. Antoniou, G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, How does distracted driving affect lateral position of older drivers? In the Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention, Paris, March 2017.

2.91       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. Pavlou D., Beratis I. Papageorgiou S.G. Can driving at the simulator “diagnose” cognitive impairments? In the Proceedings of the 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.

2.90.      Vlahogianni E., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Brijs T., Polders E., Leopold F., Durso C., Diamantouros K. An in-depth analysis of road infrastructure interventions aiming to improve road safety of the elderly in Europe, 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, United Kingdom, October 2016.

2.89.      Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Thomas P., Filtness A., Martensen H., Machata K., Elvik R., Usami D.S. Development of a road safety Decision Support System for road infrastructure. 1st European Road Infrastructure Congress, Leeds, United Kingdom, October 2016.

2.88.      Yannis G., Thomas P., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., “Developing the European Road Safety Decision Support System, 12th World Conference on Injury Prevention and Safety Promotion, Tampere, Finland, September 2016.

2.87       Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Review of driving performance parameters critical for distracted driving research, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.

2.86       Laiou A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Milotti A., Road safety data and information availability and priorities in South-East European regions, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.

2.85       Papadimitriou E, Lassarre S., Yannis G., Human factors of pedestrian walking and crossing behavior, Proceedings of the 14th World Conference on Transport Research, Shanghai, WCTRS, July 2016.

2.84.      Yannis G., Thomas P., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Developing the European Road Safety Decision Support System, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.

2.83.      Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S., (2016) The Impact of cognitive impairments on accident risk, Proceedings of the 7th Expert Symposium on Accident Research, Medical School of Hannover, Hannover, June 2016.

2.82       Yannis G., Tselentis D., Papadimitriou E., Mavromatis S. (2016), Star rating driver traffic and safety behavior through OBD and smartphone data collection, Proceedings of the International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Intelligent Transport Systems, Technical University of Brest, Brest, Belarus, May 2016.

2.81       Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., (2016), Pedestrian Risk Taking while Road Crossing: A Comparison of Observed and Declared Behaviour, 6th Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, 18-21 April 2016.

2.80       Pavlou D., Beratis I., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papageorgiou S.G. (2016), Which are the critical measures to assess the driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies?, 6th Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, 18-21 April 2016.

2.79       Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J. (2016), Investigating the effect of area type and traffic conditions on distracted driving performance, 6th Transport Research Arena, Warsaw, 18-21 April 2016.

2.78       Mavromatis S., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Psarianos B., Modeling Stopping Sight Distance on Left-Turn Curves of Freeways Overlapped with Crest Vertical Curves, Proceedings of the 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2016.

2.77       Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Tselentis D., Road, traffic and human factors of pedestrian crossing behaviour: Integrated choice and latent variables models, Proceedings of the 95th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2016.

2.76       Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Tsolaki A. Analysis of the parameters influencing the use of a bicycle sharing system in Athens, 7th International Congress on Transportation Research, Athens, November 2015.

2.75       Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Golias J., Cell phone use and driving performance of different age groups, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015.

2.74       Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Yannis G., Antoniou C., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., In-vehicle distraction and brain pathologies: Effects on reaction time and accident probability, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Orlando, Florida, October 2015..

2.73.      Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Tsolaki A., Analysis of Preferences for the Use of a Bicycling Sharing System in Athens, Proceedings of the 4th international cycling safety conference, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, September 2015.

2.72       Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Papantoniou P., Andronas N., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., Driving performance profiles of drivers with Parkinson’s disease, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.

2.71       Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J., How does distracted driving affect reaction time of older drivers?, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.

2.70       Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Antoniou C., Golias J., Assessing driving behaviour in the elderly: methodological issues, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.

2.69       Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P., Broughton J., Thomas P., Kirk A., Road traffic casualties in the elderly in Europe: analysis of macroscopic and in-depth data, Proceedings of the 14th international conference on mobility and transport for elderly and disabled persons, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, July 2015.

2.68       Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Golias J., Exploratory analysis of the effect of distraction on driving behaviour through a driving simulator experiment, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.

2.67       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Muhlrad N., Road Safety Management in Greece, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.

2.66       Antoniou K., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Commandeur J., Bijleveld F., Dupont E., Forecasting the number of road traffic fatalities in Greece, Proceedings of the 6th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, National Technical University of Athens, Athens, March 2015.

2.65       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Mermygka M., Multilevel comparative analysis of road safety in European capital cities, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.

2.64       Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S., Driving behaviour of drivers with mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer’s disease: a driving simulator study, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.

2.63       Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., Yannis G., Introducing human factors in pedestrian crossing behaviour models, Proceedings of the 94th Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2015.

2.62       Pavlou D., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragkiadaki S., Vardaki S., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G., Older drivers’ self-assessment and cognitive impairments, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.

