An international conference on Green Accessible Intelligent Transport (GAIT2015) – Turkey – EU partnership for sustainable transportation, organised by the European Commission and the Turkish Ministry of Transport, took place in Istanbul, on 8-9 October 2016. The plenary and discussion sessions of the conference were attended by more than 700 participants and raised important issues belonging to the daily lives of Turkish and European citizens, varying from accessibility of transport services to the adaptation and mitigation challenges posed by climate change on the transport sector.
NTUA presentation concerned: ‘Road safety in urban mobility policies‘

The Conference on Transport Safety: Societal challenges, Research solutions, was organised by the European Commission and the Italian EU Presidency and took place with great success on 4-5 December 2014, in Genoa, Italy. More than 350 road safety experts, stakeholders and decision-makers participated and contributed actively at the Conference structured interactive debates.
The conference addressed the safety challenges specific to each mode but also the common issues and concerns that cut across them – notably human factors, automation and data management – taking into account societal challenges, policy requirements, technological developments and economic benefits to assess the future needs for transport safety, and identify priorities for activities in Horizon 2020 and beyond. The Conference results are summarised at the Conference Final Statement.
NTUA Prof. George Yannis delivered the final key note speech titled: ‘Major societal challenges and research solutions in transport safety in Europe‘

The ETSC Best in Europe Conference on e-safety, organised by the European Transport Safety Council took place in Brussels in February 2006. It aimed to provide an inspirational annual showcase for best practice measures and innovation in road safety in Europe.
NTUA presented ‘Road accident data in the enlarged European Union – learning from each other’.