Brief Biography

Dr. Apostolos Ziakopoulos is a Civil Engineer, PhD and Research Associate at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. In 2013, he  graduated from the School of Civil Engineering at the NTUA majoring in Transportation Engineering. In 2014, he received a Master of Science (MSc) in Transport from Imperial College London (DIC) and University College London. In 2011, he worked as a researcher for the University of Sheffield in a project through the I.A.E.S.T.E. scheme. In July 2020, he successfully defended his Doctoral Dissertation at the National Technical University of Athens, titled: “Spatial analysis of road safety and traffic behaviour using high resolution multi-parametric data”. He has more than 9 years of experience in several aspects of transport engineering and road safety.

Specialisation areas

  • Traffic Engineering
  • Traffic/Road Safety
  • Crash Analysis
  • Road User Behavior
  • Statistical and Econometric Methods
  • Spatial Analyses
  • Machine Learning
  • Data Science
  • Meta-Analyses


  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), 2016-2020, in the Department of Transportation, Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens. Topic: “Spatial analysis of road safety and traffic behaviour using high resolution multi-parametric data”.
  • Master of Science (MSc DIC) in Transport, 2013-2014: Interdisciplinary – Interdepartmental Program from Imperial College London and University College London (Graduating grade: Merit – B+).
  • Diploma of Civil Engineering, 2007-2013, at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (Graduating grade: 7.77/10.00, 5-year degree).

Teaching Experience 

  • Daily Supervisor of 4 international PhD Candidates in the IVORY Marie Skłodowska-Curie Industrial Doctoral Network on the field of AI applications in Road Safety (2024 – ongoing)
  • Adjunct Lecturer in the graduate course “Urban Road Networks” of the 8th semester of the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA (2024)
  • Teaching Assistant in the graduate course “Traffic Management and Road Safety” of the 9th semester of the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA (2016 – ongoing)
  • Teaching Assistant in the graduate course “Urban Road Networks” of the 8th semester of the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA (2020 – 2023)
  • Supervising Assistant in 9 Diploma Theses in the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens (2017 – ongoing)
  • Supervising Assistant of MSc Students from the University of Florence (Università degli Studi di Firenze – UniFI) via the Erasmus programme (2017)
  • Supervising Assistant of an internship from the University of Edinburgh (2021)
  • Supervising Assistant of an internship from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki (2022)
  • Guest Lecturer, Loughborough University, MSc Urban Planning, Module: “Modelling and Analysis for Urban Planning” (2024)

List of publications

At the present time (March 2025) one hundred and four (104) scientific papers have been published (or have been accepted for publication):

  • 43 papers in scientific journals with peer review
  • 6 book chapters in scientific books with peer/editorial review
  • 44 papers in conferences with full paper review
  • 11 papers in conferences with abstract review and poster/presentation.

