The International Road Federation’s 18th World Road Meeting (WRM), took place with great success in Delhi, India on November 14th – 17th, 2017. The theme of the 18th WRM was “Safe Roads and Smart Mobility : The Engines of Economic Growth.” WRM 2017 brought together representatives of business, industry, governments, public sector organisations, mult-ilateral institutions, leaders and transport experts from the automotive, financial, road and transport infrastructure, and construction sectors; professionals, academics, consultants, infrastructure operators, contractors and manufacturers from across the world.

A Workshop on Observation and Modelling of Pedestrian Behaviour in Urban Areas organised by the National Technical University of Athens (NTUA) and the French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks (IFSTTAR) took place with great success in Marne-la-Valée – Paris, on 4 May 2015, within the framework of the Post Doctoral research project “PEDMOD- Models of pedestrian behaviour and safety” of NTUA Research Associate Dr. Eleonora Papadimitriou. The objective of the Workshop was the analysis of the state of the art on pedestrian behaviour observation and modelling, through the exchange of experiences in implementing meaningful pedestrian behaviour measurements, testing novel methodologies to explore pedestrian strategies, choices and behavioural patterns, and developing flexible and robust models to predict and understand pedestrian walking and crossing behaviour in urban areas.
All presentations are now available:
The PEDMOD research project – Overview (George Yannis – NTUA)
Analysis of pedestrian trajectories: behavioural patterns and individual practices (Sylvain Lassarre – IFSTTAR)
Integration of human factors in pedestrian crossing choice models (Eleonora Papadimitriou – NTUA)
Methods for observing pedestrian behaviour: ethologic observation and declared questionnaire (Marie-Axelle Granié – IFSTTAR)
Observation of children pedestrian behaviours – the ESSAIM project (Marie-Soleil Cloutier – INRS)
Pedestrian trajectories in stations (Zoi Christoforou & Pierre Argoul – LVMT/ENPC)
Pedestrian behaviour through experimental studies on street-crossing simulator (Aurelie Dommes – IFSTTAR)
Modelling for the pedestrians simulation (Jean-Michel Auberlet – IFSTTAR)

The International Conference ‘Living and Walking in Cities’, organised by the Università degli Studi di Brescia and the Friendly City Study Center (CeSCAm) took place on 13-14 June in Brescia, with the participation of more than 100 experts in the fields. Twenty years after the first Road Safety Forum, held in Brescia in June 1993, the Conference came back to the issues relating to the vulnerable users’ road safety. CeSCAm Director, Professor Roberto Busi stated that there is an urgent need to incorporate mobility and safety needs of walking and cycling in the continuous urban planning process.
NTUA Professor George Yannis presented the “State of the Art on Road Safety“, highlighting basic facts on urban road safety, the needs for road safety knowledge, the key road safety research priorities and the fundamental urban road safety choices to be made by citizens and Authorities in the European cities.

DG Mobility and Transport of the European Commission together with the Civitas Initiative organised the Conference on Urban Mobility on the 17th of September 2012 in Brussels in the framework of the European week of mobility. This conference marked the launch of the public consultation on the EU’s urban mobility activities in the context of the White Paper ‘Roadmap to a Single European Transport Area – Towards a competitive and resource efficient transport system’.
NTUA Associate Professor George Yannis presented “Road safety in urban mobility policies”.

The second European Road Safety Day of the European Commission has been celebrated in Paris on October 13th, 2008. The second road safety day is dedicated to Road Safety in our Cities, as about two thirds of the accidents and one third of all road fatalities occur in urban areas, often affecting the most vulnerable road users.