The Road Safety Institute Panos Mylonas and the European Transport Safety Council (ETSC) organised with great success a country seminar in Athens on 12 June 2017, within the framework of the ETSC YEARS project (Young Europeans Acting for Road Safety). The aim was to debate on the dangers and policy recommendations for young road users on European and national level. Representatives from the Greek Authorities, road safety experts and stakeholders as well as the European Commission representation in Athens discussed and contributed on good practices in Greece and in Europe.
NTUA presentation concerned:
Problems and solutions for youth’s road safety in Greece and Europe

The week of 23 to 29 April 2007 has been declared by the United Nations and the World Health Organisation as the First United Nations Global Road Safety Week. It is targeted at young road users including young drivers who are over-represented in road accidents.

The OECD/ECMT have published a joint report titled Young Drivers: the road to safety, according which road crashes are the single greatest killer of 15 – 24 year-olds in OECD countries. Young drivers account for about 27% of driver fatalities across OECD countries, although people in the same age group represent only about 10% of the population.