Publications in scientific journals with peer review

  • pj43: Sekadakis, M., Sousouni, I. M., Garefalakis, T., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2025 – in press). “Evaluating the Environmental and Safety Impacts of Eco-Driving in Urban and Highway Environments”. Sustainability.
  • pj42 : Ventura, R., Roussou, S., Ziakopoulos, A., Barabino, B. & Yannis, G. (2025). “Using Computer Vision and Street-Level Videos for Pedestrian-Vehicle Tracking and Behaviour Analysis”. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives, 30, 101366.
  • pj41: Alnawmasi, Ν., Ziakopoulos, A., Theofilatos, Α. & Ali, Y. (2025). “Understanding the effects of underreporting on injury severity estimation of single-vehicle motorcycle crashes: A hybrid approach incorporating majority class oversampling and random parameters with heterogeneity-in-means”. Analytic Methods in Accident Research, 100372.
  • pj40: Ziakopoulos, A., Sekadakis, M., Katrakazas, C., Kallidoni, M., Michelaraki, E. & Yannis, G. (2025). “Explainable macroscopic and microscopic influences of COVID-19 on naturalistic driver aggressiveness derived from telematics through SHAP values of SVM and XGBoost algorithms.” Journal of Safety Research, 92, 393-407.
  • pj39: Nikolaou, D., Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A., Theofilatos, A. & Yannis, G. (2025). Spatial analysis of telematics-based surrogate safety measures. Journal of Safety Research, 92, 98-108.
  • pj38: Ziakopoulos, A. (2024). Analysis of harsh braking and harsh acceleration occurrence via explainable imbalanced machine learning using high-resolution smartphone telematics and traffic data. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 207, 107743
  • pj37: Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M., Sekadakis, M., & Yannis, G. (2024 – accepted). Safety evaluation via conflict classification during automated shuttle bus service operations. European Transport Research Review. Also in: Proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
  • pj36: Ziakopoulos, A., Telidou, C., Anagnostopoulos, A., Kehagia, F. & Yannis, G. (2023). “Perceptions towards autonomous vehicle acceptance: Information mining from Self-Organizing Maps and Random Forests.” IATSS Research, 47 (4), 499-513.
  • pj35: Sekadakis M., Katrakazas, C., Michelaraki, E., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis G. (2023). “COVID-19 and driving behavior: Which were the most crucial influencing factors?”. Data Science for Transportation, Springer, 5(3), 16.
  • pj34: Kontaxi, A., Tzoutzoulis, D.M., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2023). Exploring speeding behavior using naturalistic car driving data from smartphones.” Journal of Traffic and Transportation Engineering (English Edition), 10 (6), 1162-1173.
  • pj33: Diamanti, A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2023). “The impact of cognition-affecting neurological diseases on reaction time and driving speed deviation.” The Open Transportation Journal, 17(1).
  • pj32: Nikolaou, D., Ziakopoulos, A., Dragomanovits, A., Roussou, J. & Yannis, G. (2023). “Comparing machine learning techniques for predictions of motorway segment crash risk level.” Safety, 9(2), 32.
  • pj31: Nikolaou, D., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2023). “A review of surrogate safety measures uses in historical crash investigations.” Sustainability, 15(9), 7580.
  • pj30: Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Chaudhry, A., Thomas, P. & Yannis, G. (2023). “From conflicts to crashes: Simulating macroscopic connected and automated driving vehicle safety”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 187, 107087.
  • pj29: Nikolaou, D., Dragomanovits A., Ziakopoulos, A., Deliali, A., Handanos, I., Karadimas, C., Kostoulas, G., Frantzola, E. & Yannis, G. (2023). “Exploiting Surrogate Safety Measures and Road Design Characteristics towards Crash Investigations in Motorway Segments”. Infrastructures, 8(3), 40.
  • pj28: Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A., & Yannis, G. (2023). “Analysis of mobile phone use engagement during naturalistic driving through explainable imbalanced machine learning”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 181, 106936.
  • pj27: Nikolaou, D., Ntontis, A., Michelaraki, E., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis G. (2022). “Pedestrian safety attitudes and self-declared behaviour in Greece”. IATSS Research, 47(1), 14-24.
  • pj26: Ziakopoulos, A., Petraki, V., Kontaxi, A., & Yannis, G. (2022). “The transformation of the insurance industry and road safety by driver safety behaviour telematics” Case Studies on Transport Policy, 10(4), 2271-2279.
  • pj25: Michelaraki, E., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas, C., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis G. (2022). “One year of COVID-19: Impacts on safe driving behavior and policy recommendations”. Journal of Safety Research, 84, 41-60.
  • pj24: Ziakopoulos, A., Vlahogianni, E., Antoniou, C., & Yannis, G. (2022). “Spatial predictions of harsh driving events using statistical and machine learning methods.” Safety Science, 150, 105722.
  • pj23: Papandreou, C., & Ziakopoulos, A. (2022). “Predicting VLCC fuel consumption with machine learning using operationally available sensor data”. Ocean Engineering, 243, 110321.
  • pj22: Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M., Vlahogianni E. & Yannis, G. (2021). “Quantifying the implementation impacts of a point to point Automated Urban Shuttle Service in a large scale network”. Transport Policy, 114, 233-244.
  • pj21: Zoupos, A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2021). “Modelling self-reported driver perspectives and fatigued driving via deep learning”. Traffic Safety Research: an Interdisciplinary Journal, 1, 000003-000003.
  • pj20: Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis G. (2021). “Trip characteristics impact on the frequency of harsh events recorded via smartphone sensors”. IATSS Research, 45, 574-583.
  • pj19: Ziakopoulos, A., Nikolaou, D. & Yannis, G. (2021). “Correlations of multiple rider behaviors with self-reported attitudes, perspectives on traffic rule strictness and social desirability” Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour, 80, 313-327.