2.61       Papantoniou P., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Yannis G., Golias J., Is distracted driving performance affected by age? First findings from a driving simulator study, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.

2.60       Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Antoniou C., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J., Beratis I., Economou A., Papageorgiou S.G., Assessment of driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies in urban roads, using a driving simulator, Proceedings of the International interdisciplinary conference ‘Ageing and Safe Mobility’, Bergisch-Gladbach, November 2014.

2.59       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Distracted driving and mobile phone use: overview of impacts and countermeasures, Proceedings of the Communication Technologies and Road Safety Conference, Abu Dhabi, November 2014.

2.58       Elslande P.V., Feypell V., Holgate J., Redant K., De Solère H., Margaritis D., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., De Craen S., Haslie L.I., Muguiro J., Grummas Granström P.O., Mobility and safety of powered two-wheelers in the OECD countries, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April 2014.

2.57       Pavlou D., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papageorgiou S.G., First findings from a simulator study on driving behaviour of drivers with cerebral diseases, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April 2014.

2.56       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Golias J., First exploration of the effect of road environment on distracted driving through a driving simulator study, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April 2014.

2.55       Yannis G., Thomas P., Muhlrad N., Martensen H., Dupont E., Aarts L., Evgenikos P., Papadimitriou E., Development of the European Road Safety Knowledge System, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April 2014.

2.54 Muhlrad N., Vallet G., Butler I., Gitelman V., Doveh E., Dupont E., Thomas P., Talbot R., Papadimitriou P., Yannis G., Persia L., Giustiniani G., Machata K., Bax C., Analysis of road safety management systems in Europe, Proceedings of the Transport Research Arena Conference, Paris, April 2014.

2.53       Yannis G., Laiou A., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A., An application of a road network safety performance indicator, Proceedings of the International Seminar on Transport Safety Performance Indicators, organised by the Road Traffic Safety Agency of Serbia, Belgrade, March 2014.

2.52       Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Papantoniou P., Yannis G., Golias J, Papageorgiou S.G., Results from a driving simulator study on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases in rural roads, 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.

2.51       Papadimitriou E., Auberlet J-M., Yannis G., Lassarre S., Challenges in simulation of pedestrians and motorised traffic, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.

2.50       Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Assessment of driving simulator studies on driver distraction, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013.

2.49       Yannis G., Golias J., Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Vardaki S., Papantoniou P., Pavlou D., Papageorgiou S., Andronas N., Papatriantafyllou I., Liozidou A., Beratis I., Kontaxopoulou D., Fragiadaki S., Economou A., Design of a large driving simulator experiment on performance of drivers with cerebral diseases, Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Road Safety and Simulation, Rome, October 2013

2.48       Folla K., Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., Effect of GDP Change on Road Accidents, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, October 2013.

2.47       Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Attitudes and behaviour of European drivers and other road users towards Road Safety, Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Transport Research in Greece, Thessaloniki, October 2013.

2.46       Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Implementation of the SUNflower Methodology for the analysis of Powered Two-Wheelers Road Safety In Greece, Proceedings of the Scientific Days on Power Two Wheelers, Lyon, October 2013.

2.45       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papathanasiou E., Postantzi E. (2013), Impact of Mobile Phone Use and Music on Driver Behaviour and Safety by the Use of a Driving Simulator, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.

2.44       Pavlou D., Beratis I., Loizidou A., Andronas N., Yannis G., Economou A., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P., Papageorgiou S.G. (2013), Effects of cerebral diseases on driver distraction, Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on driver distraction and inattention, Chalmers University, Gothenburg, Sweden, September 2013.

2.43       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Papantoniou P. (2013), Review of distracted driving factors, 13th WCTR Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013.

2.42       Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Furian G., Brandstaetter C., Britschgi V., Drapela W., Sardi G.M., Freeman R.P.J. (2013), Motivations, travel habits, attitudes and behaviour of European Pedestrians, 13th WCTR Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013.

2.41       Yannis G., Van Elslande P., Feypell V., Papadimitriou E., Morris C., de Craen S. (2013), Evolution in motorcycle crashes and current crash characteristics in the OECD countries, 13th WCTR Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013.

2.40       Yannis G., Katsochis D., Papadimitriou E. (2013), Misreporting injury severity in European road accidents, 13th WCTR Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013.

2.39       Van Elslande P., Yannis G., Feypell V., Papadimitriou E., Tan C., Jordan M. (2013), Contributory factors of powered two wheelers crashes, 13th WCTR Conference, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, July 15-18, 2013.

2.38       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Pavlou D., Golias J., Papageorgiou S.G., Economou A. (2013), A large driving simulator experiment on driver distraction of older drivers, KFV International Congress on Mobility & Road Safety in an Ageing Society, 19-20 June 2013, Vienna.

