A new Report “Investing to prevent road trauma saves lives and pays financial dividends” launched by FIA Foundation on 22nd September 2016 during the iRAP Innovation Workshop hosted by the World Bank in Washington DC, presenting findings to representatives of development banks, philanthropies and road authorities. The new report builds on the last year’s Report: Breaking the Deadlock: A Social Impact Investment Lens on Reducing Costs of Road Trauma and Unlocking Capital for Road Safety and is part of the FIA Foundation’s ‘Financing for Development’ series of policy and research papers.

The Conference on European best practices in road Safety was jointly organised by the Forum of European Road Safety Research Institutes (FERSI) and the Hellenic Institute of Transport under the auspices of the Hellenic Ministry of Infrastructure, Transport & Networks on February 21st and 22nd, 2011 at Zappeion Megaron, Athens, Greece.
NTUA presented:

The European Commission has recently adopted the proposal for a Directive on Road Safety Infrastructure Management dealing with a package of instruments ensuring that safety is integrated in all phases of planning, design and operation of road infrastructure.

The New Road Code prepared by the Hellenic Ministry of Transport has been voted by the Parliament and it is in force. The new Road Code is summarized in a specially designed leaflet, prepared with the scientific support of NTUA.

During the European Road Safety Day on April 27th, 2007, organised by the European Commission it was stated that the European action plan continues to deliver results and the target of saving 25.000 lives on Europe’s roads by 2010 is attainable. Greece is lagging behind with a fatalities decrease of 11% in comparison to the 22% average decrease in Europe of 27.

NTUA made the ‘Presentation of the second Strategic Plan for Road Safety’.

The Road Safety PIN Talk was organized by the European Transport Safety Council and the Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas in Athens on November 15th, 2006. This Road Safety PIN Talk enters within the framework of the Road Safety Performance Index of the European Transport Safety Council, having as objective to monitor and boost progress of road safety policies at national and EU level.
NTUA presented ‘The role of Performance Indicators in the implementation of Road Safety Programmes’ .

In October 2006, SWOV Institute for Road Safety Research reliesed the National Road Safety Outlook for 2005-2020, Advancing Sustainable Safety. Sustainable Safety is an answer to the lack of rad safety. It is a type of aproach that, incidentally, has been commonplace in other types of transport modes for much longer time under the name of ‘inherently safe’.

The EXPOSEC homeland and corporate security conference was organised by the British Embassy took place in Athens in March 2006.
NTUA presented ‘Strategic plan for the improvement of road safety’.