  • pj18: Theofilatos, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Oviedo-Trespalacios, Ο. & Timmis, Α. (2021). “To cross or not to cross? Review and meta-analysis of pedestrian gap acceptance decisions at midblock street crossings”. Journal of Transport & Health, 22, 101108.
  • pj17: Ziakopoulos, A. (2021). “Spatial analysis of harsh driving behavior events in urban networks using high-resolution smartphone and geometric data”. Accident Analysis & Prevention, 157, 106189.
  • pj16: Ziakopoulos, A., Theofilatos, A., Laiou, A., Michelaraki, E., Yannis, G. & Rosenbloom, T. (2021). “Examining the relationship between impaired driving and past crash involvement in Europe: Insights from the ESRA study.” International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion, 28(3), 376-386.
  • pj15: Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis G. (2021). “Investigation of speeding behavior of motorcyclists through an innovative smartphone application”. Traffic Injury Prevention, 22(6), 460-466.
  • pj14: Katrakazas, C., Michelaraki, E., Sekadakis M., Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A. & Yannis G. (2021). “Identifying the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Driving Behavior using naturalistic driving data and time series forecasting”. Journal of Safety Research, 78, 189-202.
  • pj13: Brown, L., Morris, A., Thomas, P., Ekambaram, K., Margaritis, D., Davidse, R., Usami, D.S., Robibaro, M., Persia, L., Buttler, I., Ziakopoulos, A., Theofilatos, A., Yannis, G., Martin, A. & Wadji, F. (2021). “Investigation of Accidents Involving Powered Two Wheelers and Bicycles – a European In-Depth Study”. Journal of Safety Research, 76, 135-145.
  • pj12: Petraki, V., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2020). “Combined impact of road and traffic characteristic on driver behavior using smartphone sensor data.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 144, 105657.
  • pj11: Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2020). “Meta-regressions of exposure parameters used in spatial road safety analyses.” Advances in Transportation Studies, 51, 5-18.
  • pj10: Ziakopoulos, A., Tselentis, D.I., Kontaxi A., & Yannis, G. (2020). “A critical overview of driver recording tools.” Journal of Safety Research – Human Factors and Technology Special Issue, vol. 72, pp. 203–212.
  • pj9: Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2020). “A review of spatial approaches in road safety.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 135, 105323.
  • pj8: Daniels, S., Martensen, H., Schoeters, A., Van den Berghe, W., Papadimitriou, E., Ziakopoulos, A., Kaiser, S., Aigner-Breuss E., Soteropoulos, A., Wijnen, W., Weijermars, W., Carnis, L., Elvik R., & Perez, O.M. (2019). “A systematic cost-benefit analysis of 29 road safety measures.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 133, 105292.
  • pj7: Ziakopoulos, A., Theofilatos, A., Papadimitriou, E., & Yannis, G. (2019). “A meta-analysis of the impacts of operating in-vehicle information systems on road safety.” International Association of Traffic and Safety Sciences (IATSS) Research, 43(3), 185-194.
  • pj6: Papadimitriou, E., Filtness, A., Theofilatos, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Quigley, C., & Yannis, G. (2019). “Review and ranking of crash risk factors related to the road infrastructure.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 125, 85-97.
  • pj5: Bellos, V., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2019). “Investigation of the effect of tourism on road crashes.” Journal of Transportation Safety and Security, 12(6), 782-799.
  • pj4: Theofilatos, A., & Ziakopoulos, A. (2018). “Examining injury severity of moped and motorcycle occupants with real-time traffic and weather data.” Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems, 144(11), 04018066.
  • pj3: Theofilatos, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Papadimitriou, E., & Yannis, G. (2018). “How many crashes are caused by driver interaction with passengers? A meta-analysis approach.” Journal of Safety Research, 65, 11-20.
  • pj2: Theofilatos, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Papadimitriou, E., Yannis, G., & Diamandouros, K. (2017). “Meta-analysis of the effect of road work zones on crash occurrence.” Accident Analysis & Prevention, 108, 1-8.
  • pj1: Yannis, G., Theofilatos, A., Ziakopoulos, A., & Chaziris, A. (2014). “Investigation of road accident severity and likelihood in urban areas with real-time traffic data.” Traffic Engineering & Control, 55 (1), 31-35.

 Book chapter publications with peer/editorial review

  • pb6: Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2024 – In Press). Key AI & Digitalization Solutions Towards Vision Zero In Road Safety. In: Using digitalization to solve transport problems. Edited by A. Sładkowski. Springer Publishing. DOI:
  • pb5: Oikonomou, M., Sekadakis, M.,  Ziakopoulos, A., Tengg, A. & Yannis, G. (2024). Integrated traffic simulation developer suite for shared automated mobility. In: SHOW project book. Edited by M. Gkemou & H. Cornette. Springer Publishing. DOI:
  • pb4: Petraki, V., Ziakopoulos, A., Fragkiadaki, E., Karouzakis, N., Kakavoulis, K. & Yannis, G. (2024). Providing State-supported financial incentives and benefits for vehicle insurance policies using telematics In: Strengthening European mobility policy: Governance recommendations from innovative interdisciplinary collaborations, Mobility Book, SSH CENTRE.
  • pb3. Yannis, G. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2022). “Smart Roads and Transport Infrastructure”. In: Digitalization For Sustainable Infrastructure: The road ahead. Edited by C. Secchi and A. Gili. ISPI’s Centre on Infrastructure (Chapter 7, Sections 7.1 & 7.2). doi
  • pb2. Theofilatos, A. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2021). “Traffic flow volume and safety”  – In: Vickerman, Roger (eds.) International Encyclopedia of Transportation. vol. 2, pp. 692-698. UK: Elsevier Ltd., Section 10198. doi
  • pb1. Anvari, B., Ziakopoulos, A., Morley, J., Pachakis, D., & Angeloudis, P. (2020). “Comparison of Fleet Size Determination Models for Horizontal Transportation of Shipping Containers Using Automated Straddle Carriers”. In: Handbook of Terminal Planning (pp. 73-100). Springer, Cham. doi