2.37       Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Furian G., Brandstaetter C., Britschgi V., Drapela W., Sardi G.M., Freeman R.P.J. (2012), The attitudes and behaviour of European pedestrians, 25th ICTCT Workshop ‘Road safety in a globalised and more sustainable world – Current issues and future challenges’, Hasselt, Belgium, November 8-9 2012.

2.36       Papadimitriou E., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Cestac J., Kraïem S., Barbier C.,  Riding a motorcycle while impaired, 5th Pan-Hellenic Road Safety Conference, 25-26 October, 2012, Volos.

2.35       Yannis G., Papantoniou P., Papadimitriou E. (2012), Investigation of the impact of advertising signs on the number of road accidents, 3rd PanHellenic Conference on Highway Design, Athens, 9-10 February 2012.

2.34       Antoniou C., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2012), Road safety forecasts in five European countries using structural time series models, 92nd Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 13-17, 2012, Washington DC.

2.33       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., (2012), Road Safety in Greece, Transport Research Arena, Athens, Greece, April 23-26 2012.

2.32       Jähi H., Muhlrad N., Buttler I., Gitelman V., Bax C., Dupont E., Giustiniani G., Machata K., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Persia L., Talbot R., Vallet G., Yannis G. (2012), Investigating road safety policies and road safety management processes in the European Union, Transport Research Arena, Athens, Greece, April 23-26 2012.

2.31       Dupont E., Muhlrad N., Buttler I., Gitelman V., Giustiniani G., Jähi H., Machata K., Martensen H., Papadimitriou E., Persia L., Talbot R., Vallet G., Wijnen W., Yannis G. (2012), Needs for evidence-based road safety decision making in Europe, Transport Research Arena, Athens, Greece, April 23-26 2012

2.30       Papadimitriou E. , Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Sardi G.M., Freeman R.P.J. (2012), Road safety attitudes and perceptions of pedestrians in Europe, Transport Research Arena, Athens, Greece, April 23-26 2012.

2.29       Papadimitriou, Yannis G., Golias J. (2012), Analysis of pedestrian risk exposure in relation to crossing behaviour, 91st Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, January 23-26, 2012, Washington DC.

2.28       G.Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, P.Evgenikos (2011), Effectiveness of road safety measures at junctions, 1st International Conference on Access Management, Athens, June 14-17, 2011.

2.27       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Bairamis C., Sklias V. (2011), Is it risky to talk, eat or smoke while driving? Findings from a driving simulator experiment, 3rd International Conference RSS2011 – Road Safety and Simulation, Indianapolis, September 14-16, 2011.

2.26       Yannis G., Antoniou, C., Papadimitriou Ε. (2011), Modelling Traffic Fatalities in Europe, 90th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington D.C, January 23-27 2011.

2.25       Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2010), Analysis of pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban areas, 5th International Conference on Transportation Research in Greece, Volos, September 2010

2.24       G. Yannis , E. Papadimitriou, P. Papantoniou, N. Petrellis (2010), Cell phone use and traffic characteristics, 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.

2.23       G. Yannis, E. Papadimitriou, A. Theofilatos (2010), Pedestrian gap acceptance for mid-block street crossing, 12th World Conference on Transport Research, Lisbon, July 2010.

2.22       Papadimitriou Ε., Hughes T., Yannis G. (2010), Trends and basic figures of pedestrian traffic fatalities in urban areas in the OECD countries, WALK21 Conference – Getting Communities Back on their feet, The Hague, 17-19 November 2010.

2.21       E.Papadimitriou, G.Yannis, P.Evgenikos (2009), About pedestrian safety in Europe, RSS2009 – International Conference Road Safety and Simulation, 5-7 October 2009, Paris, France.

2.20       Golias J., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E. (2009), Characteristics of lorry and bus accidents in Greece, 4th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Athens, November 2009.

2.19       Yannis G., Laiou A., Vardaki S., Dragomanovits A., Papadimitriou E., Kanellaidis G. (2009), Use of seat belt and helmet in Greece, 4th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Athens, November 2009.

2.18       Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Papadimitriou E. (2009), An application of the Sunflower methodology for the estimation of two-wheelers safety in Greece, 4th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Athens, November 2009.

2.17.      E. Dupont, H. Martensen, H. Stipdonk, F. Bijleveld, J.Commandeur, E. Papadimitriou, G. Yannis, C.Antoniou, R. Bergel, C. Brandstaetter (2009). Analyses using the European Road Safety Observatory, 4th IRTAD Conference, Seoul, Korea, 16-17 September 2009.

2.16       Weijermars W., Gitelman V., Papadimitriou E., de Azevedo C.L. (2008), Safety performance indicators for the road network, European Transport Conference, Leiden, the Netherlands, 6-8 October 2008.

