The Transport Research Arena 2018 (TRA 2018) took place with great success in Vienna, Austria from 16 to 19 April 2018. More than 3.500 participants actively contributed to this major European Conference on Transport Research, which under the motto ‘A digital era for transport‘ explored new promising and innovative opportunities that the era of digitalization and of the internet of everything offers for transport.
NTUA actively contributed with 16 innovative presentations:
Analysis of Driving Behaviour Characteristics on the basis of Smartphone Data
SafetyCube – the European Road Safety Decision Support System
Safety effects of infrastructure road safety measures
Can light engineering measures make a difference? An overview of the effect of delineation and signage on road safety
Developing the African Road Safety Observatory
Safety culture in maritime cargo transport in Norway and Greece: which factors predict unsafe maritime behaviours?
Characteristics of single vehicle accidents in Europe
Investigating which factors affect lateral position variability through a driving simulator experiment
Compensatory driving behaviour of older drivers with Parkinson’s disease. Is it sufficient to counterbalance their driving difficulties?
The impact of roadside advertising on safe driving behaviour in cities: A driving simulator approach
Impact of mobile phone use on driving performance: findings from a simulator study
Accident prediction In European countries – Development of a practical evaluation tool
Demographic, behavioural, cultural and socioeconomic factors on transport sector workforce in Europe
Innovative usage-based motor insurance for significant road safety improvement
European Road Safety Policy: Towards Evidence-Based Decision Making, Especially for Vulnerable Road Users
SafetyCube – Gathering and Presenting Evidence for Road Safety Decisions in a Decision Support System (DSS)