Publications in scientific conference proceedings (full papers with review)

  • pc44: Roussou, S., Ziakopoulos, A., Ventura, R. & Yannis, G. (2025). “Predicting Pedestrian Violations Using Object Detection and Deep Learning: A 1 Comparative Study of LSTM and GRU Model”, Navigating the Future of Traffic Management, International Symposium, IRF & ICCS, Athens, Greece, 29 June – 03 July 2025.
  • pc43: Ziakopoulos, A., Karahlis, N. & Yannis, G. (2025). “Leveraging naturalistic Connected LCV data for spatial surrogate safety measure applications”. 16th ITS European Congress, Seville, Spain, 19-21 May 2025.
  • pc42: Koliou, P., Petraki, V., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2025). “Unsafe Traffic Events and Crash Occurrences: The Importance of Exploring Their Relationship Using Smartphone App Data.” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 05-09 January 2025).
  • pc41: Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2025). “Examining the Impact of Feedback on Traffic and Safety Behavior of Car Drivers in a Naturalistic Driving Study.” Transportation Research Board (TRB) 104th Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 05-09 January 2025).
  • pc40: Koliou, P., Ziakopoulos, A., Petraki, V. & Yannis, G. (2024). Exploring the relationship between unsafe traffic events and crash occurrences using smartphone app data, IRF World Congress 2024, International Road Federation, 15-18 October 2024, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • pc39: Petraki, V., Roussou, S., Ziakopoulos, A., & Yannis, G. (2024). Enhancing cyclist safety: Predictive analysis of injury severity and advocacy for evidence-based interventions, IRF World Congress 2024, International Road Federation, 15-18 October 2024, Istanbul, Turkey.
  • pc38: Roussou, S., Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M. & Yannis, G. (2024). Measuring vulnerable road user volumes after mobility interventions in the metropolitan center of Athens. Proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
  • pc37: Petraki, V., Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M., Roussou, S. & Yannis, G. (2024). Bicycle traffic analysis before and after mobility interventions using crowdsourced data.Proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
  • pc36: Nikolaou, D., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G., Fortsakis, P., Frantzola, E.K., Sigalos, K. & Kouridakis, G. (2024). Naturalistic Spatial Road Safety Analysis: The SmartMaps Project.Proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
  • pc35: Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos A., Lucchesi, S., Olyslagers, M. & Yannis G. (2024). Traffic simulation and safety assessment requirements for enhancing road safety prediction tools. Proceedings of the 10th Transport Research Arena TRA 2024, April 15-18, 2024, Dublin, Ireland.
  • pc34: Nikolaou, D., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2023). “Spatial analysis of telematics surrogate safety measures across road environments”. 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2023, Heraklion, Greece, 22-23 September 2023.
  • pc33: Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A. & Yannis G. (2023). “Implementing traffic simulation for road safety assessment: A systematic literature review”. 11th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2023, Heraklion, Greece, 22-23 September 2023.
  • pc32: Man C. K., Quddus M., Theofilatos A. & Ziakopoulos A. (2023). “Demystifying the black box in deep learning based real-time crash prediction models”. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 08-12 January 2023).
  • pc31: Chaudhry A., Haouari R., Papazikou E., Sha H., Singh, M. K., Roussou J., Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A., Zach M., Thomas P., Quddus M., Morris A. & Yannis G. (2022). “Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles”. Transportation Research Board (TRB) 102nd Annual Meeting (Washington, D.C., 08-12 January 2023).
  • pc30: Ziakopoulos A., Michelaraki E., Nikolaou D., Folla K. & Yannis G. (2022). “Association rule mining for island and mainland road crash injuries in Greece”. Proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. Also in: Transportation Research Procedia (2023), 72, 163-170.
  • pc29: Hu B., Ponweiser W., Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Chaudhry A., Oikonomou M., Gebhard S., De Zwart R., Goldenbeld C., Schermers G., Weijermars W., Veisten K., Hartveit K.J., Brackstone, M., Thomas P. & Yannis G. (2022). “The impacts of automated urban delivery and consolidation”. Proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • pc28: Deliali A., Ziakopoulos A., Dragomanovits A., Handanos I., Karadimas C., Fortsakis P., Yannis G. (2022). “Establishing the relationship between crashes and unsafe driver behaviors in motorway segments”. Proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • pc27: Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Chaudhry A., Hu B., Zach M., Oikonomou M., Veisten K., Hartveit K.J., Brackstone, M., Vlahogianni E., Thomas P., Yannis G. (2022). “The LEVITATE Policy Support Tool of Connected and Automated Transport Systems”. Proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal.
  • pc26: Akritidou S., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A. & Yannis G. (2022). “Critical factors affecting mobile phone use while driving through the exploitation of data from smartphone sensors”. Proceedings of the 9th Transport Research Arena TRA 2022, November 14-17, 2022, Lisbon, Portugal. Also in: Transportation Research Procedia (2023), 72, 919-925.
  • pc25: Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Chaudhry A., Boghani H., Hu B., Zach M., Oikonomou M., Veisten K., Hartveit K.J., Vlahogianni E., Thomas P. & Yannis G. (2022). “Methodological framework of the Levitate Policy Support Tool for Connected and Automated Transport Systems”. Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS), Athens, Greece, 7-10 June 2022.
  • pc24: Kokkali K., Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A. & Yannis G. (2022). “Correlation of declared and revealed driver behaviour using smartphone sensors” Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS), Athens, Greece, 7-10 June 2022.
  • pc23: Papazikou E., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Filtness A., Quigley C. & Papadimitriou E. (2022). “The impact of traffic flow distribution over arms at junctions on crash risk” Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS), Athens, Greece, 7-10 June 2022.
  • pc22: Ziakopoulos A., Roussou J., Boghani H., Hu B., Zach M., Veisten K., Hartveit K.J., Oikonomou M., Vlahogianni E., Thomas P. & Yannis G. (2021). “Forecasting impacts of Connected and Automated Transport Systems within the Levitate project.” 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2021, Rhodes, Greece, 2-3 September 2021.
  • pc21: Oikonomou M., Mourtakos V., Roussou J., Ziakopoulos A., Vlahogianni E. & Yannis G. (2021). “Impacts of autonomous transit services on urban networks: The case of Athens, Greece”. 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2021, Rhodes, Greece, 2-3 September 2021.
  • pc20: Kontaxi A., Frantzola E., Ziakopoulos A., Kostoulas G. & Yannis G. (2021). “Investigation of speeding and aggressive behavior of professional drivers on highways through an innovative smartphone application”. 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2021, Rhodes, Greece, 2-3 September 2021.
  • pc19: Oikonomou M., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Ziakopoulos A., Vlahogianni E. & Yannis, G. (2021). “Identifying KPIs for the safety assessment of autonomous vehicles through traffic microsimulation”. 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2021, Rhodes, Greece, 2-3 September 2021.
  • pc18: Michelaraki, E., Sekadakis M., Katrakazas C., Ziakopoulos A. & Yannis G. (2021). “A four-country comparative overview of the impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety behavior”. 10th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2021, Rhodes, Greece, 2-3 September 2021.
  • pc17: Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Papantoniou P., Yannis G. & Kostoulas G. (2020). “Monitoring and improving driving behaviour of motorcyclists through an innovative smartphone application”. 7th International HUMANIST Conference – Human Perspectives in an Evolving Transport Era. 20 & 21 May 2021, Rhodes, Greece.
  • pc16: Ziakopoulos A., Kontaxi A., Yannis G., Fortsakis P., Kontonasios K.N. & Kostoulas G. (2020). “Advanced driver monitoring using smartphone applications: The BeSmart project”. Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.
  • pc15: Kaiser S., Katrakazas C., Aigner-Breuss E., Pilkington-Cheney F., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G. & Brijs T. (2020). “State of the art on measuring driver state and technology-based risk prevention and mitigation: Findings from the i-DREAMS project”. Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.
  • pc14: Kourtis E.M., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A. & Yannis G. (2020). “Modelling the economic impacts of road crashes in Greece.” Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.
  • pc13: Nikolaou D., Goldenbeld C., Ziakopoulos A., Laiou A., Yannis G. (2020). “Road user attitudes towards driver fatigue.” Proceedings of the 8th Transport Research Arena TRA 2020, April 27-30, 2020, Helsinki, Finland.
  • pc12: Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos A., Tselentis D. & Yannis G. (2019). “A review of the impact of driver distraction on driving behavior and road safety.” 9th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2019, Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019.
  • pc11: Stefatou A., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Nævestad T.O., Bjornskau T., Laiou A. & Yannis G. (2019). “Greek driver attitudes towards aggressive driving.” 9th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2019, Athens, Greece, 24-25 October 2019.
  • pc10: Ziakopoulos A., Rosenbloom T., Yannis G. (2019). “A review of the interaction between Autonomous Vehicles and Vulnerable Road Users.” Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS), 14-17 October 2019 – Iowa City, Iowa, USA.
  • pc9: Yannis G., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E., Thomas P. & Filtness A. (2018). “Overview of the SafetyCube project: Towards a European Road Safety Decision Support System.” Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Road Safety Conference, Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers, 11-12 October 2018, Larissa, Greece.
  • pc8: Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Yannis G., Margaritis D., Thomas P., Morris A., Brown L., Robibaro M., Usami, D. S., Phan, V., Davidse R. & Buttler, I. (2018). “A preliminary analysis of in-depth accident data for powered two-wheelers and bicycles in Europe.” International Research Council on Biomechanics of Injury – IRCOBI, International Conference Proceedings, IRC-18-73, 12-14 September 2018, Athens, Greece.
  • pc7: Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A. & Yannis G. (2018). “Combining data mining techniques to investigate crash severity in urban motorways.” Expert Symposium of Accident Research (ESAR) conference, April 19-20, 2018, Hannover, Germany.
  • pc6: Ziakopoulos A., Botteghi G., Macaluso G., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G., Diamandouros K. & Arampidou K. (2018). “Can light engineering measures make a difference? An overview of the effect of delineation and signage on road safety.” Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  • pc5: Papadimitriou E., Machata K., Bauer R., Stadlbauer S., Soteropoulos A., Daniels S., Elvik R., Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A. & Yannis G. (2018). “Safety effects of infrastructure road safety measures.” Proceedings of the 7th Transport Research Arena TRA 2018, April 16-19, 2018, Vienna, Austria.
  • pc4: Theofilatos A., Nieuwkamp R., Ziakopoulos A., Papadimitriou E. & Yannis G. (2017). “Effectiveness of intelligent speed adaptation, collision warning and alcolock systems on driving behaviour and safety.” Smart Cities and Mobility as a Service, International Conference, Patras, Greece, 7-8 December, 2017.
  • pc3: Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E. & Yannis G. (2017). “Driver distraction without presence of secondary tasks: Inattention, cognitive overload and factors outside the vehicle – an overview.” Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS), The Hague, Netherlands, 17-19 October 2017.
  • pc2: Papadimitriou E., Filtness A., Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A. & Yannis G. (2017). “Comparative assessment and ranking of infrastructure related crash risk factors.” Road Safety and Simulation International Conference (RSS), The Hague, 17-19 October 2017.
  • pc1: Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. & Aigner-Breuss E., Kaiser S. (2017). “An overview of risk factors related to driver distraction: Reviews and meta-analyses.” 8th International Congress on Transportation Research (ICTR) 2017, Thessaloniki, 27-29 September 2017.