2.15       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Evgenikos P. (2008), Cost-benefit analysis of the intensification of speed and alcohol enforcement in Greece, 4th International Conference on Transportation Research in Greece, Athens, 27-31 May 2008.

2.14       Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Chaziris A. (2008), Development of a common framework for risk exposure data in Europe, AATT2008 – 10th International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation, Athens, Greece, 27-31 May 2008.

2.13       Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε., Lejeune P., Bijleveld F., Cardoso J.L (2008), Risk exposure data availability, collection methodologies and use in the EU, 2nd European Road Transport Research Arena, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 21-25 April 2008.

2.12       Cardoso J.L., Yannis G., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), A review of international road transport databases files with risk exposure data, International Conference Road Safety and Simulation – RSS 2007, 7-9 November 2007 Rome, Italy.

2.11       Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou E. (2007), Accident risk factors of young drivers and targeted countermeasures, 11th World Conference on Transportation Research 2007, Berkeley, USA, 24-28 June, 2007.

2.10       Lassarre S., Bonnet E., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Risk exposure assessment of pedestrians in urban area using a GIS, ICTCT Extra- Workshop Road user behaviour with a special focus on vulnerable road users, Beijing, China, April 2-3, 2007.

2.9         Yannis G., Golias J., Spyropoulou I., Papadimitriou Ε. (2007), Mobility patterns of motorcycle and moped riders in Greece, TRB 86th Annual Meeting, Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 21-25, 2007.

2.8         Yannis G., Evgenikos P., Papadimitriou E.(2006), Efficiency Assessment Of Selected Road Safety Measures, In The Proceedings Of The 3rd International Conference On Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, May 2006.

2.7         Yannis, G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E. An Integrated Analysis Of Health Effects And Risks Of Transport Systems (2006), In The Proceedings Of The 3rd International Conference On Transportation Research In Greece, Thessaloniki, May 2006.

2.6         Yannis, G., Papadimitriou, E., Evgenikos, P. (2005), Cost-benefit assessment of selected road safety measures in Greece, in the proceedings of the 13th International Conference Road Safety on Four Continents, Warsaw, 5-7 October 2005.

2.5         Lejeune, P., Yannis, G., Papadimitriou, E., Houwing, S., (2005), Developing a common framework for the collection of Risk Exposure Data in Europe within the SafetyNet IP – The European Road Safety Observatory, Workshop on Statistics on The Volume Of Road Traffic, UNECE – United Nations Economic Commissions for Europe, Copenhagen, 1-2 December 2005.

2.4         Yannis, G., Golias J., Papadimitriou E., Spyropoulou I. (2005), Analysis Of Accident Risk Of Young Drivers And Two-Wheeler Riders In Greece, In The Proceedings Of The 3rd Hellenic Conference On Road Safety, Patra, October 2005.

2.3         Yannis G., Golias J., Papadimitriou Ε. (2005), Potential And Limitations Of The Analysis Of Road Accidents Data In Greece, In The Proceedings Of The 2nd Hellenic Conference On Highway Design, Volos, May 2005.

2.2         Stathopoulos A., Yannis G., Anastasakis Μ., Karlaftis Μ., Mamais Α., Batzias S., Bekiaris Ε., Nathanail Τ., Papageorgiou Μ., Papadimitriou Ε., Papapanagiotou Ι., Sambrakos Ε., Symeonidis G. (2004), Transport Technology Foresight In Greece – Sustainable Mobility On 2021, In The Proceedings Of The 2nd International Conference On Transportation Research In Greece, Athens, February 2004.

2.1         Κarlaftis M., Dobazi N., Papadimitriou Ε. (2002), A Multiple Discriminant Analysis Approach to Modelling Urban Mode Choice, 6th Balkan Conference on Operational Research, Thessaloniki, May 2002.


  1. Monographs – Book chapters


3.8         Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Traveller and Driver Safety in an Urban Context, In: Lucy Budd, Stephen Ison and Maria Attard (Eds), The Routledge Handbook of Sustainable Urban Transport (9781032545684). In Press, Routledge.

3.7.        Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Road Safety, International Encyclopedia of Transportation 1st Edition, Editor-in-Chief: Roger Vickerman, May 2021

3.6.        Van Elslande P., Feypell-de la Beaumelle V., Holgate J., Redant K., de Solère H., Margaritis D., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., de Craen S., Haslie L.I., Muguiro J., Granström P-O.G. (2016). Mobility and safety of powered two-wheelers in the OECD countries. In: Science, Society and New Technologies Series Volume 4 “Traffic Safety”, J. Wiley/ISTE, US.

3.5.        Muhlrad N., Vallet G., Butler I., Gitelman V., Doveh E., Dupont E., Thomas P., Talbot R., Papadimitriou P., Yannis G., Persia L., Giustiniani G., Machata K., Bax C., (2016). Analysis of road safety management systems in Europe. In: Science, Society and New Technologies Series Volume 4 “Traffic Safety”, J. Wiley/ISTE, US.

