The Transport Research Arena Conference (TRA 2020) organised by the European Commisison and the European transport research platforms (ACARE, ALICE, CEDR, ECTP, ERRAC, ERTRAC, ETRA, Waterborne), was scheduled to take place in Helsinki, Finland from 26-30th April 2020, themed “Rethinking transport – towards clean and inclusive mobility”. The conference was cancelled, though, due to the corona virus crisis. Nevertheless, all scientific papers are scheduled to be published at the Conference Proceedings. NTUA’s TRA conference papers (full paper + presentation) are listed below:
Investigation of traffic and safety behaviour of pedestrians texting or web-surfing
Analysis of the impact of nighttime driving to drivers’ behavior in rural roads through a driving simulator experiment
Investigation of the impact of weather conditions to young drivers’ behaviour and safety in cities
Spatial analysis of driver safety behaviour using data from smartphones
Modelling the economic impacts of road crashes in Greece
Elderly drivers with brain disorders: Is their driving behavior the same before and after an unexpected incident?
Exploring the Establishment of a European Transport Research Cloud
Clash of cultures in Greek traffic? What happens when a Southern European road safety culture is mixed with a Northern European road safety culture?
Road user safety attitudes towards driver fatigue
Cycling under the influence of alcohol and drugs: current situation and risks
Identification of Road Safety Risk Factors in Africa
Road Safety Modelling: Macroscopic and Microscopic Approach
Development of a Platform for Global Road Safety Data Analysis
Advanced driver monitoring using smartphone applications: The BeSmart project
Driver feedback during naturalistic driving experiments: A review of types, methods and future challenges
Towards behavioral models for autonomous driving acceptance
i-DREAMS: an Intelligent Driver and Road Environment Assessment and Monitoring System
State of the art on measuring driver state and technology-based risk prevention and mitigation: Findings from the i-DREAMS project
Developing a Policy Support Tool for Connected and Automated Transport Systems
A Review on Societal Impacts of the Future Connected and Automated Transport Systems