Publications in scientific conferences (abstract with review and poster/presentation)

  • cp11 : Ventura R., Roussou, S., Ziakopoulos, A., Barabino B., Yannis G. (2025). “AI-Powered Tracking and Analysis of Pedestrian and Vehicle Behaviours with Time-to-Collision Estimation.” Transportation Research Symposium, 25-28 May 2025, Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
  • cp10: Oikonomou M., Ziakopoulos A., Sekadakis M., Yannis G. (2023). “Correlations of automated mobility conditions with traffic conflict types.” Intelligent Systems and Consciousness Society ITS International Conference, 2-3 November 2023, Patras, Greece.
  • cp9: Michelaraki, E., Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos, A., Papantoniou, P., Yannis, G. (2021). “Impact of driver feedback on behavior and safety through a smartphone application.” VIP4RIDE – 2nd International Conference: Intermodal Transports: Innovations in Planning, Management, Business Development & Decision Making, 14-15 October, 2021, Alexandroupoli, Greece.
  • cp8: Kontaxi A., Ziakopoulos, A., Papantoniou, P., Yannis, G. (2020). “Monitoring and Improving Driving Behaviour Through a Smartphone Application” at the 1st International Interdisciplinary Online Conference “The Traffic Society – Considering parameters for tomorrow’s mobility”, May 29-30, 2020, WebConference.
  • cp7: Yannis, G., Katrakazas, C., Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A., Michelaraki, E., Fortsakis, P., Maples, A. (2019). “i-Dreams – Driver safety enhancement through behaviour monitoring via smartphones.” [In Greek] 5th ITS Hellas Workshop, 17-18 December 2019, Athens, Greece.
  • cp6: Yannis, G., Papantoniou, P., Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi A., Fortsakis, P., Tselentis, D. (2018). “Driver behavior telematics for safer, greener and smarter driving – The BeSmart project.” [In Greek] 4th ITS Hellas Workshop, 18-19 December 2018, Athens, Greece.
  • cp5: Papantoniou, P., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G. (2018). “Road Safety and Automation.” 31st ICTCT Conference – International Co-operation on Theories and Concepts in Traffic Safety, Porto, 25 October 2018.
  • cp4: Ziakopoulos, A., Papadimitriou, E., Theofilatos, A., Yannis, G. (2018). “Cost-Effectiveness Evaluation of Selected Road Safety Measures.” 7th Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation – hEART2018 Athens, 5-7 September 2018.
  • cp3: Usami, D.S., Papadimitriou, E., Ziakopoulos, A., Quigley, C., Katrakazas, C., Durso C., et al. (2018). “The SafetyCube DSS inventory of assessed infrastructure risk factors and measures.” Better Decision Making for Road Safety, SafetyCube Final Conference, Vienna, 22-23 March 2018.
  • cp2: Theofilatos A., Ziakopoulos A., Yannis G. (2018). “Modelling the impact of traffic states on crash injury severity in urban motorways.”. MCDA 2018 Conference, Piraeus, 15-17 February 2018.
  • cp1: Ziakopoulos A., Theofilatos A., Papadimitriou E., Yannis G. (2017). “An assessment of the effectiveness of formal tools to address road network deficiencies.” The 6th IRTAD Conference, Marrakech, 10-12 October 2017.