3.4.        Yannis G., Thomas P., Muhlrad N., Martensen H., Dupont E., Aarts L., Evgenikos P., Papadimitriou E., (2016). Development of the European Road Safety Knowledge System. In: Science, Society and New Technologies Series Volume 4 “Traffic Safety”, J. Wiley/ISTE, US.

3.3.        Papadimitriou, E., Yannis, G., Golias, J.  (2016). Analysis of Pedestrian road crossing behaviour in urban areas. In: Civil and Environmental Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 3, pp. 1140-1155, IGI-Global.

3.2.        Papadimitriou, E., Auberlet, J.M., Yannis, G., Lassarre, S.  (2016). Simulation of pedestrians and motorised traffic: Existing research and future challenges. In: Civil and Environmental Engineering: Concepts, Methodologies, Tools, and Applications 3, pp. 1646-1662, IGI-Global.

3.1.        Antoniou C., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E., Lassarre S., (2015). Improving fatalities forecasting in times of recession in Europe. Relationship between developments in road safety and the economic performance. IRTAD, International Transport Forum, Paris.


  1. Invited presentations


4.25       IVORY Project: towards responsible AI for Vision Zero in Road Safety, in Joining the Dots – Road Safety in Great Britain Conference,  Birmingham, 4 March 2025

4.24       Improving road crash data collection systems and data sharing in the EuroMed region in the International Conference “Goal Zero Victims: Technology at the Service of Road Safety”, organised by Anas S.p.A. (FS Italiane Group) and PIARC Italia, under the patronage of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport and in collaboration with the Global Forum for Road Traffic Safety – United Nations and the EuroMed Transport Support Project, Rome, November 19-20.

4.23       IVORY: Leading research and development for AI in road safety, Special RAP in Europe Event Half Way to 2030: Gearing up for Safer Mobility in Urban and Rural Environments,  Brussels, 4-5 September 2024.

4.22       The Future of Human Factors and AI, Expert Panel Discussion, Final event of the SHAPE-IT ‘Supporting the Interaction of Humans and Automated Vehicles: Preparing for the Environment of Tomorrow’, Horizon Europe doctoral network, Gothenburg, 20-21 June 2023.

4.21       Ασφαλές Σύστημα και ο ρόλος της τεχνολογίας στην οδική ασφάλεια, 24o Συνέδριο Ένωσης Ποινικολόγων και Μαχόμενων Δικηγόρων, Πειραιάς, 2 Απριλίου 2023.

4.20       Human factors and automated transport safety: learning from different transport modes, Training Event of the AUTOBARGE ‘Autonomous Barges for Smart Inland Shipping’, Horizon Europe doctoral network, Delft, 28 March 2023.

4.19       The role of modelling and simulation for road safety in the digital era. Expert Panel Discussion: Road safety at the Digital Era, Road Safety and Simulation Conference, Athens, 9 June 2022.

4.18       Building ‘bridges’ beyond engineering – in transport safety research, in the annual strategic meeting of the management team of the Faculty of Technology, Policy & Management with the TU Delft Executive Board, 11 April 2022.

4.17       Towards common ethical and safety standards for automated vehicles, Colloquium of the department of Values Technology & Innovation, TU Delft, 24 March 2022.

4.16       What values for future safety technologies? ‘Innovation in Road Safety Research’ Workshop of the NTUA Road Safety Observatory, 20 May 2021.

4.15       Safety challenges and societal impacts of autonomous vehicles. 2nd Annual Automotive Safety Summit, Düsseldorf, Germany, September 18 – 19, 2019.

4.14       Cost-effective road safety measures for the next decade. ETSC PIN Conference on road safety 2020, Austrian Presidency of the European Council, European Transport Safety Council, Vienna, November 2018.

4.13.      Le projet Safer Africa pour un observatoire de la sécurité routière, Atelier sur les données de sécurité routière, Banque Mondiale / IRTAD, Marrakech, 23-24 février 2017.

4.12.      Quelles données de sécurité routière pour quels usages? les acteurs, Atelier sur les données de sécurité routière, Banque Mondiale / IRTAD, Marrakech, 23-24 février 2017.

4.11.      Development of the European Road Safety Decision Support System within the SafetyCube project, Workshop on the Transferability of Crash Modification Factors, 96th Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2017.

4.10.      Best Practices for Efficient Traffic Safety Law Enforcement Programs, 3rd International Congress on Traffic Enforcement: Challenges & Perspectives, Abu Dhabi, November 2016.

4.9         The behaviour of cognitively impaired people as pedestrians, Seminar on the safety in transport of patients with cognitive impairment or dementia, Athens Medical Society, Athens, October 2016.

