The 5th Panhellenic Interdisciplinary Conference of Special Psychiatric Hospitals and the 3rd Panhellenic Conference of Holistic Addressing with Severe Mental Disorder took place with great success in Kalamata, from 29th September to 2nd October, 2016.
NTUA presentation concerned: “Driving ability assessment process of the elderly”

Dimosthenis Pavlou has successfully defended his PhD dissertation titled: Traffic and safety behaviour of drivers with neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions. This PhD thesis was carried out at the Department of Transportation Planning and Engineering at the School of Civil Engineering of the National Technical University of Athens under the supervision of Prof. George Yannis. The impact of brain pathologies on reaction time, accident probability, driving errors, and driving performance was under investigation. The driving behaviour was examined in terms of both traffic and safety behaviour and the neurological diseases affecting cognitive functions concerned Alzheimer’s disease (AD), Parkinson’s disease (PD), and Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI). A large-scale driving simulator experiment was carried out, comprising a medical/neurological and neuropsychological assessment of 225 drivers, and a set of driving tasks for different scenarios. An innovative statistical analysis methodology has been developed and implemented, based on Regression Models, Principal Component Analysis and Structural Equation Models.

The 14th International Conference on Mobility and Transport for Elderly and Disabled persons (TRANSED) took place with great success in Lisbon on 28-31 July 2015. The main objective of the Conference was to promote and encourage the development of transport services and systems that meet the needs of people with some sort of disability through the exchange and dissemination of knowledge and experience. New cases and experiences and new knowledge were presented with focus on ambitious aim setting and management for inclusive access for all types of temporary or permanent disabilities.
NTUA presentations concerned:
Road traffic casualties in the elderly in Europe: analysis of macroscopic and in-depth data
Assessing driving behaviour in the elderly: methodological issues
How does distracted driving affect reaction time of older drivers?
Driving performance profiles of drivers with parkinson’s disease
Driving difficulties as reported by elderly drivers with MCI and without neurological impairment: implications for road design

The International Conference on Ageing and Safe Mobility, organised by the Federal Highway Research Institute (BASt), the Forum of the European Road Safety Research Institutes(FERSI), the European Conference of Transport Research Institutes (ECTRI), the European Transport Research Alliance (ETRA), the European New Car Assessment Programme (Euro NCAP), the Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories (FEHRL) and the Human Centred Design for Information Society Technologies Network (HUMANIST) took place with great success in Bergisch-Gladbach, on 27-28 November 2014.
The Conference was attended by more than 200 road safety experts and focused on the road safety problems of elderly road users and it aimed at elaborating policy recommendations concerning implementation of available road safety evidence based research results. In the nine sessions that took place over two days participants discussed all aspects of the road safety for elderly: human factors, infrastructure, vehicle engineering and traffic management systems.
NTUA presentations concerned:
Assessment of driving performance of drivers with brain pathologies in urban roads, using a driving simulator
Is distracted driving performance affected by age? First findings from a driving simulator study
Exploring the Association between Working Memory and Parkinson’s Disease in a Driving Simulator