Other presentations

  • op44: Yannis, G. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2024). “Artificial Intelligence for Road Safety” at the ACM Greek CHI Symposium, Athens, 7 December 2024.
  • op43: Sekadakis, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M. & Yannis, G. (2024). “Impacts of Automated Shuttles on Traffic Safety: Findings from the SHOW project”. ECTRI Road Safety Thematic Group Meeting: Athens, Greece, 27 November 2024.
  • op42: Roussou, S., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2024). “Video recognition Machine Learning for automatic collection of Pedestrian Safety Performance Indicators”. 38th Meeting of the International Road Traffic Safety Analysis and Data (IRTAD) Group, ‘s-Hertogenbosch, The Netherlands, 13-14 November 2024.
  • op41: Michelaraki, E., Kaselouris, K, Nikolaou, D., Meesmann, U., Wardenier, N., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2024). “Key results on vulnerable road users’ performance and attitudes across 39 countries”. IRF World Congress 2024, International Road Federation, Istanbul, Turkey, 15-18 October 2024.
  • op40: Sekadakis, M., Oikonomou, M., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2024). “SHOW Simulation Suite” at the SHOW Final Event, Tampere, 26 September 2024.
  • op39: Ziakopoulos, A., Nikolaou, D., Kontaxi, A., Yannis, G., Fortsakis, P., Frantzola, E., Sigalos, K. & Kouridakis, G. (2024).SmartMaps for safe and ecological driving behavior through Big Data from smartphone sensors [In Greek], 9th ITS Hellas Workshop, Athens, 5 – 6 June 2024.
  • op38: Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M., Roussou, S. & Yannis, G. (2024). Overview of the PHOEBE Project: Use cases and methodology at the ECTRI Road Safety Thematic Group Online Meeting, February 23, 2024.
  • op37: Yannis, G. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2023).Artificial intelligence and big data applications in road safety at the Sixth International Traffic Safety Forum and Exhibition, Dammam, 4-6 December 2023.
  • op36. Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2023). “Advances for proactive road safety: The PHOEBE and IVORY projects”. ECTRI 20 Year Anniversary Event and Annual Meeting of Thematic Group Safety, Brussels, 16 November 2023.
  • op35. Yannis, G., Ziakopoulos, A. (2023). “Deciding on the most cost-effective and appropriate road safety interventions”. 3rd EU-ASEAN Road Safety Workshop & Capacity Building, Bangkok, Thailand & online, 7 – 9 February 2023.
  • op34. Yannis, G., Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou, M., Roussou, J. (2022). “Policy Support Tools for Connected and Automated Mobility”. [In Greek], 8th ITS Hellas Workshop, Athens, 7 – 8 December 2022.
  • op33. Ziakopoulos, A. (2022). “Artificial Intelligence in proactive road safety management”. 2nd International Traffic Safety Congress of the Turkish Traffic Police Academy, Istanbul, 18-20 November 2022.
  • op32. Ziakopoulos, A., Nikolaou, D., Kontaxi, A. & Yannis, G. (2023). “Spatial analysis of telematics surrogate safety measures across road environments”. Telematics and Improvement of Driver Behavior Workshop, NTUA & online, Athens, 4 April 2023.
  • op31. Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Katrakazas, C., Yannis, G. (2022). “Measuring the impact of driver behavior telematics in road safety”. FERSI Conference Implementing evidence-based road safety measures Removing barriers and enhancing public support, The Hague, 6-7 October 2022.
  • op30. Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G. (2022). “Driver behaviour KPIs through smartphone telematics”. 7th IRTAD Conference: Better road safety data for better safety outcomes, Lyon, 27-28 September 2022.
  • op29. Ziakopoulos, A., Rosenbloom T., Yannis, G. (2022). “Interactions between Autonomous Vehicles & Vulnerable Road Users”. The 30th Annual Conference of The Research Institute of Human Factors in Road Safety Department of Management with Bar-Ilan Center of Smart Cities, July 28th, 2022, Online.
  • op28. Ziakopoulos, A. (2022). “Road safety data: Towards a new era”. Road Safety GB (RSGB) and Agilysis Roundtable on the use of new data sources to maximise the scope and applicability of SPIs, April 22, 2022, Online.
  • op27. Nikolaou, D., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2022). “Correlations of multiple rider behaviors with self-reported attitudes, perspectives on traffic rule strictness and social desirability”. International ESRA Conference, Traffic Safety Culture and Performance Indicators, April 21, 2022, Online.
  • op26. Nikolaou, D., Zoupos, A., Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2022). “Modelling self-reported driver perspectives and fatigued driving via deep learning”. International ESRA Conference, Traffic Safety Culture and Performance Indicators, April 21, 2022, Online.
  • op25. Yannis, G. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2022). “Big Data for Sustainable and Innovative Roads”, Intertraffic Mobility Professionals Exhibition 2022, Amsterdam, 29 March – 01 April, 2022.
  • op24. Yannis, G., Ziakopoulos, A., Santacreu, A. (2022). “Safer Mobility with Artificial Intelligence”, Intertraffic Mobility Professionals Exhibition 2022, Amsterdam, 29 March – 01 April, 2022.
  • op23. Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A., Nikolaou, D., Yannis, G. (2022). “Assessment and Improvement of driving behavior and safety through the BeSmart application” [In Greek], Telematics and Improvement of Driver Behavior Workshop, NTUA & online, Athens, 22 February 2022.
  • op22. Yannis, G., & Ziakopoulos, A. (2022). “Is Artificial Intelligence the future of road safety? The right mix of mobility and safety policies”, Connected Vehicle Conference 2022, Online Conference hosted by Boussias, February 22, 2022.
  • op21. Yannis, G., Nikolaou, D., Folla, K., Chaziris, A., Kallidoni, M., Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A. (2021). “Data visualisation for road safety decision support” [In Greek], 7th ITS Hellas Workshop, Athens, 8 – 9 December 2021.
  • op20. Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou M., Roussou, J., Yannis, G. (2021). “The Levitate Connected and Automated Transport Systems Policy Support Tool”, POLIS Conference, Gothenburg, 1 – 2 December 2021.
  • op19. Yannis, G., Ziakopoulos, A., Petraki, V., Kontaxi, A. (2021). “The transformation of the insurance industry & road safety by driver behaviour telematics.” PREDICT, The Future of Insurance Workshop: How Does Algorithmic Prediction Affect Insurance Practices? Bologna, 18 – 19 November 2021.
  • op18. Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou M., Roussou, J., Yannis, G. (2021). “Forecasting impacts of Connected and Automated Transport Systems within the LEVITATE project”, ITS World Congress, Hamburg, 11 – 15 October 2021.
  • op17. Yannis, G. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2021). “Big Data and Artificial Intelligence for Vision Zero Road Fatalities”, MT–ITS, 7th International IEEE Conference on Models and Technologies for Intelligent Transportation Systems, Virtual meeting, 16 – 17 June 2021.
  • op16. Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A., Nikolaou, D., Yannis, G. (2021). “Smart city mapping for safer and eco driver behavior”. Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 20 May 2021.
  • op15. Roussou, J., Ziakopoulos, A., Oikonomou M., Yannis, G. (2021). “Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles”. Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 20 May 2021.
  • op14. Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G. (2021). “Smartphone applications for driver safety behaviour support”. Innovation in Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 20 May 2021.
  • op13. Ziakopoulos, A. (2021). “Conducting spatial predictions of driver behavior using multi-parametric data”. PIONEERing Solutions for the Smart City Challenge. Online Student Workshop, 15 April 2021
  • op12. Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis G. (2021). “Using AI for spatial predictions of driver behavior” International Transport Forum – ITF OECD Roundtable: Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention. Virtual event, 10-12 February, 2021
  • op11. Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis G. (2020). “LEVITATE – Development of a Policy Support Tool to assess Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles”. Annual Polis Conference 2020, Virtual Εvent, 30 November – 3 December 2020.
  • op10. Yannis, G., Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Fortsakis, P. (2020). “Assessing the impact of personalized feedback on driving and riding behavior through a smartphone application”, ECTRI Annual Meeting of Thematic Groups Safety and Security & Risk Analysis, Virtual meeting, 30 November 2020.
  • op9. Yannis, G., Katrakazas C., Michelaraki E., Sekadakis M., Ziakopoulos, A., Kontaxi, A. (2020). “Impact of COVID-19 on traffic safety behavior in Greece and worldwide”, ECTRI Annual Meeting of Thematic Groups Safety and Security & Risk Analysis, Virtual meeting, 30 November 2020.
  • op8. Mavromatis, S., Ziakopoulos, A., Roussou, J., Oikonomou M., Vlahogianni E., Yannis, G. (2020). “Automation and public transport”, Pioneer Alliance IoT for Smart Cities School, Virtual meeting, 21 October 2020.
  • op7. Yannis, G., Katrakazas, C. & Ziakopoulos, A. (2019). “The effect of experience on injury risk across various modes of transport”. International Transport Forum – ITF CPB, Safe Micromobility Workshop, Lisbon, 18 October 2019.
  • op6. Ziakopoulos, A. & Yannis, G. (2019). “Smartphone exploitation for event spatial analysis & mapping”, Digitalization and Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 17 May 2019.
  • op5. Kontaxi, A., Ziakopoulos, A., Papantoniou, P., Yannis, G. (2019). “Smartphone applications for driver safety behaviour support”, Digitalization and Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 17 May 2019.
  • op4. Teressonok, J., Folla, K., Ziakopoulos, A., Nikolaou, D., Yannis, G. (2019). “Big Data for road safety”, Digitalization and Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 17 May 2019.
  • op3. Folla, K., Yannis, G., Papadimitriou E., Ziakopoulos, A., Thomas P., Filtness A. (2018). “SafetyCube – the European Road Safety Decision Support System” National Road Safety Policy development – trends and challenges. Tbilisi, 14 November 2018.
  • op2. Papantoniou, P., Ziakopoulos, A., Yannis, G. (2018). “The Road Towards Automated Traffic” 2nd Auto Forum “Change your car!”. Athens, 7 November 2018.
  • op1. Ziakopoulos, A., Theofilatos, A., Papadimitriou, E., Laiou, A., Folla, K., Pavlou, D., Marinos, C., Yannis, G. (2017). “Monitoring road safety risk factors and measures – SafetyCube”, The Future of Road Safety Research Workshop, NTUA, Athens, 15 May 2017.