4.8.        SafetyCube – Safety Causation, Benefits and Efficiency, International Research Subcommittee, TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2016.

4.7.        Road, traffic and human factors of pedestrian crossing behaviour, Pedestrian Modelling and Simulation Subcommittee, TRB Annual Meeting, Washington, January 2016.

4.6         Road safety in urban mobility policies, GAIT Turkey- EU Partnership for Sustainable Transportation, Istanbul, October 2016.

4.5         Distracted driving and mobile phone use: overview of impacts and countermeasures, Proceedings of the Communication Technologies and Road Safety Conference, Abu Dhabi, November 2014.

4.4         Traffic safety in urban mobility policy, in the international conference on healthy cities, World Health Organisation, Athens, October 2014.

4.3         Implementation of the SUNflower Methodology for the analysis of Powered Two-Wheelers Road Safety In Greece, Proceedings of the Scientific Days on Power Two Wheelers, Lyon, October 2013.

4.2         Experiences and future challenges for reliable and transferable estimates of safety countermeasures in Europe, in the 92nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.

4.1         Towards a global set of injury crash data, in the 91st Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board (Washington, 24 January 2012).



  1. Presentations in Conferences and Seminars (without proceedings)


5.35.      Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. An assessment of the effectiveness of formal tools to address road network deficiencies. 6th IRTAD Conference, Marrakesh-Morocco, 11-12 October 2017.

5.34.      Thomas P., Yannis G., Papadimitriou E. SafetyCube – The European Road Safety Decision Support System. 6th IRTAD Conference, Marrakesh-Morocco, 11-12 October 2017.

5.33.      Papadimitriou E., Folla K., Mavromatis S., Laiou A., Macaluso G., Yannis G. An Overview of Road Safety Statistics in Africa. 6th IRTAD Conference, Marrakesh-Morocco, 11-12 October 2017.

5.32.      Yannis G, Papadimitriou E., Folla K. A Critical Review of International Road Safety Databases. 6th IRTAD Conference, Marrakesh-Morocco, 11-12 October 2017.

5.31.      Infrastructure Risk Factors and Measures, Stakeholders consultation workshop organised by the SafetyCube project, Brussels, February 22nd, 2016.

5.30.      How drivers with brain pathologies deal with in-vehicle distraction, what are their emotions and driving habits: a questionnaire assessment, at the 1st International Conference on Transport and Health – Changing Perspectives, University College London and Transportation Public Health Link, London, July 2015.

5.29.      How cell phone use affects reaction time of older drivers, at the 1st International Conference on Transport and Health – Changing Perspectives, University College London and Transportation Public Health Link, London, July 2015.

5.28.      Investigating the different distraction mechanism between cell phone use and conversation with the passenger through a driving simulator experiment, at the 1st International Conference on Transport and Health – Changing Perspectives, University College London and Transportation Public Health Link, London, July 2015.

5.27.      Design of a dedicated driving simulator experiment, at the conference on Cognition, Behavior and Driving, Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA and Departments of Neurology and Psychology of NKUA, Athens, June 2015.

5.26.      Self-assessment of change in driving in relation to current driving performance on a driving simulator in patients with various neurological conditions, at the 1st congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Berlin, June 2015.

5.25.      Assessment of driving performance of drivers with cognitive impairments: which are the critical measures? at the 1st congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Berlin, June 2015.

5.24.      Accident risk of drivers with cognitive impairments, at the 1st congress of the European Academy of Neurology, Berlin, June 2015.

5.23.      Integration of human factors in pedestrian crossing choice models, in the Workshop on Observation and Modelling of Pedestrian Behaviour in Urban Areas, NTUA / IFSTTAR, Marne-la-Valée, May 2015.

5.22.      Relationship between depression and driving behavior of people with mild cognitive impairment, in the 9th Panhellenic Interdisciplinary Conference on Alzheimer’s disease & related disorders & 1st Mediterranean on neurodegenerative diseases, Hellenic Society of Alzheimer Disease and Related Disorders, Thessaloniki, April 2015.

5.21.      Star rating driver traffic and safety behaviour through OBD and smartphone data collection, in the International Symposium on Road Safety Behaviour Measurements and Indicators, Belgian Road Safety Institute, Brussels, April 2015.

5.20.      Distracted driving and mobile phone use: overview of impacts and countermeasures, Proceedings of the Communication Technologies and Road Safety Conference, Abu Dhabi, November 2014.

5.19.      Effectiveness of Roadside Safety Measures, in the European Workshop on roadside safety design, European Union Road Federation and AFB20 Committee of the Transportation Research Board, Brussels, November 2014.

5.18.      Traffic safety in urban mobility policy, in the International Conference on Healthy Cities, World Health Organisation, Athens, October 2014.

