A new Report “Investing to prevent road trauma saves lives and pays financial dividends” launched by FIA Foundation on 22nd September 2016 during the iRAP Innovation Workshop hosted by the World Bank in Washington DC, presenting findings to representatives of development banks, philanthropies and road authorities. The new report builds on the last year’s Report: Breaking the Deadlock: A Social Impact Investment Lens on Reducing Costs of Road Trauma and Unlocking Capital for Road Safety and is part of the FIA Foundation’s ‘Financing for Development’ series of policy and research papers.

The International Transport Forum has recently published an evidenced based Research Report titled “Zero Road Deaths and Serious Injuries: Leading a Paradigm Shift to a Safe System“, prepared by the Safe System Implementation Working Group composed by international road safety experts including NTUA Prof. George Yannis. This ITF Safe System Report was presented at a dedicated Road Safety Seminar, held with great success on 3 October 2016 in Paris France. All presentations are now available.
This Report is relying on experiences in ITF/OECD countries, with practical policy recommendations for the attention of policy makers on the various steps in implementing a safe system approach. A Safe System is based on the premise that road crashes are both predictable and preventable, and that it is possible to move towards zero road deaths and serious injuries. This, however, requires a fundamental rethink of the governance and implementation of road safety policy.