  • 4.Ziakopoulos A., Spatial analysis of road safety and traffic behaviour using high resolution multi-parametric data. Doctoral Dissertation (PhD Thesis), Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, July 2020.
  • 3.Ziakopoulos A.,Venice container terminal straddle carrier number investigation using Queuing Theory and Petri Networks”, Master of Science (MSc) dissertation, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London and University College London, September 2014.
  • 2.Ziakopoulos A., “Correlating traffic variables with accident injury severity and probability”, Diploma Thesis, Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering, School of Civil Engineering, NTUA, March 2013.
  • 1.Ziakopoulos  A.,The impacts and solutions of urban road runoff on water and environmental quality”, Internship Thesis, Catchment Science Centre, Groundwater Protection and Restoration Group, University of Sheffield, August 2011.

Research projects

Participation in sixteen (16) research projects in the field of Transport, Planning and Engineering.

  • 16. “IVORY – AI for Vision Zero in Road Safety” Industrial Doctoral Networks of the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions framework programme of the European Commission (2023-ongoing).
    Activities: Daily supervisor of four international PhD candidates in AI-augmented road safety infrastructure, behavior and management topics. Conducting local training of the project’s PhD candidates in courses on discipline-related skills (road safety engineering: crash rate calculations, influencing factors, pedestrian flow management); courses on research skills (academic writing, peer-review processes, public speaking/presentations, good coding practices).
  • 15. “OptiMo – Optimising driver behaviour for safe, green and energy efficient mobility” of the Sub-action II: Funding Projects in Leading-Edge Sectors action of the Hellenic Foundation for Research and Innovation (2023-ongoing).                  Activities: Creation of single and multi-pillar Optimization Models for optimization of driving behavior with regards to safety, fuel efficiency and emissions, forecasting and backcasting and Cost-Benefit Analysis for implementation within the OptiMo framework.
  • 14. “SSH CENTER-Telematics – Recommendation for the provision of financial incentives and benefits by the State for vehicle insurance policies using telematics” in the framework of the research project SSH CENTER for the European Union’s Horizon Europe research and innovation program and the UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) (2023-2024).
    Activities: Investigation of State-supported financial incentives for vehicle insurance policies using telematics across the EU, backed by a comprehensive Cost-Benefit Analysis to ensure policy feasibility, and compilation of the related scientific report in a book chapter format.
  • 13. “Trendline – Support of technical activities for the development and collection of Road Safety Key Performance Indicators” of the Horizons 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2023-2024).
    Activities: Participation and contributions in the Road Safety Distraction Key Performance Indicators (KPI) Key Expert Group (KEG).
  • 12. “SHOW – Shared automation Operating models for Worldwide adoption” of the Horizons 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2023-ongoing).
    Activities: Participation in the creation of the SHOW Simulation Suite, providing documentation and reproducible examples of autonomous vehicle simulations. Impact assessment utilizing KPIs of automated vehicle demonstrations from the city use cases of the project. Formulation of resulting policy recommendations and management of related activities.
  • 11. “PHOEBE – Predictive Approaches For Safer Urban Environments” of the Horizon Europe framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2022-ongoing).
    Activities: Creation of holistic algorithms providing integration and transferability of multiscale risk assessment using the city use cases of the project. Coordination and multisource data management of the Athens Use Case, serving as testbed for the mutual integration and improvement of telematics, microsimulation and road safety assessment tools.
  • 10. “SmartMaps – Smart city mapping for safer and eco driver behaviour through smartphone sensor big data” of the framework of the research programme “Explore-Create-Innovate” (second iteration) of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2021-2023).
    Activities: Collection and merging of naturalistic driving data from smartphones with traffic, road geometry and road crash data. Spatio-temporal processing and analysis of spatial dataframes of urban road networks for the creation of user friendly maps for user behavior and driving performance.
  • 9. “PEVE 2021 – Unsafe Traffic Events: Exploring the relationship between unsafe traffic events and crash occurrence” for the National Technical University of Athens (2021- ongoing).
    Activities: Exploratory model analysis for the linkage of harsh events with crash occurrence.
  • 8. “Development of the Road Safety Strategic Plan in Greece 2021-2030” for the Greek Ministry of Infrastructure and Transport (2021).
    Activities: Authorship of policy guidelines on New Digital Data: New data aspects, Collection improvement, Dissemination opportunities, Data harmonization and Crowdsourcing.
  • 7. “LEVITATE – Societal Level Impacts of Connected and Automated Vehicles” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2019-2022).
    Activities: Development of an interactive, state-of-the-art policy support tool (PST) displaying the multifaceted impacts of connected and automated transport with forecasting, backcasting and cost-benefit analysis capabilities. Combined impact analyses, quality assurance, and authorship of the knowledge documentation.
  • 6. “i-safemodels – International Comparative Analyses of Road Traffic Statistics and Safety Modeling” of the National Strategic Reference Framework (NSRF): Greece – China Joint R&D Projects, funded by the “Competitiveness, Entrepreneurship and Innovation” action (EPAnEK) (2019-2023).
    Activities: Investigating road infrastructure risk factors and road safety countermeasures for the establishment of international data management platforms for road safety.
  • 5. “i-DREAMS – Safety tolerance zone calculation and interventions for driver-vehicle-environment interactions under challenging conditions” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2019-2023).
    Activities: Investigating of the State-of-the-Art on measuring driver state and technology based prevention. Analysis of the multifaceted data of the project for investigation of the Safety Tolerance Zone (STZ).
  • 4. “BeSmart – Multi-modal driver behaviour and safety support system on the basis of smartphone applications” of the framework of the research programme “Explore-Create-Innovate” of the General Secretariat for Research and Technology (2018-2022).
    Activities: Consultant on various scientific procedures of the project, such as a three-stage literature review and evaluation: (i) driving behaviour, (ii) driver recording tools, (iii) driver feedback tools, and the design and execution of a 200-driver naturalistic driving experiment.
  • 3. “SafetyCube – Safety Causation, Benefits and Efficiency” of the Horizon 2020 framework programme on transport research of the European Commission (2016-2018).
    Activities: Scientific road safety study codification, Authoring of road safety risk factor and measure synopses, Cost-benefit assessments, Quality assurance, Collaboration for the creation of the SafetyCube Decision Support System.
  • 2. “SaferWheels – Investigating the causes of crashes in Europe involving powered two wheeler vehicles and bicycles” (2017-2018).
    Activities: Power two wheeler database synthesis and coding for file linking, crash analysis and modelling.
  • 1. “ERSO+ – Update of the European Road Safety Observatory” carried out for the Directorate General for Transport and Mobility of the  European Commission (2018).
    Activities: Webtext development, critically outlining the current and future traffic safety challenges of Autonomous and Connected Vehicles after thorough literature review.

Additional Professional Experience  

  • 10/2015 – ongoing: Freelance Civil Engineer.
  • 11/2014 – 08/2015: Military Service – Engineering Corps Administration, Zografou, Athens. Engineering Activities: Authorship of technical and techno-economic reports on various construction projects including road pavements, steel constructions, sewage and drainage systems, building reformations and others.
  • 04/2013 – 07/2013: Participation in NTUA practical research schemes, under Professor George Yannis. Activities: Traffic flow and accident data collection and assessment for road safety analyses. In cooperation with the Centre of Transport Management, Victoria, Athens.
  • 04/2012 – 06/2012: Technical training through the School of Civil Engineering of NTUA: Hellenic Civil Aviation Authority, Sector of Technical Services. Objective: Design of airport transportation infrastructure and facilities.
  • 05/2011 – 08/2011: Technical training and internship through the I.A.E.S.T.E scheme: University of Sheffield, Catchment Science Centre. Project title: The impacts and solutions of urban road runoff on water and environmental quality.

Computer Skills and Software Knowledge

  • Experience in computer software and applications in Windows environments, experience in exploiting internet sources and various database forms for research and other scientific purposes
  • Knowledge of Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Outlook, Access, PowerBI
  • Statistical analysis software, coding and data visualization:  R, R-studio, SHAP, SPSS, WinBUGS, OpenBUGS
  • Digital map creation with R-leaflet
  • Programming skills in GNU Octave, MATLAB, basic knowledge of Python, Fortran
  • Petri Network simulation and modelling
  • Transport modelling programs: Aimsun, SimTraffic7, Synchro7, Arena
  • Drawing and designing in AutoCad
  • Road and airport pavement design programs (ComFAA, PCASE209)
  • Highway engineering in Anadelta Tessera
  • Static analysis programs for simple structures (ΒΕΑΜ!2D, StaR) and earthworks (OASYS Frew, XDisp)

 Lifelong Education 

  • Traffic simulation software: AIMSUN Pedestrian Simulation Certification, 7 June 2022.
  • R-programming: Advanced Analytics for Data Science (Udemy), December 2021.
  • R-programming A-Z: R for data science with real exercises (Udemy), June 2019.
  • Traffic simulation software: AIMSUN Next Certification, 4 September 2018.