5.17.      European Road Safety Forecasts, in the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.

5.16.      Relationship between road safety and economic indicators, in the 93rd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2014.

5.15.      Improving road fatalities forecasting in times of recession through the use of panel time series models, in the 5th IRTAD International Conference on Better Safety Data for Better Road Safety Outcomes, ITF/IRTAD and OISEVI, Buenos Aires, November 2013.

5.14.      A large driving simulator experiment on driver distraction of older drivers, in the International Congress on Mobility and Road Safety in an Ageing Society, The Austrian Traffic Safety Board (KFV), Vienna, June 2013.

5.13.      Driving simulator experiment design for the assessment of driving performance and the effects of driver distraction, in the 92nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.

5.12.      Experiences and future challenges for reliable and transferable estimates of safety countermeasures in Europe, in the 92nd Annual meeting of the Transportation Research Board, Washington, January 2013.

5.11.      Forecasting fatalities in times of recession, in the European Conference on Road Safety Data and Knowledge-based Policy-making, University of Loughborough and Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA, Athens, November 2012.

5.10.      Linking road safety management with road safety performance, in the European Conference on Road Safety Data and Knowledge-based Policy-making, University of Loughborough and Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering of NTUA, Athens, November 2012.

5.9.        Other road users attitudes and behaviour, in the Final Conference on Social Attitudes on Road Traffic Risk in Europe, Institut Français des sciences et technologies, des transports, de l’aménagement de des réseaux (IFSTTAR), Brussels, November 2012.

5.8.        Effects of GDP changes on road traffic fatalities, 15th meeting of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), International Transport Forum (ITF), Amsterdam, October 2012.

5.7.        Best Practices on Cost – Effective Road Safety Infrastructure Investments, in the 15th meeting of the International Traffic Data and Analysis Group (IRTAD), International Transport Forum (ITF), Amsterdam, October 2012.

5.6.        Driving a Motorcycle while Impaired, in the Conference on Social Attitudes on Road Traffic Risk in Europe, Institut Français des sciences et technologies, des transports, de l’aménagement de des réseaux (IFSTTAR), Versailles, May 2012.

5.5.        Pedestrians’ attitudes and behaviour in Europe, in the Conference on Social Attitudes on Road Traffic Risk in Europe, Institut Français des sciences et technologies, des transports, de l’aménagement de des réseaux (IFSTTAR), Versailles, May 2012.

5.4.        Modelling road fatality trends in the European countries, in the 2nd SafetyNet conference – European Road Safety Observatory, Loughborough University, Rome, April 2008.

5.3.        Risk exposure data availability and compatibility – From data needs to a common European framework, in the 2nd SafetyNet conference – European Road Safety Observatory, Loughborough University, Rome, April 2008.

5.2.        State-of-the-art on risk exposure data, in the SafetyNet conference and workshop on European accident data and road and vehicle safety policy, Loughborough University, Prague, May.

5.1.      Passenger car and two-wheel drivers risk analysis in Greece, Seminar for car insurance & prevention of road accidents, Association of Insurance Greece, Athens, February 2006.

Scientific Activities

Member of 9 international Scientific Committees, Editorial Board Member in 3 scientific Journals, Guest Editor in 4 Special Issues, Reviewer for numerous scientific Journals and Conferences, participation in 4 national or international seminars / continuous education & training programmes, and in more than 50 scientific Conferences.

Participation in 10 consulting and engineering projects and studies in the field of transportation planning and road safety, out of which 7 from International Organizations (European Commission, UNECE, World Bank) and 3 from national authorities in Greece and in Europe.


Member of international scientific committees   

  • Contributor to the OECD/ITF Report on Road Safety Action Plans for Motorway Networks Towards 2030 (2021).
  • Member of the OECD/ITF Roundtable on AI in Road Safety Crash Prevention, February 10-12 2021.
  • Member of the review panel of the report on Science for DRM 2020: acting today, protecting tomorrow of the Disaster Risk Management Knowledge Centre (DRMKC) of the European Commission (2019).
  • Member of the Working Group of the IRTAD – International Road Traffic Accident Database of the OECD/ITF on Forecasting (2015 – 2018).
  • Contributor to the Working Group of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on Powered Two-Wheelers (2011 – 2013).
  • Member of the International Working Group Measuring Road Safety around the World (2012).
  • Member of the Road Safety Committee of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers (2010 – 2013).
  • Member of the Working Group of the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) on Pedestrians, Urban Safety and Health (2008 – 2010).
  • Member of the international Task Force of the United Nations – Economic Commissions for Europe (UN-ECE) for the creation of a Handbook on statistics on the volume of road traffic (2006 – 2007).