  • Greek: Native Language
  • English: Proficient user – Certificate of Proficiency in English (Cambridge University). Sufficiency of Teaching English.
  • German: Independent user – Zentrale Mittelstufe (Goethe Institute) & Mittelstufe Deutsch (des Osterreichischen Sprachdiploms)

Scientific Committees

  • Member of the ITF Artificial Intelligence in Road Traffic Crash Prevention Roundtable
  • Member of the ECTRI Road Safety Thematic Group (TG)
  • Member of the Road Safety GB (RSGB) and Agilysis Roundtable on the use of new data sources to maximise the scope and applicability of Safety Performance Indicators
  • Member of the Trendline Key Expert Group (KEG) on Distraction Key Performance Indicators
  • Friend of Standing Committees of the Transportation Research Board: -Artificial Intelligence and Advanced Computing Applications (AED50) (2024-) – Human Factors of Vehicles (ACH30) (2024-) – Safety Performance and Analysis (ACS20) (2024-) – Statistical and Econometric Methods (AED60) (2024-)


  • Member of the Technical Chamber of Greece
  • Member of the Greek Society of Civil Engineers
  • Member of the Hellenic Institute of Transportation Engineers

Distinctions and Awards    

  • 11/2023: Elsevier Open Access Author Recognition, for publishing two open access journal papers which are linked to the UN SDGs (SDG 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages, SDG 11: Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable) helping to tackle some of the world’s greatest challenges (2019-2021). Paper titles:
  • “To cross or not to cross? Review and meta-analysis of pedestrian gap acceptance decisions at midblock street crossings” published in 2021 in Journal of Transport & Health, Vol 22, pages 101-108.“Trip characteristics impact on the frequency of harsh events recorded via smartphone sensors” published in 2021 in IATSS Research Vol.45. 574-583.
  • 09/2023: The Road Safety Award – Young Researcher Best Paper, for the paper “Spatial analysis of telematics surrogate safety measures across road environments” at the 11th ICTR Congress in Heraklion, Greece.
  • 04/2021: The IATSS Best Paper Award for the paper “A meta-analysis of the impacts of operating in-vehicle information systems on road safety” published in 2019 in IATSS Research Vol.43. Issue 3.
  • Thomaideio Award (NTUA) for scientific publications:
    -12/2024: For the paper “Comparing machine learning techniques for predictions of motorway segment crash risk level” published in 2023 in the journal of Safety.
  • -11/2022: For the paper “Spatial analysis of harsh driving behavior events in urban networks using high-resolution smartphone and geometric data” published in 2021 in the journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention.
    -05/2022: For the paper “A review of spatial approaches in road safety” published in 2020 in the journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention.
    -03/2021: For the paper “Examining injury severity of moped and motorcycle occupants with real-time traffic and weather data.” published in 2018 in the Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems.
    -05/2019: For the paper “Meta-analysis of the effect of road work zones on crash occurrence.” published in 2017 in the journal of Accident Analysis & Prevention.
  • 12/2019: Part of the SafetyCube consortium awarded the Prince Michael of Kent International Road Safety Award of 2019 for the SafetyCube Decision Support System (DSS).
  • 04/2018 – 09/2020: Fellowship by the Greek State Scholarships Foundation (IKY) for the PhD dissertation titled “Spatial analysis of road safety and traffic behaviour using high resolution multi-parametric data.” The PhD dissertation research is co-financed by Greece and the European Union (European Social Fund-ESF) through the Operational Programme «Human Resources Development, Education and Lifelong Learning» in the context of the project “Strengthening Human Resources Research Potential via Doctorate Research” (MIS-5000432), implemented by the State Scholarships Foundation (ΙΚΥ).
  • 11/2007: Erifilio Prize (Konitsa province award) for excellence during the Panhellenic Examinations for University Admissions.
  • 2001 – 2007: Six honors for excellence during secondary education.

Invited editor/guest editor for scientific journals

Invited scientific proposal evaluator

  • 2023 Regular FONDECYT National Projects Competition of the Ministry of Science, Technology, Knowledge and Innovation of Chile

Invited pre-defense evaluator of Doctoral Dissertations

  • Technical University of Madrid (UPM) (2023)

Invited reviewer of scientific book outline proposals 

  • CRC Press/Taylor and Francis Group
  • Elsevier

Invited reviewer of papers for scientific journals and conferences

  • Accident Analysis & Prevention
  • Journal of Safety Research
  • Journal of Transportation Engineering, Part A: Systems (ASCE)
  • Traffic Injury Prevention
  • Transport Policy
  • Journal of Transportation Safety and Security
  • Transportation Engineering (TRENG)
  • Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies
  • Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour
  • Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives
  • Analytic Methods in Accident Research
  • Safety Science
  • Journal of Transport Geography
  • Travel Behaviour and Society
  • Cities
  • Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers (ICE) – Transport
  • Transportation Research Board Annual Meeting & Transportation Research Record
  • Advances in Transportation Studies
  • Transportation Letters: the International Journal of Transportation Research
  • International Journal of Transportation Science and Technology
  • Transportation Planning and Technology
  • Transportmetrica A: Transport Science
  • Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications
  • Public Library of Science (PLOS) OneSpringer Nature (SN) Applied Sciences
  • Springer Nature (SN) Applied Sciences
  • Springer Nature (SN) Sustainable Mobility and Transport
  • BioMed Central (BMC) Public Health
  • BMJ Open
  • Geo-spatial Information Science
  • Traffic Safety Research (TSR)
  • International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction
  • Research in Transportation Business & Management
  • Elsevier’s e-Prime
  • Multimodal Transportation
  • Heliyon
  • The Open Transportation Journal (Bentham)
  • Safety (MDPI)
  • Applied Sciences (MDPI)
  • Electronics (MDPI)
  • Future Transportation (MDPI)
  • Logistics (MDPI)
  • Sensors (MDPI)
  • Sustainability (MDPI)
  • International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) (MDPI)
  • Journal of Advances in Information Technology (JAIT)
  • Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) Access
  • IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems (T-ITS)
  • IEEE Intelligent Vehicles Symposium
  • IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems
  • Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences (NHESS)
  • Expert Systems With Applications (ESWA)
  • Global Health Promotion (SAGE)
  • Engineering Reports
  • Scientific Reports
  • Transport Problems
  • Cogent Engineering
  • The Canadian Army Journal (CAJ)
  • Journal of Health and Environmental Science
  • Journal of Injury and Violence Research
  • Chinese Journal of Traumatology
  • Journal of Taibah University for Science
  • Journal of Tourism Futures
  • Tourism and Hospitality Management
  • Rural and Remote Health
  • European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research – MobilTUM conference
  • Road Safety and Simulation Conference
  • Symposium of the European Association for Research in Transportation (hEART)
  • ITS European Conference

Other Interests    

  • Tennis
  • Chess/Strategy games
  • Creative writing
  • Astronomy

Researcher website profiles

ORCID Νumber:
Scopus Profile:
Google Scholar Profile:
ResearchGate Profile:


National Technical University of Athens,

School of Civil Engineering,

Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering

5, Iroon Polytechneiou str., GR-15773, Zografou, Athens, Greece

Phone: +30 210.772.1575