Editorial Board in scientific Journals

  • Editorial Board Member: Accident Analysis & Prevention (January 2023-today)
  • Editor IATSS Research (April 2017-today)
  • Editorial Board Member: Journal of Advanced Transportation (2018-2023)
  • Guest Editor: Safety Science, Special Issue on ‘Advanced Methods for Road Safety and Simulation’ (2022)
  • Guest Editor: Sustainability Journal, Special Issue on ‘Future Mobility and Resilient Transport: Transition to Innovation’ (2022).
  • Guest Editor: Case Studies on Transport Policy, Special Issue on Sustainable Transport (2022)
  • Guest Editor: Journal of Advanced Transportation, Special Issue on ‘Sustainable Mobility in Alternative Transport Systems’ (2022)


Reviewer in scientific Journals 

  • International Journal of Human Computer Interaction
  • Case studies on Transport Policy
  • Automotive Innovation
  • International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
  • Ocean Engineering
  • Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  • Reliability Engineering & System Safety
  • Transportation Letters
  • Mathematical Problems in Engineering
  • Transport Reviews
  • Applied Ergonomics
  • Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering
  • IET Intelligent Transport Systems
  • Travel Behaviour and Society
  • Psychology Research and Behavior Management
  • Journal of Transport and Health
  • International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion
  • Environmental Engineering and Management
  • Advances in Transportation Studies
  • Journal of Transport Geography
  • Transport Policy
  • Journal of Advanced Transportation
  • Physica A
  • Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment
  • Safety Science
  • Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
  • Traffic Injury Prevention.
  • Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
  • Accident Analysis & Prevention.
  • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies.
  • Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice.
  • Recherche – Transports – Securité
  • ASCE – Journal of Transportation Engineering

Reviewer in scientific Conferences  

  • RSS – Road Safety and Simulation
  • WCTR – World Conference on Transportation Research.
  • International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • Annual Meeting of the Transportation Research Board.
  • AATT – International Conference on Applications of Advanced Technologies in Transportation.
  • International Conference on Transportation Research in Greece.

Scientific Seminars / Continuous Professional Education & Training

  • Personal Development Programme for Tenure-Trackers, Elroy.Com & Delft University of Technology (2023)
  • University Teaching Qualification Certificate – ‘Develop’, ‘Supervise’, ‘Assess’ and ‘Teach’ modules targeted at teaching academics, OC Focus & Delft University of Technology (2021).
  • International Workshop on Time Series Analysis, Vrije University, Amsterdam, 25-26 September 2008.
  • Advanced Continuing Education Course Discrete Choice Analysis: Predicting Demand and Market Shares, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, 24-29 March 2007 (full tuition fellowship).

Professional / consulting activities

  • Consultant, United Nations, Sustainable Transport Division, Analysis of the impact of imported used vehicles on road safety and the effectiveness of policies (2024)
  • Senior Road Safety Data Expert, Suez – Safege Consulting Engineers, in the EuroMed Transport Support Project (European Commission DG-NEAR), Activity on Setting up reliable, harmonized and comparable road safety data systems and sharing at regional level (2017-2024).
  • Consultant, World Bank, Global Road Safety Facility, in the Eastern Partnership Cooperation in Road Safety – Speed and Traffic Law Enforcement -Report update and impact of Covid-19 on road safety (2022).
  • Consultant, World Bank, Global Road Safety Facility, in the Eastern Partnership Cooperation in Road Safety – Speed and Traffic Law Enforcement (2018-2019).
  • Contribution to the report Measuring Risk Exposure on Irish Roads, Road Safety Authority of the Republic of Ireland (2017-2018).
  • Consultant, United Nations, Sustainable Transport Division, in the SafeFITS model pilot projects in Albania and Georgia (2018).
  • Consultant, World Bank, Global Road Safety Facility, in the Review of Road Safety Management Capacity and Definition of the Role and Structure of a Lead Road Safety Office for Moldova (2017).
  • Contributor, United Nations, Sustainable Transport Division, in the SafeFITS – Safe Future Inland Transport Systems project (2016-2017).
  • Participation in the study on the Analysis of the safety impacts of advertising signs and billboards. ANODOS Engineering Consultants (2010 – 2011).
  • Participation in the study on the Identification of high risk sites and related countermeasures in the road network of the Athens region. ADK Engineering Consulting.


  • Greek, native
  • English, Excellent (Certificate of Proficiency in English, grade B, 1993)
  • French, Excellent (Diplôme Approfondi de Langue Francaise, DALF, 1993)
  • German, Basic (Zertificat Deutch als Fremdsprache, 1998)


  • Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece
  • Member of the Hellenic Society of Civil Engineers
  • Member of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers

Other interests    

  • Piano
  • Literature, art, museums


Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, NTUA

5, Iroon Polytechneiou str., GR-15773, Athens

E-mail: nopapadi@mail.ntua.gr